Node js can't upload files to FTP when deployed and running on production server - node.js

I'm using Node JS (12.13.0) and NPM (6.13.19) with basic-ftp. Everything works fine and I can upload files to the remote FTP (without SSL, my remote FTP doesn't allow this) when I run the code on my development machine from localhost.
The production server is hosted on Digital Ocean (Ubuntu 18.04.3) I have tried to disable the firewall, because I thought this might be the reason to the problem. I used sudo ufw disable and just to make sure it's disabled I check the current status with sudo ufw status which returns Status: inactive.
This is my code
async function uploadImageToFtp(fileName, path) {
const client = new ftp.Client()
client.ftp.verbose = true
try {
await client.access({
host: process.env.FTP_HOST,
user: process.env.FTP_USER,
password: process.env.FTP_PASSWORD,
secure: false
await client.uploadFrom(path, "images/bd/" + fileName)
} catch (err) {
Response on production
Connected to EXTERNAL_IP_ADDRESS < 220 server ready - login please Login
security: No encryption
> USER username < 331 password required
> PASS ###
Again on localhost everything works and we get past this step and starts uploading the file(s) to the same server and credentials.
After this I never get any response, except for a timeout with Bad Gateway 502 from my request.

I don't know the library, but the problem sounds like the FTP session is running in active mode. That can often be a problem, so if it is in active mode, I'd recommend trying setting your client to ask for passive mode.

There is issue with AWS dynamic routing. your instance is under vpc and nat is not able to resolve the address back from ftp server to your instance.
You can try by adding route entry in ip table. Check here
This tells the nat to resolve particular ftp to specific address. i hope this will help.


can't access google cloud compute engine VM through external IP (nodejs)

For testing purposes, I've created a Google Cloud Compute Engine VM (Debian 9).
I installed nodejs and created a small script. When navigating to the external ip address through my browser, nothing happens.
const express = require('express')()
express.get('/', (req, res) => {
console.log('browser access')
express.listen(8000, () => console.log('server is running'))
When navigating to http://[EXTERNAL_IP_ADDRESS]:8000, nothing happens.
I have SSH access through the external IP, it works
I can ping to the external IP address, this works too
When doing 'node app.js' through the terminal (SSH access), I see 'server is running'
I have set a firewall rule to accept all incoming trafic on tcp=8000 (IP range
I have the firewall rules default-allow-http (tcp: 80) and default-allow-https (tcp: 443)
I have a static IP address
Is there something I'm missing?
When I visit the server (with :8000) through my browser, the page keeps loading. But the message 'browser access' is not send to the console. After let's say 30 seconds, I get an ERR_CONNECTION_TIME_OUT in the browser.
Express version is 4.17.1. I also changed 'express' to 'app'.
When I open a terminal window and do 'curl EXTERNAL_IP_ADDRESS:8000', nothing happens. It seems like it keeps loading.
I changed listen(8000) to listen(8000, ''). No differences are observed.
Problem solved:
I got it working. I installed ufw on the VM and opened up port 8000. That was the solution for me.
Not only did I need to add a firewall rule to my VPC (0.0.0./0 tcp:8000, incoming), I also needed to open the port 8000 on my VM itself. I installed ufw and opened port 8000. It's working now.

nodejs app wont create server, says ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT

I'm trying to run a nodejs app on my VPS but for somereason I get a ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT error.
Here is my code:
const http = require('http');
const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
server.on('clientError', (err, socket) => {
socket.end('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request\r\n\r\n');
when i cd to my directory and do
node index.js
, it gives me no error, but going to the browser and doing: gives me nothing. The connections times out
when i do curl:, I get some feedback. Its like i can access from the within the VPS but no access publicly
This is the way you should go about resolving such issues
Check if the process is running
Run ps aux | grep <process> to check if your process is running
Check if the port is being used
Run sudo netstat -plant | grep <port> to check if port is listening or not and is it your process
Check if the service is responding locally
Run telnet <port> and make sure you get a response. If you don't get a response then there are few possible issues you can look into
The process is not started the server listening
The process is not using the correct port
There is a firewall that is blocking the port. There is this for firewall-cmd, and this for ufw
Check if the service is responding externally
You can do telnet <external ip> <port>, if it doesn't work then there few things you should check below
Make sure your server is binding to or <private ip> and not
Make sure the VPS server you are hosting on, has your <port> enabled for communication. This is different for each service provider
If you follow these steps, it would solve most common network issues in such cases
I was facing the same issue. To resolve that, just open up / allow the port from network security group (VPS) or Firewall to worldwide access.
And check telnet port, it worked for me. Kindly let me know if you still face any issue, I will try to help further.
You will need to open up the 8000 port on your VPS or redirect the traffic from any open port on VPS to 8000

I can only access NodeJS server locally

My server's hosted at DigitalOcean (it's a droplet) and basically, I cannot access my NodeJS app via Internet, only server-side. It's running on port 9000, I've allowed traffic to the port via ufw and iptables, no luck. When I run curl || wget while SSH-ed to the server, I get a normal response as if everything's in order. But when I try to access the server from an another machine, I just get timed out because the server returns nothing. I've heard DigitalOcean sometimes disable connections to all ports except ssh,www and ssl, but I think I've successfully 'opened' them. Any suggestions?
This is what I get when I run netstat -tulp | grep LISTEN
Turns out my dashboard was all messed up when it comes to ports, which I forgot to check, of course, so opening them directly on the server gave no results whatsoever.

How can I access my nodejs web server from my local computer using the server domain name?

I installed nodejs and created a sample app. When I run npm start I get a message saying that I can open my web browser to http://localhost:3000 to see the app in action, but this installation is on a web server - not my local computer, so, instead of localhost:3000 I want to get there using something like
I can't find the answer, it's very likely I just don't know how to search for it... any ideas?
I'm following the tutorial here:
I think I only needed to get away from this for a while. I got it working using ssh local forwarding.
I already used an ssh config file to log in to my server without having to remember the password, so I just added this line to my config file:
LocalForward localhost:3000
where is my server IP address.
Then, I connected to my server via ssh:
ssh -f -N mysite
Once connected, I open up the browser and go to localhost:3000 and there it is now.
I used my ssh config file, but it should also work without it.
ssh -f -N -R 3000:localhost:3000
I found this command that eventually led me to solve my problem in this link:

cntlm proxy with phantomjs

I'm trying to use the cntlm proxy on my windows machine to talk to a local web application on IIS that uses Windows Authentication from PhantomJS. To create the proxy, I'm doing: cntlm -v -u username#domain -p password -l 1456 localhost:80
My app lives at localhost/myapp
To test whether or not this works, I try to browse to localhost:1456/myapp but I always get an auth challenge and no sensible username/password combination seems to work. Any thoughts on why this setup might not be working as expected?
When I hit the proxied endpoint in a browser, this is the output from cntlm:
After wrestling with the concept for a while I finally figured out how to get this set up.
After installing cntlm, I ran the following from a command prompt:
"c:\Program Files (x86)\Cntlm\cntlm.exe" -u <user_name> -d <domain_name> -H
This asks for your password and spits out three hashes to use in the configuration file.
I whittled down the required configuration in cntlm.ini to:
Username <user_name>
Domain <domain_name>
PassLM <LM_hash>
PassNT <NT_hash>
PassNTLMv2 <NTLMv2_hash>
Proxy #random proxy
NoProxy *
Listen 3133 # unused port
cntlm forces your to specify a top-level proxy even if you don't need one or have one, so any valid number for that option will do. Setting NoProxy to * ensures that any request never gets passed on to the bogus proxy specified.
Run "c:\Program Files (x86)\Cntlm\cntlm.exe" -f in a console to verify that everything is working. Otherwise, start and stop it as a service.
To test with phantomjs I used the following script:
var page = require('webpage').create();'http://<machine_name>/myapp', function(status) {
console.log("Status: " + status);
if(status === "success") {
<machine_name> cannot be localhost because phantomjs bypasses proxies when the host is localhost, so use your machine name or ip address instead.
To run it: phantomjs --proxy=localhost:3133 test.js
