Python in Visual Studio Code getting winError[5] Access denied from idescripts - python-3.x

it is my first time posting here so I apologize if this question is not correctly formatted.
I installed VSC to use it in developing STM32 code. I found the damongranlabs idescripts in github that would help greatly. While running the script, I get the winError[5] access denied. VSC is using powershell as a terminal and I am running windows 10 with Python 3.8 32bit.
I have tried running VSC as an admin with no luck.
The following is what I get in powershell after attempting to run the script:
Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Try the new cross-platform PowerShell
PS D:\Development\STM32\cubemxprojects\476EncTest> & d:/Development/STM32/cubemxprojects/476EncTest/ideScripts/
Update started.
Existing '.vscode' folder used.
One STM32CubeMX file found: 476EncTest.ioc
Existing 'Makefile' file found (restored from '.backup').
Copy of file (new name: Makefile): D:/Development/STM32/cubemxprojects/476EncTest/Makefile.backup
Makefile 'print-variable' function added.
Valid 'buildData.json' file found.
Valid 'toolsPaths.json' file found.
'toolsPaths.json' file updated!
Enter path(s) to OpenOCD configuration file(s):
Example: 'target/stm32f0x.cfg'. Absolute or relative to OpenOCD /scripts/ folder.
If more than one file is needed, separate with comma.
Paste here and press Enter: C:\Users\omis2\AppData\Roaming\GNUMCUEclipse\GNU MCU Eclipse\OpenOCD\0.10.0-12-20190422-2015\scripts\target\stm32l4x.cfg
Enter path or command for 'stm32SvdPath':
Paste here and press Enter: C:\Users\omis2\AppData\Roaming\GNUMCUEclipse\Keil.STM32L4xx_DFP.2.2.0\CMSIS\SVD\STM32L4x6.svd
ERROR (55 seconds).
Unexpected error occured during 'Update' procedure. Exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\Development\STM32\cubemxprojects\476EncTest\ideScripts\", line 56, in <module>
makefileData = makefile.getMakefileData(makeExePath, gccExePath)
File "D:\Development\STM32\cubemxprojects\476EncTest\ideScripts\", line 93, in getMakefileData
projectName = self.getMakefileVariable(makeExePath, gccExePath, self.mkfStr.projectName)[0]
File " D:\Development\STM32\cubemxprojects\476EncTest\ideScripts\", line 366, in getMakefileVariable
proc = Popen(arguments, stdout=PIPE)
File "C:\Users\omis2\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38- 32\lib\", line 854, in __init__
self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
File "C:\Users\omis2\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38- 32\lib\", line 1307, in _execute_child
hp, ht, pid, tid = _winapi.CreateProcess(executable, args,
PermissionError: [WinError 5] Access is denied
Thanks for any help


Python xlwings: EventError: Command failed: Parameter error. (-50)

I wish I could use python to execute the Excel macro, so I tried to use the package xlwings to implement it.
The OS of my laptop is macOS Catalina (ver.: 10.15.7), my compiler is PyCharm (ver.: 2021.2.3), my Python version is 3.8.8, I used Anaconda (Ver.: 22.11.1) as my interpreter, my excel version is 16.66.1 (Microsoft Excel for Mac).
I faced the error "Command Error -1743: The User has declined permission" when I tried to use this package originally, and I solved this issue by installing an old compiler & using the old version of the compiler to run my code. My privacy setting for automation in the app Setting was shown below: (This is NOT the question I want to ask, but I'm not sure if it is also related to the issue I faced, so I still attached it here. I had uninstalled the old version of my compiler already.)
I wish I could implement an existing macro (called Hi) in an existing Excel file (called [StakeOverflow]HelloWorld.xlsm) through Python (represented as below), like the snapshot below:
My Excel file and my python code were stored on OneDrive. My macro code was shown below:
Sub Hi()
MsgBox "Good morning!"
End Sub
My python code was shown below:
import xlwings as xw
import time
wb = xw.Book('/Users/<MY NAME>/OneDrive/MY PATH DETAILS/[StakeOverflow]HelloWorld.xlsm')
app =
macro_vba = app.macro("Hi")
The code looks really simple, but I still faced the error. My Excel was not opened automatically, and I even could not open the Excel file manually thereafter. The error was shown below:
/Users/.../.conda/envs/Program/bin/python "/Users/.../OneDrive/.../"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/.../.conda/envs/Program/lib/python3.9/site-packages/xlwings/", line 4914, in open
impl= self.impl(name)
File "/Users/.../.conda/envs/Program/lib/python3.9/site-packages/xlwings/", line 366, in __call__
raise KeyError(name_or_index)
KeyError: '[stakeoverflow] helloworld.xlsm'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/.../.conda/envs/Program/lib/python3.9/site-packages/aeosa/appscript/", line 482, in __call___
return (self._code, params, atts, codecs=self.AS_appdata).send(timeout, sendflags)
File "/Users/.../.conda/envs/Program/lib/python3.9/site-packages/aeosa/aem/", line 92, in send
raise EventError(errornum, errormsg, eventresult)
aem.aemsend.EventError: Command failed: Parameter error. (-50)
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/.../OneDrive/.../", line 18, in <module>
wb = xw.Book('/Users/.../OneDrive/.../[stakeoverflow] helloworld.xlsm')
File "/Users/.../.conda/envs/Program/lib/python3.9/site-packages/xlwings/", line 876, in __init__
File "/Users/.../.conda/envs/Program/lib/python3.9/site-packages/xlwings/", line 4921, in open
impl =
File "/Users/.../.conda/envs/Program/lib/python3.9/site-packages/xlwings/", line 420, in open
File "/Users/.../.conda/envs/Program/lib/python3.9/site-packages/aeosa/appscript/", line 518, in __call__
raise CommandError(self, (args, kargs), e, self.AS_appdata) from e
appscript.reference.CommandError: Command failed:
MESSAGE: Parameter error.
COMMAND: app(pid=1647).open_workbook (workbook_file_name='/users/.../onedrive/.../[stakeoverflow] helloworld.xlsm', update_links=k.do_not_update_links, read_only=None, format=None, password=None, write_reserved_password=None, ignore_read_only_recommended=None, origin=None, delimiter=None, editable=None, notify=None, converter=None, add_to_mru=None, timeout=-1)
Process finished with exit code 1
I tried to use terminal to run my python code, but I could not solve the problem, either.
I tried to open the Excel file manually thereafter, the error was shown below:
Excel cannot open the file ’[StakeOverflow]HelloWorld.xlsm’
because the file format or file extension is not valid. Verify
that the file has not been corrupted and that the file
extension matches the format of the file.
I tried to Google this error, but few solutions was found. It seems that it is related to the issue of external storage location. I tried to create another Excel file with the same name & macro code on my desktop and try again, and the error would disappear. (However, our company stored the files on OneDrive, so I wish I could utilise the file online.)
Just wondering if anyone here faced this situation before?
I found the answer by myself today. The issue is related to the naming issue rather than the permission issue.
As we could see that the error is KeyError: '[stakeoverflow] helloworld.xlsm', which implies that the problem is here. (Maybe because the system could not find the Excel file with this name.)
I tried to change the name from [stakeoverflow] helloworld.xlsm to helloworld.xlsm, and the error was gone. It seems that when xlwings want to open an Excel file, it would check the validity of the file name and change the name into smaller cases. If the file name contains special characters which are not allowed (e.g., "[]"), then the error would occur.
Notice that I could store the Excel file with these special characters in our laptop & OneDrive, but xlwings did not accept them.
Hope it is helpful to those who face this issue when using xlwings!

FileNotFoundError while using crontab to run Python script

I'm totally lost here. I'm trying to create a scheduler to run python script on my Mac, but I'm getting the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/Root/Desktop/Project/Data/", line 148, in <module>
File "/Users/Root/Desktop/Project/Data/", line 121, in run
config = get_config("config")
File "/Users/Root/Desktop/Project/Data/config/", line 3, in get_config
with open(f"config/{config_type}.json", "r") as file:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'config/config.json'
So crontab convinces me that there is no such file or a directory, which is not true. I can run my script manually without errors.
My crontab is:
00 19 21 1-12 * /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/bin/python3/ /Users/Root/Desktop/Project/Data/ >> /Users/Root/Desktop/Project/Data/cron.txt 2>&1
What am I doing wrong?
I'd be grateful for any help!
And is this possible without changing the relative path to an absolute path? I am aware of this solution
I assume crontab's cwd (Current Working Directory) is not same as where the script is stored.
this would solve your problem:
import os
script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
You can get the directory where you script is by calling "os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(file))"
if you change the current working directory "os.chdir(...dir...)" you can access you config/config.json by relative path,
Otherwise you will have to use a absolute path
Try running this and check your output file:
import os
script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
print (os.getcwd())
print (os.getcwd())
Try to open with full path to the json file.

Python script runs directly via command line but does not run via shell/bash script

I had a python script it did something and to run it via crontab on a daily basis I created the following file (I think it's called bash script):
source /Users/PathToProject/venv/bin/activate
python /Users/PathToProject/
For some time now it ran daily without any problems.
Now I added a feature that saves a .CSV file containing some results to my google drive via PyDrive2 afterward in the When running this new script via command line it runs successfully without any errors - every time.
I assumed that the crontab would run as well, but now I get the Traceback below.
/Users/PathToProject/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/oauth2client/ UserWarning: Cannot access mycreds.json: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/PathToProject/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/oauth2client/", line 121, in _loadfile
with open(filename, 'r') as fp:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'client_secrets.json'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/PathToProject/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pydrive2/", line 431, in LoadClientConfigFile
client_type, client_info = clientsecrets.loadfile(
File "/Users/PathToProject/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/oauth2client/", line 165, in loadfile
return _loadfile(filename)
File "/Users/PathToProject/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/oauth2client/", line 124, in _loadfile
raise InvalidClientSecretsError('Error opening file', exc.filename,
oauth2client.clientsecrets.InvalidClientSecretsError: ('Error opening file', 'client_secrets.json', 'No such file or directory', 2)
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/PathToProject/", line 5, in <module>
File "/Users/PathToProject/", line 20, in main
File "/Users/PathToProject/", line 58, in download_file
file_ID = get_ID_of_title(filename)
File "/Users/PathToProject/", line 47, in get_ID_of_title
drive = google_drive_auth()
File "/Users/PathToProject/", line 11, in google_drive_auth
File "/Users/PathToProject/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pydrive2/", line 123, in _decorated
File "/Users/PathToProject/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pydrive2/", line 507, in GetFlow
File "/Users/PathToProject/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pydrive2/", line 411, in LoadClientConfig
File "/Users/PathToProject/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pydrive2/", line 435, in LoadClientConfigFile
raise InvalidConfigError("Invalid client secrets file %s" % error)
pydrive2.settings.InvalidConfigError: Invalid client secrets file ('Error opening file', 'client_secrets.json', 'No such file or directory', 2)
If I edit the python script and skip the part of up/downloading to google drive it works fine.
Now I don't know why this error occurs and how I can solve this problem. The error message seems to be misleading because the client_secrets.json is in the directory and it works via the command line.
When you run via command line it picks path for json file and others.Cron could not find path.Be absolute in path, It will run smoothly. If absolute path not possible, try relative path with respect to CRON location path.

Python Selenium "Can not connect to the Service %s" % self.path in linux server

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 20, in <module>
driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path="/home/cavema11/public_html/")
File "/opt/python-3.6.4/lib/python3.6/site-packages/selenium/webdriver/chrome/", line 68, in __init__
File "/opt/python-3.6.4/lib/python3.6/site-packages/selenium/webdriver/common/", line 104, in start
raise WebDriverException("Can not connect to the Service %s" % self.path)
selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: Can not connect to the Service /home/cavema11/public_html/
I have localhost in my /etc/hosts but still getting this errors.
Please help me.
Thank you
Through the argument executable_path you need to pass the absolute path of the ChromeDriver instead of any other file. So you need to change:
driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path="/home/cavema11/public_html/")
driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path='/path/to/chromedriver')
Ensure that you have downloaded the exact format of the ChromeDriver binary from the download location pertaining to your underlying OS among: For Linux OS For Mac OSX For Windows OS
Ensure that /etc/hosts file contains the following entry: localhost
Ensure that ChromeDriver binary have executable permission for the non-root user.
Ensure that you have passed the proper absolute path of ChromeDriver binary through the argument executable_path. (chmod 777)
Execute your Test as a non-root user.

Pyramid mongodb scaffold failing on Python 3 due to Paste

Python 3.2.3 (using virtualenv)
Pyramid 1.4
pyramid_mongodb scaffold
After installing myproject using pyramid_mongodb scaffold I ran python test -q and it's failing with below errors.
running build_ext
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 33, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/python3.2/distutils/", line 148, in setup
File "/usr/lib/python3.2/distutils/", line 917, in run_commands
File "/usr/lib/python3.2/distutils/", line 936, in run_command
File "/root/App/Big3/lib/python3.2/site-packages/distribute-0.6.24-py3.2.egg/setuptools /command/", line 137, in run
File "/root/App/Big3/lib/python3.2/site-packages/distribute-0.6.24-py3.2.egg/setuptools /command/", line 117, in with_project_on_sys_path
File "/root/App/Big3/lib/python3.2/site-packages/distribute-0.6.24-py3.2.egg/setuptools /command/", line 146, in run_tests
testLoader = loader_class()
File "/usr/lib/python3.2/unittest/", line 123, in __init__
File "/usr/lib/python3.2/unittest/", line 191, in parseArgs
File "/usr/lib/python3.2/unittest/", line 198, in createTests
File "/usr/lib/python3.2/unittest/", line 132, in loadTestsFromNames
suites = [self.loadTestsFromName(name, module) for name in names]
File "/usr/lib/python3.2/unittest/", line 132, in <listcomp>
suites = [self.loadTestsFromName(name, module) for name in names]
File "/usr/lib/python3.2/unittest/", line 91, in loadTestsFromName
module = __import__('.'.join(parts_copy))
File "/root/App/Big3/Lime/lime/", line 1, in <module>
from pyramid.config import Configurator
File "/root/App/Big3/lib/python3.2/site-packages/pyramid-1.4.1-py3.2.egg/pyramid/config /", line 10, in <module>
from webob.exc import WSGIHTTPException as WebobWSGIHTTPException
File "/root/App/Big3/lib/python3.2/site-packages/WebOb-1.2.3-py3.2.egg/webob/", line 1115, in <module>
from paste import httpexceptions
File "/root/App/Big3/lib/python3.2/site-packages/Paste- /", line 634
except HTTPException, exc:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I understand the error, that Paste is not python3 compatible. I also know how to fix it but that would essentially mean porting Paste to python3 (which is something I don't want to do), so can anyone tell what I can do?
From the error stack I see that webob/ is doing from paste import httpexceptions but when I checked the code I see that the import is under a try except block (without raising any error in except), so I even tried the test after removing paste from the lib but then when I run the test, I see that the is installing paste again
running test
Checking .pth file support in .
/root/App/Big3/bin/python -E -c pass
Searching for Paste>=1.7.1
I checked .pth files and removed reference to paste and then started re-installation of project but somehow it still sees paste as required
Installed /root/App/Big3/Myproject
Processing dependencies for Myproject==0.0
Searching for Paste>=1.7.1
My file is same as this
Can someone tell me where is this paste dependency coming into my project.
I didn't intend to answer my own question but since I have made changes which are working for me, I thought I will share it here (assuming that there would be other folks wanting to have pyramid_mongodb scaffold work on python3)
Changes in development. ini
pipeline =
[app:{{project}}] to [app:main]
Added (optional)
pyramid.includes =
Changed server (from paste to waitress)
use = egg:waitress#main
host =
port = 6543
Changes in
changed requires from
requires = ['pyramid', 'WebError', 'pymongo']
requires = ['pyramid', 'pyramid_debugtoolbar', 'pymongo', 'uwsgi', 'waitress']
It's important to remove webError
The application is now working...
