Sitefinity 12.1 is crashing Azure Webapp - azure

Sitefinity is crashing himself which is hosted in azure .Net webapp while uploading the documents into azure blob storage
We do have multiple Sitefinity sites and only one site is crashing himself while document publishing in to azure blob storage.
Created a separate Resource group and hosted the web app and separate SQL DB and storage account also.
Exactly crashing while uploading the documents but it's working fine while with local file storage.
Checked all the logs and found no issues... any clue ...

Seems to me it's trying to upload files locally (inside the web app), but using a wrong path rather than uploading to azure storage. One thing you can do: enable log streamming then you'll know for sure what happenned.

If the azure blob storage is failing on local does your IP have access to the resource in azure? If not this could cause a failed.


Can I use multiple file storage accounts from a single mvc app in Azure?

In Azure I have 2 load balanced VMs with an IIS shared config. These are linked to a premium storage account. All up and running. I have persisted the premium fileshare to both VMs as a drive (S).
The wwwroot is on the storage account, along with the IIS config files.
The app pool is set up as the storage account password so I have access the the share.
All good up to this point.
My issue is that the app also needs to see data on another fileshare. (general fileshare, not premium). This will be used for storage and Archive.
The problem is that the IIS app pool is configured with the creds for the premium storage and fails when trying to also use the general storage.
Can this be done?
Is there a way to link to both fileshares in IIS or should I be looking somewhere else?

Mount Azure Web App Files' folder into VM?

how do I mount an azure webb app folder on VM, I've a webb App and a Virtual Machine and I need to mount the web app files and folders to my VM.
If it’s a local VM, you cannot mount the drive. However, you have ways to copy files/folders to and from Azure App Service.
You could use an FTP app or Kudu service.
Based on the WebApp App Service Plan the volume of the storage varies. You could use Kudu console ( to manage the files- it gives you both command line and file browser access to your sites, all from the comfort of a web browser.
Every Azure WebApp has a home directory stored/backed by Azure Storage. It is owned by Azure WebApp Service and cannot be chosen currently; however, you could select storage account for Azure WebApp Diagnostic logs.
Additionally, one of the unique aspects of App Service that makes app deployment and maintenance straightforward is that all user content is stored on a set of UNC shares. This model maps well to the common pattern of content storage used by on-premises web hosting environments that have multiple load-balanced servers.
Within App Service, there is a number of UNC shares created in each datacenter. A percentage of the user content for all customers in each data center is allocated to each UNC share. Furthermore, all of the file content for a single customer's subscription is always placed on the same UNC share.
Also, mapping Azure File Share isn't supported on Azure App Service:
it's impossibe,
you must use one of the five Azure auto deploy option, (Github, Bitbuket etc ..)

How to implement source code on azure website, from a storage blob with C #?

How to copy files programmatically from an azure storage blob to an in azure website?
The goal is to create a custom and manageable deployment.
With the new azure-sdk-for-net I can only deploy a site with public git.
You can use Dropbox/One drive for that:
How to copy files programmatically from an azure storage blob to an in azure website? The goal is to create a custom and manageable deployment.
It seems that you’d like to upload/push files to Azure Web Site folder programmatically, as we know, Azure Web Site enables us to access its files via FTP, you could try to add some FTP client libraries in your project and upload files to Azure Web Site FTP server in your program. Besides, the Zip API allows expanding zip files into folder of Azure Web Site, you could pull files from Azure Blob storage in memory or local storage, and then upload and expand zip files into Azure Web Site folder by calling this API in your program.
Request of expanding zip files into folder of Azure Web Site
Note: accessing/downloading files from Azure storage will be charged.

How do I configure which storage account my Web Apps and Function Apps use?

Is this even possible? I have a couple web apps and a couple of Azure Functions running under the same App Service Plan. I'd like to (ideally) have them use a specific Storage plan, so I can keep everything in one place. I envision them in different containers under the same plan.
If that's not possible...then where are the files? Are they on the storage that's built into the App Service Plan itself? If so, can I connect to this somehow, so I can manage the files through something like Storage Explorer?
Today when playing with the Azure Az Powershell tool I found I was able to provision a Function App without a Azure Storage back-end. This cannot be done via the UI. An easy way to provision a Function App with a storage account backend is by leveraging the Azure UI for provisioning.
When a Function App is provisioned via command line, the bits seem to be stored within the function app itself. There is an FTP URL given if you download the publish profile. The files can be read and written to using an FTP tool like WinSCP (as alternative to Kudu)
I'd like to (ideally) have them use a specific Storage plan, so I can keep everything in one place. I envision them in different containers under the same plan. If that's not possible...then where are the files? 
Every Azure Web App has a home directory stored/backed by Azure Storage. More detail info please refer to Azure WebApp sandbox. It is owned by Azure WebApp Service, we are not able to choose Azure Storage to setup WebApp by ourselves currently. But we could config storage account for Azure WebApp Diagnostic logs.
Are they on the storage that's built into the App Service Plan itself? If so, can I connect to this somehow, so I can manage the files through something like Storage Explorer?
Different WebApp Service Plan has different volume of the storage. We could use Kudu tool ( to manage the files. More detail info about Kudu please refer to the document.
We could access the home directory with the Kudu tool. More details please refer to the snapshoot

DiagnosticMonitorTraceListener in Azure Websites

I have been using Azure Cloud Services the past year and is used to reading my trace logs with Azure Management Studio, with logs being stored in table storage using DiagnosticMonitorTraceListener.
I am confused about starting using azure websites as it seems they are using a diffrent logging structure? Is it not possible to see the trace logs from azure website using azure management studio in the Diagnostic/Trace like i used to with Cloud Services
Diagnostics in azure websites is similar to any web application. DiagnosticsMonitor applies to webroles. In the case of websites, diagnostics need to have a persistent storage and it can be configured in azure management portal.
Check out these posts.
The logs can be downloaded and analysed locally. I am not sure if the tool that supported webroles works for this too.
The diagnostics viewer tool for cloud services will not work for Azure Websites, but there is a tool for viewing your Azure Website logs called Azure Website Log Browser. It is installed as a site extensions on your Azure Website.
You can read more about it here.
