How to deploy dist and server side on Heroku correctly? - node.js

I am creating a simple customer chat app for my school project using Pusher according to their tutorial.
I want to deploy the app on Heroku so anyone can use this app and connect to it. This app has a client-side (Vue.js app) and a server-side (express) folder.
How can I make it work together by deploying it on Heroku or what have I do?
I have deployed the client-side on Heroku and the front-end works fine.
I also tried to deploy server-side, but it seems it does not communicate with each other.
The server works fine on the localhost, however, I need to make it work globally.
The code can be found in this repository.
Server side settings are in server.js.
I have only changed some front-end stuff, but nothing important yet, so the code is pretty the same.
This is my first Vue.js & server deploying and I was trying several tips and tutorials, but none of them solved this issue.


trouble deploying full stack application on heroku

I have made a full-stack app with react js and node js with express and MongoDB but I am having a little bit of difficulty deploying I first tried to deploy the front end but I was getting the invalid host header coming up when I tried to deploy in Heroku its been tested and works fine in the dev environment.
But also my application has two separate git repos one for the back and one for the front end and every tutorial I have seen to deploy they always have the client in the same folder as the server.
Can someone either tell me how to deploy or point me in the right direction on how to deploy.
What you have to do for React/Express/Node/MongoDB is,
build your frontend app first by using "npm run build". This will create a build folder under your app folder.
move your "build" folder to backend app folder.
update your backend app to use "app.use(express.static('build'))".
Then you can push your code to git and Heroku and try to deploy it.
There should be some tutorials available on Heroku website.

Issues deploying monorepo containing Next.js + Express app to Heroku

I am following Ben Awad's wonderful tutorial to build a fullstack
app using Next.js, Express, Typescript, and GraphQL. Everything works smoothly locally, but I have run into a barrage of issues trying to deploy to Heroku. I would really like to deploy both server and client to Heroku as one app, and have Express serve the frontend files as well as be the backend.
- web
- package.json
- server
- package.json
To my understanding, this is possible using Next's custom server option, which I have integrated in my server.js file. My problem is when deploying to Heroku, it doesn't detect React as a dependency for the backend so while the deploy succeeds, the app crashes when I try to access it in the browser. I have tried a few things to resolve this issue - having two copies of React in frontend and backend, respectively, only leads to more problems (understandably so). I have tried keeping one copy and using npm link to point to the module, but it only works locally. I've tried changing the webpack config as well but it doesn't seem to register. I tried defining the custom server as a util in the frontend and import it in server.js, but the import is always undefined, which makes sense so I moved it back.
I'm still new and have many misconceptions about how Next.js works, especially when coupled with a custom server, so I might be doing something fundamentally wrong. Is there anything I'm missing, or is it better to split the app into two Heroku apps and push one subtree into each?
The source code can be found here, but I will be probably rolling back because it has become very messy.
I know there are other ways to do this I just don't want to give up quite yet.

how to deploy an ionic-react app to mobile if I'm using node js server in the backend?

I discovered ionic this week and I'm really considering using it at work.
Basically, my goal is to build an app that will work on android and Ios, where the needed functionality is to connect to the cloud over web socket and pull data from the cloud and show it on my phone. Maybe later I'll eventually need to consider using login but not for now at least.
Normally, if I'm building a web app. I ll use nodejs to pull the data from the cloud and expose it to the frontend. I ll write all code together and I ll host my app in Heroku or something where the entry point is my nodejs server right? So that my server needs to start and it will take care of the rest.
This is a bit confusing in ionic since I need to start the app with ionic serve, but somehow I also need to start my nodejs server too right? So I assume I can't write the server-side code inside the ionic app or am I wrong?
There is not much about this on the internet but I did some research and I guess that I should deploy (host) my nodejs server in the cloud (maybe using Heroku) and then connect to the server from my mobile app over the socket. Is this the right/only way to do this? are there any security issues with this method?
I find ionic great but I'm not sure if I should use it at work. Sincerely, this use case of using a backend server with ionic made me confused.
Ionic looks ideal for building cross-platform apps that does not need server-side scripting, but how complex can it be if I want to integrate some server-side code in my app? especially as I said I'm going to use some login forms in the future to extend the functionality of my app.
PS: I'm using ionic 6.10.1 and specifically I'm interested in using ionic with react not with angular.
After some search, I discovered that it isn't possible to deploy the frontend and backend code together. Therefore the trick is to deploy the nodejs server separate from the frontend.
Precisely, if it is a web app, then you should deploy the nodejs server in a separate host from the frontend. Then by starting the frontend app, you can communicate with the running nodejs server via socket or REST API.
Hope this helps someone in the future :)

Deploy Nodejs + ReactJs to Heroku

I'm learning how to deploy a web site to heroku.
My web app has a nodejs project and one mysql in the server side, a reactjs in the client side.
Can you show me the steps that I need to do? Because I'm new to this.
Thank you very much
Here is a step by step guide.
Put your app aside for a few moments and follow these:
To learn how to deploy a nodejs
Now learning how to add a mysql database
This will teach you how to deploy a 'raw' react app
Now, it's all about how you want things to be. You can have a route on your nodejs app that serves the index.html with the react app or a separate app for nodejs and for react. You should probably make them separated, just to keep things organized, but since it's your first deploy and you're probably using it as a hobby or to learn, any way is correct as long as you get it to work. Then you can build on top of that, split the apps into two, or maybe host the react app on aws s3. Who knows?

How to live-reload node.js(Express) server with react.js

Hi there,
I having some problems with back-end of my project.
Bascily I'm using create-react-app as my boilerplate and trying to attach server on express with . I did some tutorials etc. But all of those servers based on build version of my app. I'm trying to find solution where I can code on react files and see result on my server same time, not rebuilding whole app each time I made any changes to it.
Here is git with project:
At the moment I have: server runing at localhost:3001 (based on build files of app)
production app runing at localhost:3000
Any ideas how to join both?
