Looking for Mapping between RISC-V base 32I Instructions and their Opcodes - riscv

Is the encoding of risc-v instructions to opcode bits standardized? If so, where can I find the encoding table at least for the base 32I instructions?

I guess it is always a good idea to keep up to the specs on https://riscv.org/specifications/. There chapter 25 lists in details how to encode the instructions. I also liked http://riscvbook.com very much.
Regards Joachim

It looks like I found it in github.

The tables in The RISC-V Reader book that Joachim mentioned are very good (https://riscvbook.com). Even if you don’t have the book, there’s a PDF version available for free in Spanish (and some other languages), which may be enough for your purposes.
Barring that, I find the PDFs from the rv8 project concise, and really useful: https://github.com/rv8-io/rv8/tree/master/doc/pdf. (It's information that of course is present in the specs, but I couldn't find a short, 10-page document there containing it all.) It’s generated from the riscv-meta project which has machine-parseable descriptions of the ISA, which may be useful as well depending what you’re trying to do.


Question about natural language processing

I am working on a graduation project related to "Aspect extraction (AE)".
I'm pretty confused about POS taging, syntax tree, grammar rules, and other low-level NLP stuff. I need a reference that teaches me these things in detail, so if any of you know I hope you don't mind me?
I know my question is not about programming directly and this may not agree with the site, but I really need to.
This is not an easy one! I assume that you are trying to understand the underlying 'why' and 'what', so, if I were you I would start with the one and only "Speech and Language Processing" by Daniel Jurafsky and James H. Martin. They have a whole section (Section 17 in my Second edition) on the representation of meaning, and state representation, with a whole subsection on Aspect.
In addition to that, the book will also help you understand various existing approaches to POS-tagging and the other topics you mentioned above, and, the book is available online for free! There is even the draft of the 3rd edition out there.
Additionally, after reading the chapters above, you can check out how other people do aspect extraction here

Floating Point Unit - Open Source Hardware Implementation

Boy, do these guys at StackOverflow really make you think before even trying to ask a question here - having a real stage fright writing this first question.
I will provide some resources I found during my search, but let me first elaborate on the topic itself. Namely, I am interested in the research of the Floating Point Unit, therefore, I would like to see any available open source hardware implementation - preferably in Chisel, but Verilog/VHDL will also do just fine.
So, kindly, provide any reference, a link or a document, on this matter.
What I've come across, taking a peak into two open source digital design projects that include the FPU - Rocket Chip and LowRISC is that they pull on the same repository originated from Berkeley - hardfloat. These are all developed based on the RISCV ISA, but this question is not limited to that particular ISA.
A very interesting resource, to put a nice, theoretical framework around all of the coding is this PhD thesis.
Has anyone delved into the the adventure of designing or upgrading some other FPU?
Can you point out any other free open source hardware FPU implementation?
Any comment, proposal, idea are more than welcome.
Thank you all,
Here is an interesting resource - actually, a collection of resources with lots of interesting comments (stressing especially the advantages of decimal FPUs) and an actual implementation in ANSI C, which is a reference implementation, based on the specifications given.

Linux kernel/os source code documentation?

Is there a Linux distro (other than Minix) with good documentation for the source code? Or, is there some good documentation to describe the general Linux source code?
I have downloaded the Kernel source code, but, it is (unsurprisingly) a little overwhelming to find my way around and I wondered if there were some higher-level documentation to go with how the Linux kernel works?
Have you tried having a look on The linux documentation project I've find it quietly exhaustive regarding linux
They have a section The Linux Kernel wich is an online book that explains
how the linux kernel works and why it does behaves in certain ways, you should deffinitely
look into it because it's very well made.
Some of the Linux kernel code has decent commenting as documentation, but if you're going to be getting into kernel development, I'd recommend picking up a good book. A good, relatively easy-to-read one is Linux Kernel Development, by Robert Love. I got started on the Second Edition when I was in college, and keep a copy of the third on my bookshelf now.
I also find the Linux Cross Reference site helpful in jumping around the kernel source code. It's nice for tracking down functions that are in different files, and getting at what you need.
If you want to learn about operating systems and their basics, I strongly suggest you to start with a small kernel and then ramp up to learn about Linux. Starting with an operating system like Linux would be overwhelming in terms of code and documentation.
There is XV6 operating system which follows the basic Unix notion of files and processes. You can get the code listing and the documentation explaining the code properly. Here is a link to it. link.
Since academia is using this course as a baseline, I think you should get good support for understanding the same.
Linux Core Kernel Commentary is a little dated, but is still an excellent source of info.
For something which is not obsolete (like kernel.org/doc is), you may see:
Free Electrons Linux/Documentation/ (3.8)
Linux Cross Reference kernel/Documentation/
kernel-doc (3.6.10)
The first is the one I prefer personally (clean, readable, pleasant, up‑to‑date).
The second is the most well known.
The third, is for download, if you wish to browse and search it off‑line (may be handy in some case).
My two cents as a side note before I leave: I feel it's weird how for such a famous stuff as the Linux kernel is, when you search the web for documentation, you get masses of obsolete documentations, and how the rather up‑to‑date ones seems to be rather hidden and far from the top position of search engines.

Resources for learning a new language quickly?

The title may seem slightly self-contradictory, and I accept that you can't really learn a language quickly. However, an experienced programmer that already has knowledge of a few languagues and different styles (functional, OO, imperative etc.) often wants to get started quickly. I've seen a few websites doing effective "translations" in the form of "just show me syntax equivalence". I can't remember the sites now, but for related languages (e.g. Perl/PHP) it's quite common.
Is there a better resource that covers more languages? Is there a resource that covers idioms as well as syntax? I think this would be incredibly useful for doing small amounts of work on existing code bases where you are not familiar with the language. Looking at the existing code, as we know, is not always a good indicator of quality. Likewise, for "learn by doing" weekend project I always have the urge to write reasonably idiomatic, clean code from the start. Such a resource could also link to known good example projects of varying sizes for those that prefer to learn by reading. Reading a well-written medium sized code base can also be much more practical when access to development environments might be limited.
I think it's possible to find tutorials and summaries for individual languages that provide some of this functionality in disparate web locations but I'm hoping there is a good, centralised, comparative place that the busy programmer can turn to.
You generally have two main things to overcome:
Syntax you can pick up fairly quickly with a language tutorial and a stack of samplecode.
Reference (library/API calls) you need to find a proper guide to; perhaps the language reference, or perhaps google...
With those two in place, following a walkthrough (to get you used to using the development environment) will have you pretty much ready - you'll be able to look up what you want to say (reference), and know how to say it (syntax).
This, of course, applies principally to procedural/oop languages; languages that require a paradigm switch (ML/Haskell) you should go to lectures for ;)
(and for the weirder moments, there's SO!)
In the past my favour was "learning by doing". So e.g. I know a little bit of C++ and a lot of C#.Net but I must write a FTP Tool in Python.
So I sit for an hour and so the syntax differences by a tutorial, than I develop the form itself and look at the generated code. Then I search a open source Python FTP Client and get pieces of code (Not copy and paste, write it self to see, feel and remember the code!)
After a few hours I get it.
So: The mix is the best. A book, a piece of good code, the willing to learn and a free night with much coffee.
At the risk of sounding cheesy, I would start with the language's website tutorial and/or FAQ, followed by asking more specific questions here. SO is my centralized location for programming knowledge.
I remember when I learned Perl. I was asked to modify some Perl code at work and I'd never seen the language before. I had experience with several other languages, however, so it wasn't hard to figure out the syntax with the online Perl docs in one window and the code in another, side-by-side. I don't know that solely reading existing code is necessarily the best way to learn. In my case, I didn't know Perl but I could tell that the person who originally wrote the code didn't know Perl either. I'm not sure I could've distinguished between good Perl and really confusing Perl. It would've been nice to be able to ask questions here at the time.
Language isn't important. What is important is learning your ways around designing algorithms and the proper application of design patterns. Focus on the technique, not the language that implements a certain technique. Once you understand the proper development techniques, any programming language will just become real easy, no matter how obscure they are...
When you put a focus on a language, you're restricting your own knowledge.
http://devcheatsheet.com/ seems to be a step in the right direction: it aggregates cheat sheets/quick references and they are (somewhat) manually reviewed. It's also wide-ranging. It still comes up short a bit in terms of "idiomatic" quick reference: for example, the page on Ruby doesn't mention yield.
Rosetta Code appears to be an excellent resource that includes hints on coding idiomatically and moves from simple (like for-loops) to things like drawing. I haven't checked out how comprehensive it is, but there are a large number of languages and tasks listed. The drawbacks re: original question are:
Some of the linking is not accurate
(navigating Python->ForLoop will
take you to the top of the ForLoop
page, not the Python section). It's a
wiki, this can be improved.
Ideally you could "slice" the wiki
however you chose to see e.g. the top
20 tasks for two languages
http://hyperpolyglot.org/ seems to be an almost perfect match for what I was looking for. The quality is not always there, or idiom can be lacking, but it has the same intention and is pretty comprehensive.

Best practices to put into a man page

Is there a best practices guideline for writing man pages?
What should be included in the layout? The standard ones are:
There are others like OPTIONS, AUTHOR.
As a user what would be useful to have? What isn't helpful?
If you cannot find any old bound copies of 1970s Bell Labs "troff" documentation, which had some nice sections on writing man pages, :-) then I'd suggest trying out Jens's "HOWTO" on writing man pages over at his site.
The Unix 7th Edition manuals are available online in a variety of formats.
A BUGS section is nice, and an EXAMPLES section is always useful. Some man pages contain a
FILES section which lists related configuration files, or ENVIRONMENT section detailing any influential environment variables.
To be clear, what sections or type of information are useful to users depends on the nature of the program or utility that you are documenting.
There is a canonical man page outline distributed with UNIX systems, or at least usually there is. In general, I'd put in all the fields, and include a line like "none" if it doesn't apply.
One thing which people sometimes forget to put in manual pages is the meaning of the return value of the function. It's easy to forget, but the omission can make life much harder for people who have to use your function. Also, a simple code segment in the SYNOPSIS or a good minimal working EXAMPLE is very useful.
One thing that I often do with man pages is to try to find a related command, even though I know the thing I'm looking at doesn't do what I want. In this case, the SEE ALSO is great.
It depends on what your software does. If it is a small stand-alone application, I would certainly put the AUTHOR section in the man page so that if users find bugs they can easily find an email address to report the bug to you.
As for best practices, none that I know of, other than that the man page should be concise, detailed but not contain too much information that is not required, if it is just a tool the inner workings are not required for example.
