Disparity in max connection pool size in sequelize and connections shown in the RDS management console - node.js

I am using postgres 9.5 on AWS RDS as the database and Sequelize as the ORM with node.js. The max_connections at the DB is 1660 while the max connection pool size at Sequelize is 600. Even at higher loads(~ 600 queries per second), which is evidenced by the Resource Request Timeout Error at Sequelize, the management console for AWS RDS shows the count of DB connections to be 10.
I want to ask if DB connections in the RDS console mean the same thing as the connection for which limits are configured in max_connections in RDS and max connection pool size in Sequelize.
If they are the same, then why doesn't the RDS console show more connections being used during the above mentioned times of higher load?

I want to ask if DB connections in the RDS console mean the same thing as the connection for which limits are configured in max_connections in RDS and max connection pool size in Sequelize.
Yes, DB connections means the same type of connection on which max_connections is setting a limit. However, the RDS console value is laggy. If the spike in connections is only transient, they might not show up at all, and if they show up it will be after the fact. Even if I were using RDS for my production data, I'd still set up a local database for testing things like this, as it would be easier to monitor in real time and in greater depth than provided by RDS. I don't know enough about Sequelize to say if it is the same thing as what "max connection pool size" refers to.
If they are the same, then why doesn't the RDS console show more connections being used during the above mentioned times of higher load?
Either they are there but you can't see them in the laggy console, or Sequelize isn't actually spawning them. Are there entries in the database log files?
Anyway, why do you want this? Your database doesn't have 600 CPUs. And probably doesn't have 600 independent IO channels, either. All you're going to do is goad your concurrent connections into fighting against each other for resources, and make your overall throughput lower due to contention on spinlocks or LWLocks.


How to increase active connections in AWS RDS or how to upgrade from current DB instance?

I have deployed my MERN stack app on AWS EC2 and have done clustering but my RDS is 2CPU and 8GB ram now with the increase in traffic my DB instance gives an error of maximum connections so how can I increase connection or upgrade my RDS instance?
Do I have to reconfigure RDS Settings as my website is in production so I don't want it to go down? Kindly Guide me.
You haven't specified what DB engine you are using so it's difficult to give a firm answer but, from the documentation,:
The maximum number of simultaneous database connections varies by the DB engine type and the memory allocation for the DB instance class. The maximum number of connections is generally set in the parameter group associated with the DB instance. The exception is Microsoft SQL Server, where it is set in the server properties for the DB instance in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
Assuming that you are not using MSSQL, you have a few different options:
Create a new ParameterGroup for your RDS instance, specifying a new value for max_connections (or whatever the appropriate parameter is called).
Use a different instance class with more memory as this will have a higher default max_connections value.
Add a read-replica.
Make code changes to avoid opening so many connections.
1 and 2 will require a change to be made to your database in a maintenance window so there would be downtime. It sounds like you have a single RDS instance so it's possible to upgrade without downtime. The process is backup-db -> restore-db to new instance -> upgrade restored instance -> change application to use restored instance (you will need to manage any writes done between backup + switchover yourself).
3 is only relevant if the issue is that the number of connections are making SELECT queries. If this is an issue you would need to update connection strings to use the read-replica.
4 is a huge scope but it's probably where I would start (e.g. could you use connection pooling, or cache data to reduce the number of connections?).

Configuring the ideal maxPoolSize on MongoDB Native driver

The default value for maxPoolSize on the MongoClient is 100.
How would one know if the default value, 100, is the optimal value? Is there a formula, a way of calculating to determine the ideal maxPoolSize?
Thanks a lot.
The pool size is solely dependent on the driver you are using, for Node.js minimum is 5 which is default and the maximum is 100(default).
Pool size helps to make the concurrent requests to the DB and it depends upon how much concurrent connection(queries you can run on) you need to create from the application. You can increase it based on your usage- that you have to need more than 100 connections at a time with DB or you need some connections for long-running tasks etc.
And these connections are of course based on the server that you are running the DB on. Mongo atlas does provide certain clusters that can have up to 1500 connections at a time.
You should check this post to see how does it impact application performance.

How does Postgres handle more requests than connections

While going through the Postgres Architecture, one of the things mentioned was that the Postgres DB has a connection limit of 500(which can be modified). And to fetch any data from the Postgres DB, we first need to make a connection to it. So in this case what happens if there are simultaneous 10k requests coming to the DB? How does the requests map to the connection limit, since we have the limit of 500. Do we need to increase the limit or do we need to create more instance of Postgres or is concurrency in play?
If there are 10000 concurrent statements running on a single database, any hardware will be overloaded. You just cannot do that.
Even 500 is way too many concurrent requests, so that value is too high for max_connections (or for the number of concurrent active sessions to be precise).
The good thing is that you don't have to do that. You use a connection pool that acts as a proxy between the application and the database. If your database statements are sufficiently short, you can easily handle thousands of concurrent application users with a few dozen database connections. This protects the database from getting overloaded and avoids opening database connections frequently, which is expensive.
If you try to open more database connections than max_connections allows, you will get an error message. If more processes request a database connection from the pool than the limit allows, some sessions will hang and wait until a connection is available. Yet another point for using a connection pool!

Number of active connections on the server reached to max

I am working with mongodb and nodejs. I have mongodb hosted on Atlas.
My backend had been working perfectly but now it is sometimes getting stuck and when I see the analytics on mongodb atlas it shows maximum number of active connections reached to 100.
Can someone please explain why this is happening? Can I reboot the connections and make it 0?
#Stennie I have used mongoose to connect to database
Here is my configuration file
const mongooseOptions = {
useNewUrlParser: true,
autoReconnect: true,
poolSize: 25,
connectTimeoutMS: 30000,
socketTimeoutMS: 30000
exports.register = (server, options, next) => {
defaults = Hoek.applyToDefaults(defaults, options)
if (Mongoose.connection.readyState) {
return next()
if (!Mongoose.connection.readyState) {
server.log(`${process.env.NOED_ENV} server connecting to ${defaults.url} ${defaults.url}`)
return Mongoose.connect(defaults.url, mongooseOptions).then(() => {
return next() // call the next item in hapi bootstrap
Assuming your backend is deployed on lambda since serverless tag.
Each invocation will leave a container idle to prevent cold start, or use an existing one if available. You are leaving the connection open to reuse it between invocation, like advertised in best practices.
With a poolSize of 25 (?) and 100 max connections, you should limit your function concurrency to 4.
Reserve concurrency to prevent your function from using all the available concurrency in the region, or from overloading downstream resources.
More reading: https://www.mongodb.com/blog/post/optimizing-aws-lambda-performance-with-mongodb-atlas-and-nodejs
You could try couple of things:
In a serverless environment, as already suggested by #Gabriel Bleu, why have such a high connectionLimit. Serverless environment keeps spawning new containers and stopping as per requests. If multiple instances spawn concurrently, it would exhaust the MongoDB server limit very quickly.
The concept of connectionPool is, x number of connections are established every time from every node (instance). But that does not mean all the connections are automatically released after querying. After completing ALL the DB operation, you should release each connection individual after use: mongoose.connection.close();
Note: Mongoose connection close will close all the connections of connection pool. So ideally, this should be run just before returning the response.
Why are you setting explicity autoReconnect to true. MongoDB driver internally reconnects whenever the connection is lost and certainly is not recommended for short lifespan instances such as serverless containers.
If you are running in cluster mode, to optimize for performance, change the serverUri to replica set URL format: MONGODB_URI=mongodb://<username>:<password>#<hostOne>,<hostTwo>,<hostThree>...&ssl=true&authSource=admin.
There are so many factors affecting the max connection limit. You have mongoDB hosted on Atlas and as you mentioned the backend is lamda means you have a serverless environment.
Serverless environments spawn new container on the new connection and destroy a connection when it's no longer being used. The peak connection shows that there are so many new instances being initialized or so many concurrent requests from the user connection. The best practice is to terminate database connection once it's no longer needed. You can terminate the connection
mongoose.connection.close(); as you have used mongoose. It will release the connection from the connection pool. Rather exhausting the concurrent connection limit, you should release connection once it's idle.
Your configuration forces the database driver to reconnect after the connection is dropped by the database. You are explicitly setting the autoReconnect as true so the driver will quickly instantiate connection request once the connection is dropped. That may affect the concurrent connection limit. You should avoid setting it explicitly.
cluster mode can optimize the requests according to the load, you can change the server uri to the replica of database. it may help to migrate the load.
There is a small initial startup cost of approximately 5 to 10 seconds when the Lambda function is invoked for the first time and the MongoDB client in your AWS Lambda function connects to MongoDB. Connections to a mongos for a sharded cluster are faster than connecting to a replica set. Subsequent connections will be significantly faster for the duration of the lifecycle of the Lambda function. so Each invocation will leave a container idle to prevent cold start or cold boot, or use an existing one if available.
Atlas sets the limit for concurrent incoming connections to a cluster based on the cluster tier. If you try to connect when you are at this limit, MongoDB displays an error stating “connection refused because too many open connections”. You can close any open connections to your cluster not currently in use. scaling down to a higher tier to support more concurrent connections. as mentioned in best practice you may restart the application. To prevent this issue in the future, consider utilizing the maxPoolSize connection string option to limit the number of connections in the connection pool.
Final Solution to this issue is Upgrading to a larger Atlas cluster tier which allows a greater number of connections. if your user base is too large for your current cluster tier.

How to optimize Postgresql max_connections and node-postgres connection pool?

In brief, I am having trouble supporting more than 5000 read requests per minute from a data API leveraging Postgresql, Node.js, and node-postgres. The bottleneck appears to be in between the API and the DB. Here are the implmentation details.
I'm using an AWS Postgresql RDS database instance (m4.4xlarge - 64 GB mem, 16 vCPUs, 350 GB SSD, no provisioned IOPS) for a Node.js powered data API. By default the RDS's max_connections=5000. The node API is load-balanced across two clusters with 4 processes each (2 Ec2s with 4 vCPUs running the API with PM2 in cluster-mode). I use node-postgres to bind the API to the Postgresql RDS, and am attempting to use it's connection pooling feature. Below is a sample of my connection pool code:
var pool = new Pool({
user: settings.database.username,
password: settings.database.password,
host: settings.database.readServer,
database: settings.database.database,
max: 25,
idleTimeoutMillis: 1000
/* Example of pool usage */
pool.query('SELECT my_column FROM my_table', function(err, result){
/* Callback code here */
Using this implementation and testing with a load tester, I can support about 5000 requests over the course of one minute, with an average response time of about 190ms (which is what I expect). As soon as I fire off more than 5000 requests per minute, my response time increases to over 1200ms in the best of cases and in the worst of cases the API begins to frequently timeout. Monitoring indicates that for the EC2s running the Node.js API, CPU utilization remains below 10%. Thus my focus is on the DB and the API's binding to the DB.
I have attempted to increase (and decrease for that matter) the node-postgres "max" connections setting, but there was no change in the API response/timeout behavior. I've also tried provisioned IOPS on the RDS, but no improvement. Also, interestingly, I scaled the RDS up to m4.10xlarge (160 GB mem, 40 vCPUs), and while the RDS CPU utilization dropped greatly, the overall performance of the API worsed considerably (couldn't even support the 5000 requests per minute that I was able to with the smaller RDS).
I'm in unfamilar territory in many respects and am unsure of how to best determine which of these moving parts is bottlenecking API performance when over 5000 requests per minute. As noted I have attempted a variety of adjustments based on the review of Postgresql configuration documentation and node-postgres documentation, but to no avail.
If anyone has advice on how to diagnose or optimize I would greatly appreciate it.
After scaling up to m4.10xlarge, i performed a series of load-tests, varying the number of request/min and the max number of connections in each pool. Here are some screen captures of monitoring metrics:
In order to support more then 5k requests, while maintaining the same response rate, you'll need better hardware...
The simple math states that:
5000 requests*190ms avg = 950k ms divided into 16 cores ~ 60k ms per core
which basically means your system was highly loaded.
(I'm guessing you had some spare CPU as some time was lost on networking)
Now, the really interesting part in your question comes from the scale up attempt: m4.10xlarge (160 GB mem, 40 vCPUs).
The drop in CPU utilization indicates that the scale up freed DB time resources - So you need to push more requests!
2 suggestions:
Try increasing the connection pool to max: 70 and look at the network traffic (depending on the amount of data you might be hogging the network)
also, are your requests to the DB a-sync from the application side? make sure your app can actually push more requests.
The best way is to make use of a separate Pool for each API call, based on the call's priority:
const highPriority = new Pool({max: 20}); // for high-priority API calls
const lowPriority = new Pool({max: 5}); // for low-priority API calls
Then you just use the right pool for each of the API calls, for optimum service/connection availability.
Since you are interested in read performance can set up replication between two (or more) PostgreSQL instances, and then use pgpool II to load balance between the instances.
Scaling horizontally means you won't start hitting the max instance sizes at AWS if you decide next week you need to go to 10,000 concurrent reads.
You also start to get some HA in your architecture.
Many times people will use pgbouncer as a connection pooler even if they have one built into their application code already. pgbouncer works really well and is typically easier to configure and manage that pgpool, but it doesn't do load balancing. I'm not sure if it would help you very much in this scenario though.
