Upload a file to sharepoint using postman - sharepoint-online

I'm facing below error when I try to upload a file to sharepoint using access token.
x-msdavext_error →917656;
I have given app permission request as follows:
AppPermissionRequests AllowAppOnlyPolicy="true">
And I have followed the steps mentioned in below post:
Please help me out!!

Try to set the body to binary in Postman, check the similar thread as below.
Upload file to SharePoint online with HTTP REST calls
And refer to SharePoint REST API article here:
Working with folders and files with REST


Microsoft Graph API - Copying SharePoint file - Item not found

I'm working with Graph API against Microsoft Teams team's SharePoint site.
I'm following the example on this page (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/long-running-actions-overview?tabs=http) and have an issue. I'm able to query the location provided by the copy endpoint and get a "Completed" status that also provides a ResourceId. But I'm unable to use this resource id in any queries and only getting "Item not found".
Example of paths tried:
The {driveID} is the driveId specified in the parentReference.DriveId in the copy file body.
I'm using the v1 Graph endpoint to get the file.
Btw, I can see the file fine in the correct folder within SharePoint.
Any ideas?
I wasn't using the DriveId supplied by the /education/***/setUpResourcesFolder Location header but rather the Drive of the class.
Fixed by using the driveId part of the Location URL.

Upload/Create file in SharePoint Online Document Library using MS Graph

I am trying to create a file with sample content in a SharePoint Online Document Library using MS Graph.
MS Graph API:
Can anyone please explain how to upload and what will be request body for this API ?
In postman, we could upload the file like this:
choose binary in the Body:

Shopware 6 call api from backend

I am making a new backend page where you should be able to download an export.
I already got the the route and the export working. If I call my export action from curl with sw-access-key I get my download: store-api/v3/_action/orderer-export/77f40024cfd448d9a90063a75dc9fb2e
How do I make the download link with auth?
I added a service and created it like:
Also changed store-api to api in my DownloadRoute.php: #RouteScope(scopes={"api"})
Now I can use this new service to call my API and the the file contents as response. Still no download.
Looking at \Shopware\Core\Content\ImportExport\Controller\ImportExportActionController::download I finally got it.
Simply add defaults={"auth_required"=false} to your route:
#Route("/api/v{version}/_action/import-export/file/download", name="api.action.import_export.file.download", defaults={"auth_required"=false}, methods={"GET"})
Security Warning: If your download contains non public information you need to add a secure token or download link. Otherwise your download is free for anyone. Shopwares own ImportExport generates download links with a token. Have a look there.

Docusign - api get utl to download document

I need api to create URL link for download document of envelope.
I found this api:
GET /restapi/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/envelopes/{envelopeId}/documents/{documentId}
But this api just return the file and i what a URL i can download the file (of course with expired time)
The endpoint you're looking for is:
POST /restapi/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/envelopes/{envelopeId}/views/recipient
You will need to provide in the body information about the recipient, see here for details:
We also have code examples in various langagues to show you how to do this here:

Sharepoint Site Download a file Using Microsoft Graph 1.0

What is wrong with this:
At the end of the day I want to be able to download this:
https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/insuriasa.sharepoint.com:/Sites/IFS:/drive/root:/Std Forms/Discovery Invest/Servicing/change_of_contribution_form_retirement_annuity_plan.pdf
If you want to download the file content in a web application you should do a GET call on the item with ?select=#content.downloadUrl parameter. In the response you will get a pre-authenticated url in the property '#microsoft.graph.downloadUrl' on that you can do a get call without passing any extra authentication header to download the file.
If you are using in native clients then this Download Endpoint should work fine.
