Query for specific Azure AD permission - azure

Is there a way in Microsoft Graph how to check whether signed-in user (device code auth is used) has a specific AAD permission? In my case that would be Microsoft.Directory/groups/members/update - I'd like to notify a user that he/she is not permitted to add service principal to an AD group.
My initial idea was to find DirectoryRoles a user is member of. Then view related DirectoryRoleTemplates and somehow check permissions attached to the template. It looks like this is not possible.

I'm a program manager at Microsoft working on Azure AD access control. Thanks for your question and feedback. As Allen says, we don't have an API for this today. The best we have is what's called the 'wids' claim in the user's access token. Search this article for 'wids' for more information.
The wids claim contains the list of directory role template object ids the user is a member of. Role template object ids are immutable and consistent across the system, so you can hardcode your check against them. There is a role to template id mapping table here.
We're looking at exposing an API that returns the list of underlying permissions of the signed-in user following the syntax Allen mentions from the documentation. However, I don't have a date yet on when that would be available.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks again,
Vince Smith

Currently Microsoft has not exposed an API for obtaining Role permissions corresponding to DirectoryRole.
Based on the official document, microsoft.directory/groups/members/update permission only exists in the following roles:
Directory Writers
Groups Administrator
User Account Administrator
Intune Service Administrator
Partner Tier1 Support
Partner Tier2 Support
A workaround is to customize a config file in your project to set the fixed values. Read them to see if the user's directory role matches one of them.


What rights or permissiones does a user need to be able to run certain powershell commands in azure?

Iam trying to determine the minimum user rights , roles I can assign a user just so they can pull information from Azure AD, etc.
Currently the commands I am looking into are : Get-AzureADDevice , Get-AzureADUser, Get-MsolDevice.
All documentation I find just lists uses, examples etc. but not rights and I am currently unable to test out a case by case from normal user up to admin to find which rights are required.
Assigned the Global Reader role to the user and tested one of the given commands (Get-AzureADUser) in the Question.
Tried to update the user but not possible due to the role permission restrictions.
Note: Global Reader - Can read everything that a Global Administrator can, but not update anything.
Updated Answer:
Assigned the Directory Reader Role to the user and checked the workflow, able to get the information but not successful to update or do management work like updating/modifying the information using Azure Active Directory PowerShell Commands:
Workaround Result:
Note: Directory Reader Role - Can read basic directory information. Commonly used to grant directory read access to applications and guests.
Depending on your requirement, you can choose any of the above RBAC for the user.

Restrict Users from adding to groups manually in Azure

I need to restrict the users from adding to the groups manually in Azure, any help on this issue?
Thanks #Rahul Shukla for your suggestion .
Restrict Users from adding to groups
Give the user with reader or contributor permission to the user .
if you add that user the reader permission they will then be able to read any resource in the subscription, but not modify anything.
For more details refer this document: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/role-based-access-control/role-assignments-portal?tabs=current
2)Prevent admin to add the users to group
Create review process in places where if any user gets added in the group admin will get notification for the same and based on admin approval only it will gets added.
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) access reviews enable organizations to efficiently manage group memberships, access to enterprise applications, and role assignments. User's access can be reviewed on a regular basis to make sure only the right people have continued access
For more details refer this document: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/governance/access-reviews-overview

Microsoft GraphAPI: How do I retrieve the assigned groups of an azure user?

As you can see my question above, I was wondering if it is possible to retrieve the assigned groups of an Azure Active Directory (AAD) based user via Microsoft GraphAPI.
My situation is, that I have an ASP.NET MVC project with Microsoft Azure enabled. My goal is, that an Azure user can login on my website with it's Azure account.
The idea is, that an azure user is an admin or an user (depending on the azure groups) and depending of this role group, the user can view more or less of my webpage.
For example:
When Peter logs in with his azure account on my webpage, he should only be able to see:
Add new Document
Edit Document
Remove Document
because he is only assigned as "User" in Azure Active Directory.
But when Sabrina logs in with her azure account on my webpage, then she should be able to do the same as Peter, but she also can see:
Manage Products
Add new customer
because she is been assigned as an admin in Azure Active Directory.
My problem is, that I did not find out how I retrieve the assigned group of an user with Microsoft GraphAPI. The part, which user can see or not after I got the roles is not a big deal.
I already tried this API call:
But it seems, that the response of this call does not include the actual assigned group of that user.
Do you think it is possible to retrieve the assigned group of an azure user? Is this even possible? Or do I have to do something else to retrieve these information?
I hope you understand my point and I am also looking forward for any response. Thanks in advance!
Add /memberOf to the URL to receive the groups a user is member of.
Here's a link to the specific graph api - https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/docs/api-reference/v1.0/api/user_getmembergroups
Take a look at this sample application on Github. It does something very similar with a task tracker application, where different users are able to perform different actions based on the group they belong to -
Also, in cases where a user is a member of too many groups, you get back an overage indicator and have to make a separate call to get all groups. Read about “hasgroups” and “groups:src1” claims here - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/v1-id-and-access-tokens
According to your system architecture, if some user has too many joined groups, the API https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/docs/api-reference/v1.0/api/user_getmembergroups will return too many groups.
But if the groups with permissions in your system are not too much, you can use this API: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/docs/api-reference/v1.0/api/user_checkmembergroups to check if the current user is the member of specified groups.
It is not good idea to use this API: https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/memberOf. Because it returns only the groups that the user is a direct member of, but security group can be member of security group.

How do I get a list of Azure users from Microsoft Graph?

Basically, I just want to use Microsoft Graph to get a list of active directory users and their email addresses.
Ideally, I could get all the admin users for a certain subscription.
How do I do that? I couldn't find any good examples online.
Assuming you have the correct access to a tenant, and an authenticated token granting you access to the Microsoft Graph, you can use the following REST API calls to get the data you are looking for:
List Users - Documentation
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users
List Admins (via directory roles) - Documentation
This is a multi-step process. First you must find the directory role for the Company Administrator, which will always have the roleTemplateId of 62e90394-69f5-4237-9190-012177145e10. This should not be confused by the actual directory role id, which will be different per directory.
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/directoryRoles
Then you want to list the users who are a part of that directory role:
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/directoryRoles/<id>/members
If you really need to get started from scratch, I recommend you look at this PowerShell sample I made which simplifies authentication, and allows you to make queries to resource endpoints like the Microsoft Graph.

Azure Active Directory Object Permissions

I have an Azure Active Directory Application (and associated Service Principal). That Service Principal needs to be able to add and remove members from an Azure Active Directory Group...so I have added Read and write directory data under Application Permissions:
And I have code that uses the Client ID and Client Secret to get an Authentication Token an perform these operations using the Azure Graph API.
However, this permission is far too broad. I need the Application/Service Principal to only have the ability to add and remove members from specific groups (not all)...and not the ability to perform other types of operations.
Is there a way to do this?
Thank you.
There is a preview feature that partly fits your requirement: "Group.ReadWrite.All". It lets your principal create and update groups and their navigation properties (incl. members). It does not however reduce the permissions to modify only certain groups.
AAD permission scopes are described here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/Library/Azure/Ad/Graph/howto/azure-ad-graph-api-permission-scopes
Preview features may be subject to change and you'll have to agree to reduced service terms etc.: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/preview/
