How to create Union Implementation data type with bitfields in Autosar? - autosar

I am exploring how to create complex data types in AUTOSAR. Been searching for the below concern, but I haven't found one that shows me the way with good clarity.
I would like to create an IRV in this form:
union {
uint8 u8Value;
struct {
uint8 bit0 : 1;
uint8 bit1 : 1;
Base on my own investigation, I found in SW Data Prop Ref what is called SwBitsRepresentation from where you can specify start position and number of bits. However, it did not work because the RTE generated code look like this:
union {
uint8 u8Value;
struct {
uint8 bit0;
uint8 bit1;
Compiling this will definitely NOT apply the desired bitfields.

C bit fields are not supported in AUTOSAR for the lack of portability. If you want to implement a bitfield semantics you need to define an ImplementationDataType that aggregates a SwDataDefProps that in turn refers to a CompuMethod of category BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE.
Within the definition of the CompuMethod you can specify the bitfields and their semantics.
An RTE generator will honor this configuration by generating access macros that provide a more or less convenient way to access the bits in the host variable.
You can find more information about the definition of a CompuMethod of category BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE in the AUTOSAR document “TPS Software Component Template”.


Why do some struct types let us set members that can only be a certain value?

I was reading up on some vulkan struct types, this is one of many examples, but the one I will use is vkInstanceCreateInfo. The documentation states:
The VkInstanceCreateInfo structure is defined as:
typedef struct VkInstanceCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkInstanceCreateFlags flags;
const VkApplicationInfo* pApplicationInfo;
uint32_t enabledLayerCount;
const char* const* ppEnabledLayerNames;
uint32_t enabledExtensionCount;
const char* const* ppEnabledExtensionNames;
} VkInstanceCreateInfo;
Then below in the options we see:
sType is the type of this structure
If we dont have any options anyway, why is this parameter not just set implicitly upon creation of the type?
Note: I realise this is not something specific to the vulkan API.
Update: I'm not just talking specifically about vulkan, just all parameters that can only be a certain type.
The design allows structures to be chained together so that extensions can create additional parameters to existing calls without interfering with the original API structures and without interfering with each other.
Nearly every struct in Vulkan has sType as it's first member, and pNext as it's second member. That means that if you have a void* and all you know is that it is some kind of Vulkan API struct, you can safely read the first 32 bits and it will be a VkStructureType and read the next 32 or 64 bits and it will tell you if there's another structure in the chain.
So for instance, there's a VkMemoryAllocateInfo structure for allocating memory that has (aside from sType and pNext the size of the allocation and the heap index it should come from. But what if I want to use the "dedicated allocation" extension. Then I also need to fill out a VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo structure with extra information. But I still need to call the same vkAllocateMemory function that only takes a VkMemoryAllocateInfo... so where do I put the VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo structure I filled out? I put a pointer to it in the pNext field of VkMemoryAllocateInfo.
Maybe I also want to share this memory with some OpenGL code. There's an extension that lets you do that, but you need to fill out a VkExportMemoryAllocateInfo structure and pass it in during the allocation as well. Well, I can do that by putting it in the pNext field of my VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo structure. I can create a chain of structures like that as long as I want.
Here's the really important part. Since all structures have sType as their first field, an extension can navigate along this chain of structures and find the ones it cares about without knowing anything about the structures other than that they always start with sType and pNext.
All of this means that Vulkan can be extended in ways that alter the behavior of existing functions, but without changing the function itself, or the structures that are passed to it.
You might ask why all of the core structures have sType and pNext, even though you're passing them to functions with typed pointers, rather than void pointers. The reason is consistency, and because you never know when an existing structure might be needed as part of the chain for some new extension.
If we dont have any options anyway, why is this parameter not just set implicitly upon creation of the type?
Because C isn't C++. There's no way to declare a structure in C and say that this portion of the structure will always have this value. In C++ you can, by declaring something as const and providing the initial default value. In fact, one of the things I like about the Vulkan C++ bindings is that you can basically forget about sType forever. If you're using extensions you still need to populate pNext as appropriate.

How to map a structure from a buffer like in C with a pointer and cast

In C, I can define many structures and structure of structures.
From a buffer, I can just set the pointer at the beginning of this structure to say this buffer represents this structure.
Of course, I do not want to copy anything, just mapping, otherwise I loose the benefit of the speed.
Is it possible in NodeJs ? How can I do ? How can I be sure it's a mapping and not creating a new object and copy information inside ?
struct House = {
uint8 door,
uint16BE kitchen,
var mybuff = Buffer.allocate(10, 0)
var MyHouse = new House(mybuff) // same as `House* MyHouse = (House*) mybuff`
console.log(MyHouse.door) // will display the value of door
console.log( // will display the value of kitchen with BE function.
This is wrong but explain well what I am looking for.
This without copying anything.
And if I do MyHouse.door=56, mybuff contains know the 56. I consider mybuff as a pointer.
Edit after question update below
Opposed to C/C++, javascript uses pionters by default, so you don't have to do anything. It's the other way around, actually: You have to put some effort in if you want a copy of the current object.
In C, a struct is nothing more than a compile-time reference to different parts of data in the struct. So:
struct X {
int foo;
int bar;
is nothing more than saying: if you want bar from a variable with type X, just add the length of foo (length of int) to the base pointer.
In Javascript, we do not even have such a type. We can just say:
var x = {
foo: 1,
bar: 2
The lookup of bar will automatically be a pointer (we call them references in javascript) lookup. Because javascript does not have types, you can view an object as a map/dictionary with pointers to mixed types.
If you, for any reason, want to create a copy of a datastructure, you would have to iterate through the entire datastructure (recursively) and create a copy of the datastructure manually. The basic types are not pointer based. These include number (Javascript automatically differentiates between int and float under the hood), string and boolean.
Edit after question update
Although I am not an expert on this area, I do not think it is possible. The problem is, the underlying data representation (as in how the data is represented as bytes in memory) is different, because javascript does not have compile-time information about data structures. As I said before, javascript doesn't have classes/structs, just objects with fields, which basically behave (and may be implemented as) maps/dictionaries.
There are, however, some third party libraries to cope with these problems. There are two general approaches:
Unpack everything to javascript objects. The data will be copied, but you can work with it as normal javascript objects. You should use this if you read/write the data intensively, because the performance increase you get when working with normal javascript objects outweighs the advantage of not having to unpack the data. Link to example library
Leave all data in the buffer. When you need some of the data, compute the location of the data in the buffer at runtime, and read/write at this location accordingly. Because the struct data location computations are done in runtime, you should use this only when you have loads of data and only a few reads/writes to it. In this case the performance decrease of unpacking all data outweighs the few runtime computations that have to be done. Link to example library
As a side-note, if the amount of data you have to process isn't that much, I'd recommend to just unpack the data. It saves you the headache of having to use the library as interface to your data. Computers are fast enough nowadays to copy/process some amount of data in memory. Also, these third party libraries are just some examples. I recommend you do a little more research for libraries to decide which one suits your needs.

Can associated constants be used to initialize the length of fixed size arrays?

In C++, you have the ability to pass integrals inside templates
std::array<int, 3> arr; //fixed size array of 3
I know that Rust has built in support for this, but what if I wanted to create something like linear algebra vector library?
struct Vec<T, size: usize> {
data: [T; size],
type Vec3f = Vec<f32, 3>;
type Vec4f = Vec<f32, 4>;
This is currently what I do in D. I have heard that Rust now has Associated Constants.
I haven't used Rust in a long time but this doesn't seem to address this problem at all or have I missed something?
As far as I can see, associated constants are only available in traits and that would mean I would still have to create N vector types by hand.
No, associated constants don't help and aren't intended to. Associated anything are outputs while use cases such as the one in the question want inputs. One could in principle construct something out of type parameters and a trait with associated constants (at least, as soon as you can use associated constants of type parameters — sadly that doesn't work yet). But that has terrible ergonomics, not much better than existing hacks like typenum.
Integer type parameters are highly desired since, as you noticed, they enable numerous things that aren't really feasible in current Rust. People talk about this and plan for it but it's not there yet.
Integer type parameters are not supported as of now, however there's an RFC for that IIRC, and a long-standing discussion.
You could use typenum crate in the meanwhile.

Resolve union structure in Rust FFI

I have problem with resolving c-union structure XEvent.
I'm experimenting with Xlib and X Record Extension in Rust. I'm generate ffi-bindings with rust-bindgen. All code hosted on github alxkolm/rust-xlib-record.
Trouble happen on line src/ when I try extract data from XEvent structure.
let key_event: *mut xlib::XKeyEvent = event.xkey();
println!("KeyPress {}", (*key_event).keycode); // this always print 128 on any key
My program listen key events and print out keycode. But it is always 128 on any key I press. I think this wrong conversion from C union type to Rust type.
Definition of XEvent starts here src/ It's the c-union. Original C definition here.
Code from GitHub can be run by cargo run command. It's compile without errors.
What I do wrong?
Beware that rustbindgen generates binding to C union with as much safety as in C; as a result, when calling:
event.xkey(); // gets the C union 'xkey' field
There is no runtime check that xkey is the field currently containing a value.
This is because since C does not have tagged union (ie, the union knowing which field is currently in use), developers came up with various ways of encoding this information (*), the two that I know of being:
an external supplier; typically another field of the structure right before the union
the first field of each of the structures in the union
Here, you are in the latter case int type; is the first field of the union and each nested structure starts with int _type; to denote this. As a result, you need a two-steps approach:
consult type()
depending on the value, call the correct reinterpretation
The mapping from the value of type to the actual field being used should be part of the documentation of the C library, hopefully.
I invite you to come up with a wrapper around this low-level union that will make it safer to retrieve the result. At the very least, you could check it is the right type in the accessor; the full approach being to come up with a Rust enum that would wrap proxies to all the fields and allow pattern-matching.
(*) and actually sometimes disregard it altogether, for example in C99 to reinterpret a float as an int a union { float f; int i; } can be used.

Is there a language where types can take content of fields into account?

I had this crazy idea and was wondering if such a thing exists:
Usually, in a strongly typed language, types are mainly concerned with memory layout, or membership to an abstract 'class'. So class Foo {int a;} and class Bar {int a; int b;} are distinct, but so is class Baz {int a; int b;} (although it has the same layout, it's a different type). So far, so good.
I was wondering if there is a language that allows one to specify more fine grained contraints as to what makes a type. For example, I'd like to have:
class Person {
int height;
class RollercoasterSafe: Person (where .height>140) {}
void ride(RollercoasterSafe p) { //... }
and the compiler would make sure that it's impossible to have p.height < 140 in ride. This is just a stupid example, but I'm sure there are use cases where this could really help. Is there such a thing?
It depends on whether the predicate is checked statically or dynamically. In either case the answer is yes, but the resulting systems look different.
On the static end: PL researchers have proposed the notion of a refinement type, which consists of a base type together with a predicate: I believe the idea of refinement types is that the predicates are checked at compile time, which means that you have to restrict the language of predicates to something tractable.
It's also possible to express constraints using dependent types, which are types parameterized by run-time values (as opposed to polymorphic types, which are parameterized by other types).
There are other tricks that you can play with powerful type systems like Haskell's, but IIUC you would have to change height from int to something whose structure the type checker could reason about.
On the dynamic end: SQL has something called domains, as in CREATE DOMAIN: (see the bottom of the page for a simple example), which again consist of a base type and a constraint. The domain's constraint is checked dynamically whenever a value of that domain is created. In general, you can solve the problem by creating a new abstract data type and performing the check whenever you create a new value of the abstract type. If your language allows you to define automatic coercions from and to your new type, then you can use them to essentially implement SQL-like domains; if not, you just live with plain old abstract data types instead.
Then there are contracts, which are not thought of as types per se but can be used in some of the same ways, such as constraining the arguments and results of functions/methods. Simple contracts include predicates (eg, "accepts a Person object with height > 140"), but contracts can also be higher-order (eg, "accepts a Person object whose makeSmallTalk() method never returns null"). Higher-order contracts cannot be checked immediately, so they generally involve creating some kind of proxy. Contract checking does not create a new type of value or tag existing values, so the dynamic check will be repeated every time the contract is performed. Consequently, programmers often put contracts along module boundaries to minimize redundant checks.
An example of a language with such capabilities is Spec#. From the tutorial documentation available on the project site:
Consider the method ISqrt in Fig. 1, which computes the integer square root of
a given integer x. It is possible to implement the method only if x is non-negative, so
int ISqrt(int x)
requires 0 <= x;
ensures result*result <= x && x < (result+1)*(result+1);
int r = 0;
while ((r+1)*(r+1) <= x)
invariant r*r <= x;
return r;
In your case, you could probably do something like (note that I haven't tried this, I'm just reading docs):
void ride(Person p)
requires p.height > 140;
There may be a way to roll up that requires clause into a type declaration such as RollercoasterSafe that you have suggested.
Your idea sounds somewhat like C++0x's concepts, though not identical. However, concepts have been removed from the C++0x standard.
I don't know any language that supports that kind of thing, but I don't find it really necessary.
I'm pretty convinced that simply applying validation in the setters of the properties may give you all the necessary restrictions.
In your RollercoasterSafe class example, you may throw an exception when the value of height property is set to a value less than 140. It's runtime checking, but polymorphism can make compile-time checking impossible.
