How to install a preview release of Ruby with ruby-install - ruby-install

Is it possible to install preview releases of Ruby through ruby-install? If it is possible, how could I do it?

Yes you can:
ruby-install ruby 2.7.0-preview2


Vim YouCompleteMe plugin - don't download clang

I want to install and use the YouCompleteMe Plugin for Vim. However, a part of the installation implies downloading clang 3.7, which is already a part of my current Ubuntu installation. Generally, wasting space on multiple versions of the same application on my file system is something I disregard, but now I'm also running dual-boot and don't have that much space left for a "casual" downloaded copy of clang just to make use of this plugin.
How can I make the YouCompleteMe to make use of the installation/libraries I already have, if possible at all?
Depending on your YCM install method, you will have to specify something like:
--system-libclang --system-boost
…as arguments to the command.
Note that the YCM install docs strongly discourage the usage of system-libclang.

adding Doxygen plugin to qtcreator in linux

I want to add Doxygen plugin to QtCreator.
I am using QtCreator 2.5.2 in ubuntu 12.10 and the latest Doxygen version for QT is 2.4.0.
I've changed the doxygen.pluginspec file to get rid of version error.
But now I've got another error:
can not load library ( can not open shared object file:No such file or directory)
Any suggestion would be appreciated.
I hope you are no longer stuck, but if not, I will still try to help.
Yes, the quick install binaries are available only for QtCreator 2.4, but the plugin stays easy to install without it : you have to download the sources and build them yourself, as written in the wiki.
Moreover, you have to build it with the same version of Qt4 as the one that was used for build your QtCreator (have a look here)
It became compatible with QtCreator 2.7 and Qt5 at the end of March, and I succeeded in installing in in QtCreator2.8-beta.
If you have any other question, I guess it would be better to ask them in the plugin forum where developpers always answer to people in need.
Hope this helps (you and other people in need).
You can install Doxywizard wich provides an user interface to use Doxygen.
I'm not shure I'm using fedora to install I used.
yum install doxygen-doxywizard.x86_64.
For Ubuntu it should be if the package name is the same.
apt-get install doxygen-doxywizard.x86_64
(as root)

Problem Installing CommandT for Vim on Windows (can't find ruby.h)

I'm trying to install CommandT for Vim on Windows. My setup:
OS: Windows 7
Vim: Cream installation of Vim (Vim 7.3 plus ruby support)
Ruby: rubyinstaller-1.8.7-p334.exe
Ruby dev kit: DevKit-tdm-32-4.5.1-20101214-1400-sfx.exe
I followed this guide, as well as the official CommandT installation screen cast. I've installed ruby and the dev kit successfully, and have verified the dev kit installation by installing the discount gem.
My problem is that when I try to generate the CommandT makefile, I get an error saying the script can't find ruby.h: "checking for ruby.h... no". No makefile, no CommandT :(
Any advice?
I had this problem too. Download and install it according to INSTALL.txt from this 7z-file
If you are using gVim 7.2 on windows and want a Command-T bundle with the extension already compiled, get from the same source I use in my vimfiles repository:

Can anyone tell me where to get Vim 7.2 with cscope support?

I wanted to use cscope enabled vim - unfortuantely , the binaries at work are not compiled with cscope support , and when I tried building from src , I'm getting a lot of errors due to proper dev packages not being installed.
So , does anyone have a link where I can a precompiled binary with cscope support ? Btw , I'm using linux.
Just build your own vim binary from source code maybe a good solution ^_^
tar xjf vim-7.2.tar.bz2
cd vim72
./configure --enable-cscope
make && make install
You will get a cscope supported vim 7.2
Not quite an answer to your request for a pre-compiled vim 7.2, but you said part of your compiling problems is that you "don't have the privileges for installing reqd packages" (in you comment to #chenkaie's answer). If the other reqd packages use configure, you can compile them to install into a directory you have control over, like this:
./configure --prefix=/dir/with/permissions
make && make install
configure-based installers support the --prefix switch, which results in the installed packages in locations like <prefix>\bin, <prefix>/lib, etc. With this trick you may be able to build all the reqd packages in order to build vim 7.2 itself.
If the reqd packages are not configure-based, you might want to look at the installer (makefile?) of the reqd package to see if it has an option similar to configure --prefix=<dir>
I have the default package Ubuntu gives me from doing an 'apt-get install vim', vim_1%3a7.1-138+1ubuntu3.1_i386.deb.
Inside of vim, when I type
:echo has('cscope')
it prints
as expected.
Granted, you do say you are looking for Vim 7.2 I don't know what improvements 7.2 has seen over 7.1, but it looks like there are still build problems with 7.2 that are being hammered out. I'd suggest just using 7.1 for the time being.

Update Ampps php version from 7.1.2 to 7.1.8

I am running Ampps 4.9.3 on Mac, and I am trying to install Laravel 5.6, which has a dependency on PHP 7.1.3. The latest version of Ampps says it supports 7.1.8, but I can't figure out how to change it from 7.1.2. Sorry if I'm missing something obvious, thanks for your help!
As #IgnazioC said, you can replace the contents of the relevant php version with a new one. You can grab the latest PHP 7.1 windows builds from
Make sure you download the VC14 x86 Thread Safe build, because this is what Ampps uses. You can also download newer versions of ionCube, XDebug and Opcache, but this isn't usually required.
Edit this file to change your PHP Version in Ampps. You can actually use this to upgrade or change any modules whether it be PHP or Apache or mysql, etc...
