what is the row id equivalent in pyspark? - apache-spark

In our legacy DWH process, we find duplicates and track that duplicate records based on rowid in traditional RDBMS.
For ex.
select pkey_columns, max(rowdid) from table group by pkey_columns
will return only the duplicate records corresponding max records. Even when we identify the duplicate records, this helps in identifying/tracking the record.
Is there an equivalent in pySpark ? How is this handled in dwh to pyspark dwh translation projects ?

I would suggest that you use the analytic function library, perhaps a
OVER( PARTITION BY group pkey_columns
ORDER BY sort columns)


Why does querying based on the first clustering key require an ALLOW FILTERING?

Say I have this Cassandra table:
customerId int,
datetime date,
amount int,
PRIMARY KEY (customerId, datetime)
Then why would the following query require an ALLOW FILTERING:
SELECT * FROM orders WHERE date >= '2020-01-01'
Cassandra could just go to all the individual partitions (i.e. customers) and filter on the clustering key date. Since date is sorted there is no need to retrieve all the rows in orders and filter out the ones that match my where clause (as far as I understand it).
I hope someone can enlighten me.
This happens because for normal work, Cassandra needs the partition key - it's used to find what machine(s) are storing the data for it. If you don't have partition key, like, in your example, Cassandra need to scan all data to find those that are matching your query. And this requires the use of the ALLOW FILTERING.
P.S. Data is sorted only inside the individual partitions, not globally.

Computing the size of a derived table in Spark SQL query

Is it possible to approximate the size of a derived table (in kb/mb/gb etc) in a Spark SQL query ? I don't need the exact size but an approximate value will do, which would allow me to plan my queries better by determining if a table could be broadcast in a join, or if using a filtered subquery in a Join will be better than using the entire table etc.
For e.g. in the following query, is it possible to approximate the size (in MB) of the derived table named b ? This will help me figure out if it will be better to use the derived table in the Join vs using the entire table with the filter outside -
a.id, b.name, b.cust
from a
left join (select id, name, cust
from tbl
where size > 100
) b
on a.id = b.id
We use Spark SQL 2.4. Any comments appreciated.
I have had to something similar before (to work out how many partitions to split to when writing).
What we ended up doing was working out an average row size and doing a count on the DataFrame then multiplying it by the row count.

A substitute OR query for Cassandra

I have a table in my Cassandra DB with columns userid, city1, city2 and city3. What would my query be if I wanted to retrieve all users that have "Paris" as a city? I understand Cassandra doesn't have OR so I'm not sure how to structure the query.
First - it's heavily depend on the structure of the table - if you have userid as partition key, you can of course use secondary index to search users in cities, but it's not optimal as it's fan-out call - request is sent to all nodes in the cluster. You can re-design to use the materialized view with city as partition key, but you may have problems if you have a lot users in some cities.
In general, if you need to select several values in the same column - you can use IN operator, but it's better not to use it for partition keys (parallel queries are better). If you need OR on different columns - you need to do parallel queries, and collect results on application side.

What is best possible way out to sort records by aggregate value in Cassandra?

I have following data model for cars production data.
date date,
color varchar,
modelid varchar,
PRIMARY KEY ((color), date, modelid)
I want to sort it by total column in cassandra, which I was expecting to be generated as follows:
SELECT color, count(*) AS total
FROM cars
WHERE date<='2017-12-07' AND date >'2017-11-30'
GROUP BY color
ORDER BY total
But as I come to know Cassandra only support sorting by clustering columns and I can't keep aggregate value in table apriori, what is best possible way out to do this sorting?
First thing - the query that you're using is very ineffective - by using ALLOW FILTERING you're performing scanning of data on all servers - this may work for small datasets, but won't work for big datasets. You need to model your tables around queries that you're planning to execute.
Coming to your question - you need to use either Spark to do it, or do a sorting inside your application.
You shouldn't think about Cassandra as SQL-like database - to use it you need to follow some rules about data modelling, querying, etc. I would recommend to take DS220 course on DataStax Academy to learn about modelling for Cassandra.

Query in Cassandra that will sort the whole table by a specific field

I have a table like this
CREATE TABLE my_table(
category text,
name text,
PRIMARY KEY((category), name)
I want to write a query that will sort by name through the entire table, not just each partition.
Is that possible? What would be the "Cassandra way" of writing that query?
I've read other answers in the StackOverflow site and some examples created single partition with one id (bucket) which was the primary key but I don't want that because I want to have my data spread across the nodes by category
Cassandra doesn't support sorting across partitions; it only supports sorting within partitions.
So what you could do is query each category separately and it would return the sorted names for each partition. Then you could do a merge of those sorted results in your client (which is much faster than a full sort).
Another way would be to use Spark to read the table into an RDD and sort it inside Spark.
Always model cassandra tables through the access patterns (relational db / cassandra fill different needs).
Up to Cassandra 2.X, one had to model new column families (tables) for each access pattern. So if your access pattern needs a specific column to be sorted then model a table with that column in the partition/clustering key. So the code will have to insert into both the master table and into the projection table. Note depending on your business logic this may be difficult to synchronise if there's concurrent update, especially if there's update to perform after a read on the projections.
With Cassandra 3.x, there is now materialized views, that will allow you to have a similar feature, but that will be handled internally by Cassandra. Not sure it may fit your problem as I didn't play too much with 3.X but that may be worth investigation.
More on materialized view on their blog.
