How to convert amplitude to dB in python using Librosa? - python-3.x

I have a few questions, which are all very related. The main problem here is to convert the amplitude of an audio file to dB scale and I am doing it as below which I am not sure is correct:
y, sr = librosa.load('audio.wav')
S = np.abs(librosa.stft(y))
db_max = librosa.amplitude_to_db(S, ref=np.max)
db_median = librosa.amplitude_to_db(S, ref=np.median)
db_min = librosa.amplitude_to_db(S, ref=np.min)
db_max_AVG = np.mean(db_max, axis=0)
db_median_AVG = np.mean(db_median, axis=0)
db_min_AVG = np.mean(db_min, axis=0)
My question is how can I convert 'y' to dB scale. Is not 'y' the amplitude?
Also, the shape of 'y' and 'db_max_AVG' is not the same. The size of 'db_max_AVG' is 9137 while the size of 'y' is 4678128.
Another question is that my audio file is 3 minutes and 32 seconds and the shape of y is:
I do not know what this number represents because it obviously does not represent milliseconds or microseconds. Below you can see two plots of 'y' using different methods:
librosa.display.waveplot(y, sr=22050, x_axis='time')

If you just want to convert the time domain amplitude readings from linear values in the range -1 to 1 to dB, this will do it:
import numpy as np
amps = [1, 0.5, 0.25, 0]
dbs = 20 * np.log10(np.abs(amps))
print(amps, 'in dB', dbs)
Should output:
[1, 0.5, 0.25, 0] in dB [ 0.-6.02059991 -12.04119983 -inf]
Note that maximum amplitude (1) goes to 0dB, half amplitude (0.5) goes to -6dB, quarter goes to -12dB.
You get a divide by zero error caused by that zero amplitude as the dB scale cannot cope with silence :)
Here is a reference to a 1971 Audio Engineering Society paper for the well known 20 * log10(amp) equation: (see equation 8)


Failing a simple Cosine fit in Python

Here's how I generate my data and the tried fit:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import optimize
import numpy as np
def f(t,a,b):
return a*np.cos(b*t)
v = 0
x = 0.03
t = 0
dt = 0.001
time = []
pos = []
while t<3:
a = (-5*x)/0.1
v = v + a*dt
x = x + v*dt
t = t+dt
pop, pcov = optimize.curve_fit(f,time,pos)
Even when I indicate initial values for the parameters (such as 0.03 for "a" and "7" for b), the resulting fit is still way off (see below, dashed line is the fit function).
Am I using the wrong library? or have I made an obvious blunder?
Thanks for any hints.
As Tyberius noted, you need to provide better initial values.
Why is that? optimize.curve_fit uses least_squares which finds a local minimum of the cost function.
I believe in your case you are stuck in such a local minimum (that is not the global minimum). If you look at your diagram, your fit is approximately y=0. (It is a bit wavy because it is a cosine)
If you were to increase a a bit the error would go up, so a stays close to zero. And if you were to increase b to fit the frequency of the data, the cost function would go up as well so that one stays low as well.
If you don't provide initial values, the parameters start at 1 each so it looks like this:
plt.plot(time, pos, 'black', label="data")
a,b = 1,1
init = [a*np.cos(b*t) for t in time]
plt.plot(time, init, 'b', label="a,b=1,1")
a will go down and b will stay behind. I believe the scale is an additional problem. If you normalized your data to have an amplitude of 1 the humps might be more pronounced and easier to fit.
If you start with a convenient value for a, b can find its way from an initial value as low as 5:
plt.plot(time, pos, 'black', label="data")
for i in [1, 4.8, 4.9, 5]:
pop, pcov = optimize.curve_fit(f,time,pos, p0=(0.035,i))
a,b = pop
fit = [a*np.cos(b*t) for t in time]
plt.plot(time, fit, label=f"$b_0 = {i}$")

FFT plot of raw PCM comes wrong for higher frequency in python

Here I am using fft function of numpy to plot the fft of PCM wave generated from a 10000Hz sine wave. But the amplitude of the plot I am getting is wrong.
The frequency is coming correct using fftfreq function which I am printing in the console itself. My python code is here.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
frate = 44100
filename = 'Sine_10000Hz.bin' #signed16 bit PCM of a 10000Hz sine wave
f = open('Sine_10000Hz.bin','rb')
y = np.fromfile(f,dtype='int16') #Extract the signed 16 bit PCM value of 10000Hz Sine wave
####### Spectral Analysis #########
fft_value = np.fft.fft(y)
freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(len(fft_value)) # frequencies associated with the coefficients:
print("freqs.min(), freqs.max()")
idx = np.argmax(np.abs(fft_value)) # Find the peak in the coefficients
freq = freqs[idx]
freq_in_hertz = abs(freq * frate)
for i in range(2):
print("Value at index {}:\t{}".format(i, fft_value[i + 1]), "\nValue at index {}:\t{}".format(fft_value.size -1 - i, fft_value[-1 - i]))
n_sa = 8 * int(freq_in_hertz)
t_fft = np.linspace(0, 1, n_sa)
T = t_fft[1] - t_fft[0] # sampling interval
N = n_sa #Here it is n_sample
print("\nN value=")
# 1/T = frequency
f = np.linspace(0, 1 / T, N)
plt.xlabel("Frequency [Hz]")
# 2 / N is a normalization factor Here second half of the sequence gives us no new information that the half of the FFT sequence is the output we need.[:N // 2], np.abs(fft_value)[:N // 2] * 2 / N, width=15,color="red")
Output comes in the console (Only minimal prints I am pasting here)
freqs.min(), freqs.max()
-0.5 0.49997732426303854
Value at index 0: (19.949569768991054-17.456031216294324j)
Value at index 44099: (19.949569768991157+17.45603121629439j)
Value at index 1: (9.216783424692835-13.477631008179145j)
Value at index 44098: (9.216783424692792+13.477631008179262j)
N value=
The frequency extraction is coming correctly but in the plot something I am doing is incorrect which I don't know.
Updating the work:
When I am change the multiplication factor 10 in the line n_sa = 10 * int(freq_in_hertz) to 5 gives me correct plot. Whether its correct or not I am not able to understand
In the line plt.xlim(0,15000) if I increase max value to 20000 again is not plotting. Till 15000 it is plotting correctly.
I generated this Sine_10000Hz.bin using Audacity tool where I generate a sine wave of freq 10000Hz of 1sec duration and a sampling rate of 44100. Then I exported this audio to signed 16bit with headerless (means raw PCM). I could able to regenerate this sine wave using this script. Also I want to calculate the FFT of this. So I expect a peak at 10000Hz with amplitude 32767. You can see i changed the multiplication factor 8 instead of 10 in the line n_sa = 8 * int(freq_in_hertz). Hence it worked. But the amplitude is showing incorrect. I will attach my new figure here
I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to do, but my suspicion is that the Sine_10000Hz.bin file isn't what you think it is.
Is it possible it contains more than one channel (left & right)?
Is it realy signed 16 bit integers?
It's not hard to create a 10kHz sine wave in 16 bit integers in numpy.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
n_samples = 2000
f_signal = 10000 # (Hz) Signal Frequency
f_sample = 44100 # (Hz) Sample Rate
amplitude = 2**3 # Arbitrary. Must be > 1. Should be > 2. Larger makes FFT results better
time = np.arange(n_samples) / f_sample # sample times
# The signal
y = (np.sin(time * f_signal * 2 * np.pi) * amplitude).astype('int16')
If you plot 30 points of the signal you can see there are about 5 points per cycle.
plt.plot(time[:30], y[:30], marker='o')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.yticks([]); # Amplitude value is artificial. hide it
If you plot 30 samples of the data from Sine_10000Hz.bin does it have about 5 points per cycle?
This is my attempt to recreate the FFT work as I understand it.
fft_value = np.fft.fft(y) # compute the FFT
freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(len(fft_value)) * f_sample # frequencies for each FFT bin
N = len(y)
plt.plot(freqs[:N//2], np.abs(fft_value[:N//2]))
plt.xlabel("Frequency [Hz]")
I get the following plot
The y-axis of this plot is on a log scale. Notice that the amplitude of the peak is in the thousands. The amplitude of most of the rest of the data points are around 100.
idx_max = np.argmax(np.abs(fft_value)) # Find the peak in the coefficients
idx_min = np.argmin(np.abs(fft_value)) # Find the peak in the coefficients
print(f'idx_max = {idx_max}, idx_min = {idx_min}')
print(f'f_max = {freqs[idx_max]}, f_min = {freqs[idx_min]}')
print(f'fft_value[idx_max] {fft_value[idx_max]}')
print(f'fft_value[idx_min] {fft_value[idx_min]}')
idx_max = 1546, idx_min = 1738
f_max = -10010.7, f_min = -5777.1
fft_value[idx_max] (-4733.232076236707+219.11718299533203j)
fft_value[idx_min] (-0.17017443966211232+0.9557200531465061j)
I'm adding a link to a script I've build that outputs the FFT with ACTUAL amplitude (for real signals - e.g. your signal). Have a go and see if it works:
dt=1/frate in your constellation....
After a long home work I could able to find my issue. As I mentioned in the Updating the work: the reason was with the number of samples which I took was wrong.
I changed the two lines in the code
n_sa = 8 * int(freq_in_hertz)
t_fft = np.linspace(0, 1, n_sa)
n_sa = y.size //number of samples directly taken from the raw 16bits
t_fft = np.arange(n_sa)/frate //Here we need to divide each samples by the sampling rate
This solved my issue.
My spectral output is
Special thanks to #meta4 and #YoniChechik for giving me some suggestions.

Converting a wav file to amplitude and frequency values for textual, time-series analysis

I'm processing wav files for amplitude and frequency analysis with FFT, but I am having trouble getting the data out to csv in a time series format.
Using #Beginner's answer heavily from this post: How to convert a .wav file to a spectrogram in python3, I'm able to get the spectrogram output in an image. I'm trying to simplify that somewhat to get to a text output in csv format, but I'm not seeing how to do so. The outcome I'm hoping to achieve would look something like the following:
time_in_ms, amplitude_in_dB, freq_in_kHz
.001, -115, 1
.002, -110, 2
.003, 20, 200
19000, 20, 200
For my testing, I have been using, (Notes: I simplified the wav down to a single channel and removed metadata w/ Audacity to get it to work.)
Heavy props to #Beginner for 99.9% of the following, anything nonsensical is surely mine.
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import as wav
from numpy.lib import stride_tricks
filepath = "40sw3.wav"
""" short time fourier transform of audio signal """
def stft(sig, frameSize, overlapFac=0.5, window=np.hanning):
win = window(frameSize)
hopSize = int(frameSize - np.floor(overlapFac * frameSize))
# zeros at beginning (thus center of 1st window should be for sample nr. 0)
samples = np.append(np.zeros(int(np.floor(frameSize/2.0))), sig)
# cols for windowing
cols = np.ceil( (len(samples) - frameSize) / float(hopSize)) + 1
# zeros at end (thus samples can be fully covered by frames)
samples = np.append(samples, np.zeros(frameSize))
frames = stride_tricks.as_strided(samples, shape=(int(cols), frameSize), strides=(samples.strides[0]*hopSize, samples.strides[0])).copy()
frames *= win
return np.fft.rfft(frames)
""" scale frequency axis logarithmically """
def logscale_spec(spec, sr=44100, factor=20.):
timebins, freqbins = np.shape(spec)
scale = np.linspace(0, 1, freqbins) ** factor
scale *= (freqbins-1)/max(scale)
scale = np.unique(np.round(scale))
# create spectrogram with new freq bins
newspec = np.complex128(np.zeros([timebins, len(scale)]))
for i in range(0, len(scale)):
if i == len(scale)-1:
newspec[:,i] = np.sum(spec[:,int(scale[i]):], axis=1)
newspec[:,i] = np.sum(spec[:,int(scale[i]):int(scale[i+1])], axis=1)
# list center freq of bins
allfreqs = np.abs(np.fft.fftfreq(freqbins*2, 1./sr)[:freqbins+1])
freqs = []
for i in range(0, len(scale)):
if i == len(scale)-1:
freqs += [np.mean(allfreqs[int(scale[i]):])]
freqs += [np.mean(allfreqs[int(scale[i]):int(scale[i+1])])]
return newspec, freqs
""" compute spectrogram """
def compute_stft(audiopath, binsize=2**10):
samplerate, samples =
s = stft(samples, binsize)
sshow, freq = logscale_spec(s, factor=1.0, sr=samplerate)
ims = 20.*np.log10(np.abs(sshow)/10e-6) # amplitude to decibel
return ims, samples, samplerate, freq
""" plot spectrogram """
def plot_stft(ims, samples, samplerate, freq, binsize=2**10, plotpath=None, colormap="jet"):
timebins, freqbins = np.shape(ims)
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 7.5))
plt.imshow(np.transpose(ims), origin="lower", aspect="auto", cmap=colormap, interpolation="none")
plt.xlabel("time (s)")
plt.ylabel("frequency (hz)")
plt.xlim([0, timebins-1])
plt.ylim([0, freqbins])
xlocs = np.float32(np.linspace(0, timebins-1, 5))
plt.xticks(xlocs, ["%.02f" % l for l in ((xlocs*len(samples)/timebins)+(0.5*binsize))/samplerate])
ylocs = np.int16(np.round(np.linspace(0, freqbins-1, 10)))
plt.yticks(ylocs, ["%.02f" % freq[i] for i in ylocs])
if plotpath:
plt.savefig(plotpath, bbox_inches="tight")
ims, samples, samplerate, freq = compute_stft(filepath)
""" Print lengths """
print('ims len:', len(ims))
print('samples len:', len(samples))
print('samplerate:', samplerate)
print('freq len:', len(freq))
""" Write values to files """
np.savetxt(filepath + '-ims.txt', ims, delimiter=', ', newline='\n', header='ims')
np.savetxt(filepath + '-samples.txt', samples, delimiter=', ', newline='\n', header='samples')
np.savetxt(filepath + '-frequencies.txt', freq, delimiter=', ', newline='\n', header='frequencies')
In terms of values out, the file I'm analyzing is approx 19.1 seconds long and the sample rate is 44100, so I’d expect to have about 842k values for any given variable. But I'm not seeing what I expected. Instead here is what I see:
freqs comes out with just a handful of values, 512 and while they appear to be correct range for expected frequency, they are ordered least to greatest, not in time series like I expected. The 512 values, I assume, is the "fast" in FFT, basically down-sampled...
ims, appears to be amplitude, but values seem too high, although sample size is correct. Should be seeing -50 up to ~240dB.
samples . . . not sure.
In short, can someone advise on how I'd get the FFT out to a text file with time, amp, and freq values for the entire sample set? Is savetxt the correct route, or is there a better way? This code can certainly be used to make a great spectrogram, but how can I just get out the data?
Your output format is too limiting, as the audio spectrum at any interval in time usually contains a range of frequencies. e.g the FFT of a 1024 samples will contain 512 frequency bins for one window of time or time step, each with an amplitude. If you want a time step of one millisecond, then you will have to offset the window of samples you feed each STFT to center the window at that point in your sample vector. Although with an FFT about 23 milliseconds long, that will involve a high overlap of windows. You could use shorter windows, but the time-frequency trade-off will result in proportionately less frequency resolution.

How to density based clustering for speed trajectories in a video?

I have a speed of feature points at every frame. Here I have 165 frames in a video where every frame contains speed of feature points.This is my data.
array([[ 1. , 0.51935178],
[ 1. , 0.52063496],
[ 1. , 0.54598193],
[165. , 0.47198981],
[165. , 2.2686042 ],
[165. , 0.79044946]])
where first index is frame number and second one is speed of a feature point at that frame.
Here I want to do density based clustering for different speed range. For this , I use following code.
import sklearn.cluster as sklc
core_samples, labels_db = sklc.dbscan(
TrajDbscanData, # array has to be (n_samples, n_features)
core_samples_mask = np.zeros_like(labels_db, dtype=bool)
core_samples_mask[core_samples] = True
unique_labels = set(labels_db)
n_clusters_ = len(unique_labels) - (1 if -1 in labels_db else 0)
colors =, 1, len(unique_labels)))
for k, col in zip(unique_labels, colors):
if k == -1:
# Black used for noise.
col = 'k'
class_member_mask = (labels_db == k)
xy = TrajDbscanData[class_member_mask & core_samples_mask]
plt.plot(xy[:, 0], xy[:, 1], 'o', markerfacecolor=col, markeredgecolor='k', markersize=6)
xy = TrajDbscanData[class_member_mask & ~core_samples_mask]
plt.plot(xy[:, 0], xy[:, 1], 'x', markerfacecolor=col, markeredgecolor='k', markersize=4)
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (10,7)
plt.title('Estimated number of clusters: %d' % n_clusters_)
I got the following result.
Y axis is speed and x axis is frame number
I want to do density based clustering according to speed. for example speed upto 1.0 in one cluster , speed from 1 to 1.5 as outlier , speed from 1.5 to 2.0 another cluster and speed above 2.0 in another cluster. This helps to identify common motion pattern types. How can I do this ?
Don't use Euclidean distance.
Since your x and y a is have very different meaning, that is the wrong distance function to use.
Your plot is misleading, because the axes have different scale. If you would scale x and y the same way, you would understand what has been happening... The y axis is effectively ignored, and you slice the data by your discrete integer time axis.
You may need to use Generalized DBSCAN and treat time and value separately!

Python Shape function for k-means clustering

I have one geotiff grey scale image which gave me the (4377, 6172) 2D array. In the first part, I am considering (:1024, :1024) values(Total values are -> 1024 * 1024 = 1048576) for my compression algorithm. Through this algorithm, I am getting total 4 values in finalmatrix list var through the algorithm. After this, I am applying K-means algorithm on that values. A program is below :
import numpy as np
from osgeo import gdal
from sklearn import cluster
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
dataset =gdal.Open("1.tif")
band = dataset.GetRasterBand(1)
img = band.ReadAsArray()
finalmat = [255, 0, 2, 2]
#Converting list to array for dimensional change
ay = np.asarray(finalmat).reshape(-1,1)
fig = plt.figure()
k_means = cluster.KMeans(n_clusters=2)
cluster_means = k_means.cluster_centers_.squeeze()
a_clustered = k_means.labels_
print('# of observation :',ay.shape)
print('Cluster Means : ', cluster_means)
a_clustered.shape= img.shape
ax = plt.subplot(2,4,8)
xlabel = str(1) , ' clusters'
fig.savefig('kmeans-1 clust ndvi08jan2010_guj 12 .png')
In the above Program I am getting error in the line a_clustered.shape= img.shape. The error which I am getting is below:
Error line:
a_clustered.shape= img.shape
ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 4 into shape (4377,6172)
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7fb7c63975c0>
Actually, I want to visualize the clustering on Original image through compressed value which I am getting. Can you please give suggestion what to do
It does not make a lot of sense to use KMeans on 1 dimensional data.
And it makes even less sense to use it on a 4 x 1 array!
Your site then comes from the fact that you can't just resize a 4 x 1 integer array into a large picture.
Just print the array a_clustered you are trying to plot. It probably contains [0, 1, 1, 1].
