Python Image Compression - python-3.x

I am using the Pillow library of Python to read in image files. How can I compress and decompress using Huffman encoding? Here is an instruction:
You have been given a set of example images and your goal is to compress them as much as possible without losing any perceptible information –upon decompression they should appear identical to the original images. Images are essentially stored as a series of points of color, where each point is represented as a combination of red, green, and blue (rgb). Each component of the rgb value ranges between 0-255, so for example: (100, 0, 200) would represent a shade of purple. Using a fixed-length encoding, each component of the rgb value requires 8 bits to encode (28= 256) meaning that the entire rgb value requires 24 bits to encode. You could use a compression algorithm like Huffman encoding to reduce the number of bits needed for more common values and thereby reduce the total number of bits needed to encode your image.
# For my current code I just read the image, get all the rgb and build the tree
from PIL import Image
import sys, string
import copy
codes = {}
def sortFreq(freqs):
letters = freqs.keys()
tuples = []
for let in letters:
tuples.append (freqs[let],let)
return tuples
def buildTree(tuples):
while len (tuples) > 1:
leastTwo = tuple (tuples[0:2]) # get the 2 to combine
theRest = tuples[2:] # all the others
combFreq = leastTwo[0][0] + leastTwo[1][0] # the branch points freq
tuples = theRest + [(combFreq, leastTwo)] # add branch point to the end
tuples.sort() # sort it into place
return tuples[0] # Return the single tree inside the list
def trimTree(tree):
# Trim the freq counters off, leaving just the letters
p = tree[1] # ignore freq count in [0]
if type (p) == type (""):
return p # if just a leaf, return it
return (trimTree (p[0]), trimTree (p[1]) # trim left then right and recombine
def assignCodes(node, pat=''):
global codes
if type (node) == type (""):
codes[node] = pat # A leaf. Set its code
assignCodes(node[0], pat+"0") # Branch point. Do the left branch
assignCodes(node[1], pat+"1") # then do the right branch.
dictionary = {}
table = {}
image ='fall.bmp')
width, height = image.size
px = image.load()
totalpixel = width*height
print ("Total pixel: "+ str(totalpixel))
for x in range (width):
for y in range (height):
# print (px[x, y])
for i in range (3):
if dictionary.get(str(px[x, y][i])) is None:
dictionary[str(px[x, y][i])] = 1
dictionary[str(px[x, y][i])] = dictionary[str(px[x, y][i])] +1
table = copy.deepcopy(dictionary)
#combination = len(dictionary)
#for value in table:
# table[value] = table[value] / (totalpixel * combination) * 100
sortdic = sortFreq(dictionary)
tree = buildTree(sortdic)
trim = trimTree(tree)

The class HuffmanCoding takes complete path of the text file to be compressed as parameter. (as its data members store data specific to the input file).
The compress() function returns the path of the output compressed file.
The function decompress() requires path of the file to be decompressed. (and decompress() is to be called from the same object created for compression, so as to get code mapping from its data members)
import heapq
import os
class HeapNode:
def __init__(self, char, freq):
self.char = char
self.freq = freq
self.left = None
self.right = None
def __cmp__(self, other):
if(other == None):
return -1
if(not isinstance(other, HeapNode)):
return -1
return self.freq > other.freq
class HuffmanCoding:
def __init__(self, path):
self.path = path
self.heap = [] = {}
self.reverse_mapping = {}
# functions for compression:
def make_frequency_dict(self, text):
frequency = {}
for character in text:
if not character in frequency:
frequency[character] = 0
frequency[character] += 1
return frequency
def make_heap(self, frequency):
for key in frequency:
node = HeapNode(key, frequency[key])
heapq.heappush(self.heap, node)
def merge_nodes(self):
node1 = heapq.heappop(self.heap)
node2 = heapq.heappop(self.heap)
merged = HeapNode(None, node1.freq + node2.freq)
merged.left = node1
merged.right = node2
heapq.heappush(self.heap, merged)
def make_codes_helper(self, root, current_code):
if(root == None):
if(root.char != None):[root.char] = current_code
self.reverse_mapping[current_code] = root.char
self.make_codes_helper(root.left, current_code + "0")
self.make_codes_helper(root.right, current_code + "1")
def make_codes(self):
root = heapq.heappop(self.heap)
current_code = ""
self.make_codes_helper(root, current_code)
def get_encoded_text(self, text):
encoded_text = ""
for character in text:
encoded_text +=[character]
return encoded_text
def pad_encoded_text(self, encoded_text):
extra_padding = 8 - len(encoded_text) % 8
for i in range(extra_padding):
encoded_text += "0"
padded_info = "{0:08b}".format(extra_padding)
encoded_text = padded_info + encoded_text
return encoded_text
def get_byte_array(self, padded_encoded_text):
if(len(padded_encoded_text) % 8 != 0):
print("Encoded text not padded properly")
b = bytearray()
for i in range(0, len(padded_encoded_text), 8):
byte = padded_encoded_text[i:i+8]
b.append(int(byte, 2))
return b
def compress(self):
filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(self.path)
output_path = filename + ".bin"
with open(self.path, 'r+') as file, open(output_path, 'wb') as output:
text =
text = text.rstrip()
frequency = self.make_frequency_dict(text)
encoded_text = self.get_encoded_text(text)
padded_encoded_text = self.pad_encoded_text(encoded_text)
b = self.get_byte_array(padded_encoded_text)
return output_path
""" functions for decompression: """
def remove_padding(self, padded_encoded_text):
padded_info = padded_encoded_text[:8]
extra_padding = int(padded_info, 2)
padded_encoded_text = padded_encoded_text[8:]
encoded_text = padded_encoded_text[:-1*extra_padding]
return encoded_text
def decode_text(self, encoded_text):
current_code = ""
decoded_text = ""
for bit in encoded_text:
current_code += bit
if(current_code in self.reverse_mapping):
character = self.reverse_mapping[current_code]
decoded_text += character
current_code = ""
return decoded_text
def decompress(self, input_path):
filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(self.path)
output_path = filename + "_decompressed" + ".txt"
with open(input_path, 'rb') as file, open(output_path, 'w') as output:
bit_string = ""
byte =
while(byte != ""):
byte = ord(byte)
bits = bin(byte)[2:].rjust(8, '0')
bit_string += bits
byte =
encoded_text = self.remove_padding(bit_string)
decompressed_text = self.decode_text(encoded_text)
return output_path
Running the program:
Save the above code, in a file
Create a sample text file. Or download a sample file from sample.txt (right click, save as)
Save the code below, in the same directory as the above code, and Run this python code (edit the path variable below before running. initialize it to text file path)
from huffman import HuffmanCoding
#input file path
path = "/home/ubuntu/Downloads/sample.txt"
h = HuffmanCoding(path)
output_path = h.compress()
The compressed .bin file and the decompressed file are both saved in the same directory as of the input file.
On running on the above linked sample text file:
Initial Size: 715.3 kB
Compressed file Size: 394.0 kB
Plus, the decompressed file comes out to be exactly the same as the original file, without any data loss.
And that is all for Huffman Coding implementation, with compression and decompression. This was fun to code.
The above program requires the decompression function to be run using the same object that created the compression file (because the code mapping is stored in its data members). We can also make the compression and decompression function run independently, if somehow, during compression we store the mapping info also in the compressed file (in the beginning). Then, during decompression, we will first read the mapping info from the file, then use that mapping info to decompress the rest file.


Python: stream a tarfile to S3 using multipart upload

I would like to create a .tar file in an S3 bucket from Python code running in an AWS Lambda function. Lambda functions are very memory- and disk- constrained. I want to create a .tar file that contains multiple files that are too large to fit in the Lambda function's memory or disk space.
Using "S3 multipart upload," it is possible to upload a large file by uploading chunks of 5MB or more in size. I have this figured out and working. What I need to figure out is how to manage a buffer of bytes in memory that won't grow past the limits of the Lambda function's runtime environment.
I think the solution is to create an io.BytesIO() object and manage both a read pointer and a write pointer. I can then write into the buffer (from files that I want to add to the .tar file) and every time the buffer exceeds some limit (like 5MB) I can read off a chunk of data and send another file part to S3.
What I haven't quite wrapped my head around is how to truncate the part of the buffer that has been read and is no longer needed in memory. I need to trim the head of the buffer, not the tail, so the truncate() function of BytesIO won't work for me.
Is the 'correct' solution to create a new BytesIO buffer, populating it with the contents of the existing buffer from the read pointer to the end of the buffer, when I truncate? Is there a better way to truncate the head of the BytesIO buffer? Is there a better solution than using BytesIO?
For the random Google-r who stumbles onto this question six years in the future and thinks, "man, that describes my problem exactly!", here's what I came up with:
import io
import struct
from tarfile import BLOCKSIZE
#This class was designed to write a .tar file to S3 using multipart upload
#in a memory- and disk constrained environment, such as AWS Lambda Functions.
#Much of this code is copied or adapted from the Python source code
#file at
#No warranties expressed or implied. Your mileage may vary. Lather, rinse, repeat
class StreamingTarFileWriter:
#Various constants from that we need
NUL = b"\0"
class MemoryByteStream:
def __init__(self, bufferFullCallback = None, bufferFullByteCount = 0):
self.buf = io.BytesIO()
self.readPointer = 0
self.writePointer = 0
self.bufferFullCallback = bufferFullCallback
self.bufferFullByteCount = bufferFullByteCount
def write(self, buf: bytes):
self.writePointer += self.buf.write(buf)
bytesAvailableToRead = self.writePointer - self.readPointer
if self.bufferFullByteCount > 0 and bytesAvailableToRead > self.bufferFullByteCount:
if self.bufferFullCallback:
self.bufferFullCallback(self, bytesAvailableToRead)
def read(self, byteCount = None):
if byteCount:
chunk =
chunk =
self.readPointer += len(chunk)
return chunk
def size(self):
return self.writePointer - self.readPointer
def _truncate(self):
self.buf = io.BytesIO(
self.readPointer = 0
self.writePointer =, 2)
def stn(self, s, length, encoding, errors):
#Convert a string to a null-terminated bytes object.
s = s.encode(encoding, errors)
return s[:length] + (length - len(s)) * self.NUL
def itn(self, n, digits=8, format=GNU_FORMAT):
#Convert a python number to a number field.
# POSIX 1003.1-1988 requires numbers to be encoded as a string of
# octal digits followed by a null-byte, this allows values up to
# (8**(digits-1))-1. GNU tar allows storing numbers greater than
# that if necessary. A leading 0o200 or 0o377 byte indicate this
# particular encoding, the following digits-1 bytes are a big-endian
# base-256 representation. This allows values up to (256**(digits-1))-1.
# A 0o200 byte indicates a positive number, a 0o377 byte a negative
# number.
original_n = n
n = int(n)
if 0 <= n < 8 ** (digits - 1):
s = bytes("%0*o" % (digits - 1, n), "ascii") + self.NUL
elif format == self.GNU_FORMAT and -256 ** (digits - 1) <= n < 256 ** (digits - 1):
if n >= 0:
s = bytearray([0o200])
s = bytearray([0o377])
n = 256 ** digits + n
for i in range(digits - 1):
s.insert(1, n & 0o377)
n >>= 8
raise ValueError("overflow in number field")
return s
def calc_chksums(self, buf):
"""Calculate the checksum for a member's header by summing up all
characters except for the chksum field which is treated as if
it was filled with spaces. According to the GNU tar sources,
some tars (Sun and NeXT) calculate chksum with signed char,
which will be different if there are chars in the buffer with
the high bit set. So we calculate two checksums, unsigned and
unsigned_chksum = 256 + sum(struct.unpack_from("148B8x356B", buf))
signed_chksum = 256 + sum(struct.unpack_from("148b8x356b", buf))
return unsigned_chksum, signed_chksum
def __init__(self, bufferFullCallback = None, bufferFullByteCount = 0):
self.buf = self.MemoryByteStream(bufferFullCallback, bufferFullByteCount)
self.expectedFileSize = 0
self.fileBytesWritten = 0
self.offset = 0
def addFileRecord(self, filename, filesize):
REGTYPE = b"0" # regular file
encoding = "utf-8"
GNU_MAGIC = b"ustar \0" # magic gnu tar string
#Copied from TarInfo.tobuf()
tarinfo = {
"name": filename,
"mode": 0o644,
"uid": 0,
"gid": 0,
"size": filesize,
"mtime": 0,
"chksum": 0,
"type": REGTYPE,
"linkname": "",
"uname": "",
"gname": "",
"devmajor": 0,
"devminor": 0,
"magic": GNU_MAGIC
buf = b""
if len(tarinfo["name"].encode(encoding, errors)) > LENGTH_NAME:
raise Exception("Filename is too long for tar file header.")
devmajor = self.stn("", 8, encoding, errors)
devminor = self.stn("", 8, encoding, errors)
parts = [
self.stn(tarinfo.get("name", ""), 100, encoding, errors),
self.itn(tarinfo.get("mode", 0) & 0o7777, 8, self.GNU_FORMAT),
self.itn(tarinfo.get("uid", 0), 8, self.GNU_FORMAT),
self.itn(tarinfo.get("gid", 0), 8, self.GNU_FORMAT),
self.itn(tarinfo.get("size", 0), 12, self.GNU_FORMAT),
self.itn(tarinfo.get("mtime", 0), 12, self.GNU_FORMAT),
b" ", # checksum field
tarinfo.get("type", REGTYPE),
self.stn(tarinfo.get("linkname", ""), 100, encoding, errors),
tarinfo.get("magic", GNU_MAGIC),
self.stn(tarinfo.get("uname", ""), 32, encoding, errors),
self.stn(tarinfo.get("gname", ""), 32, encoding, errors),
self.stn(tarinfo.get("prefix", ""), 155, encoding, errors)
buf = struct.pack("%ds" % BLOCKSIZE, b"".join(parts))
chksum = self.calc_chksums(buf[-BLOCKSIZE:])[0]
buf = buf[:-364] + bytes("%06o\0" % chksum, "ascii") + buf[-357:]
self.expectedFileSize = filesize
self.fileBytesWritten = 0
self.offset += len(buf)
def addFileData(self, buf):
self.fileBytesWritten += len(buf)
self.offset += len(buf)
def completeFileRecord(self):
if self.fileBytesWritten != self.expectedFileSize:
raise Exception(f"Expected {self.expectedFileSize:,} bytes but {self.fileBytesWritten:,} were written.")
#write the end-of-file marker
blocks, remainder = divmod(self.fileBytesWritten, BLOCKSIZE)
if remainder > 0:
self.buf.write(self.NUL * (BLOCKSIZE - remainder))
self.offset += BLOCKSIZE - remainder
def completeTarFile(self):
self.buf.write(self.NUL * (BLOCKSIZE * 2))
self.offset += (BLOCKSIZE * 2)
blocks, remainder = divmod(self.offset, self.RECORDSIZE)
if remainder > 0:
self.buf.write(self.NUL * (self.RECORDSIZE - remainder))
An example use of the class is:
OUTPUT_CHUNK_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 5
f_out = open("test.tar", "wb")
def get_file_block(blockNum):
block = f"block_{blockNum:010,}"
block += "0123456789abcdef" * 31
return bytes(block, 'ascii')
def buffer_full_callback(x: StreamingTarFileWriter.MemoryByteStream, bytesAvailable: int):
while x.size() > OUTPUT_CHUNK_SIZE:
buf =
#This is where you would write the chunk to S3
x = StreamingTarFileWriter(buffer_full_callback, OUTPUT_CHUNK_SIZE)
import random
numFiles = random.randint(3,8)
print(f"Creating {numFiles:,} files.")
for fileIdx in range(numFiles):
minSize = 1025 #1kB plus 1 byte
maxSize = 10 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 + 5 #10GB plus 5 bytes
numBytes = random.randint(minSize, maxSize)
print(f"Creating file {str(fileIdx)} with {numBytes:,} bytes.")
blocks,remainder = divmod(numBytes, 512)
x.addFileRecord(f"File{str(fileIdx)}", numBytes)
for block in range(blocks):
x.addFileData(bytes(("X" * remainder), 'ascii'))

How can I speed up using Pytorch DataLoader?

I had a dataset including about a million of rows. Before, I read the rows, preprocessed data and created a list of rows to be trained. Then I defined a Dataloader over this data like:
train_dataloader =['train'],
Preprocessing could be time consuming, so I thought to define an IterableDataSet with __iter__ function. Then I could define my Dataloader like:
train_dataloader =['train'],
However, still to begin training it seems that it calls my preprocessing function and creates an Iteration over it. So, it seems I didn't gain much speed up.
Please guide me how could I use speed up in this case?
Here is my part of my class:
def __iter__(self):
iter_start = self.start
iter_end = self.num_samples
worker_info =
if worker_info is None: # single-process data loading, return the full iterator
iter_start = self.start
iter_end = self.num_samples
else: # in a worker process
# split workload
per_worker = int(math.ceil((self.num_samples - self.start) / float(worker_info.num_workers)))
worker_id =
iter_start = self.start + worker_id * per_worker
iter_end = min(iter_start + per_worker, self.num_samples)
if self.flat_data:
return iter(self.flat_data)
return iter(self.fill_data(iter_start, iter_end))
def fill_data(self, iter_start, iter_end, show_progress=False):
flat_data = []
if iter_end < 0:
iter_end = self.num_samples
kk = 0"========================== SPLIT: %s", self.split_name)"get data from %s to %s", iter_start, iter_end)"total rows: %s", len(self.split_df))
if show_progress:
pbar = tqdm(total = self.num_samples)
for index, d in self.split_df.iterrows():
if kk < iter_start:"!!!!!!!!! before start %s", iter_start)
kk += 1
rel = d["prefix"]
# preprocessing and adding to returned list
I did preprosessing in the fill_data or __iter__ body. However, I can use a map for preprocessing. Then the preprocessing is called during training and for every batch and not before training.
import pandas as pd
import torch
class MyDataset(
def __init__(self, fname, until=10):
self.df = pd.read_table("atomic/" + fname)
self.until = until
def preproc(self, t):
prefix, data = t
text = "Preproc: " + prefix + "|" + data
print(text) # to check when it is called
return text
def __iter__(self):
_iter = self.df_iter()
return map(self.preproc, _iter)
def df_iter(self):
ret = []
for idx, row in self.df.iterrows():
return iter(ret)

Only load segment of text file using numpy and itertools

I have a piece of code that initially decodes a .dat file into a .txt file using a binary chipher cycle style decoder. It results in an over 500 line text file of data points with lines 0-65 being titles and other display features and the last few lines, starting from 586, being wrongly decoded text that looks something like:
ßÅBÎheÀœaÜ;sî3TÐêM·Zì?pêI†Q’&×¥ü#ÇPËiPì¿j–hñHžíoî#ˆ[ÿ>BÿÃ#ÌhcP¿_ÔkõOˆEñlÀ‹J–>tò5Ægã_ð: yŽ6aÎ
Lè:ÂXÿ4sÈÄAïPó€Dó$EØÙ•dДeïkHâN xÐj#Ø"”eë1aõÅCÒ7ùC–ñiÐCÑP‹Æ
 Ë,WÎÄdó^ã8žDäÓ)Çq9}ùÃfÄP÷ÇzîoiÒ ÁpìeSÖ€ÒMŒÀ“;Bö
I am using the code:
with open (file) as f:
xpoints, ypoints, gradient = np.loadtxt(itertools.islice(f,68, 584), delimiter=',', unpack=True)
in order to load only the lines that contain the data points I am after.
For some reason however, this causes the program to throw an error that it cant decode a byte as it maps to undefined. I have confirmed it is caused by the junk text at the bottom and seems to be thrown in the line shown above but I cannot figure out why this is the case as it shouldn't need to read those lines at all.
Full error:
File "C:\Users\brady\Desktop\Slider_All\", line 57, in
xpoints, ypoints, gradient = np.loadtxt(IT.islice(f,68,
500), delimiter=',', unpack=True) File
es\numpy\lib\", line 1159, in loadtxt
for x in read_data(_loadtxt_chunksize): File "C:\Users\brady\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib\site-packag
es\numpy\lib\", line 1075, in read_data
for i, line in enumerate(line_iter): File "C:\Users\brady\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib\encodings\c", line 23, in decode
return codecs.charmap_decode(input,self.errors,decoding_table)[0] UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0x81 in position
7758: cha racter maps to undefined
Does itertools.islice or numpy.loadtxt possibly attempt to read the whole document first before it takes the slice and runs into a problem or is this something else entirely that I'm missing. I will post my entire unedited code below for completions sake, thankyou for any and all help.
import matplotlib.animation as animation
from matplotlib.widgets import Slider, Button
import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import scipy.interpolate as inter
import numpy as np
import itertools as IT
from itertools import cycle
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import os
file = 'example.dat'
x1 = 250 #Lower bound Bigger bound leads to lots of lag
x2 = 300 #Upper bound Recommended to remain close to range of 50
start = [] #Stores data before given points
end = [] #Stores data after given points
files = [] #Stores text file to be removed when done
#This function decodes and re-encodes the dat files
class Decoder:
def decode(fn_in, fn_out):
CIPHER = cycle([0b01011100, 0b00100111, 0b10111010, 0b01111011, 0b11110010, 0b00110010, 0b10100101])
with open(fn_in, 'rb') as fin, open(fn_out, 'wb') as fout:
byte =
while byte:
fout.write( ( int.from_bytes(byte, 'big') ^ next(CIPHER) ).to_bytes(1, 'big') )
byte =
def to_txt(filename):
#global files
if filename [-3:] == "dat":
Decoder.decode( filename, filename[:-3] + "txt" )
filename = filename[:-3] + "txt"
print("Extension not recognised for input filename \""+str(filename)+"\", skipping...")
return filename
def to_dat(filename):
if filename [-3:] == "txt":
Decoder.decode( filename, tempfile[:-3]+ "dat" )
#file.append(filename[:-3] + "dat")
print("Extension not recognised for input filename \""+str(filename)+"\", skipping...")
if file[-3:] == "dat":
file = Decoder.to_txt(file) #Converts .dat to .txt
#Gets all data points from file
with open (file) as f:
xpoints, ypoints, gradient = np.loadtxt(IT.islice(f,68, 584), delimiter=',', unpack=True)
#get a list of points to fit a spline to as well
xmin = min(xpoints)
xmax = max(xpoints)
#Calculates which lines of data are required to plot
X1 = int(516*((x1 - xmin)/(xmax-xmin))) + 68
X2 = int(516*((x2 - xmin)/(xmax-xmin))) + 68
#Gets specific lines and saves the rest to copy back later
with open (file) as f:
xp, ypoints, gradient = np.loadtxt(IT.islice(f,X1, X2), delimiter=',', unpack=True)
with open(file) as f:
for line in IT.islice(f,0,X1):
with open (file) as f:
for line in IT.islice(f,X2,584):
#Sets amount of data points to plot, must be multiple of point range
#The lower the number the more accurate the plot but the slower it will run
N = len(xp)
if N < 200:
j = 1
elif N < 400:
j = 1
else: j = 1
x = xp[::j]
yvals = ypoints[::j]
N = len(x)
xnew = xp
#spline fit
spline = inter.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline (x, yvals)
#set up a plot
fig,axes = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(12.0,4.0),sharex=True)
ax1 = axes
pind = None #active point
epsilon = 5 #max pixel distance
#Updates plot when point is dragged
def update(val):
global yvals
global spline
# update curve
for i in np.arange(N):
yvals[i] = sliders[i].val
spline = inter.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline (x, yvals)
# redraw canvas while idle
#Resets plot back to original save from when opened
def reset(event):
global yvals
global spline
#reset the values
yvals = ypoints
for i in np.arange(N):
spline = inter.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline (x, yvals)
# redraw canvas while idle
#Overwirtes current save with new plot
def save(event):
f = interp1d(x, yvals, kind='cubic')
ynew = f(xnew)
newfile = np.vstack((xnew,ynew, gradient)).T
with open(file, 'w') as f:
for item in start:
f.write("%s" % item)
np.savetxt(f, newfile, delimiter = ',')
for item in end:
f.write("%s" % item)
Decoder.to_dat(file) #Converts .txt to .dat
#Event handler for mouse click
def button_press_callback(event):
'whenever a mouse button is pressed'
global pind
if event.inaxes is None:
if event.button != 1:
pind = get_ind_under_point(event)
#Event handler for mouse release
def button_release_callback(event):
'whenever a mouse button is released'
global pind
if event.button != 1:
pind = None
#Gets clicked point number
def get_ind_under_point(event):
'get the index of the vertex under point if within epsilon tolerance'
# display coords
#print('display x is: {0}; display y is: {1}'.format(event.x,event.y))
t = ax1.transData.inverted()
tinv = ax1.transData
xy = t.transform([event.x,event.y])
#print('data x is: {0}; data y is: {1}'.format(xy[0],xy[1]))
xr = np.reshape(x,(np.shape(x)[0],1))
yr = np.reshape(yvals,(np.shape(yvals)[0],1))
xy_vals = np.append(xr,yr,1)
xyt = tinv.transform(xy_vals)
xt, yt = xyt[:, 0], xyt[:, 1]
d = np.hypot(xt - event.x, yt - event.y)
indseq, = np.nonzero(d == d.min())
ind = indseq[0]
if d[ind] >= epsilon:
ind = None
return ind
#Event handler for mosue movement
def motion_notify_callback(event):
'on mouse movement'
global yvals
if pind is None:
if event.inaxes is None:
if event.button != 1:
#update yvals
#print('motion x: {0}; y: {1}'.format(event.xdata,event.ydata))
yvals[pind] = event.ydata
# update curve via sliders and draw
X = xp
ax1.plot (X, ypoints, 'k--', label='original')
l, = ax1.plot (x,yvals,color='k',linestyle='none',marker='o',markersize=8)
m, = ax1.plot (X, spline(X), 'r-', label='spline')
if max(ypoints) > 0:
yheight = 0.01*max(ypoints)
ylower =0
yheight = -0.1*max(ypoints)
ylower = yheight
ax1.set_xlim(x1, x2)
sliders = []
for i in np.arange(N):
axamp = plt.axes([0.84, -1, 0.12, 0.01])
# Slider
s = Slider(axamp, 'p{0}'.format(i), -100, 10, valinit=yvals[i])
for i in np.arange(N):
axres = plt.axes([0.84, 0.90, 0.15, 0.08])
bres = Button(axres, 'Reset')
axsave = plt.axes([0.68, 0.90, 0.15, 0.08])
bsave = Button(axsave, 'Save')
fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', button_press_callback)
fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', button_release_callback)
fig.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', motion_notify_callback)
for filename in files:
EDIT: I know believe the error is almost definitely tied to the itertools.islice command as I have found a similar issue here: Python 3 itertools.islice continue despite UnicodeDecodeError.
Currently researching alternate way to potentially open the file as changing decode style for .dat is not possible at this stage
I have solved the issue using the solution posted here:
My final code is:
types_of_encoding = ["utf8", "cp1252"]
for encoding_type in types_of_encoding:
with open (file, 'r', encoding = encoding_type, errors='ignore') as f:
xpoints, ypoints, gradient = np.loadtxt(IT.islice(f,65, 582), delimiter=',', unpack=True)

AssertionError: Format for classes is `<label> file`

This is a python script for detecting features in a set of images for a SVM.
import os
import sys
import argparse
import _pickle as cPickle
import json
import cv2
import numpy as np
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
def build_arg_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Creates features for given images')
parser.add_argument("--samples", dest="cls", nargs="+", action="append",
required=True, help="Folders containing the training images. \
The first element needs to be the class label.")
parser.add_argument("--codebook-file", dest='codebook_file', required=True,
help="Base file name to store the codebook")
parser.add_argument("--feature-map-file", dest='feature_map_file', required=True,
help="Base file name to store the feature map")
parser.add_argument("--scale-image", dest="scale", type=int, default=150,
help="Scales the longer dimension of the image down to this size.")
return parser
def load_input_map(label, input_folder):
combined_data = []
if not os.path.isdir(input_folder):
print ("The folder " + input_folder + " doesn't exist")
raise IOError
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(input_folder):
for filename in (x for x in files if x.endswith('.jpg')):
combined_data.append({'label': label, 'image': os.path.join(root, filename)})
return combined_data
class FeatureExtractor(object):
def extract_image_features(self, img):
kps = DenseDetector().detect(img)
kps, fvs = SIFTExtractor().compute(img, kps)
return fvs
def get_centroids(self, input_map, num_samples_to_fit=10):
kps_all = []
count = 0
cur_label = ''
for item in input_map:
if count >= num_samples_to_fit:
if cur_label != item['label']:
count = 0
count += 1
if count == num_samples_to_fit:
print ("Built centroids for", item['label'])
cur_label = item['label']
img = cv2.imread(item['image'])
img = resize_to_size(img, 150)
num_dims = 128
fvs = self.extract_image_features(img)
kmeans, centroids = Quantizer().quantize(kps_all)
return kmeans, centroids
def get_feature_vector(self, img, kmeans, centroids):
return Quantizer().get_feature_vector(img, kmeans, centroids)
def extract_feature_map(input_map, kmeans, centroids):
feature_map = []
for item in input_map:
temp_dict = {}
temp_dict['label'] = item['label']
print ("Extracting features for", item['image'])
img = cv2.imread(item['image'])
img = resize_to_size(img, 150)
temp_dict['feature_vector'] = FeatureExtractor().get_feature_vector(
img, kmeans, centroids)
if temp_dict['feature_vector'] is not None:
return feature_map
class Quantizer(object):
def __init__(self, num_clusters=32):
self.num_dims = 128
self.extractor = SIFTExtractor()
self.num_clusters = num_clusters
self.num_retries = 10
def quantize(self, datapoints):
kmeans = KMeans(self.num_clusters,
n_init=max(self.num_retries, 1),
max_iter=10, tol=1.0)
res =
centroids = res.cluster_centers_
return kmeans, centroids
def normalize(self, input_data):
sum_input = np.sum(input_data)
if sum_input > 0:
return input_data / sum_input
return input_data
def get_feature_vector(self, img, kmeans, centroids):
kps = DenseDetector().detect(img)
kps, fvs = self.extractor.compute(img, kps)
labels = kmeans.predict(fvs)
fv = np.zeros(self.num_clusters)
for i, item in enumerate(fvs):
fv[labels[i]] += 1
fv_image = np.reshape(fv, ((1, fv.shape[0])))
return self.normalize(fv_image)
class DenseDetector(object):
def __init__(self, step_size=20, feature_scale=40, img_bound=20):
self.detector = cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create("Dense")
self.detector.setInt("initXyStep", step_size)
self.detector.setInt("initFeatureScale", feature_scale)
self.detector.setInt("initImgBound", img_bound)
def detect(self, img):
return self.detector.detect(img)
class SIFTExtractor(object):
def compute(self, image, kps):
if image is None:
print ("Not a valid image")
raise TypeError
gray_image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
kps, des = cv2.SIFT().compute(gray_image, kps)
return kps, des
# Resize the shorter dimension to 'new_size'
# while maintaining the aspect ratio
def resize_to_size(input_image, new_size=150):
h, w = input_image.shape[0], input_image.shape[1]
ds_factor = new_size / float(h)
if w < h:
ds_factor = new_size / float(w)
new_size = (int(w * ds_factor), int(h * ds_factor))
return cv2.resize(input_image, new_size)
if __name__=='__main__':
args = build_arg_parser().parse_args()
input_map = []
for cls in args.cls:
assert len(cls) >= 2, "Format for classes is `<label> file`"
label = cls[0]
input_map += load_input_map(label, cls[1])
downsample_length = args.scale
# Building the codebook
print ("===== Building codebook =====")
kmeans, centroids = FeatureExtractor().get_centroids(input_map)
if args.codebook_file:
with open(args.codebook_file, 'w') as f:
pickle.dump((kmeans, centroids), f)
# Input data and labels
print ("===== Building feature map =====")
feature_map = extract_feature_map(input_map, kmeans, centroids)
if args.feature_map_file:
with open(args.feature_map_file, 'w') as f:
pickle.dump(feature_map, f)
I receive the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 164, in <module>
assert len(cls) >= 2, ("Format for classes is `<label> file`")
AssertionError: Format for classes is `<label> file`
Any idea of what could be wrong? I'm just following the instructions of 'OpenCV with Python by Example' of Prateek Joshi. Pages 494-526
Assertion are used to check a condition. If the condition isn't satisfied, it throes AssertionError. In your case, len(cls) >= 2 isn't satisfied. It means that len(cls) is smaller than 2. Apparently, cls is a list of arguments passed to the programm. And the first element of this list must be a label. And when you add argument (a file), you should specify a label for this file.
For example, if you choose a label name my_label, you must add file with my_label my_file.

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_width'

This is simple script on Ascii art generator from image , I get this error :
I run it in cmd line , and I am using windows 7 operating system
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python33\", line 251, in <module>
File "C:\Python33\", line 228, in convertImage
File "C:\Python33\", line 190, in getBlobs
width, height =,
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_width'
what am I messing here..?? can some one help..?
Here is full source code some one asked :
import sys
import pygame
NAME = sys.argv[0]
VERSION = "0.1.0" # The current version number.
HELP = """ {0} : An ASCII art generator. Version {1}
{0} [-b BLOB_SIZE] [-p FONT_WIDTH:HEIGHT] [-c] image_filename
-b | --blob Change the blob size used for grouping pixels. This is the width of the blob; the height is calculated by multiplying the blob size by the aspect ratio.
-p | --pixel-aspect Change the font character aspect ratio. By default this is 11:5, which seems to look nice. Change it based on the size of your font. Argument is specified in the format "WIDTH:HEIGHT". The colon is important.
-c | --colour Use colour codes in the output. {0} uses VT100 codes by default, limiting it to 8 colours, but this might be changed later.
-h | --help Shows this help.""""
.format(NAME, VERSION)
""" Usage: %s [-b BLOB_SIZE] [-p FONT_WIDTH:HEIGHT] image_filename """ % (NAME)
import math
import pygame
except ImportError:
sys.stderr.write("Can't use Pygame's image handling! Unable to proceed, sorry D:\n")
VT100_COLOURS = {"000": "[0;30;40m",
"001": "[0;30;41m",
"010": "[0;30;42m",
"011": "[0;30;43m",
"100": "[0;30;44m",
"101": "[0;30;45m",
"110": "[0;30;46m",
"111": "[0;30;47m",
"blank": "[0m"}
VT100_COLOURS_I = {"000": "[0;40;30m",
"001": "[0;40;31m",
"010": "[0;40;32m",
"011": "[0;40;33m",
"100": "[0;40;34m",
"101": "[0;40;35m",
"110": "[0;40;36m",
"111": "[0;40;37m",
"blank": "[0m"}
# Convenient debug function.
def debug(*args):
if not DO_DEBUG: return # Abort early, (but not often).
strrep = ""
for ii in args:
strrep += str(ii)
sys.stderr.write(strrep + "\n") # Write it to stderr. Niiicce.
# System init.
def init():
""" Start the necessary subsystems. """
pygame.init() # This is the only one at the moment...
# Get a section of the surface.
def getSubsurface(surf, x, y, w, h):
return surf.subsurface(pygame.Rect(x, y, w, h))
except ValueError as er:
return getSubsurface(surf, x, y, w - 2, h - 2)
# The main class.
class AAGen:
""" A class to turn pictures into ASCII "art". """
def __init__(self):
""" Set things up for a default conversion. """
# Various blob settings.
self.aspectRatio = 11.0 / 5.0 # The default on my terminal.
self.blobW = 12 # The width. Also, the baseline for aspect ratio.
self.blobH = self.aspectRatio * self.blobW # The height.
self.blobList = [] = None # The currently open file.
self.chars = """##%H(ks+i,. """ # The characters to use.
self.colour = False # Do we use colour?
def processArgs(self):
""" Process the command line arguments, and remove any pertinent ones. """
cc = 0
for ii in sys.argv[1:]:
cc += 1
if ii == "-b" or ii == "--blob":
self.setBlob(int(sys.argv[cc + 1]))
elif ii == "-p" or ii == "--pixel-aspect":
jj = sys.argv[cc + 1]
self.setAspect(float(jj.split(":")[1]) / float(jj.split(":")[0]))
elif ii == "-c" or ii == "--colour":
self.colour = True
elif ii == "-h" or ii == "--help":
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
def setBlob(self, blobW):
""" Set the blob size. """
self.blobW = blobW
self.blobH = int(math.ceil(self.aspectRatio * self.blobW))
def setAspect(self, aspect):
""" Set the aspect ratio. Also adjust the blob height. """
self.aspectRatio = aspect
self.blobH = int(math.ceil(self.blobW * self.aspectRatio))
def loadImg(self, fname):
""" Loads an image into the store. """
tmpSurf = pygame.image.load(fname)
print("Either this is an unsupported format, or we had problems loading the file.")
return None = tmpSurf.convert(32)
if == None:
sys.stderr.write("Problem loading the image %s. Can't convert it!\n"
% fname)
return None
def makeBlob(self, section):
""" Blob a section into a single ASCII character."""
pxArr = pygame.surfarray.pixels3d(section)
colour = [0, 0, 0]
size = 0 # The number of pixels.
# Get the density/colours.
for i in pxArr:
for j in i:
size += 1
# Add to the colour.
colour[0] += j[0]
colour[1] += j[1]
colour[2] += j[2]
# Get just the greyscale.
grey = apply(lambda x, y, z: (x + y + z) / 3 / size,
if self.colour:
# Get the 3 bit colour.
threshold = 128
nearest = ""
nearest += "1" if (colour[0] / size > threshold) else "0"
nearest += "1" if (colour[1] / size > threshold) else "0"
nearest += "1" if (colour[2] / size > threshold) else "0"
return VT100_COLOURS[nearest], grey
return grey
# We just use a nasty mean function to find the average value.
# total = 0
# for pix in pxArr.flat:
# total += pix # flat is the array as a single-dimension one.
# return total / pxArr.size # This is a bad way to do it, it loses huge amounts of precision with large blob size. However, with ASCII art...
def getBlobs(self):
""" Get a list of blob locations. """
self.blobList = [] # Null it out.
width, height =,
# If the image is the wrong size for blobs, add extra space.
if height % self.blobH != 0 or width % self.blobW != 0:
oldimg =
newW = width - (width % self.blobW) + self.blobW
newH = height - (height % self.blobH) + self.blobH = pygame.Surface((newW, newH)), 255, 255)), pygame.Rect(0, 0, newW, newH))
# Loop over subsections.
for row in range(0, height, int(self.blobH)):
rowItem = []
for column in range(0, width, self.blobW):
# Construct a Rect to use.
src = pygame.Rect(column, row, self.blobW, self.blobH)
# Now, append the reference.
return self.blobList
def getCharacter(self, value, colour = False):
""" Get the correct character for a pixel value. """
col = value[0] if colour else ""
value = value[1] if colour else value
if not 0 <= value <= 256:
sys.stderr.write("Incorrect pixel data provided! (given %d)\n"
% value)
return "E"
char = self.chars[int(math.ceil(value / len(self.chars))) % len(self.chars)]
return char + col
def convertImage(self, fname):
""" Convert an image, and print it. """
pval = "" # The output value.
# Loop and add characters.
for ii in converter.blobList:
for jj in ii:
ch = self.makeBlob(jj)
pval += self.getCharacter(ch, self.colour) # Get the character.
# Reset the colour at the end of the line.
if self.colour: pval += VT100_COLOURS["blank"]
pval += "\n" # Split it up by line.
pval = pval[:-1] # Cut out the final newline.
print(pval) # Print it.
# Main program execution.
if __name__ == "__main__":
converter = AAGen()
The problem is hidden somewhere in the loadImg. The error says that is None. The could get the None when initialised at the line 97, or it was assigned the result of tmpSurf.convert(32) and the result of that call is None. In the first case, you should observe the message Either this is an unsupported format..., in the later case you should see the message Problem loading the image... as you are testing against None:
def loadImg(self, fname):
""" Loads an image into the store. """
tmpSurf = pygame.image.load(fname)
print("Either this is an unsupported format, or we had problems loading the file.")
return None = tmpSurf.convert(32)
if == None:
sys.stderr.write("Problem loading the image %s. Can't convert it!\n"
% fname)
return None
By the way, return None is exactly the same as return without argument. Also, the last return None can be completely removed because any function implicitly returns None when the end of the body is reached.
For testing to None, the is operator is recommended -- i.e. if is None:.
Update based on the comment from May 31.
If you want to make a step further, you should really learn Python a bit. Have a look at the end of the original script (indentation fixed):
# Main program execution.
if __name__ == "__main__":
init() # pygame is initialized here
converter = AAGen() # you need the converter object
converter.processArgs() # the command-line arguments are
# converted to the object attributes
converter.convertImage(sys.argv[-1]) # here the conversion happens
sys.exit(1) # this is unneccessary for the conversion
If the original script is saved in the, then you can or call it as a script, or you can use it as a module. In the later case, the body below the if __name__ == "__main__": is not executed, and you have to do it in the caller script on your own. Say you have that tries to do that. Say it is located at the same directory. It must import the mbwiga. Then the mbwiga. becomes the prefix of the functionality from inside the module. Your code may look like this:
import mbwiga
mbwiga.init() # pygame is initialized here
converter = mbwiga.AAGen() # you need the converter object
# Now the converter is your own object name. It does not take the mbwiga. prefix.
# The original converter.processArgs() took the argumens from the command-line
# when was called as a script. If you want to use some of the arguments
# you can set the converter object's attributes the way that is shown
# in the .processArgs() method definition. Or you can call it the same way to
# extract the information from the command line passed when you called the
# Now the conversion
converter.convertImage('') # here the conversion happens
