How to install audiodiff? - python-3.x

So i am trying to install audiodiff via anaconda prompt. The error i keep getting is related to mutagen. But i have installed mutagenwrapper and mutagen and its their installation that i think is causing the issue has anyone else had that issue and solved it?
The error I get is command "python egg info" failed with error code 1 in C:\Users\TEST\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-install-0rsg6wwr\mutagen\
However if i try to install mutagen it just says requirement already satisfied.

It is only supported in python 2.7


Error installing eth-brownie with pipx: "No Python at: <Location of Old Python Installation>"

I'm trying to install eth-brownie. Followed the Brownie documentation and installed pipx, then ran pipx ensurepath. I was originally using Python 3.10 but couldn't install it, found that this was pretty common and the best fix was to downgrade to 3.9.
After uninstalling 3.10 and installing 3.9, I ran everything again. When I run pipx install eth-brownie, I get the following error:
C:\Users\garri>pipx install eth-brownie
No Python at 'C:\Users\garri\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.10_qbz5n2kfra8p0\python.exe'
Fatal error from pip prevented installation. Full pip output in file:
Error installing eth-brownie.
I removed Python 3.10 from Path and python --version returns 3.9.12 as expected. I'm at a loss, as I feel like I've tried everything. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This is basically a pipx cache issue. You have to delete the following folder to remove pipx related cached files.

How to fix ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: while installing pygame?

Screenshot of the error
I was trying to install pygame but I had gotten an error. I found out some people had the same problem with me but I could not find a way to solve it. I would be grateful if anyone could give an explanation on how to solve it. (I am quite new to python coding)
You are trying to install the latest version of pygame with a non-compatible version of python. Your current python version is 3.9, try installing an earlier version of python and a compatible version of pygame:
pip install python==3.8.3
pip install pygame==2.0.0.dev6
Should work.

Python installing package with pip failed

I got this error message when I was installing python-binance.
Error message is in the link below please check
Anyone knows how to fix it?
You're trying to install email from PyPI which is a very old outdated Python2-only package.
email is now a module in the stdlib. You don't need to install it, it must always be available. Just import and use.
You might have outdated setuptools, try:
pip install --upgrade setuptools
Then continue trying to install the module you want.
Usually these kinds of problems can be solved by googling the error: in this case you should try searching with "python egg_info".
Also, try to give a more descriptive title for your problems in the future. "Python installing package with pip failed" is too broad.
Thanks guys I already figured out what error message means, I downloaded twisted from third party website and installed it and it worked.

Python PIP causes error

Hey guys i've got a problem with installing PyOpenGL via pip. It says that, there's an error during running some but idk what that means... I have tried to install pyinstaller as well... but the same issue occurs. I'm using python 3.6.3... It worked on 3.5, but then either cx_freeze or pyinstaller doesn't work at all...
It only happens everytime when pip has to use some
Alright, I found the solution... In Python36-32\Scripts directory I opened console and passed into it the following command:
easy_install pyopengl
And this hopefully worked. I'll leave this post in case if somebody else would have the same problem.
Happy coding!

installing fastkde library in Python

I want to install fastkde library and I did actually everything on web but I am yet able to install this. I constantly get this error in terminal:
Command "python egg_info" failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-build-4ff4dzcb/fastkde/
Can anybody help me with this?
If you've pip installed which is true for all distributions downloaded from here, then just key in the commands in your terminal given below.
pip3 install fastkde
