What is the difference between spark checkpoint and local checkpoint? - apache-spark

What is the difference between spark checkpoint and local checkpoint? When making local checkpoint I see this in the spark UI:
It shows that local checkpoint is saved on memory.

Local checkpoint stores your data in executors storage (as shown in your screenshot).
It is useful for truncating the lineage graph of an RDD, however, in case of node failure you will lose the data and you need to recompute it (depending on your application you may have to pay a high price).
'Standard' checkpoint stores your data in a reliable file system (like hdfs). It is more expensive to perform but you will not need to recompute the data even in case of failures. Of course, it truncates the lineage graph.
Truncating a long lineage graph avoid getting stack overflow exceptions and is particularly useful in iterative algorithms

local checkpointing writes data in executors storage
regular checkpointing writes data in HDFS
local checkpointing is faster than classic checkpointing but regular checkpointing is safer in that it leverages HDFS reliability (e.g. data blocks replication).


Spark SQL data storage life cycle

I recently had a issue with with one of my spark jobs, where I was reading a hive table having several billion records, that resulted in job failure due to high disk utilization, But after adding AWS EBS volume, the job ran without any issues. Although it resolved the issue, I have few doubts, I tried doing some research but couldn't find any clear answers. So my question is?
when a spark SQL reads a hive table, where the data is stored for processing initially and what is the entire life cycle of data in terms of its storage , if I didn't explicitly specify anything? And How adding EBS volumes solves the issue?
Spark will read the data, if it does not fit in memory, it will spill it out on disk.
A few things to note:
Data in memory is compressed, from what I read, you gain about 20% (e.g. a 100MB file will take only 80MB of memory).
Ingestion will start as soon as you read(), it is not part of the DAG, you can limit how much you ingest in the SQL query itself. The read operation is done by the executors. This example should give you a hint: https://github.com/jgperrin/net.jgp.books.spark.ch08/blob/master/src/main/java/net/jgp/books/spark/ch08/lab300_advanced_queries/MySQLWithWhereClauseToDatasetApp.java
In latest versions of Spark, you can push down the filter (for example if you filter right after the ingestion, Spark will know and optimize the ingestion), I think this works only for CSV, Avro, and Parquet. For databases (including Hive), the previous example is what I'd recommend.
Storage MUST be seen/accessible from the executors, so if you have EBS volumes, make sure they are seen/accessible from the cluster where the executors/workers are running, vs. the node where the driver is running.
Initially the data is in table location in HDFS/S3/etc. Spark spills data on local storage if it does not fit in memory.
Read Apache Spark FAQ
Does my data need to fit in memory to use Spark?
No. Spark's operators spill data to disk if it does not fit in memory,
allowing it to run well on any sized data. Likewise, cached datasets
that do not fit in memory are either spilled to disk or recomputed on
the fly when needed, as determined by the RDD's storage level.
Whenever spark reads data from hive tables, it stores it in RDD. One point i want to make clear here is hive is just a warehouse so it is like a layer which is above HDFS, when spark interacts with hive , hive provides the spark the location where the hdfs loaction exists.
Thus, Spark reads a file from HDFS, it creates a single partition for a single input split. Input split is set by the Hadoop (whatever the InputFormat used to read this file. ex: if you use textFile() it would be TextInputFormat in Hadoop, which would return you a single partition for a single block of HDFS (note:the split between partitions would be done on line split, not the exact block split), unless you have a compressed file format like Avro/parquet.
If you manually add rdd.repartition(x) it would perform a shuffle of the data from N partititons you have in rdd to x partitions you want to have, partitioning would be done on round robin basis.
If you have a 10GB uncompressed text file stored on HDFS, then with the default HDFS block size setting (256MB) it would be stored in 40blocks, which means that the RDD you read from this file would have 40partitions. When you call repartition(1000) your RDD would be marked as to be repartitioned, but in fact it would be shuffled to 1000 partitions only when you will execute an action on top of this RDD (lazy execution concept)
Now its all up to spark that how it will process the data as Spark is doing lazy evaluation , before doing the processing, spark prepare a DAG for optimal processing. One more point spark need configuration for driver memory, no of cores , no of executors etc and if the configuration is inappropriate the job will fail.
Once it prepare the DAG , then it start processing the data. So it divide your job into stages and stages into tasks. Each task will further use specific executors, shuffle , partitioning. So in your case when you do processing of bilions of records may be your configuration is not adequate for the processing. One more point when we say spark load the data in RDD/Dataframe , its managed by spark, there are option to keep the data in memory/disk/memory only etc ref -storage_spark.
Hive-->HDFS--->SPARK>>RDD(Storage depends as its a lazy evaluation).
you may refer the following link : Spark RDD - is partition(s) always in RAM?

How can Spark process data that is way larger than Spark storage?

Currently taking a course in Spark and came across the definition of an executor:
Each executor will hold a chunk of the data to be processed. This
chunk is called a Spark partition. It is a collection of rows that
sits on one physical machine in the cluster. Executors are responsible
for carrying out the work assigned by the driver. Each executor is
responsible for two things: (1) execute code assigned by the driver,
(2) report the state of the computation back to the driver
I am wondering what will happen if the storage of the spark cluster is less than the data that needs to be processed? How executors will fetch the data to sit on the physical machine in the cluster?
The same question goes for streaming data, which unbound data. Do Spark save all the incoming data on disk?
The Apache Spark FAQ briefly mentions the two strategies Spark may adopt:
Does my data need to fit in memory to use Spark?
No. Spark's operators spill data to disk if it does not fit in memory,
allowing it to run well on any sized data. Likewise, cached datasets
that do not fit in memory are either spilled to disk or recomputed on
the fly when needed, as determined by the RDD's storage level.
Although Spark uses all available memory by default, it could be configured to run the jobs only with disk.
In section 2.6.4 Behavior with Insufficient Memory of Matei's PhD dissertation on Spark (An Architecture for Fast and General Data Processing on Large Clusters) benchmarks the performance impact due to the reduced amount of memory available.
In practice, you don't usually persist the source dataframe of 100TB, but only the aggregations or intermediate computations that are reused.

Spark checkpointing behaviour

Does Spark use checkpoints when we start a new job? Let's say we used a checkpoint to write some RDD to a disk. Will the said RDD be recalculated or loaded from the disk during a new job?
In addition to the points given by #maxime G...
Spark Does not offer default checkpointing .. we need to explicitly set it.
Checkpointing is actually a feature of Spark Core (that Spark SQL uses
for distributed computations) that allows a driver to be restarted on
failure with previously computed state of a distributed computation
described as an RDD
Spark offers two varieties of checkpointing.
Reliable checkpointing: Reliable checkpointing uses reliable data storage like Hadoop HDFS OR S3. and you can achieve by simply doing
sparkContext.setCheckpointDir("(hdfs:// or s3://)tmp/checkpoint/")
then dataframe.checkpoint(eager = true)
and Nonreliable checkpointing: which is Local checkpointing uses executor storage (i.e node-local disk storage) to write checkpoint files to and due to the executor lifecycle is considered unreliable and it does not promise data to be available if the job terminates abruptly.
dataframe.localCheckpoint(eager = true)
(Be careful when you are checkpointing in local mode and cluster autoscaling is enabled..)
Checkpointing can be eager or lazy per eager flag of the checkpoint operator. Eager checkpointing is the default checkpointing and happens immediately when requested. Lazy checkpointing does not and will only happen when an action is executed.
The eager checkpoint will create an immediate stage barrier and later one wait for any particular action to happen and remember all previous transformations.
at the start of the job, if a RDD is present in your checkpoint location, it will be loaded.
That also mean that if you change code, you should also be careful about checkpointing because a RDD with old code is loaded with new code and that can cause conflict.

Storing intermediate data in Spark when there are 100s of operations in an application

An RDD is inherently fault-tolerant due to its lineage. But if an application has 100s of operations it would get difficult to reconstruct going through all those operations. Is there a way to store the intermediate data?
I understand that there are options of persist()/cache() to hold the RDDs. But are they good enough to hold the intermediate data? Would check-pointing be an option at all? Also is there a way specify the level of storage when check-pointing RDD?(like MEMORY or DISK etc.,)
While cache() and persist() is generic checkpoint is something which is specific to streaming.
caching - caching might happen on memory or disk
persist - you can give option where you want to persist your data either in memory or disk
rdd.persist(storage level)
checkpoint - you need to specify a directory where you need to save your data (in reliable storage like HDFS/S3)
val ssc = new StreamingContext(...) // new context
ssc.checkpoint(checkpointDirectory) // set checkpoint directory
There is a significant difference between cache/persist and checkpoint.
Cache/persist materializes the RDD and keeps it in memory and / or disk. But the lineage of RDD (that is, seq of operations that generated the RDD) will be remembered, so that if there are node failures and parts of the cached RDDs are lost, they can be regenerated.
However, checkpoint saves the RDD to an HDFS file AND actually FORGETS the lineage completely. This is allows long lineages to be truncated and the data to be saved reliably in HDFS (which is naturally fault tolerant by replication).
(Why) do we need to call cache or persist on a RDD

Why does Spark save Map phase output to local disk?

I'm trying to understand spark shuffle process deeply. When i start reading i came across the following point.
Spark writes the Map task(ShuffleMapTask) output directly to disk on completion.
I would like to understand the following w.r.t to Hadoop MapReduce.
If both Map-Reduce and Spark writes the data to the local disk then how spark shuffle process is different from Hadoop MapReduce?
Since data is represented as RDD's in Spark why don't these outputs remain in the node executors memory?
How is the output of the Map tasks from Hadoop MapReduce and Spark different?
If there are lot of small intermediate files as output how spark handles the network and I/O bottleneck?
First of all Spark doesn't work in a strict map-reduce manner and map output is not written to disk unless it is necessary. To disk are written shuffle files.
It doesn't mean that data after the shuffle is not kept in memory. Shuffle files in Spark are written mostly to avoid re-computation in case of multiple downstream actions. Why to write to a file system at all? There at least two interleaved reasons:
memory is a valuable resource and in-memory caching in Spark is ephemeral. Old data can be evicted from cache when needed.
shuffle is an expensive process we want to avoid if not necessary. It makes more sense to store shuffle data in a manner which makes it persistent during a lifetime of a given context.
Shuffle itself, apart from the ongoing low level optimization efforts and implementation details, isn't different at all. It is based on the same basic approach with all its limitations.
How tasks are different form Hadoo maps? As nicely illustrated by Justin Pihony multiple transformations which doesn't require shuffles are squashed together in a single tasks. Since these operate on standard Scala Iterators operations on individual elements can be piped.
Regarding network and I/O bottlenecks there is no silver bullet here. While Spark can reduce amount of data which is written to disk or shuffled by combining transformations, caching in memory and providing transformation aware worker preferences, it is a subject to the same limitations like any other distributed framework.
If both Map-Reduce and Spark writes the data to the local disk then how spark shuffle process is different from Hadoop MapReduce?
When you execute a Spark application, the very first thing is starting the SparkContext first that becomes the home of multiple interconnected services with DAGScheduler, TaskScheduler and SchedulerBackend being among the most important ones.
DAGScheduler is the main orchestrator and is responsible for transforming a RDD lineage graph (i.e. a directed acyclic graph of RDDs) into stages. While doing it, DAGScheduler traverses the parent dependencies of the final RDD and creates a ResultStage with parent ShuffleMapStages.
A ResultStage is (mostly) the last stage with ShuffleMapStages being its parents. I said mostly because I think I may have seen that you can "schedule" a ShuffleMapStage.
This is the very early and first optimization Spark applies to your Spark jobs (that together create a Spark application) - execution pipelining where multiple transformations are wired together to create a single stage (because their inter-dependencies are narrow). That's what makes Spark faster than Hadoop MapReduce since two or more transformations can get executed one by one with no data shuffling possibly all in memory.
A single stage is as wide until it hits ShuffleDependency (aka wide dependency).
There are RDD transformations that will cause shuffling (due to creating a ShuffleDependency). That's the moment where Spark is very much like Hadoop's MapReduce since it will save partial shuffle outputs to...local disks on executors.
When a Spark application starts it requests executors from a cluster manager (there are three supported: Spark Standalone, Apache Mesos and Hadoop YARN). This is what SchedulerBackend is for -- to manage communication between your Spark application and cluster resources.
(Let's assume you are not using External Shuffle Manager)
Executors host their own local BlockManagers that are responsible for managing RDD blocks that are kept on local hard drive (possibly in memory and replicated too). You can control RDD block persistence using cache and persist operators and StorageLevels. You can use Storage and Executors tabs in web UI to track blocks with their location and size.
The difference between Spark storing data locally (on executors) and Hadoop MapReduce is that:
The partial results (after computing ShuffleMapStages) are saved on local hard drives not HDFS which is a distributed file system with a very expensive saves.
Only some files are saved to local hard drive (after operations being pipelined) which does not happen in Hadoop MapReduce that saves all maps to HDFS.
Let me answer the following item:
If there are lot of small intermediate files as output how spark handles the network and I/O bottleneck?
That's the trickest part in the Spark execution plan and heavily depends on how wide the shuffling is. If you work only with local data (multiple executors on a single machine) you will see no data traffic since the data is in place already.
If the data shuffle is required, executors will send data between each other and that will increase the traffic.
Data Exchange Between Nodes in Spark Application
Just to elaborate on the traffic between nodes in a Spark application.
Broadcast variables are the means of sending data from the driver to executors.
Accumulators are the means of sending data from executors to the driver.
Operators like collect will pull all the remote blocks from executors to the driver.
