Using JetBrains Rider, is there a way to see elapsed time when debugging? - jetbrains-ide

In Visual Studio, you get this when you step over a line while debugging:
I can't seem to find an equivalent in Rider. Is there something like it?

As per the comments to my original question, this feature still hasn't been implemented yet
As a workaround, if I really need to know the elapsed time, I've just been using a stop watch.
var sw = new Stopwatch();
// Code you care about goes here
// Put breakpoint here, then use debugger to look at sw.ElapsedMilliseconds


Bukkit/Spigot - How to wait until BukkitRunnable is finished

In my onDisbale() method in my Main class I have a loop which creates and starts new BukkitRunnables.
I'm getting a error in console: org.bukkit.plugin.IllegalPluginAccessException: Plugin attempted to register task while disabled I need to somehow wait in my onDisable() method until all the BukkitRunnables I create in the loop are finished. How to do that?
My code looks like this:
public void onDisable() {
for (Player p : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) {
new PlayerDataSaverRunnable().runTaskAsynchronously(this);
The onDisable method is the very last thing that gets called before your plugin is disabled and the server shuts down. So, as the error message says, you unfortunately can't schedule any new tasks in the onDisable function.
You mentioned in a comment that you were trying to write to a file in the plugins folder, and under normal circumstances you'd want to do that asynchronously. But, because onDisable only ever gets called when the server is shut down (or when the entire server is reloaded with /reload), it's perfectly fine to run code here that blocks the main thread and could potentially take a few seconds to run — in the case of a shutdown, by the time this method gets called, all the players will have already been kicked off the server, and so there's no "lag" to complain about. If your plugin is super advanced and has to save a bunch of stuff, I don't think any server owners would complain even if it took 10 or so seconds to disable.
Of course, you would have to be saving something crazy for it to take a whole 10 seconds to save. More than likely, most files will save in just a few milliseconds.
If you're really dead-set on disabling the plugin as fast as possible, you might consider having some async task that runs every 5 minutes or so and auto-saves the files. Then, in onDisable, you could only save files that changed since the auto-saver was last run. That's a good practice anyways, just incase the server crashes or the power goes out and the onDisable method doesn't get a chance to run. But, then again, I would still recommend that you save everything in the onDisable method (that's what I do for all of my plugins, as well), even if it will take a few seconds and block the main thread, just so you can be 100% sure that everything gets saved correctly.

Why ( new Date() ).toString() is so slow in Node.js?

I am playing a bit with Node.js. I've just started writing something new and it stuck me that my simple "console" app takes quite long to respond. This app loads a 5MB json file, turns it into an object but all that still does not take a significant amount of time. My further search (in a quite short and simple code) led me to conclusion that this single line:
this.generated_on = ( new Date() ).toString();
takes around 2.5s to execute. Further investigation made me understand even less. I've modified it to:
this.generated_on = new Date();
this.generated_on = this.generated_on.toString();
(with console.timeLogs in between) and line with toString() was the one that took over 2 seconds to execute. Then, I've modified the code once again:
this.generated_on = new Date('2019-02-04 20:00:00');
this.generated_on = this.generated_on.toString();
and results were other way around. toString() took only 2ms while creating Date object took over 2s.
Why is it so slow? Why so different results? Any faster way to get formatted current time string? (I don't care much about execution time for this project as it works offline, still it bugs me).
I think your development environment is off or something. I cannot tell you why your machine is running the code in a slow manner. I cannot replicate the problem you were saying.
I tried to benchmark the code you have above.
Go here and try clicking on Run button at the top.
Here's the result I am seeing
// Case Togehter:
// this.generated_on = ( new Date() ).toString();
// Case Separately:
// this.generated_on = new Date();
// this.generated_on = this.generated_on.toString();
Together x 332,222 ops/sec ±7.75% (44 runs sampled)
Separtely x 313,162 ops/sec ±8.48% (43 runs sampled)
332,222 ops/sec means an operation took 1/332,222 seconds on average.
I suggest you to use node.js builtin module 'Performance hooks'.
You can find documentation here:
Mark each process from top to bottom and then print the metrics (in milliseconds), you will figure out the actual issue

HWND handle being returned via FindWindowW differs from top-level parent

I'm trying to create a utility that will selectively hide and show windows based on pre-assigned hotkeys and I'm working with the Windows API code.
I use a FindWindowW call to get a handle to a window as a test (in my case, a window with the text "Calculator - Calculator", which matched an open calculator window) and use that handle in a ShowWindow function.
Code below:
var user32path = 'C:\\Windows\\System32\\user32.dll';
function TEXT(text){
return new Buffer(text, 'ucs2').toString('binary');
var user32 = new FFI.Library(user32path, {
'FindWindowW': ['int', ['string', 'string']],
'ShowWindow': ['int', ['int', 'int']],
'ShowWindowAsync': ['int', ['int', 'int']],
'FindWindowExW': ['int', ['int', 'int', 'string', 'string']],
'BringWindowToTop': ['int', ['int']],
'GetActiveWindow': ['int', ['int']]
var handle = user32.FindWindowW(null,TEXT("Calculator ‎- Calculator"));
handle, 'SW_Hide');
//associatedWindowHandle is a manually-created variable with the Spy++ variable.
//The Spy++ doesn't match and I'm not sure why.
user32.ShowWindowAsync(activeHandle, 'SW_Hide');
var pruneLength = Object.keys(prunedData).length;
for (let i = 0; i < pruneLength-1; i++){
if (Object.entries(prunedData)[i][1] === hotkey){
for(let j = 1; j <= prunedData.assocWindows.length; j++){
let associatedWindow = Object.entries(prunedData)[i+1][j].toString();
let associatedWindowHandle = parseInt(associatedWindow);
user32.ShowWindowAsync(associatedWindowHandle, 'SW_Hide');
2 main issues:
When I try hiding and/or minimizing the open calculator window, I can't seem to show it again when clicking on it. the preview image disappers and I notice a "Process Broker" is thrown.
I can't seem to actually find the window handle given with tools like Spy++, which makes it somewhat hard to debug to see if I need to grab a different handle. The parent-level calculator window's handle doesn't seem to match, and I verified that it was the same tool.
I'd also like to be pointed to some decent resources to help self-educate on this so I can better troubleshoot this in the future.
Many thanks!
Firstly, I'd echo Hans Passant's remarks that you're probably better off not trying to so this with a UWP app like Calculator, but then again these apps are not going to go away so perhaps you might want to try anyway.
The shell doesn't appear to appreciate you trying to hide a UWP app (Win32 apps work fine though, go figure). As you have observed, it's icon remains visible in the toolbar but behaves strangely while the window is hidden. So, short version, don't do that.
Instead, try this:
PostMessage (hWnd, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_MINIMIZE, 0);
Then things work a lot better, although the user can still undo all your good work by reopening the window of course.
As for Spy++, I have no trouble locating the top-level window of a UWP app using the 'Finder tool' (Menu -> Search -> Find Window). You just have to walk a couple of levels up the window hierarchy afterwards until you get to the one you really want.
Spy++ seems not to be able to log messages being sent to such a window however, see (shameless plug): Why can't Spy++ see messages sent to UWP apps?. I plan to look into this a bit more when I have time.
Finally, what do you mean by 'a "Process Broker" is thrown' please? I don't understand that comment. There's something called RuntimeBroker, which shows up in Process Explorer and appears to be connected with UWP apps in some way, but I don't know if that's what you mean and and I don't know anything about it even if you did.

webdriver-sync running asynchronously?

I'm trying to create selenium tests that run each step synchronously, without using .then(), or async/await. The reason for this is that I want to create a set of functions that allow pretty much anyone on our test team, almost regardless of tech skills to write easy to read automated tests. It looks to me like webdriver-sync should give me exactly what I want. However, the following dummy code is producing problems:
var wd = require('webdriver-sync');
var By = wd.By;
var Chromedriver = wd.Chromedriver;
var driver = new Chromedriver;
var myButton = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector('[id*=CLICK_ME]'));;
It tries to run - browser is launched, and page starts to load... but the steps are not executed synchronously - it goes on and tries to find and click "myButton" before the page has finished loading, throwing a "no such element" error... which to me kinda defeats the point of webdriver-sync?! Can someone tell me where I am going wrong?
FWIW, I have webdriver-sync 1.0.0, node v7.10.0, java 1.8.0_74, all running on CentOS 7.
Thanks in advance!
You need to put double-quotes around "CLICK_ME" as it's a string value.
Generally, though, it's a good idea to Wait for specific elements because dynamic pages are often "ready" before all their elements have been created.

libspotify: logging out or releasing session causes crash

This is in response to dan's (dan^spotify on IRC) offer to take a look at my testcase, but I post it here in case anyone has encountered similar issues.
I'm experiencing a problem with libspotify where the application crashes (memory access violation) in both of these two scenarios:
the first sp_session_process_events (triggered by notify main thread callback) that's called after the sp_session_logout() function is called crashes the application
skipping logout and calling sp_session_release() crashes the application
I've applied sufficient synchronization from the session callbacks, and I'm otherwise operating on a single thread.
I've made a small testcase that does the following:
Creates session
Logs in
Waits 10 seconds
Attempts to logout, upon which it crashes (when calling sp_session_process_events())
If it were successful in logging out (which it isn't), would call sp_session_release()
I made a Gist for the testcase. It can be found here:
The test case is made using Qt (which is what I'm using for my project), so you'd need Qt 5 to compile it. I've also only written it with Windows and Linux in mind (don't have Mac). Assuming you have Qt 5 and Qt Creator installed, the instructions are as follows:
Download the gist
Copy the libspotify folder into the same folder as the .pro file
Copy your appkey.c file into the same folder
Edit main.cpp to login with your username and password
Edit line 38-39 in sessiontest.cpp and set the cache and settings path to your liking
Open up the .pro file and run from Qt Creator
I'd be very grateful if someone could tell me what I'm doing wrong, as I've spent so many hours trying anything I could think of or just staring at it, and I fear I've gone blind to my own mistakes by now.
I've tested it on both Windows 7 and Linux Ubuntu 12.10, and I've found some difference in behavior:
On Windows, the testcase crashes invariably regardless of settings and cache paths.
On Linux, if setting settings and cache to "" (empty string), logging out and releasing the session works fine.
On Linux, if paths are anything else, the first run (when folder does not already exist) logs out and releases session as it should, but on the next run (when folder already exists), it crashes in the exact same way as it does on Windows.
Also, I can report that sp_session_flush_caches() does not cause a crash.
EDIT: Also, hugo___ on IRC was kind enough to test it on OSX for me. He reported no crashes despite running the application several times in a row.
While you very well may be looking at a bug in libspotify, I'd like to point out a possibly redundant call to sp_session_process_events(), from what I gathered from looking at your code.
void SessionTest::processSpotifyEvents()
if (m_session == 0)
qDebug() << "Process: No session.";
int interval = 0;
sp_session_process_events(m_session, &interval);
qDebug() << interval;
m_timerId = startTimer(interval);
It seems this code will pickup the interval value and start a timer on that to trigger a subsequent call to event(). However, this code will also call startTimer when interval is 0, which is strictly not necessary, or rather means that the app can go about doing other stuff until it gets a notify_main_thread callback. The docs on startTimer says "If interval is 0, then the timer event occurs once every time there are no more window system events to process.". I'm not sure what that means exactly but it seems like it can produce at least one redundant call to sp_session_process_events().
I notice that you will get a crash on sp_session_release if you have a track playing when you call it.
I have been chasing this issue today. Login/logout works just fine on Mac, but the issue was 100% repeatable as you described on Windows.
By registering empty callbacks for offline_status_updated and credentials_blob_updated, the crash went away. That was a pretty unsatisfying fix, and I wonder if any libspotify developers want to comment on it.
Callbacks registered in my app are:
I should explicitly point out that I did not try this on the code you supplied. It would be interesting to know if adding those two extra callbacks works for you. Note that the functions I supply do absolutely nothing. They just have to be there and be registered when you create the session.
Adding the following call in your "logged in" libspotify callback seems to fix this crash as detailed in this SO post:
