How to use the value obtained in POST method outside the function - python-3.x

Below is my directory structure:
|___ /sub_directory
Below is my code:
from flask import Flask, request, redirect, url_for,send_from_directory, jsonify, render_template
import mysql.connector
from mysql.connector import Error
app = Flask(__name__)
connection = mysql.connector.connect(host='',database='test',user='root',password='')
if connection.is_connected():
db_Info = connection.get_server_info()
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("select id,name from skill_category;")
record = cursor.fetchall()
out = [item for t in record for item in t]
except Error as e:
print("Error while connecting to MySQL",e)
#app.route('/', methods=['GET'])
def dropdown():
val = record
return render_template('Rankcv.html', val = val)
#app.route('/get-subskills', methods=['POST'])
def get_subskills():
skills = request.form['select_skills']
cursor.execute("SELECT FROM skill_items WHERE skill_items.category_id = " + skills + " ;")
record = cursor.fetchall()
out = [item for t in record for item in t]
return jsonify(something)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Now I have to use the value of variable out and skills in
I tried importing xyz directly and tried to retrieve the value using function name (get_subskills), but it didnt work. Can someone please explain how to solve this?

Import the abc function into xyz.


FLASK: The new values entered in the form are not getting inserted to the database even though the execution has been committed

from flask import Flask, jsonify, request, url_for, redirect, session, render_template, g
import sqlite3
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['DATABASE'] = './data.db'
def connect_db():
path = r"C:\Users\Arjun\Documents\flask_app\data.db"
sql = sqlite3.connect(path)
sql.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
return sql
def get_db():
if not hasattr(g, 'sqlite3'):
g.sqlite_db = connect_db()
return g.sqlite_db
def close_db(error):
if hasattr(g, 'sqlite_db'):
#app.route('/home', defaults={'name':'Default'})
def home(name):
session['name'] = name
return render_template('home.html', name=name, display = False, mylist = [1,2,3,4]
#app.route('/theform5', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def theform5():
if request.method == 'GET':
return render_template('form.html')
name = request.form['name']
location = request.form['location']
db = get_db()
db.execute("insert into users (name, location) values (?, ?)", [name, location])
return redirect(url_for('home', name=name, location=location))
def viewresults():
db = get_db()
cur = db.execute('select id, name, location from users')
results = cur.fetchall()
return 'The ID is {}. Name is {}. The location is {}. '.format(results[1]['id'], results[1]
['name'], results[1]['location'])
Error in:
return "The ID is {}. Name is {}. The location is {}".format(results[1]['id'],results[1]['name'],results[1]['location'])
IndexError: list index out of range
Though the table can be edited directly through the terminal, it can't be edited when the flask web app is run.
Browser: Chrome
SQLite: v3.30.1
Python: v3.8.1
Flask: v1.1.1
you have a syntax error in your return statement in your home function. missing ')' at the end.
In order to run db.execute you would have to set up the cursor first:
db = get_db()
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("insert into users (name, location) values (?, ?)", [name, location])
also, maybe your syntax is off, try this:
cursor.execute("insert into users values('%s', '%s')" %(name, location))
Are these not the answers you are looking for?

Using same connection with multiple resolvers in graphene

I have a code like this,
import jwt
import graphene
from flask import request
from auth.helper import medease_token
from database.get_connection import get_connection
from flask_graphql import GraphQLView
class CredentialInformation(graphene.ObjectType):
graphene object type to get the personal information about the user
country_code = graphene.String()
phone = graphene.String()
verified = graphene.Int()
def resolve_country_code(self, root):
customer_token = request.headers["x-access-token"]
decoded_token = jwt.decode(customer_token, verify=False)
customer_id = decoded_token["customer_id"]
connection = get_connection()
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("select country_code from customer_credential where id=%s limit 1", (customer_id, ))
result = cursor.fetchone()
return result["country_code"]
def resolve_phone(self, root):
customer_token = request.headers["x-access-token"]
decoded_token = jwt.decode(customer_token, verify=False)
customer_id = decoded_token["customer_id"]
connection = get_connection()
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("select phone from customer_credential where id=%s limit 1", (customer_id, ))
result = cursor.fetchone()
return result["phone"]
def resolve_verified(self, root):
customer_token = request.headers["x-access-token"]
decoded_token = jwt.decode(customer_token, verify=False)
customer_id = decoded_token["customer_id"]
connection = get_connection()
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("select verified from customer_credential where id=%s limit 1", (customer_id,))
result = cursor.fetchone()
return result["verified"]
def credential_information_wrapper():
return GraphQLView.as_view("graphql", schema=graphene.Schema(query=CredentialInformation))
which uses flask-graphql and graphene for Python graphql. The code works absolutely fine but I think I am missing something here because I need to open new connections in every resolver, and I need to write same query again so there is a data duplication, so is this the right way of doing or am I missing something?
Any help would be highly appreciated! Thank you in advance.
Opening a new connection on every query (resolver in this case) is okay. You could also set a connection pool to minimize the cost of opening connections.
Just curious, what database adapter or ORM are you using? Would be great if you could refactor the connection and cursor steps into a single function to call on every resolver and only have to pass the SQL query string.

Getting Interactive Brokers API into Pandas

New to Python and IB API and stuck on this simple thing. This application works correctly and prints IB server reply. However, I cannot figure out how to get this data into a panda's dataframe or any other variable for that matter. How do you "get the data out?" Thanks!
Nothing on forums, documentation or youtube that I can find with a useful example. I think the answer must be to return accountSummary to pd.Series, but no idea how.
Expected output would be a data series or variable that can be manipulated outside of the application.
from ibapi import wrapper
from ibapi.client import EClient
from ibapi.utils import iswrapper #just for decorator
from ibapi.common import *
import pandas as pd
class TestApp(wrapper.EWrapper, EClient):
def __init__(self):
EClient.__init__(self, wrapper=self)
def nextValidId(self, orderId:int):
print("setting nextValidOrderId: %d", orderId)
self.nextValidOrderId = orderId
# here is where you start using api
self.reqAccountSummary(9002, "All", "$LEDGER")
def error(self, reqId:TickerId, errorCode:int, errorString:str):
print("Error. Id: " , reqId, " Code: " , errorCode , " Msg: " , errorString)
def accountSummary(self, reqId:int, account:str, tag:str, value:str, currency:str):
print("Acct Summary. ReqId:" , reqId , "Acct:", account,
"Tag: ", tag, "Value:", value, "Currency:", currency)
#IB API data returns here, how to pass it to a variable or pd.series
def accountSummaryEnd(self, reqId:int):
print("AccountSummaryEnd. Req Id: ", reqId)
# now we can disconnect
def main():
app = TestApp()
app.connect("", 4001, clientId=123)
test = app.accountSummary
if __name__ == "__main__":
Hi had the same problem and collections did it for me. Here is my code for CFDs data. Maybe it will help somebody. You will have your data in app.df. Any suggestion for improvement are more than welcome.
import collections
import datetime as dt
from threading import Timer
from ibapi.client import EClient
from ibapi.wrapper import EWrapper
from ibapi.contract import Contract
import pandas as pd
# get yesterday and put it to correct format yyyymmdd{space}{space}hh:mm:dd
yesterday = str( - dt.timedelta(1))
yesterday = yesterday.replace('-','')
IP = ''
PORT = 7497
class App(EClient, EWrapper):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(self) = collections.defaultdict(list)
def error(self, reqId, errorCode, errorString):
print(f'Error {reqId}, {errorCode}, {errorString}')
def historicalData(self, reqId, bar):['date'].append(['open'].append(['high'].append(bar.high)['low'].append(bar.low)['close'].append(bar.close)['volume'].append(bar.volume)
self.df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(
def stop(self):
self.done = True
# create App object
app = App()
print('App created...')
app.connect(IP, PORT, 0)
print('App connected...')
# create contract
contract = Contract()
contract.symbol = 'IBDE30'
contract.secType = 'CFD' = 'SMART'
contract.currency = 'EUR'
print('Contract created...')
# request historical data for contract
durationStr='1 W',
barSizeSetting='15 mins',
Timer(4, app.stop).start()
I'd store the data to a dictionary, create a dataframe from the dictionary, and append the new dataframe to the main dataframe using the concat function. Here's an example:
def accountSummary(self, reqId:int, account:str, tag:str, value:str, currency:str):
acct_dict = {"account": account, "value": value, "currency": currency}
acct_df = pd.DataFrame([acct_dict], columns=acct_dict.keys())
main_df = pd.concat([main_df, acct_df], axis=0).reset_index()
For more information, you might like Algorithmic Trading with Interactive Brokers

Python is throwing "syntax error" while using #app.route

Python is throwing "Syntax Error" when I compile the code below.
File "", line 11
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I'm not sure what it means.
from flask import Flask, render_template
import urllib.request
import json
import time
app = Flask(__name__ ,template_folder='template')
namep = "PewDiePie"
namet = "TSeries"
key = "MY_API_KEY"
for x in range(5):
datat = urllib.request.urlopen(""+namep+"&key="+key).read()
datap = urllib.request.urlopen(""+namet+"&key="+key).read()
subt = json.loads(datat)["items"][0]["statistics"]["subscriberCount"]
subsp = json.loads(datap)["items"][0]["statistics"]["subscriberCount"]
def main():
return render_template('index.html', pewds_sub = subsp, tseries_sub = subt)
if __name__ == "__main__":, host="", port=80)
Any help regarding this is appreciated.
You must define the function after the route decorator, i.e. after #app.route
Updated code
def function_main():
#all logics here
return render_template('index.html', pewds_sub = subsp, tseries_sub = subt)
Make sure to process your calculations inside function else try to pass those argument in defined function.
from flask import Flask, render_template
import urllib.request
import json
import time
app = Flask(__name__ ,template_folder='template')
namep = "PewDiePie"
namet = "TSeries"
key = "MY_API_KEY"
def main():
for x in range(5):
datat = urllib.request.urlopen(""+namep+"&key="+key).read()
datap = urllib.request.urlopen(""+namet+"&key="+key).read()
subt = json.loads(datat)["items"][0]["statistics"]["subscriberCount"]
subsp = json.loads(datap)["items"][0]["statistics"]["subscriberCount"]
return render_template('index.html', pewds_sub = subsp, tseries_sub = subt)
if __name__ == "__main__":, host="", port=80)
in my case,
I initiated a try block just above for the database connection and forget to put catch block, that's why I have encountered this error.
so I suggest anyone facing the same error,
should check the code above #app.route('/') because if you have import flask
properly this should work pretty fine syntax error in this statement usually indicates that you might have a problem above this line and not at that line.

pylint error message on cloud 9 CS50

I'm following the CS50 course and am having a problem with I was getting the following warnings in the Cloud 9 code editor (Ace):
instance of SQLAlchemy has no column member
instance of SQLAlchemy has no integer member
instance of SQLAlchemy has no text member
instance of scoped_session has no add member
instance of scoped_session has no commit member
Class Registrants has no query member
I created a file .pylintrc in the home directory and added the following two lines:
This got rid of most of the errors but I'm left with:
instance of scoped_session has no add member
instance of scoped_session has no commit member
Here's the code that causing the problem:
from flask import Flask, render_template, redirect, request, url_for
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
app = Flask(__name__)
# Flask-SQLAlchemy
app.config["SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI"] = "sqlite:///froshims3.db"
app.config["SQLALCHEMY_ECHO"] = True
db = SQLAlchemy(app)
class Registrant(db.Model):
__tablename__ = "registrants"
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
name = db.Column(db.Text)
dorm = db.Column(db.Text)
def __init__(self, name, dorm): = name
self.dorm = dorm
def index():
return render_template("index.html")
#app.route("/register", methods=["POST"])
def register():
if request.form["name"] == "" or request.form["dorm"] == "":
return render_template("failure.html")
registrant = Registrant(request.form["name"], request.form["dorm"])
return render_template("success.html")
def registrants():
rows = Registrant.query.all()
return render_template("registrants.html", registrants=rows)
#app.route("/unregister", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def unregister():
if request.method == "GET":
rows = Registrant.query.all()
return render_template("unregister.html", registrants=rows)
elif request.method == "POST":
if request.form["id"]:
Registrant.query.filter( == request.form["id"]).delete()
return redirect(url_for("registrants"))
needed to add in the .pylintrc file:
apparently Python is creating some classes at run time and pylint isn't able to pick that information up.
Not really happy with this answer as it ignores the problem rather than fixes it. If anyone has a better solution please let me know. The Staff at CS50 is looking into this but no other solution yet.
Using VSCode I had to add the following item in the Python › Linting: Pylint Args settings.
