Will dataframe count trigger spark.drive.maxResultSize limitation? - apache-spark

I have a spark(2.4) job failed with exception saying "org.apache.spark.SparkException: Job aborted due to stage failure: Total size of serialized results of 5252 tasks is bigger than spark.driver.maxResultSize"
Here's my code snippet, it involves two dataframe join
val df_a = ... //load from HDFS
val df_b = ... //load from HDFF
val a_deduped = df_a.dropDuplicates("id")
val a_duplicates = df.exceptAll(a_deduped)
val duplicates = a_deduped.join(df_b, col("id")===col("history_id"), "left_outer").where(col("history_id").isNotNull)
val df_c = a_deduped.union(duplicates)
The code triggers this failure is df_c.count.
Just wondering how dataframe count work? My understanding is that it sums number of rows for every partition, and it returns an integer to driver, hence the data transfer to driver should be minimal. But why dirver.maxResultSize limitation is met? Any idea?


Creating an RDD from ConsumerRecord Value in Spark Streaming

I am trying to create a XmlRelation based on ConsumerRecord Value.
val value = record.value();
logger.info(".processRecord() : Value ={}" , value)
if(value !=null) {
val rdd = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(List(new String(value)))
How ever when i try to create an RDD based on the value i am getting NullPointerException.
org.apache.spark.SparkException: Job aborted due to stage failure:
Is this because i cannot create an RDD as i cannot get sparkContext on on worker nodes. Obviously i cannot send this information to back to the Driver as this is an infinite Stream.
What alternatives do i have.
The other alternative is write this record data along with Header info to another topic and write it back to another topic and have another streaming job process that info.
The ConsumerRecord Value i am getting is String (XML) and i want to parse it using an existing schema into an RDD and process it further.
I am able to use the following code and make it work
val xmlStringDF:DataFrame = batchDF.selectExpr("value").filter($"value".isNotNull)
logger.info(".convert() : xmlStringDF Schema ={}",xmlStringDF.schema.treeString)
val rdd: RDD[String] = xmlStringDF.as[String].rdd
logger.info(".convert() : Before converting String DataFrame into XML DataFrame")
val relation = XmlRelation(
() => rdd,
val xmlDF = spark.baseRelationToDataFrame(relation)

How to optimize Spark Job processing S3 files into Hive Parquet Table

I am new to Spark distributed development. I'm attempting to optimize my existing Spark job which takes up to 1 hour to complete.
EMR [10 instances of r4.8xlarge (32 cores, 244GB)]
Source Data: 1000 .gz files in S3 (~30MB each)
Spark Execution Parameters [Executors: 300, Executor Memory: 6gb, Cores: 1]
In general, the Spark job performs the following:
private def processLines(lines: RDD[String]): DataFrame = {
val updatedLines = lines.mapPartitions(row => ...)
spark.createDataFrame(updatedLines, schema)
// Read S3 files and repartition() and cache()
val lines: RDD[String] = spark.sparkContext
.textFile(pathToFiles, numFiles)
.repartition(2 * numFiles) // double the parallelism
val numRawLines = lines.count()
// Custom process each line and cache table
val convertedLines: DataFrame = processLines(lines)
val numRows = spark.sql("select count(*) from temp_tbl").collect().head().getLong(0)
// Select a subset of the data
val myDataFrame = spark.sql("select a, b, c from temp_tbl where field = 'xxx' ")
// Define # of parquet files to write using coalesce
val numParquetFiles = numRows / 1000000
var lessParts = myDataFrame.rdd.coalesce(numParquetFiles)
var lessPartsDataFrame = spark.sqlContext.createDataFrame(lessParts, myDataFrame.schema)
// Insert data from view into Hive parquet table
spark.sql("insert overwrite destination_tbl
select * from my_view")
The app reads all S3 files => repartitions to twice the amount of files => caches the RDD => custom processes each line => creates a temp view/cache table => counts the num rows => selects a subset of the data => decrease the amount of partitions => creates a view of the subset of data => inserts to hive destination table using the view => unpersist the RDD.
I am not sure why it takes a long time to execute. Are the spark execution parameters incorrectly set or is there something being incorrectly invoked here?
Before looking at the metrics, I would try the following change to your code.
private def processLines(lines: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
lines.mapPartitions(row => ...)
val convertedLinesDf = spark.read.text(pathToFiles)
.filter("field = 'xxx'")
val numLines = convertedLinesDf.count() //dataset get in memory here, it takes time
// Select a subset of the data, but it will be fast if you have enough memory
// Just use Dataframe API
val myDataFrame = convertedLinesDf.transform(processLines).select("a","b","c")
//coalesce here without converting to RDD, experiment what best
Caching is useless if you don't count the number of rows. And it will take some memory and add some GC pressure
Caching table may consume more memory and add more GC pressure
Converting Dataframe to RDD is costly as it implies ser/deser operations
Not sure what you trying to do with : val numParquetFiles = numRows / 1000000 and repartition(2 * numFiles). With your setup, 1000 files of 30MB each will give you 1000 partitions. It could be fine like this. Calling repartition and coalesce may trigger a shuffling operation which is costly. (Coalesce may not trigger a shuffle)
Tell me if you get any improvements !

Why can't I read these dataframes

I'm having trouble with reading several dataframes. I have this function
def readDF(hdfsPath:String, more arguments): DataFrame = {//function goes here}
it takes an hdfs path for a partition and returns a dataframe (it basically uses spark.read.parquet but I have to use it). I'm trying to read several of them by using show partitions in the following fashion:
val dfs = spark.sql("show partitions table")
.map(partition => {
val hdfsPath = s"hdfs/path/to/table/$partition"
but it gives me this error
org.apache.spark.SparkException: Job aborted due to stage failure: Task 12 in stage 3.0 failed 4 times, most recent failure: Lost task 12.3 in stage 3.0 (TID 44, csmlcsworki0021.unix.aacc.corp, executor 1): java.lang.NullPointerException
I think it's because I'm doing spark.read.parquet inside a map operation for a dataframe, because if I change my code for this one
val dfs = spark.sql("show partitions table")
.map(row=> row.getString(0))
.map(partition => {
val hdfsPath = s"hdfs/path/to/table/$partition"
it loads the data correctly. However, I don't want to use collect if possible. How can achieve my purpose?
readDF is creating a data frame from parquet files in HDFS. It must be executed on driver side. The first version, in which you execute using a map function over the rows of the original dataframe, suggest you're trying to create a DF in the executors, and this is not feasible.

In Spark, caching a DataFrame influences execution time of previous stages?

I am running a Spark (2.0.1) job with multiple stages. I noticed that when I insert a cache() in one of later stages it changes the execution time of earlier stages. Why? I've never encountered such a case in literature when reading about caching().
Here is my DAG with cache():
And here is my DAG without cache(). All remaining code is the same.
I have a cache() after a sort merge join in Stage10. If the cache() is used in Stage10 then Stage8 is nearly twice longer (20 min vs 11 min) then if there were no cache() in Stage10. Why?
My Stage8 contains two broadcast joins with small DataFrames and a shuffle on a large DataFrame in preparation for the merge join. Stages8 and 9 are independent and operate on two different DataFrames.
Let me know if you need more details to answer this question.
UPDATE 8/2/1018
Here are the details of my Spark script:
I am running my job on a cluster via spark-submit. Here is my spark session.
val spark = SparkSession.builder
.config("spark.executor.cores", 5)
.config("spark.driver.memory", "300g")
.config("spark.executor.memory", "15g")
This creates a job with 21 executors with 5 cpu each.
Load 4 DataFrames from parquet files:
val dfT = spark.read.format("parquet").load(filePath1) // 3 Tb in 3185 partitions
val dfO = spark.read.format("parquet").load(filePath2) // ~ 700 Mb
val dfF = spark.read.format("parquet").load(filePath3) // ~ 800 Mb
val dfP = spark.read.format("parquet").load(filePath4) // 38 Gb
Preprocessing on each of the DataFrames is composed of column selection and dropDuplicates and possible filter like this:
val dfT1 = dfT.filter(...)
val dfO1 = dfO.select(columnsToSelect2).dropDuplicates(Array("someColumn2"))
val dfF1 = dfF.select(columnsToSelect3).dropDuplicates(Array("someColumn3"))
val dfP1 = dfP.select(columnsToSelect4).dropDuplicates(Array("someColumn4"))
Then I left-broadcast-join together first three DataFrames:
val dfTO = dfT1.join(broadcast(dfO1), Seq("someColumn5"), "left_outer")
val dfTOF = dfTO.join(broadcast(dfF1), Seq("someColumn6"), "left_outer")
Since the dfP1 is large I need to do a merge join, I can't afford it to do it now. I need to limit the size of dfTOF first. To do that I add a new timestamp column which is a withColumn with a UDF which transforms a string into a timestamp
val dfTOF1 = dfTOF.withColumn("TransactionTimestamp", myStringToTimestampUDF)
Next I filter on a new timestamp column:
val dfTrain = dfTOF1.filter(dfTOF1("TransactionTimestamp").between("2016-01-01 00:00:00+000", "2016-05-30 00:00:00+000"))
Now I am joining the last DataFrame:
val dfTrain2 = dfTrain.join(dfP1, Seq("someColumn7"), "left_outer")
And lastly the column selection with a cache() that is puzzling me.
val dfTrain3 = dfTrain.select("columnsToSelect5").cache()
It looks like the cache() is useless here but there will be some further processing and modelling of the DataFrame and the cache() will be necessary.
Should I give more details? Would you like to see execution plan for dfTrain3?

How to distribute dataset evenly to avoid a skewed join (and long-running tasks)?

I am writing application using Spark dataset API on databricks notebook.
I have 2 tables. One is 1.5billion rows and second 2.5 million. Both tables contain telecommunication data and join is done using country code and first 5 digits of a number. Output has 55 billion rows. Problem is I have skewed data(long running tasks). No matter how i repartition dataset I get long running tasks because of uneven distribution of hashed keys.
I tried using broadcast joins, tried persisting big table partitions in memory etc.....
What are my options here?
spark will repartition the data based on the join key, so repartitioning before the join won't change the skew (only add an unnecessary shuffle)
if you know the key that is causing the skew (usually it will be some thing like null or 0 or ""), split your data into to 2 parts - 1 dataset with the skew key, and another with the rest
and do the join on the sub datasets, and union the results
for example:
val df1 = ...
val df2 = ...
val skewKey = null
val df1Skew = df1.where($"key" === skewKey)
val df2Skew = df2.where($"key" === skewKey)
val df1NonSkew = df1.where($"key" =!= skewKey)
val df2NonSkew = df2.where($"key" =!= skewKey)
val dfSkew = df1Skew.join(df2Skew) //this is a cross join
val dfNonSkew = df1NonSkew.join(df2NonSkew, "key")
val res = dfSkew.union(dfNonSkew)
