Max column ref in Excel (xlsx) - excel

Does anyone know what the maximum alphabetic value of a column reference in MS Excel is (open xml format onwards)?
All attempts to search the web for this, just bring up maximum values that can go in the cells themselves, so I thought I'd try SO. This question must have been asked before, but I couldn't see an existing similar question, so apologies if this is a duplicate.

Found the answer ("XFD") buried in answers way down the list on different question...
The max numerical value is 16384 which should be "XFD" according to the answers above.


Excel - choose random string from list of strings not including an existing string

I am automating the comments for some test marking, and I wanted to give a bit of variety to the comments I give for correct answers, so I have used the following formula:
=IF(E5=1,CHOOSE(RANDBETWEEN(1,4),"Great work!","Excellent work!","Great job!","Well done!"),"")
Here, if the answer is correct, then cell E5 is set to 1, and it chooses from one of 4 comments and leaves an empty string otherwise.
This works fine, but the test has two questions, and I would prefer it if when both questions are correct, they don't receive the same comment.
For example, if the formula above is in cell E11 and E16=1 indicates question 2 is correct, then I would like to do something along the lines of:
=IF(E16=1,IF(E11="",CHOOSE(RANDBETWEEN(1,4),"Great work!","Excellent work!","Great job!","Well done!"),CHOOSE(RANDBETWEEN(1,3),[set difference of original strings and string in E11])),"")
In plain english: Given question 2 is correct, but question 1 is not, to determine the comment for question 2 just select a random comment from the list; however, if both questions are correct, then the comment for question 2 must be randomly selected from the original list, not including the comment that was given for question 1 (no duplicates).
..but I'm not sure how to make that work in Excel.
I know I could just have two disjoint lists of "correct" comments for each question so there would never be any duplicates, but I am just curious as to whether it is possible to do it this way using Excel or not.
If you have Excel 365 you can just filter out the phrase which has already been used:
=LET(congrats,{"Great work!","Excellent work!","Great job!","Well done!"},

How extract group information from Excel file

Good morning in my timezone.
I received an Excel file with a lot of rows and columns.
When i use a filter in each column i am able to see all the values the column has when i pick each drop down button.
Question :
How can i select and copy all the values of each filter?
Something very similar to group by in SQL.
Thanks in advance
Best regards
I marked this question as Off-Topic, because I think it belongs to superuser and there you find your solution: How do I get the distinct unique values in excel
I wrote this as answer, because the answer does not exist on SO (but on superuser).

Replacing numeric values in Excel sheet with text values from other sheet

I am using Surveymonkey for a questionnaire. Most of my data has a regular scale from 0-6, and additionally an "Other" option that people can use in case they choose to not answer the item. However, when I download the data, Surveymonkey automatically assigns a value of 0 to that not-answer category, and it appears this cant be changed.
This leads to me not knowing when a zero in my numeric dataset actually means zero or just participants choosing to not answer the question. I can only figure that out by looking at another file that includes the labels of participants answers (all answers are provided by the corresponding labels, so this datafile misses all non-labeled answers...).
This leads me to my problem: I have two excel files of same size. I would need to find a way to find certain values in one dataset (text value, scattered randomly over dataset), and replace the corresponding numeric values in the other dataset (at the same position in the dataset) with those values.
I thought it would just be possible to find all values and copy paste in the same pattern, but I cannot seem to find a way to do that. I feel like I am missing an obvious solution, but after searching for quite a while I really could not find an answer to my specific question.
I have never worked with macros or more advanced excel programming before, but have a bit of knowledge about programming in itself. I hope I explained this well, I would be very thankful for any suggestions or scripts that could help me out here!
Thank you!
I don't know how your Excel file is organised, but if it's like the legacy Condensed format, all you should need to do is to select the column corresponding to a given question (if that's what you have), and search and replace all 0 (match entire cell) with the text you want.

Return most common value in a list based on criterion

I found a similar question here (Return the count of the most frequently occurring string based on multiple criteria) but did not see a satisfactory answer. Please help if you can!
I have a list of Manufacturers and their products:
Microsoft..MSDN..........MSDN Named User
In another table I have a list of unique Manufacturer names, and I need to be able to say what the most common (and then second most common, hopefully) metric per manufacturer is, as below.
Manf.........Most Common Metric
I would prefer not to have a VBA solution in this case, but will use if necessary. I have seem some INDEX MATCH attempts but nothing is working quite right yet. Thank you!
EDIT: I thought of another way to search for answers and found this, which worked!
Anyone know how to modify it to find the second and third most common values?
If I understand the requirement, a PivotTable should show you what you want:
This is in Tabular form without Totals and without Subtotals but with 'Metric' sorted Descending by Count of Metric. Repeat items labels is not checked as this may help with identifying where 'most common' starts for each Manf.

I want to sum the next nth data points in Excel and store them in a separate column

I am working on a project where I am using Excel to analyze several million data points. I've already converted my data into simple binary true and false. Now I need to sum 75,000 data points at a time and store them in a separate column. I think what I need to do is very similar to the result given to the linked question at the bottom of this post but I was wondering if someone could help me figure out how to store the sum's properly.
For example, I want to take data points B1 through B75,000 and sum them and store them in D1. Then I want to sum B75,001 through B150,000 and store them in D2 and so on.
As mentioned, the result should be in a pretty similar form to that given in the linked question, I was mostly hoping someone could clarify what numbers I need to use in order to fix my offset problems and store the numbers in the right location. Thanks in advanced for any help you can give, I appreciate it.
I want to sum every 7 rows in a worksheet and put the sum in different column & rows
Considering the comment, I edited and simplified the answer. Try this out:
Edit: Heh, now I see it's the same as ZAT's comment, which was made when the question had the old ranges. :)
