I'm trying to pass my input from terminal and run python script, My input is url http://localhost:8080/api/auth and payload is { "request":"success","input":[ { "type":" ", "content":[ { "type":" ", "meta":{ "sample_type":" " , deatail":" "} ] } ], "output":[ { "type":" ","content":[ { "type":"", "meta":{ "sample_type":"", }, "deatils":" " } ] } ] }
My Code is here:
def get_response():
auth_access_Token = get_token()
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='A tutorial of argparse!')
parser.add_argument("--url", action="store_true", required=True )
parser.add_argument("--payload", action="store_true", required=True )
a = parser.parse_args()
url = a.url
Header = {'Auth': 'Bearer ' + str(auth_access_Token)}
payload = a.payload
resp = requests.post(url, headers=Header, json=payload)
When I pass my inputs using
python test.py --url http://localhost:8080/api/auth --payload `{ "request":"success","input":[ { "type":" ", "content":[ { "type":" ", "meta":{ "sample_type":" " , deatail":" "} ] } ], "output":[ { "type":" ","content":[ { "type":"", "meta":{ "sample_type":"", }, "deatils":" " } ] } ] }`
It's giving me error: unrecognized arguments
where am I wrong?
Thanks in advance
So, there are a couple of problems with your script.
action value should be store and not store_true.
store_true is for TRUE and FALSE values.
Secondly in order to handle the spaces in the input arguments they must be enclosed in double quotes. As the payload value contains double quotes they must be replace with single quotes.
Here is the modified code
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='A tutorial of argparse!')
parser.add_argument('--url', action="store", nargs=1, type=str, required=True )
parser.add_argument("--payload", nargs=1, type=str, required=True )
a = parser.parse_args()
So when you invoke the script like this:
> python test1.py --url http://localhost:8080/api/auth --payload "{ 'request':'success','input':[ { 'type':' ', 'content':[ { 'type':' ', 'meta':{ 'sample_type':' ' , deatail':' '} ] } ], 'output':[ { 'type':' ','content':[ { 'type':'', 'meta':{ 'sample_type':'', }, 'deatils':' ' } ] } ] }"
You have to process the payload data.
Also I found that the the data you are passing is illformed.
"meta":{ "sample_type":" " , deatail":" "}, see quotes are missing before deatail and also some matching braces.
payload = a.payload[0]
payload = re.sub(r"'", "\"", payload)
resp = requests.post(url, headers=Header, json=payload)
Below is my jenkins groovy script to read data and write as json file.
import groovy.json.JsonOutput
def arn = ""
def name = ""
def os = ""
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Hello') {
steps {
def ret = sh(script: 'aws devicefarm list-devices', returnStdout: true)
def jsonObj = readJSON text: ret
def currentVersion = "13.0"
def values = currentVersion.split('\\.')
def json_str = ""
for(String item: jsonObj.devices) {
os = item.os
if(!os.contains("\\.")) {
osV = os + ".0"
} else{
osV = os
def osValues = osV.split('\\.')
if(values[0].toInteger() <= osValues[0].toInteger()) {
name = item.name
def data = [
name: "$name",
os: "$os",
json_str += JsonOutput.toJson(data)
def json_beauty = JsonOutput.prettyPrint(json_str)
writeJSON(file: 'message124.json', json: json_beauty)
But here, it only saves the first value. Not all the values. Could you tell me where I am wrong here
It's not 100% clear what you actually want to end up with, but I think you want a JSON file containing the items where OS is greater than a magic number.
It's helpful to provide enough data to duplicate the problem, and eliminate everything that isn't directly related. I think what you want is something like this:
jsonObj = [
devices: [
[ os: '3', name: 'Name 1'],
[ os: '10.2', name: 'Name 10.2'],
[ os: '7', name: 'Name 7'],
[ os: '3', name: 'Name 3'],
values = ['5']
def normalizeOs(os) {
os.contains(".") ? os : "$os.0"
def shouldSkip(normalizedOs) {
osValues = os.split('\\.')
values[0].toInteger() > osValues[0].toInteger()
selected = []
for (item: jsonObj.devices) {
os = normalizeOs(item.os)
if (shouldSkip(os)) continue
selected.push([name: item.name, os: os])
json = new groovy.json.JsonBuilder(selected)
[{"name":"Name 7","os":"7.0"},{"name":"Name 10.2","os":"10.2"}]
I am running karate tests.
I am posting a request object and i recieve a response object . however in the response object i have one extra field populated .How will i handle the scenario ?
the following is my test
Feature: NFR Subscription API Tests
* url __arg.test_service.url
* configure ssl = false
* configure httpVersion = 'http2'
Scenario: Create/Patch/Delete NRF subscription by nfInstanceId subscription condition
* def subscriptionId = ''
* def createSubscriptionByNfInstanceIdRequest = read('subscription/subscriptionCreateRequest.json')
* def patchSubscriptionByNfInstanceIdResponse = read('subscription/subscriptionPatchResponse.json')
* def createSubscriptionByNfInstanceIdResponse = createSubscriptionByNfInstanceIdRequest
# Create the NRF subscription by nfInstanceId
Given path '/nnrf-nfm/v1/subscriptions/'
And header Content-Type = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
And print createSubscriptionByNfInstanceIdRequest
And request createSubscriptionByNfInstanceIdRequest
When method post
Then status 201
And match response == createSubscriptionByNfInstanceIdResponse
And match response.subscriptionId == '#present'
And print response
the content of subscription/subscriptionCreateRequest.json is as follows.
"nfStatusNotificationUri": "http://localhost:8080/ip/test",
"reqNfInstanceId": "9c79364e-99e1-42a8-ada1-86c31ad1fa76",
"subscrCond": {
"nfInstanceId": "9c79364e-99e1-42a8-ada1-86c31ad1fa76"
"validityTime": "2022-02-18T10:15:15Z",
"reqNotifEvents": [
"plmnId": {"mcc": "454", "mnc" : "93" },
"nid": "2465aEB5ff1",
"notifCondition": {
"monitoredAttributes": [
"reqNfType": "NRF",
"reqNfFqdn": "com.openet.com",
"reqSnssais": [
{ "sst": 10, "sd": "aA82a7" }
"reqPlmnList": [
{"mcc": "454", "mnc" : "93" }
"reqSnpnList": [
{"mcc": "454", "mnc" : "93" }
"servingScope": [
"any string"
"nrfSupportedFeatures": "CBAdEd1bef9B118EAd8d5bAfc66B59c1D292fD821d"
the content of the file subscription/subscriptionPatchResponse.json is as follows.
"nfStatusNotificationUri": "http://localhost:8080/ip/test",
"reqNfInstanceId": "9c79364e-99e1-42a8-ada1-86c31ad1fa76",
"subscrCond": {
"nfInstanceId": "9c79364e-99e1-42a8-ada1-86c31ad1fa76"
"validityTime": "2023-03-07T23:20:50Z",
"reqNotifEvents": [
"plmnId": {"mcc": "454", "mnc" : "93" },
"nid": "2465aEB5ff1",
"notifCondition": {
"monitoredAttributes": [
"reqNfType": "NRF",
"reqNfFqdn": "com.openet.com",
"reqSnssais": [
{ "sst": 10, "sd": "aA82a7" }
"reqPlmnList": [
{"mcc": "454", "mnc" : "93" }
"reqSnpnList": [
{"mcc": "454", "mnc" : "93" }
"servingScope": [
"any string"
"nrfSupportedFeatures": "CBAdEd1bef9B118EAd8d5bAfc66B59c1D292fD821d"
in the response I would expect a new field called subscriptionId .
my test fails at the moment with the following error .
16:00:57 com.intuit.karate.exception.KarateException: NFRSubscription.feature:24 - path: $, actual: {nfStatusNotificationUri=http://localhost:8080/ip/test, reqNfInstanceId=9c79364e-99e1-42a8-ada1-86c31ad1fa76, subscrCond={nfInstanceId=9c79364e-99e1-42a8-ada1-86c31ad1fa76}, subscriptionId=608425, validityTime=2022-02-18T10:15:15Z, reqNotifEvents=["NF_REGISTERED"], plmnId={mcc=454, mnc=93}, nid=2465aEB5ff1, notifCondition={monitoredAttributes=["testattri"]}, reqNfType=NRF, reqNfFqdn=com.openet.com, reqSnssais=[{"sst":10,"sd":"aA82a7"}], reqPlmnList=[{"mcc":"454","mnc":"93"}], reqSnpnList=[{"mcc":"454","mnc":"93"}], servingScope=["any string"], nrfSupportedFeatures=CBAdEd1bef9B118EAd8d5bAfc66B59c1D292fD821d}, expected: {nfStatusNotificationUri=http://localhost:8080/ip/test, reqNfInstanceId=9c79364e-99e1-42a8-ada1-86c31ad1fa76, subscrCond={nfInstanceId=9c79364e-99e1-42a8-ada1-86c31ad1fa76}, validityTime=2022-02-18T10:15:15Z, reqNotifEvents=["NF_REGISTERED"], plmnId={mcc=454, mnc=93}, nid=2465aEB5ff1, notifCondition={monitoredAttributes=["testattri"]}, reqNfType=NRF, reqNfFqdn=com.openet.com, reqSnssais=[{"sst":10,"sd":"aA82a7"}], reqPlmnList=[{"mcc":"454","mnc":"93"}], reqSnpnList=[{"mcc":"454","mnc":"93"}], servingScope=["any string"], nrfSupportedFeatures=CBAdEd1bef9B118EAd8d5bAfc66B59c1D292fD821d}, reason: actual value has 1 more key(s) than expected: {subscriptionId=608425}
any idea how should i formulate createSubscriptionByNfInstanceIdResponse object to handle an extra dynamically generated field . in other words how can i do the following
add response.subscriptionId into createSubscriptionByNfInstanceIdResponse and then compare response and
createSubscriptionByNfInstanceIdResponse object .
And match response == createSubscriptionByNfInstanceIdResponse
I have changed the test to add the subscriptionId field in the response object and then asserted it .
# Create the NRF subscription by nfInstanceId
Given path '/nnrf-nfm/v1/subscriptions/'
And header Content-Type = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
And print createSubscriptionByNfInstanceIdRequest
And request createSubscriptionByNfInstanceIdRequest
When method post
Then status 201
And match response.subscriptionId == '#present'
And print response
And set createSubscriptionByNfInstanceIdResponse.subscriptionId = response.subscriptionId
And match response == createSubscriptionByNfInstanceIdResponse
I have the issue that I'm not able to execute the following code. The syntax seems to be okay, but when I try to execute it, I get the response, that:
Expression.Error: We cannot convert a value of type Record to type "Text".
""page"": ""1"",
""pageSize"": ""100"",
""requestParams"": {
""deviceUids"": [
""entityColumns"": [
""entityId"": ""144"",
""joinColumnName"": ""device_uid"",
""columnName"": ""device_random_date""
""columnNames"": [
""startUnixTsMs"": ""1583413637000"",
""endUnixTsMs"": ""1583413640000"",
""columnFilters"": [
""filterType"": ""eq"",
""columnName"": ""55"",
""value"": ""1234""
""sortOrder"": [
""column"": ""ts"",
""order"": ""DESC""
""column"": ""55"",
""order"": ""ASC""
""entityFilters"": [
""entityId"": ""144"",
""entityEntryIds"": [
Parsed_JSON = Json.Document(body),
BuildQueryString = Uri.BuildQueryString(Parsed_JSON),
Quelle = Json.Document(Web.Contents("http://localhost:8101/device-data-reader-api/read-paginated/xxx-xxx-yyyy-yyyy", [Headers=[#"Content-Type"="application/json"], Content = Text.ToBinary(BuildQueryString)]))
I tried to remove the quotes of the numbers, but this leads to the same issue, as system complains it cannot convert numbers into text.
I need the body which needs to be handed over with the request in order to do a POST request. What I'm doing wrong?
Since you seem to want to send this as application/json, I think you would change this bit in your code:
Content = Text.ToBinary(BuildQueryString)
Content = Text.ToBinary(body)
and then you'd also get rid of the lines below (since you don't need them):
Parsed_JSON = Json.Document(body),
BuildQueryString = Uri.BuildQueryString(Parsed_JSON),
I don't think you would need Uri.BuildQueryString unless you wanted to send as application/x-www-form-urlencoded (i.e. URL encoded key-value pairs).
Unrelated: If it helps, you can build the structure in M and then use JSON.FromValue to turn the structure into bytes which can be put directly into the POST body. Untested example is below.
body = [
page = "1",
pageSize = "100",
requestParams = [
deviceUids = {
entityColumns = {
entityId = "144",
joinColumnName = "device_uid",
columnName = "device_random_date"
columnNames = {
startUnixTsMs = "1583413637000",
endUnixTsMs = "1583413640000",
columnFilters = {
filterType = "eq",
columnName = "55",
value = "1234"
sortOrder = {
column = "ts",
order = "DESC"
column = "55",
order = "ASC"
entityFilters = {
entityId = "144",
entityEntryIds = {
Quelle = Json.Document(
Headers = [#"Content-Type" = "application/json"],
Content = Json.FromValue(body)
It might look a little weird (since M uses [] instead of {}, {} instead of [] and = instead of :), but just mentioning in case it helps.
I'm trying to generate JSON body dynamically using values in csv file. For this i'm making use of JSR223 PreProcessor with groovy script.
I'm expecting the below format to be generate when i run the groovy script
"transactionId": "100",
"lineItems": [{
"lineItemNo": "1",
"cardInfo": {
"cardNumber": "3456"
"lineItemNo": "2",
"cardInfo": {
"cardNumber": "45698"
but when i execute script i'm getting below format
POST data:
"transactionId": "100",
"lineItems": [
"lineItemNo": "1",
"Cardinfo": [
"lineItemNo": "1",
"Cardinfo": [
Script to generate json body
File csvFile = new File("D:\\Project Related Docs\\Jmeter\\apache-jmeter-5.0\\bin\\Map_Performance\\Map_New_Auto_jmx\\2Cards.csv")
def cards = csvFile.readLines()
List<String> cardnumbmer = new ArrayList<>()
def counter = 1
log.info("size of csv = "+cardnumbmer.size())
log.info("File conents = "+cardnumbmer[0])
//build the json body
def ids = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(cardnumbmer.toString())
log.info("cardnumbmer to string = "+cardnumbmer.toString())
def builder = new groovy.json.JsonBuilder()
lineItems:ids.collect{[lineItemNo:"1",Cardinfo: ids.collect{carnumber: it}]}
--CSV FILE have cardnumbers listed in row-wise look like below
Request to help me to know how to fix this issue.
ids.collect{carnumber: it} is basically ids. Be explicit about returning the map: ids.collect{ [carnumber: it] }
Below code resolved the problem
//build the json body
def ids = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(cardnumbmer.toString())
log.info("cardnumbmer to string = "+cardnumbmer.toString())
def builder = new groovy.json.JsonBuilder()
def count = 1
//lineItems:ids.collect{[lineItemNo:"1",Cardinfo: count.collect{[carnumber: it]}]}
lineItems:ids.collect{[lineItemNo:count++,Cardinfo: [Cardnumber:it]]}
I have the below code in Jenkins pipeline:
stage ("distribution"){
def rules = [
service_name: "core",
site_name: "*",
city_name: "*",
country_codes: ["*"]
amd_distribution_distribute_bundle distribution_rules: rules
As you can see, it's a map parameter. How can I convert it to the JSON file using Groovy code? At the end it should look like:
"distribution_rules": [
"service_name": "core*",
"site_name": "*",
"city_name": "*",
"country_codes": ["*"]
I tried the below command but it didn't help:
import groovy.json.JsonBuilder
import groovy.json.JsonOutput
def call(Map parameters)
def DISTRIBUTION_RULES = parameters.distribution_rules
def json = new groovy.json.JsonBuilder()
json rootKey: "${DISTRIBUTION_RULES}"
writeFile file: 'rootKey', text: JsonOutput.toJson(json)
There is no need to mix JsonBuilder and JsonOutput in your amd_distribution_distribute_bundle.groovy file. The JsonOutput.toJson(map) method takes a regular Map and translates it to the JSON object equivalent. By default it creates a flat single line file. If you expect to get so-called pretty print, you need to use combination of JsonOutput.prettyPrint(JsonOutput.toJson(map)).
Flat print
import groovy.json.JsonOutput
def call(Map parameters) {
def DISTRIBUTION_RULES = parameters.distribution_rules
writeFile file: 'rootKey', text: JsonOutput.toJson([distribution_rules: [DISTRIBUTION_RULES]])
$ cat rootKey
Pretty print
import groovy.json.JsonOutput
def call(Map parameters) {
def DISTRIBUTION_RULES = parameters.distribution_rules
writeFile file: 'rootKey', text: JsonOutput.prettyPrint(JsonOutput.toJson([distribution_rules: [DISTRIBUTION_RULES]]))
$ cat rootKey
"distribution_rules": [
"service_name": "core",
"site_name": "*",
"city_name": "*",
"country_codes": [