Azure Pay-as-you-go typical pricing - azure

I am required to learn Azure Databricks as well as other Azure services that require something more than just the Free Trial. I don’t really have any problem doing this.
However, my question is how much can I expect to be charged monthly, weekly, etc. when strictly performing learning-related tasks?
I just want to become familiar with the services and just Azure in general, but I want to know what other people’s experiences have been. I don’t want to set up clusters on a Databricks project just to learn and figure it out and end up costing myself 50 bucks for something I’m really just testing.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

You can get very far without actually paying anything, especially with the free trial. However, you can also accrue extremely high costs very quickly in pay-as-you-go. There are too many Azure Services to get any more specific within the scope of this site.
Three tips to get you started:
Use the Azure Pricing calculator for the services you want to learn to get a feeling for the costs and how they develop.
Set a budget on your subscription to avoid accidentally spending too much.
Delete your services as soon as you are done with them, even if you need to recreate them the next day. You often pay by the hour.


How can I create the free 250GB SQL Server Database promised with Free Azure Subscription

I created my Free Azure subscription and have been hosting a couple of Apps out there since around April of this year (2020).
All of my resources; Subscription, Resource Group, AppService, and Apps are F1 service rather than S1 to ensure they are running free and my cost forecast for the month should always say $0.0. This was something confusing in the beginning that I had to reach out to Microsoft to help me with in setting up my hierocracy of resources.
In my main web app I now need to deploy an SQL Database. I've been developing using LocalDB in my ASP.Net Core 3.1 app.
Now the Free Azure description here:
gives these specs for SQL Server with your free subscription for the first year:
250GBs. Now I'm thinking 250GB of storage, not memory. But when you start selecting your DB configuration they are talking memory. So now I'm confused with that. Do you get 250GB of Storage or memory with free SQL Server with free Azure subscription.
Also, the free service really just says free SQL Database. Not free SQL Server. So I am confused here as well. Do you just get one Database? I know you have to set up an SQL Server in order to set up the Database.
Next I found a quick tutorial on creating an SQL Server Database her:
I want to go through the three versions of this tutorial:
Azure CLI
so I can get a feel for the environment and find the way that best suites me.
I am going through the Portal tutorial first.
On step 9, the default is General Purpose, Serverless.
This says "up to 40 vCores, up to 120 GB memory".
But you are supposed to have 250GBs with the free subscription.
So this is not it.
I click provisioned and now it says "up to 80 vCores, up to 408 GB memory".
Well 408GB is too much; over 250GB.
So I click, "Looking for Basic, Standard, or Premium?"
And from there click Standard because it is the 250GB configuration I think I am looking for to get the free SQL Database with the free Azure Subscription. (Again do I just get one database?)
But now instead of talking vCores, the cost is per DTU. What the hec is a DTU? I tried to read up on it. Seems like a unit of performance rather than a transaction. So standard is estimated at 10 DTUs a month I believe. Hopefully that does not mean 10 transactions per month but rather again a measure of performance.
Estimated Cost $15 dollars a month.
That "Standard S0" above scares me I think that would start charging me.
It should say F1 shouldn't it.
I've come accross some similar questions to this online. A lot of people seem to have the same confusion and question I have. Main question is how do I get an F1 level database for my app. And is one database all I get. That would suck. Not really a free subscription then since most web apps in ASP.Net/Core which is Microsoft are dynamic and need a DB and Azure is Microsoft right?
Or should I just go ahead and review and create. And S0 is just how they do it for free Azure subscription? Like you wouldn't get charged for S0? But I don't think so.
Trying to get a concrete answer somewhere so I know how to proceed.
UPDATE 10/20/20
I have just gone in a different way and am creating an SQL Server instead of Sql Database.
This appears to be free and cost estimate per month says:
"No extra charges"
Ok everybody.
Let's consider this a tentative answer until it all proves out to be true.
I opened up a support ticket with Azure/Microsoft.
Here is part(s) of the response I got:
First, I would like to thank you very much for providing me with such a detailed service request. After my investigation, I was able to determine that the estimated price does not show the discount with the free services. Therefore, using the S0 database in Azure SQL Database at the Basic service tier will be included in the free services. The free service limitation states that you can use up to 250 GB. So, anything deployed below 250 GB is ok to use if it is correctly configuring all around. As long as you stay within the limits, you're will not be charged.
My reply here:
So thank you for the information on S0 being considered free as part of the F1 subscription.
(Although, I really wish they would include next to S0 on the pricing sheet to use as part of F1 in parenthesis or something)
Does it matter if you use vCores or DTUs?
And if you use DTUs does it matter if you go above the max?
Or as you said I guess as long as I stay under 250GB I'm ok.
Her response continued:
Lastly, I would like to leave you with a link on how to avoid charges on your free service account:
I hope this information was beneficial to you, Sam. Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Everybody notice the link to track your free services which enables us to make sure we do not use a service outside of the free services or exceed the amount of what we get with a free service. I think this is a gold mine find of a URL.
And one more question I sent her:
Can I create a 250GB application for each app I deploy out there.
Or do I only get one and have to make all my apps share it?
At least we know that Basic S0 is free now.
I will update this answer with better information as I work through the details.
This is the best answer.
I have worked out a procedure that works for me.
And I understand a lot of things better now.
It seems like the whole answer is not in one place since Azure is so vast and everyone's
scenario is different.
So I wrote up an article to document what worked for me.
I hope this helps someone out there:

Azure functions set hard limit to free tier

I'm interested in using Azure Functions for a piece of serverless code, but I would like to ensure that I am always within the free tier, so as to not incur any expenses (I'm okay with potential downtime, not really critical). How do I achieve this?
My function is limited to some domains I control, and possibly a resource used in GitHub readme (like a tracking pixel). How do I combat potential DDOS, and massive bill spikes?
I've seen other questions on how to manage fanout, scale etc, but none on setting hard limits. I'm still a student, so I'd rather stay exclusively in the free tier.
Note, by 'Free tier', I mean the 'Always Free' offering.
You cannont (as far as I know) set a hard limit.
What you can do is to reduce your functions ability to scale. So that it can just process a single request at a time, then depending on how long the request takes you will stay within the free tier.

Learn Azure practical skills without paying or providing my card info

Is it possible to learn Azure practical skills without paying or providing my card info?
I found out about the And about the modular tutorials But I am not sure whether or not it will be feasible for me to cover all important for the commercial development topics with just the free resources above.
Maybe there are other ways to learn Azure profoundly without paying or providing my card info? It is an important question for me, because I really want to learn Azure a lot, but if there is no free plan to learn it, then I will have to pick something else (e.g. AWS or Heroku).
Here learning Azure implies being able to access theoretical knowledge base and documentation (both of which I am sure are present) and also being able to use a fully free (and without any card info) sandbox environment. And the question is a doubt that such a free sandbox environment exists.
The Microsoft Learn resource is very good and free. I use it all the time. However, not every learning module is free. Some require an account. This might be around 5% that require your own Azure account.
Can you learn Azure for free with Microsoft Learn? Absolutely YES. There are almost 1,000 modules on the site to choose from. I recommend this site even for very experienced Azure developers. For example, the VPN Gateway modules are free to practice with.
Microsoft Learn
After a while I was able to come over the Azure sandboxes. And that is what I was looking for in the question. E.g. this article explains how to use them.

Explaining windows azure to layman or students

I am looking for simple analogies to explain windows azure, app fabric, etc to students or layman person. Please let me know if you have any suggestions.
Well, first I would try and talk about how we used to build and maintain things. Buying our own hardware, building it, programming it, and connecting it to the internet. That's the old way. Then, I would pivot into what cloud service providers are. In a nutshell, they are just somebody else's servers. Usually Amazons, Microsoft's or Googles servers. AWS/Azure/GCP.
Here is a quick youtube video explaining it in layman's terms.
Cloud service providers offer web portal, a website, where folks can click and build services like storage, backup, DNS, database, more websites, load balancing, and - maybe the most popular - virtual machine hosting.
What makes CSPs so successful is economies of scale. CSPs will build huge data centers and engineer them to provide the kind of services that most businesses need. COntrast that to if every business were to build their own from scratch. There are however lots of challenges to these CSPs, like needing a lot more spare capacity and having to build something that fits everyone as opposed to something that fits a particular user. So, for a small business, whether they save money depends on their use case. You might save more building from scratch, but then you'd have to train and pay folks to maintain your own servers.
One of the most revolutionary benefits that cloud service providers brought into the market is that purchasing additional capacity is much easier and faster. You might have taken weeks to buy hardware and install it at your location. Or if you are renting though traditional suppliers you might take a few hours to let them manually reconfigure things. However they now make everything automatic so you can get a new server within seconds. This have allowed businesses to build their applications to allow them to scale on demand. This means that they pay different amount of money for the services depending on how much they use. This have the ability to reduce costs but it again require more time to develop and maintain the more complex applications.

Confused about Azure hosting and billing?

I've developed a simple system using ASP.NET MVC and WCF for customers to register software and get a license key. I was thinking about using Windows Azure instead of a traditional web hosting because it seems easy to use. I'd only need one SQL database and one small VM, but I'm confused about the billing.
Does the billing only charge as people actually use it, or would I pay the fee for each CPU every hour of everyday for the whole month because that was what was available to users? So for one single cpu VM at $0.12 an hour in a 30 day month I'd pay $86.4? Or would I pay less if no one used it? Then another $9.99 for an up to 1GB database, so for my needs I'd basically pay $96.39 a month?
That seems expensive for basic web hosting, but if it's easier for someone with little hosting experience to set up and maintain as well as making it easy to expand if I suddenly got a lot of traffic then it would certainly be worth it to me.
EDIT: I think I found the answer here: Getting started with Windows Azure
You're correct regarding the $0.12 / hour: you're billed based on resources consumed (meaning virtual machine instances), whether you're running at 0% cpu or 100% cpu.
While it might seem expensive compared to your average shared-hosting provider, consider that you're getting health monitoring, failover, SLA (if you have 2 or more instances) upgrade domains, etc.
I have two blog posts that go deeper into Compute Instance billing that you might find beneficial:
Part 1: The True Cost of Web and Worker Roles
Part 2: Staging and Compute-Hour Metering
I hope this helps...
The rule for billing is quite simple: if you look at the protal, there are the "gray" or "blue" boxes showing for a deployment.
If the box is gray, you are OK. If the box is blue, a bill is due.
This means that charges for every hour will be made whenever the box is blue, that is: once a deployment has been done, whether it's stopped or running.
Now you have a new feature in windows azure called WebSites. Deploying a website which have only a small amount of visits. It is simply 'free'. This is light weight website running in a shared environment. -> Check for websites.
