Is it possible to deploy the Web App to Azure China by the Azure DevOps pipeline - azure

So far our team is using Azure DevOps to manage our code and we have created some pipelines to deploy the code to Web App in Azure Global (East Asia).
And now we need to deploy the code to Web App in Azure China.
Azure China is not totally same as Azure Global, we still want to create some new pipeline to do the deployment to Azure China, I want to know whether it can be achieved.

I didnot try it out myself. But it seems possible. You can refer to the detailed steps as described in this documents. Obviously the documents is little out of date, it gave an example for VSTS project which is the older version of Azure devops. But you can follow the steps and give it a shot.
The official site here lists below channels if you require assistance:
Online submission
MSDN forum support (in Chinese)
WeChat support (ID: VNET_AzureSupport)


Prohibited content in Azure Devops

I have several questions:
Can I include in a project repository my own EULA\License text for the source codes?
Can I use Azure DevOps for free and open-sourced projects?
Because here from what I can see, I cannot use Azure DevOps in these cases. Is that correct?
Regarding questions 1 and 2, please check the description below:
We recommend that you host your source code on github and use Azure Devops for continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD). This is because Azure DevOps Public Projects aren't generally discoverable to the general public. A project member needs to publicize the URL for it to be found.
You could use Azure DevOps for free and open-sourced projects. An Azure DevOps Services public project provides support to share code with others and to support continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) of open-source software. Users aren't required to sign in to gain read-only access to many of the services.
You could refer to this document to view more detailed information about public project.
Because here from what I can see, I cannot use Azure DevOps in these cases. Is that correct?
Your understanding is correct. The entry of the Code of Conduct is to build a better Azure Devops and let our users get a better experience.

Azure App Services, DevOps and Web API deployment

I am learning Azure. If I developed a Web API project. How exactly is deployed in real-time to Azure App Service? I do saw lot of video where APIs are deployed to Azure App Services. is the way we do in real development? or We use ARM templates? usually,the portal login details are not shared to developer? Once deploy to Azure App Service, How we use Azure DevOps to make CI/CD for the same. Please help/guide with any article/video/tutorial.
or Simply guide how we plan any web app or API from development to Production deployment using Azure App Services and Azure DevOps?
Thanks in Advance for any help.
First thing you need to do is maintain GitHub repository.Push all your code inside it !
Now create a web app in Azure under App service !
Once it is deployed you have to deploy the code to it from GitHub.
There are 2 ways to do it from GitHub to maintain CI Cd pipelines.
One way is you use GitHub actions under deployment center to deploy it or other way is create azure DevOps free account and Import GitHub repository there and then push it in Web App.
Both have some end results.
Now about ci cd pipelines anytime you will make changes to code on respective chosen way the code can be seen working in live app.
This all is concept of ci cd pipelines.

How do you create an installer for Azure Web Apps / Azure Websites

I am a software vendor with a .net web solution that I want customers to be able to easily install / deploy into Azure Web Web Apps / Azure Websites along with a Sql Azure backend. I can't find any installer tool that supports this scenario. I have also looked into the Azure Marketplace but it seems the only option there is to create VM images. I want my customer's to avoid having to deploy to an manage VMs and adopt the IaaS model. Instead they should be able to install to Azure Web Apps with a package that copies all the web solution files and installs and connects the Azure Sql. Is this possible or will I have to manually deploy and configure Azure solution for each customer?
You can use the VS Marketplace to do the deployment. What you need is to create an ARM template. There is a huge number of samples here: - you can pick one of the web app ones - for example: - has a SQL database linked to a web app.
The ARM template allows you to do a "no-hands" deployment of the resources and know when they are ready for further action. You can also deploy from any of the supported continuous deployment options (see the template with a GitHub connection as an example) or you can use ftp/msdeploy after the deployment is successful.
This is a good tutorial
This is the github example mentioned in previous answer

VSTS and Azure use

I am trying to understand the relationship between VSTS and AZURE.
I am planning to deploy some apps in Azure and wanted to know if there is any way within Azure that we can maintain releases and builds? or do we have to use VSTS?
I currently have everything in on-premise TFS and am using on-premise MS Release Management for managing my releases (which are a bit complicated).
Now Azure does offer continuous deployment using App Service integration but I feel that might be more apt for simpler applications with relatively simple release plans (Is this assumption correct?). Exploring Azure, I also see Octopus deploy (in the compute section). Does that mean that we can manage deployment inside of Azure without using VSTS? (I currently dont care about work items, backlogs and process inside of TFS)
Regarding the relationship between VSTS and Azure.
Want to authenticate users and control access with Azure AD Team Services: Access with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)
Set up billing when you need more users, pipelines etc… Set up billing to pay for users, pipelines, and cloud-based load testing in Visual Studio Team Services
Regarding deploy apps to azure, there are many ways, for example:
Continuous Deployment to Azure App Service, the source code could be in VSTS, Git, Bitbucket etc…
VSTS build and release, the source code can be in VSTS, GitHub, External Git and Subversion: Build definition repository
Some tools, for example Visual Studio: Using Visual Studio 2015 and Deploying your first web app to your FREE Azure Subscription

Release Management Azure Website

How can I publish to an Azure Website (NO VM!) using Microsoft Release Management.
At the moment, ms release management only seems to support deploying to Azure VM's. I like MS Release Management system as it lets me control my deployment variables across multiple deployment stages.
Basically, this is not a supported scenario out of the box.
Your best bet here is to use an agent-based release template with a "springboard" server to manage the release, and custom PowerShell scripts that use the Azure SDK to interact with Azure. One of my colleagues did the leg work to figure it out a few months ago, and has a few comprehensive blog posts describing how he accomplished deploying an Azure Web Application via RM.
Visual Studio Release Management now offers built-in steps to manage Azure App Services. In a Release Management process add the Azure App Service Deploy step, and configure for your website. Note that this step requires your site to be published as a .zip file.
In addition to the deploy step, it is best practice to deploy to an inactive slot, or stop / start the site using the Azure App Service Manage steps in Release Management.
For now, you should take a look at the new build system, it has an out of box task to deploy a package to azure web app.
