TensorboardX: tensorboard: command not found - pytorch

so I am attempting to access the tensorboard visualizations from this project. I am not to familiar with the library, but when I try to access the tensorboard during training using the command
tensorboard --dir data
I get returned with the tensor board command not found. (Running on Ubuntu 18.04). pip list displays that I have tensorboardX 1.9 downloaded, so I am not sure why the command is not being recognized. I have pytorch installed, and I am not aware of any other dependencies that are needed.

You can check what is in the PyTorch Tensorboard documentation together with the installation instructions.

If you use conda, try to install tensorboard outside conda. That helped me.
Also, such a command could work if you have problems with bash command
python -m tensorboard.main --logdir=.


How to install shapely via .whl when "not supported wheel on this platform"

all. I am trying to install shapely via the .whl using pip. I have python 3.6.13 running on anaconda prompt. I have downloaded the shapely .whl using this site. However, when I run the commands shown in the image below, I get the error "shapely... is not a supported wheel on this platform."
From what I understand, I have a 64 bit architecture and python 3.6 (although it is python 3.6.13). I have tried to just request python 3.6 flat from the virtual environment setup by using the following command:
conda create -n stormEnv python=3.6
However, this command always returns a python version that is higher than a flat 3.6.
I am wondering if there is a way to get a python version that is a flat 3.6, or if I am just using the wrong .whl file from https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/
I have also tried the 3.6 32bit architecture as shown in the next image without any success:
Thanks for any help you can provide.
Since you're working with conda, the first thing you should try is:
conda install shapely
There is likely to be an existing build for your platform available in conda forge.
Wheel files are tagged with compatibility markers, and you should not attempt to install an incompatible wheel directly, because the the compiled artifacts inside the wheel will not work on your platform. You'll have to find a wheel which is supported on your platform - to see the list of supported tags run:
python -m pip debug -v
If there are no compatible wheels available, you'll have to install the necessary build dependencies and then install directly from source code.

Why is scikit learn v1.1 not available for me via anaconda distribution

For reference I am using conda 22.9.0, Python 3.9.13, scikit-learn 1.0.2 according to conda list and I am using Windows OS 64 bit.
The newest sklearn version it will acknowledge or allow me to have is v1.0.2.
Update: No error is displayed when I try to update via conda update scikit-learn, it simply says "# All requested packages already installed.".
Check if you have it installed or show the error message you get. You might wanna install it via conda install scikit-learn in your cmd

Anaconda error while installing pytorch on windpws

I am running anaconda on windows; When i try to install pytorch in the anaconda prompt I get the following error
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'torchvision'
i checked the openssl version via conda list and it is 1.1.g3
I also moved the lib crypto and libssl from the anaconda/library/bin to anaconda3/DLLs (as per one the prior solutions.
What could be the issue? Please help
Use the commands given in the official pytorch website. Or you can use pip to install too. Commands for both conda and pip are given in pytorch website.

Tensor flow package installation in PyCharm

I have been successfully using PyCharm for my python work.All the packages can be easily installed by going to settings and then project interpreter but tensorflow installation is showing error.In suggestions it asked me to upgrade pip module.But even after that it shows error with following message:
" Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow (from versions: ) No matching distribution found for tensorflow"
I am able to install all other packages but error is with tensorflow only.I am using windows.
Please run pip install tensorflow in command line and post the output here. Tensorflow can be installed on Windows but the process is often annoying.
You could also tried anaconda. It is has very nice UI and you could switch between different version.

How can I install keras using anaconda with mxnet backend

How can I set keras's backend to be MXNet?
I have found only this installation guide, but after I install keras by hand in this way, Anaconda does not recognize this installation.
In other words, this command:
KERAS_BACKEND=mxnet python -c "from keras import backend"
works only in the "keras" installation folder.
Therefore, I can not use keras in a Jupyter Notebook, for example.
Do you know another way to install keras in order to be compatible with mxnet (as it is for example on aws's AMIs) ?
You can install keras for a given Anaconda env by first activating that env and then calling
pip install -e .
in keras folder. In the guide that you included the link to, this command would replace
sudo python setup.py install
which installs it system wide.
