gitlab mattermost usage problems - gitlab

I run gitlab and activated mattermost. I created a new project and set up a mattermoast team.
Now I want to add all other users. But my user is no admin in mattermost. how can I solve that?
Thanks in advance.

According to this link, the first user in the system has the system_admin role.
Find the first user that is created on your Mattermost server and use it as an admin account.


Not able to create Microsoft DevBox with Role : DevCenter Dev Box User

I have started to create a POC for Microsoft Dev Box using the link :
I have created all the artifacts required for it and provided permissions to user with Role :DevCenter Dev Box User who has the ability to create and manage dev boxes as per documentation.
Now the user tried to open the URL: and found the message :
Cannot create dev boxes
Your account does not have access to create dev boxes in any of the projects in this organization. Please contact your administrator to gain access.
I tried to refresh the page multiple times but the issue remains same.
One more issue I found is even though user has the permission to create dev box it is not allowing him to proceed further for the creation process due to warning with Intune Enrollment Restrictions Allow Windows Enrollment in the Network Connection step.
Can anyone help me to fix this issue ?
Try add yourself as Dev Box Admin and Dev Box user. As far as i know you need both roles to create a box. You also need to check the level of you 365 account

GitLab Account Pending approval from administrator

Your account is pending approval from your GitLab administrator and hence blocked. Please contact your GitLab administrator if you think this is an error
Well as the message states. You have created an account on a self-hosted GitLab instance.
The administrators of that instance have configured it so that they have to manually approve every account that is created. This is usually to prevent spam and exploiting of publicly reachable instance.
When this setting is enabled, any user visiting your GitLab domain and signing up for a new account using the registration form must be explicitly approved by an administrator before they can start using their account. In GitLab 13.6 and later, this setting is enabled by default for new GitLab instances. It is only applicable if sign ups are enabled.
- gitlab docs; link
The first time you access your self-hosted Gitlab it asks you to set up a password. Then you can access using user root and the password you set up. Hope it helps!
I just ran into the same problem (Vbox, VM; self-managed gitlab on my VM's static IP).
I remembered installing with export GITLAB_HOME=/srv/gitlab
sudo more /srv/gitlab/initial_root_password
in that file is a long password which I used along with root as the user.

How to allow some specific users to login to Gitlab?

I have integrated my Gitlab server to my LDAP active directory on my internal network. I already have a JIRA server which is already integrated to this LDAP. I have used the same configuration/usergroup from JIRA in the Gitlab as well and my Gitlab is now successfully hooked to the LDAP.
Now i don’t want everyone who can login to Jira to login to the Gitlab account as well. I only want to allow some specific users.
Is there a settings in Gitlab configuration to achieve this thing?
Let me know if anyone can help on this. It will be hugely appreciated.
You have basically two options:
Allow all JIRA users to login but autoblock all signups with block_auto_created_users. Then you have to manually enable new users.
Use the user_filter option to restrict the users which are allowed to sign-up. Here you have two additional choices. You can filter based on the username or better create a group on your LDAP server and then check the group membership with the memberOf function.

How do you add multiple users to a gitlab project?

I have set up a gitlab project and we authenticate via ldap.
I set up our repo and assumed that everyone who authenticated via ldap would be able to access it but that does not seem to be the case. I am having to add each user individually.
The project is now set to public but that has not helped.
Is there a way to bulk add users to a project in gitlab?
I found the issue.
Apparently my licence had not gone through so I was using a basic version which does not support this!

Where are the permissions for adding user applications?

We have a self-hosted gitlab solution and are trying to integrate a third-party application. For that we created a new account and wanted to set up a new application. But we were greeted by the following screen:
'Adding new applications is disabled in your GitLab instance. Please
contact your Gitlab administrator to get the permission'
I have an admin account and have looked everywhere to set this permission but can't find it. In my own account it is also impossible to add application, but in the admin area the possibility is there.
In the pricing table there does not seem to be any option that adds this feature so I don't think it is a blocked feature.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Go to
On the general tab beneath "Account and limit", there is a checkbox called "User OAuth applications".
Once you toggle this every user gets the ability to define her or his own OAuth2 Applications.
