I'm using the "dialogflow-fulfillment" npm package and the WebhookClient class for my fulfillment app. I'm looking to integrate with dashbot.io, but the documentation doesn't detail integration with WebhookClient. There's instructions on how to integrate with DialogflowApp through "actions-on-google" but none for WebhookClient.
When I use the configHandler method like so ...
const dashbot = require('dashbot')('API_KEY').google;
const agent = new WebhookClient({ request, response });
... the requests are logged to dashbot.io but not my responses.
Do I need to do something specific to integrate WebhookClient with dashbot.io or is it not fully supported?
I set the server address for the bot with /setwebhook, now how can I get the data with only node js and https package to access {message :{...} }? (like /getupdates method) but by webhook , probably I mean like the php code but in node js: file_get_contents("php://input") .
Should I use async or https.createServer ? If yes, how and please explain a little
You have to create a server that will handle receiving the data. You can do this by using http.createServer or, more conveniently, using a library such as Express. Simple implementation using Express would look like this:
const app = express();
app.post(`/api/telegram${process.env.TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN}`, async (req, res) => {
const message = req.body.message || req.body.edited_message;
In this example, I use bot token in the webhook url (since I and Telegram are the only entities that know the bot token, I can be sure that the requests to the url come from Telegram). There are better ways to make the webhook secure, such as using secret_token as specified in the docs for setWebhook method.
For development purposes, you can use a service like ngrok to redirect requests from the bot webhook to localhost.
To get an idea of a fully functioning example of implementing webhook with node.js and Express, you can check my open-source project on Github.
We have many APIs written in nodejs, using nestjs framework.
We can generate openapi.yaml using SwaggerModule from nestjs. that works perfectly. But the problem is that it needs the API to be up, and therefore that the database is up and running. That's a problem for us in our CI/CD, because we need to generate openapi specification before running the API.
Is it possible to generate openapi specification from our code, without needing to run the application?
Or maybe is there a simple way to mock our database?
Thanks for your help
The short answer is no, there isn't a way to generate the docs without running the NestJS application. However, you can generate a JSON file representing the OpenAPI documentation and then generate a static website from there. This issue gets you half-way there:
async function bootstrap() {
const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);
const options = new DocumentBuilder()
.setTitle('Cats example')
.setDescription('The cats API description')
const document = SwaggerModule.createDocument(app, options);
const outputPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'swagger.json');
writeFileSync(outputPath, JSON.stringify(document), { encoding: 'utf8'});
await app.close();
This will generate a file swagger.json containing the OpenAPI specification. From there, you can use a tool like Spectacle to generate the actual HTML:
npx spectacle-docs -t public/docs swagger.json
An even less documented feature is the ability to retrieve a JSON representation of the OpenAPI specification from the regular endpoint using only curl.
Let's say you have a standard #nestjs/swagger integration that publishes the OpenAPI docs to /docs/:
const options = new DocumentBuilder()
.setDescription('The core API description')
const document = SwaggerModule.createDocument(app, options);
SwaggerModule.setup('docs', app, document);
If you browser to http:/localhost:3000/docs/, you can access the HTML version of the docs. However, if you browser to http://localhost:3000/docs-json you will receive a JSON representation. Simply append -json to whatever you spec path is.
Tying this all together, you can integrate this into a CI pipeline with a little hackery. I have integrated this into a Gitlab CI pipeline like so:
- until nc -vz $API_IP 3000; do sleep 1; done
- curl http://$API_IP:3000/docs-json -o swagger.json
- npx spectacle-docs -t public/docs swagger.json
In your CI pipeline, you'll still have to run your NestJS application and as well as Mongo and any other dependant services required for it to start, but once you generate the JSON you can stop your application, build the static HTML site and publish it elsewhere.
I managed to generate the swagger spec from my e2e tests without starting the server
generating swagger json file without running nest js server
I've created an agent on dialogflow, for each change on the inline editor from fulfillment, this implies directly on production, without passing by a test or publishing.
Is there a solution like dev environment to test fulfillment locally before push and deploy on production?
const express = require('express')
const bodyParser = require('body-parser')
const { dialogflow } = require('actions-on-google')
const app = dialogflow()
const expressApp = express().use(bodyParser.json())
app.intent('Default Welcome Intent',(conv)=>{
app.intent("Default Fallback Intent",(conv)=>{
expressApp.post('/', app)
You can run this server and can simulate live using ngrok.
Then you can give ngrok URL in Dialogflow fulfilment and test it out locally.
Yes, there exist a solution. You can use Actions Simulator to test your fulfillment prior to production. In Dialogflow click the Integrations choose Google Assistant. On the integration screen you will see TEST option. Here's the link from the documentation: Simulator
Alternatively, you can create different versions in Environments. Test them using simulator (as described above) then publish it.
Is there a way to retrieve path parameters setted by Dialogflow fulfillment webhook?
I'm using Node.js actions-on-google SDK in a Google Cloud Function.
My webhook URL is something like this: https://europe-myexample.cloudfunctions.net/actionHandler/v1
I need to get the v1 param to use it in manageWelcomeIntent function.
const NLGService = require('./services/NLGService.js');
const {dialogflow} = require('actions-on-google');
const app = dialogflow();
exports.actionHandler = app;
app.intent('welcome_intent', NLGService.manageWelcomeIntent);
Can't you e.g. use
const url = require('url');, or, even simpler, req.url
for finding out your server url and then extracting the param?
I built a custom webhook as a fulfillment endpoint for a Dialogflow intent. It works fine when I respond with raw JSON, ie: {'fullfillmentText':'hi'},
but does not seem to work using the "actions-on-google" library.
The code from their website implies this should work:
app.intent('myintent', (conv) => {
conv.close('See you later!');
But it does not. Google Home just says my app isn't responding. It might be that as it stands my function (using Fn Project) has to return JSON and if I return JSON as a response that it isn't expecting it fails. Maybe someone can shed some light?
Edit 1:
I'm using a custom webhook using the Fn Project open source functions as a service. Demonstrating how to use the project is my purpose here so I don't want to use inline editor or Google Cloud Functions or firebase or any other default option.
Here's the rest of the code
const fdk = require('#fnproject/fdk');
const request = require('request');
const dialogflow = require('actions-on-google');
const app = dialogflow({
debug: true,
fdk.handle(function (input) {
app.intent('myintent', (conv) => {
conv.ask('I could not understand. Can you say that again?');
return {'fulfillmentText': 'response from webhook'}
Although you are creating the app object, which does the Intent handler processing and such, and registering a handler with it via app.intent(), you're not doing anything to "export" it so app's methods are called when the webhook is triggered. When called, it gets the body of the request and will format the JSON for the response.
If, for example, you were using Firebase functions, you would connect app to be handled through the functions with something like
exports.fulfillment = functions.https.onRequest(app);
But you're not. You're using a different framework.
The library comes with a number of frameworks that are supported out of the box, but the Fn Project isn't one of them. In theory, you can create your own Framework object which will do this for you (the "Frameworks" section of this article discusses it briefly, but doesn't go into details about how to do so).
As you surmise, it may be easiest for you to just read the JSON request and generate the JSON response yourself without using the actions-on-google library. Or you can look into a library such as multivocal to see if it would be easier to leverage its multi-framework support.