How to run predictions on image using a pretrained tensorflow model? - python-3.x

I have adapted this script to use with several pretraineds model,
after training is done this generates a 'retrained_graph.pb' which I then read and try to use to run predictions on an image using this code:
def get_top_labels(image_data):
Returns a list of labels and their probabilities
image_data: content of image as string
with tf.compat.v1.Session() as sess:
softmax_tensor = sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name('final_result:0')
predictions =, {'DecodeJpeg/contents:0': image_data})
return predictions
This works fine for inception_v3 model because it has a tensor called 'DecodeJpeg', other models I'm using such as inception_v4, mobilenet and inception_resnet_v2 don't.
My question is can I add an ops to the graph, like the one used in add_jpeg_decoding in the script so that I can afterwards use that for prediction ?
Would it be possible to do something like this:
predictions =, {image_data_tensor: image_data}) where image_data_tensor is a variable that depends on what model I'm using ?
I looked through stackoverflow and couldn't find a question that solves my problem, I'd really appreciate any help with this, thanks.
I need to at least know if it's possible.
Sorry for repost I got no views on my first one.

So after some research, I figured out a way, leaving an answer here in case someone needs it. What you need to do is do the decoding yourself get a tensor from the image using t = read_tensor_from_image_file found here, then you can run your predictions using this piece of code:
start = time.time()
results =,
{input_layer_name: t})
end = time.time()
return results
usually input_layer_name = input:0 and output_layer_name = final_result:0.


Returning training set predicted values with statsmodels.tsa

I have been training ARIMA models using the statsmodels (v0.12.2) package, and would like to check out how a model fits on the training data
Current Code:
from statsmodels.tsa.arima.model import ARIMA
#for some p,d,q
model = ARIMA(train, order = (p,d,q)
model_fit =
Attempting to do:
I would like to plot the predictions of the training set against the actual training values.
I have been trying to use the following after reading this documentation:
However, this returns:
<statsmodels.tsa.statespace.mlemodel.PredictionResultsWrapper at 0x7f804bf5bbe0>
How can I return these predicted values for the training set?
Advice appreciated!
I think you are looking for the fitted values of the model, if so then use,
You can find a complete example here.
I've found that changing:
returns an array which isnt perfect but suitable for my analysis.
Please post an answer if you have an alternative/better method!

Run Pytorch stacked model on Colab TPU

I am trying to run this my model on Colab Multi core TPU but I really don't know how to do it. I tried this tutorial notebook but I got some error and I can't fix it but I think there is maybe simpler wait for to do it.
About my model:
class BERTModel(nn.Module):
def __init__(self,...):
if ...:
self.bert_model = XLMRobertaModel.from_pretrained(...) # huggingface XLM-R
elif ...:
self.bert_model = others_model.from_pretrained(...) # huggingface XLM-R
... # some other model's parameters
def forward(self,...):
bert_input = ...
output = self.bert_model(bert_input)
... # some function that process on output
def other_function(self,...):
# just doing some process on output. like concat layers's embedding and return ...
class MAINModel(nn.Module):
def __init__(self,...):
print('Using model 1')
self.bert_model_1 = BERTModel(...)
print('Using model 2')
self.bert_model_2 = BERTModel(...)
self.linear = nn.Linear(...)
def forward(self,...):
bert_input = ...
bert_output = self.bert_model(bert_input)
linear_output = self.linear(bert_output)
return linear_output
Can you please tell me how to run a model like my model on Colab TPU? I used Colab PRO to make sure Ram memory is not a big problem. Thanks you so so much.
I would work off the examples here:
Maybe start with a simpler model like this:
In the pseudocode you shared, there is no reference to the torch_xla library, which is required to use PyTorch on TPUs. I'd recommend starting with on of the working Colab notebooks in that directory I shared and then swapping out parts of the model with your own model. There are a few (usually like 3-4) places in the overall training code you need to modify for a model that runs on GPUs using native PyTorch if you want to run that model on TPUs. See here for a description of some of the changes. The other big change is to wrap the default dataloader with a ParallelLoader as shown in the example MNIST colab I shared
If you have any specific error you see in one of the Colabs, feel free to open an issue :

example of doing simple prediction with pytorch-lightning

I have an existing model where I load some pre-trained weights and then do prediction (one image at a time) in pytorch. I am trying to basically convert it to a pytorch lightning module and am confused about a few things.
So currently, my __init__ method for the model looks like this:
# just creates the pytorch network
self.cuda(device=0) # assumes GPU and uses one. This is probably suboptimal
self.eval() # prediction mode
What I can gather from the lightning docs, I can pretty much do the same, except not to do the cuda() call. So something like:
self.freeze() # prediction mode
So, my first question is whether this is the correct way to use lightning? How would lightning know if it needs to use the GPU? I am guessing this needs to be specified somewhere.
Now, for the prediction, I have the following setup:
def infer(frame):
img = transform(frame) # apply some transformation to the input
img = torch.from_numpy(img).float().unsqueeze(0).cuda(device=0)
with torch.no_grad():
output = self.__call__(Variable(img)).data.cpu().numpy()
return output
This is the bit that has me confused. Which functions do I need to override to make a lightning compatible prediction?
Also, at the moment, the input comes as a numpy array. Is that something that would be possible from the lightning module or do things always have to use some sort of a dataloader?
At some point, I want to extend this model implementation to do training as well, so want to make sure I do it right but while most examples focus on training models, a simple example of just doing prediction at production time on a single image/data point might be useful.
I am using 0.7.5 with pytorch 1.4.0 on GPU with cuda 10.1
LightningModule is a subclass of torch.nn.Module so the same model class will work for both inference and training. For that reason, you should probably call the cuda() and eval() methods outside of __init__.
Since it's just a nn.Module under the hood, once you've loaded your weights you don't need to override any methods to perform inference, simply call the model instance. Here's a toy example you can use:
import torchvision.models as models
from pytorch_lightning.core import LightningModule
class MyModel(LightningModule):
def __init__(self):
self.resnet = models.resnet18(pretrained=True, progress=False)
def forward(self, x):
return self.resnet(x)
model = MyModel().eval().cuda(device=0)
And then to actually run inference you don't need a method, just do something like:
for frame in video:
img = transform(frame)
img = torch.from_numpy(img).float().unsqueeze(0).cuda(0)
output = model(img).data.cpu().numpy()
# Do something with the output
The main benefit of PyTorchLighting is that you can also use the same class for training by implementing training_step(), configure_optimizers() and train_dataloader() on that class. You can find a simple example of that in the PyTorchLightning docs.
Even though above answer suffices, if one takes note of following line
img = torch.from_numpy(img).float().unsqueeze(0).cuda(0)
One has to put both the model as well as image to the right GPU. On multi-gpu inference machine, this becomes a hassle.
To solve this, .predict was also recently produced, see more at

How do I know if my tensorflow structure is good for my problem?

There are two sets of very similar code below with a very simple input as an illustrative example to my question. I think an explanation to the following observation can somehow answer my question. Thanks!
When I run the following code, the model can be trained quickly and can predict good results.
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from tensorflow import keras
model = tf.keras.Sequential([keras.layers.Dense(units=1, input_shape=[1])])
model.compile(optimizer='sgd', loss='mean_squared_error'), ys, epochs=1000)
However, when i run the following code, which is very similar to the one above, the model is trained very slowly and may not be well trained and give bad predictions (i.e. the loss becomes <1 easily with the code above but stays at around 20000 with the code below)
model = keras.Sequential()# Your Code Here#
model.add(keras.layers.Dense(2,activation = 'relu',input_shape = (1,)))
model.compile(optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1),loss = 'mean_squared_error')
#model.compile(# Your Code Here#)
xs = np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10], dtype=float)# Your Code Here#
ys = np.array([100,150,200,250,300,350,400,450,500,550], dtype=float)# Your Code Here#,ys,epochs = 1000)
One more note: when I train my model with the second set of code, the model may be well trained occasionally (~8 out of 10 times it is not well trained, and loss remains >10000 after 1000 epochs).
I don't think there is any direct way to choose best deep architecture rather doing multiple experiments by varying hyper-parameters and changing the architecture. Compare the performance of each and every experiment and choose the best one. There are few articles listed below which may be helpful for you.
link-1, link-2, link-3

How to predict the new image by using model.predict?

I have built a model and saved its weights as 'first_try.h5' but I am not able to load the model & run it on any random image. My problem is how to use model.predict_generator or model.predict or model.predict_on_batch methods. I have read the documentation, but I need one small example to do so. Sorry, I am new to this. It is a binary classifier.
I am using CNTK as my backend. I am following this tutorial.
Need little help.
I am trying the following way, but the output is just [[0.]]
img ="data/predict/T160305M-0222c_5.jpg")
a = array(img).reshape(1,512,512,3)
score = model.predict(a, batch_size=32, verbose=0)
