VIM : syntax highlighting gone after clicking another file - vim

I have a problem with syntax highlighting in gvim.
i have the following command in my vimrc file:
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.v,*.vs,*.va set syntax=verilog
However if i'm in gvim reading a file - "a.txt" and i also have "b.txt" open on split, when i click on b and then return to a , the syntax highlighting is gone after the click.
someone tried to explain to me that the autocmd not always running.
any ideas

The BufRead option only applies when reading a file into a new buffer, so it makes sense that simply switching between splits won't trigger the auto command. The file has already been read into the buffer; it's not read again unless you close and reopen it.
You want the option BufEnter, as it triggers on entering a buffer. Your new command should then look like:
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead,BufEnter *.v,*.vs,*.va set syntax=verilog
As a side note, it's probably better to use filetype instead of syntax, as syntax won't affect indentation rules, if there are any. Or even better, use a plugin to get everything set up automagically without needing explicit autocommands in your .vimrc. Just from a quick Google, this plugin pops up a bunch.


setting custom arguments in vimrc

I've tried looking everywhere for information on this but have come up short. I want to be able to use vimrc to set my own arguments for opening vim with. The idea being that if I run "vim -#code" then the vimrc file will set syntax highlighting and line numbers but if run "vim" then the file will open without line numbers or syntax highlighting. This seems like an obvious thing to want to do and I'm sure I've missed a trick somewhere but I'm struggling to get vim to play nicely. It seems silly to have to set a bash alias for this when the vimrc file is designed for this kind of thing.
My vimrc currently looks like this:
if $ARGV[0] == "#code"
set nu
filetype plugin on
syntax on
I have a workaround for similar situation
I have special vimrc (.coding_vimrc)
wich loads usual vimrc inside
source .vimrc
and contains all special settings for coding
Run vim with
vim -u .coding_vimrc
assumes full path in both cases

How can I get rid of this "Auto Commands" message from vim?

If I have this line in my vimrc
au VimLeave %bdelete
Then whenever vim starts it says
--- Auto-Commands ---
Press ENTER or type command to continue
I have that line there to empty the buffers from gvim, because new gvim instances have massive :ls output from previous runs. Notably, gvim doesn't actually produce this prompt.
Obviously I can set this instance up to only occur during gvim startup and not console vim, but I'd like to understand this rather than avoid it. Mostly I'm confused that VimLeave seems to cause things to happen on startup.
The problem is that this is an incomplete :autocmd definition, so Vim attempts to list all VimLeave autocommands defined for the pattern %bdelete. You need to specify the any file pattern to make it work:
au VimLeave * %bdelete
Also, check whether you have % in your 'viminfo' option; that one enables the saving and restoring of the buffer list you're complaining about. The f option of file marks may also result in buffers being restored; you could try :set viminfo+=f0.
New Vim instances don't inherit the buffer list of the previous instance unless you add % to the viminfo option.
Setting that option to a sane value will remove the need for your broken fix. Reading the documentation before adding options to your config will prevent you from similar issues.
See :help 'viminfo'.

Vim filetype detection does not trigger syntax highlighting

I'm trying to detect Go files in vim. I've set this up normally on other computers but this one is stuck.
:set filetype?
So it knows that it's a go file, but isn't triggering the syntax highlighting.
:set filetype=go
triggers it correctly.
:filetype detect
doesn't work, and reopening the file
turns syntax highlighting off, even though filetype remains set to "go".
I have
set rtp+=/usr/local/go/misc/vim
filetype plugin indent on
syntax on
in my .vimrc (as the instructions say).
What's going on? I suspect there's some other configuration that's undoing the syntax highlighting, but lack the knowledge of where to find it.
I'm not sure exactly what the problem is… However, you can try :scriptnames to see what files were loaded by Vim.
One step further, you can set verbose=9 in your .vimrc and restart Vim. Careful, this is really verbose, try to tweak that number down.

Using folds with synmaxcol in vim

Sometimes when I'm working on a project I want to play around with some data. Often times the data is on one line and is huge (>25k characters). I understand I could set nowrap and have this line just run off the screen, but I tend to like set wrap for other reasons. So, as a workaround I want to hide these long lines in a marker fold (e.g. {{{ long line }}}). This works fine but I run into a problem with synmaxcol for some reason. If the folded line exceeds synmaxcol then when I open the file, the syntax highlighting runs over. For example:
However, as soon as I open the fold the syntax corrects itself:
Having to open the fold every time is annoying though. As you can see in this example the line is not actually all that long -- it just exceeds synmaxcol. Since synmaxcol is exceeded at a "string" element, the rest of the file is highlighted as a string (so nothing but a singular double quote will stop it).
Why is this happening and how can I fix it? I've tried this with different syntax files and filetypes and it still occurs. I've also tried it with no plugins, a minimal vimrc (containing only syn on) and a modeline to set fdm=marker:synmaxcol=60 and it still happens.
You can manually enter :syntax sync fromstart to force Vim to rescan the syntax from the beginning of the opened file.
I would suggest defining a hotkey for convenience:
noremap <F5> <Esc>:syntax sync fromstart<CR>
inoremap <F5> <C-o>:syntax sync fromstart<CR>
Now you can press F5 to clean up most syntax highlighting problems.
Also, have a look at Vim's fixing syntax highlighting - wiki page
Moreover reading :help :syn-sync-first might shed some more light on the issue.
I was able to reproduce this behavior on my machine (I'm running Vim 7.3.429).
However, when I wrapped the fold markers {{{ and }}} in block comments, vim correctly rendered the syntax. You can create appropriately wrapped fold-markers using the zf command. See Vim tips: Folding fun.
Normally Vim picks the correct blockcomment string based on the currently active syntax. However, my Vim is pretty vanilla and didn't recognize Ruby syntax. I could specify autocmd FileType ruby set commentstring==begin%s=end in my .vimrc file to set the proper block comment. See :fold-create-marker for more details.
Another solution is to set synmaxcol=0, which will effectively set it to infinity. This causes Vim to check the syntax of the entire line, no matter how long it is. However, I'm not sure what kind of performance penalty you'll have to pay for that.

vim syntax off when one buffer quit?

I have two buffers in my vim session, and I set syntax on in my vimrc , I used minibufexpl to manage bufs.
I used :q to quit the current buf, but the other buf would auto set the syntax off, I have to use :set syntax=on to open the syntax highlight manually. Could someone give me a solution that not set the syntax off automatic after one buf quit? Thanks!! (I tried :bd to quit the buf instead of :q, sometimes it stay the syntax on but sometimes no).
If you're using minibufexpl.vim, add the following to your .vimrc:
let g:miniBufExplForceSyntaxEnable = 1
It appears to be caused by a bug in vim. For the details, refer to the release notes for minibufexpl version 6.3.1
Note that this will work for :bd but not :q
This might be much too late, but I was experiencing the exact same problem and found that adding the line
set hidden
to my .vimrc solves this problem. This makes vim hide buffers rather than closing them when you enter ":q" It also seems to keep my syntax highlighting enabled between files when I navigate with minibufexplorer.
Hope this helps.
You can use syntax enable or syntax on in your vimrc. For more info use :h syntax.
Ok then check that your syntax files are correct, it should looke like this
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.cpp set syntax=cpp11 <-- it's the line I have for cpp files.
Hope this help.
May be you should add this line to gvimrc:
autocmd BufDelete * syntax on
A plugin is misbehaving.
After closing the buffer (and losing syntax highlighting), investigate, by e.g.
:verbose set syntax?
This will show something like
Last set from C:\Program Files\Vim\vim73\syntax\syntax.vim
You might also be able to see what goes wrong my doing
:debug quit
If all else fails, try eliminating sources of errors by disabling plugins one-by-one (or removing all, and enabling one-by-one). At some point the problem will appear/disappear and you have found the guilty party.
