Sorting strings without methods and other types - python-3.x

Hello I have to reorder a string, I am banned from using other types and str methods
So my problem is that I could not figure out how to end my code to get it work with any string
I tried to compare the results with sorted() to check and I am stuck at the first exchange
My code:
i = 0
s1 = "hello"
s2 = sorted(s1)
while (i<len(s1)):
while (j<=len(s1)-1):
if (s1[i] > s1[j]):
s1 = s1[0:i] + s1[j] + s1[i]
I tried to add + s1[len(s1):] at the end of the operation but
I only had found the result for a single string(that I was testing) adding thisI am really stuck, how can I make it work for all the strings with different lenghts??

You're not reconstructing the string correctly when doing s1 = s1[0:i] + s1[j] + s1[i] as you're replacing one character for the other but you omit to actually interchange the two and to add the remains of the splitted string to the end of the new string.
Given what your code looks like, I would do it like this:
i = 0
s1 = "hello"
s2 = sorted(s1)
while i < len(s1):
j = i + 1
while j <= len(s1)-1:
if s1[i] > s1[j]:
s1 = s1[0:i] + s1[j] + s1[i+1:j] + s1[i] + s1[j+1:len(s1)]
j += 1
i += 1
# > 'ehllo'
# > 'ehllo'
Please tell me if anything is unclear!

I am banned from using other types and str methods
Based upon your criteria, your request is impossible. Just accessing the elements of a string requires string methods.
The technique that you are using is very convoluted, hard to read and is difficult to debug. Try running your code in a debugger.
Now given that you are allowed to convert a string to a list (which requires string methods), redesign your code to use simple, easy to understand statements.
The following code first converts the string into a list. Then loops thru the list starting at the beginning and compares each following character to the end. If any character is less then the current character, swap. As you step thru the string, the character swaps will result in a sorted list. At the end convert the list back to a string using join().
msg = 'hello'
s = list(msg)
for i in range(len(s) - 1):
for j in range(i + 1, len(s)):
if s[i] <= s[j]:
# swap characters
s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i]


for loop with changed iterator

I can't make the iterator shorter while I'm running on it.
I want to write a function which gets a string and deletes repeating sequences in it.
for example:
if a have the string aaaaabbbbbbbcccccccDDDDDDaaaaa
I should get in return abcDa.
I tried to run over the string with a for loop and every time I see a new letter I will save the letter in a variable which adds up to be the fixed string.
def string_sequence_fixing(string):
c = ''
for char in my_str:
if c != char:
c = char
my_str = my_str.replace(c, '', my_str.count(c) - 1)
return my_str
The problem I want to avoid is too many iterations.
When I see a new character I want to delete all the other sequences of it,
but the second line from the end does not update the "condition" in the for a loop.
Short Answer: loops don't work that way.
Longer answer:
Here is some simple pseudo code, for your perusal:
print "J is " j
for j=0;20;5
print j \t
print "Now J is " j
The output may surprise you.
J is 99
0 5 10 15 20
Now J is 99
The reason is: the variable j in the loop is NOT the as the j variable outside the loop.
I like to use the term "stack" (some languages claim they don't use a stack. In those cases I call it a "not-stack stack). The stack simple means a temporary storage space in memory.
The initial variable "j" goes into the "program data space". The loop variable "j" goes into the "stack data space."
Using a variable doesn't 'really' mean you are using a variable, it's just a mnemonic to a memory space. Let's have another look at that sample code:
pointer-to-program-space-variable-named-j = 99 (poke into memory location 1:4500)
pointer-to-stack-space-variable-named-j = 0 (poke into memory location 87:300)
print pointer-to-stack-space-variable-named-j followed by tab
increment pointer-to-stack-space-variable-named-j by 5
repeat until pointer-to-stack-space-variable-named-j = 20
print pointer-to-program-space-variable-named-j
With this knowledge, let's look at your code to see what is going on:
def string_sequence_fixing(string):
c = ''
for char in *STACK*.my_str:
if c != char:
c = char
my_str = my_str.replace(c, '', *PROGRAM*.my_str.count(c) - 1)
return my_str
See how they are different variables? NEVER assume that a loop variable and a program variable are the same. You need to redo you algorithm to accomplish what you want to do.
Also, see the link provided by #David Cullen.
You can use groupby() from itertools. Code is like:
data = 'aaabbbcccDDDDDEfggghiij'
from itertools import groupby
dataN = ''
for d in groupby(data):
dataN += d[0]

Use Python to reverse the words in a sentence

The question was: Return a sentence with the words reversed
>>> master_yoda('I am home')
'home am I'
It will eventually reverse the words of the line.
I am learning and performing Python in Jupyter Notebook.
def master_yoda(string):
l = string.split()``
p = len(string) - 1
final = ''
while p<0:
final = final + ' ' + s[p]
p = p-1
print (final)
master_yoda('Hello my name is Aryan')
The output is nothing..
No syntax errors , but still no output ...
Perhaps you should try this.
def master_yoda(string):
reversed_list = string.split(' ')
reversed_string = ' '.join(reversed_list)
master_yoda("i am home")
The big problem with the code is that you were testing for p < 0 but since p starts off with a positive value, the code never enters the while loop. You should really have been testing for p >= 0. The following code should do what you want, they way you seem to want it to:
def master_yoda(string):
l = string.split()
p = len(l) - 1
final = l[p]
p -= 1
while p >= 0:
final += ' ' + l[p]
p -= 1
return final
Note that this implementation fails if an empty string is passed as input. I tried to keep the code in the spirit of your own code and checking for an empty string would make it more complex. The simplest and most robust solution would be:
def master_yoda(string):
return ' '.join(reversed(string.split()))

how to convert decimal to binary by using repeated division in python

how to convert decimal to binary by using repeated division in python?
i know i have to use a while loop, and use modulus sign and others {%} and {//} to do this...but i need some kind of example for me to understand how its done so i can understand completely.
CORRECT ME, if I'm wrong:
number = int(input("Enter a numberto convert into binary: "))
result = ""
while number != 0:
remainder = number % 2 # gives the exact remainder
times = number // 2
result = str(remainder) + result
print("The binary representation is", result)
Thank You
Making a "break" without any condition, makes the loop useless, so the code only executes once no matter what.
If you don't need to keep the original number, you can change "number" as you go.
If you do need to keep the original number, you can make a different variable like "times".
You seem to have mixed these two scenarios together.
If you want to print all the steps, the print will be inside the loop so it prints multiple times.
If you only want to print the final result, then the print goes outside the loop.
while number != 0:
remainder = number % 2 # gives the exact remainder
number = number // 2
result = str(remainder) + result
print("The binary representation is", result)
The concatenation line:
Putting the print inside the loop might help you see how it works.
we can make an example:
the value in result might be "11010" (a string, with quotes)
the value in remainder might be 0 (an integer, no quotes)
str(remainder) turns the remainder into a string = "0" instead of 0
So when we look at the assignment statement:
result = str(remainder) + result
The right side of the assignment operator = is evaulated first.
The right side of the = is
str(remainder) + result
which, as we went over above has the values:
"0" + "11010"
This is string concatenation. It just puts one string on the end of the other one. The result is:
"0 11010"
That is the value evaluated on the right side of the assignment statement.
result = "011010"
Now that is the value of result.
B_Number = 0
cnt = 0
while (N != 0):
rem = N % 2
c = pow(10, cnt)
B_Number += rem * c
N //= 2
# Count used to store exponent value
cnt += 1
return B_Number

Anagram of String 2 is Substring of String 1

How to find that any anagram of String 1 is sub string of String 2?
Eg :-
String 1 =rove
String 2=stackoverflow
So it will return true as anagram of "rove" is "over" which is sub-string of String 2
On edit: my first answer was quadratic in the worst case. I've tweaked it to be strictly linear:
Here is an approach based on the notion of a sliding window: Create a dictionary keyed by the letters of the first dictionary with frequency counts of the letters for the corresponding values. Think of this as a dictionary of targets which need to be matched by m consecutive letters in the second string, where m is the length of the first string.
Start by processing the first m letters in the second string. For each such letter if it appears as a key in the target dictionary decrease the corresponding value by 1. The goal is to drive all target values to 0. Define discrepancy to be the sum of the absolute values of the values after processing the first window of m letters.
Repeatedly do the following: check if discrepancy == 0 and return Trueif it does. Otherwise -- take the character m letters ago and check if it is a target key and if so -- increase the value by 1. In this case, this either increases or decreases the discrepancy by 1, adjust accordingly. Then get the next character of the second string and process it as well. Check if it is a key in the dictionary and if so adjust the value and the discrepancy as appropriate.
Since there are no nested loop and each pass through the main loop involves just a few dictionary lookups, comparisons, addition and subtractions, the overall algorithm is linear.
A Python 3 implementation (which shows the basic logic of how the window slides and the target counts and discrepancy are adjusted):
def subAnagram(s1,s2):
m = len(s1)
n = len(s2)
if m > n: return false
target = dict.fromkeys(s1,0)
for c in s1: target[c] += 1
#process initial window
for i in range(m):
c = s2[i]
if c in target:
target[c] -= 1
discrepancy = sum(abs(target[c]) for c in target)
#repeatedly check then slide:
for i in range(m,n):
if discrepancy == 0:
return True
#first process letter from m steps ago from s2
c = s2[i-m]
if c in target:
target[c] += 1
if target[c] > 0: #just made things worse
discrepancy +=1
discrepancy -=1
#now process new letter:
c = s2[i]
if c in target:
target[c] -= 1
if target[c] < 0: #just made things worse
discrepancy += 1
discrepancy -=1
#if you get to this stage:
return discrepancy == 0
Typical output:
>>> subAnagram("rove", "stack overflow")
>>> subAnagram("rowe", "stack overflow")
To stress-test it, I downloaded the complete text of Moby Dick from Project Gutenberg. This has over 1 million characters. "Formosa" is mentioned in the book, hence an anagram of "moors" appears as a substring of Moby Dick. But, not surprisingly, no anagram of "stackoverflow" appears in Moby Dick:
>>> f = open("moby dick.txt")
>>> md =
>>> f.close()
>>> len(md)
>>> subAnagram("moors",md)
>>> subAnagram("stackoverflow",md)
The last call takes roughly 1 second to process the complete text of Moby Dick and verify that no anagram of "stackoverflow" appears in it.
Let L be the length of String1.
Loop over String2 and check if each substring of length L is an anagram of String1.
In your example, String1 = rove and String2 = stackoverflow.
stac and rove are not anagrams, so move to the next substring of length L.
tack and rove are not anagrams, and so on till you find the substring.
A faster method would be to check if the last letter in the current substring is present in String1 i.e., once you find that stac and rove are not anagrams, and see that 'c' (which is the last letter of the current substring) is not present in rove, you can simply skip that substring entirely and get the next substring from 'k'.
i.e. stackoverflow
stac and rove are not anagrams. 'c' is not present in 'rove', so simply skip over this substring and check from 'k':
This will significantly reduce the number of comparisons.
Here is a Python 2 implementation of the method explained above.
NOTE: This implementation works under the assumption that all characters in both strings are in lowercase and they consist only of the characters a -z.
def isAnagram(s1, s2):
c1 = [0] * 26
c2 = [0] * 26
# increase character counts for each string
for i in s1:
c1[ord(i) - 97] += 1
for i in s2:
c2[ord(i) - 97] += 1
# if the character counts are same, they are anagrams
if c1 == c2:
return True
return False
def isSubAnagram(s1, s2):
l = len(s1)
# s2[start:end] represents the substring in s2
start = 0
end = l
while(end <= len(s2)):
sub = s2[start:end]
if isAnagram(s1, sub):
return True
elif sub[-1] not in s1:
start += l
end += l
start += 1
end += 1
return False
>>> print isSubAnagram('rove', 'stackoverflow')
>>> print isSubAnagram('rowe', 'stackoverflow')
It can be done in O(n^3) pre-processing, and O(klogk) per query where: n is the size of the "given string" (string 2 in your example) and k is the size of the query (string 1 in your example).
Pre process:
For each substring s of string2: //O(n^2) of those
sort s
store s in some data base (hash table, for example)
given a query q:
sort q
check if q is in the data base
if it is - it's an anagram of some substring
otherwise - it is not.
This answer assumes you are going to check multiple "queries" (string 1's) for a single string (string 2), and thus tries to optimize the complexity for each query.
As discussed in comments, you can do the pro-process step lazily - that means, when you first encounter a query of length k insert to the DS all substrings of length k, and proceed as original suggestion.
You may need to create all the possible combination of String1 that is rove like rove,rvoe,reov.. Then check this any of this combination is in String2.
//Two string are considered and check whether Anagram of the second string is
//present in the first string as part of it (Substring)
//e.g. 'atctv' 'cat' will return true as 'atc' is anagram of cat
//Similarly 'battex' is containing an anagram of 'text' as 'ttex'
public class SubstringIsAnagramOfSecondString {
public static boolean isAnagram(String str1, String str2){
//System.out.println(str1+"::" + str2);
Character[] charArr = new Character[str1.length()];
for(int i = 0; i < str1.length(); i++){
char ithChar1 = str1.charAt(i);
charArr[i] = ithChar1;
for(int i = 0; i < str2.length(); i++){
char ithChar2 = str2.charAt(i);
for(int j = 0; j<charArr.length; j++){
if(charArr[j] == null) continue;
if(charArr[j] == ithChar2){
charArr[j] = null;
for(int j = 0; j<charArr.length; j++){
if(charArr[j] != null)
return false;
return true;
public static boolean isSubStringAnagram(String firstStr, String secondStr){
int secondLength = secondStr.length();
int firstLength = firstStr.length();
if(secondLength == 0) return true;
if(firstLength < secondLength || firstLength == 0) return false;
//System.out.println("firstLength:"+ firstLength +" secondLength:" + secondLength+
//" firstLength - secondLength:" + (firstLength - secondLength));
for(int i = 0; i < firstLength - secondLength +1; i++){
if(isAnagram(firstStr.substring(i, i+secondLength),secondStr )){
return true;
return false;
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("isSubStringAnagram(xyteabc,ate): "+ isSubStringAnagram("xyteabc","ate"));

Is there a pythonic way to insert space characters at random positions of an existing string?

is there a pythonic way to implement this:
Insert /spaces_1/ U+0020 SPACE
characters into /key_1/ at random
positions other than the start or end
of the string.
There /spaces_1/ is integer and /key_1/ is arbitrary existing string.
strings in python are immutable, so you can't change them in place. However:
import random
def insert_space(s):
r = random.randint(1, len(s)-1)
return s[:r] + ' ' + s[r:]
def insert_spaces(s):
for i in xrange(random.randrange(len(s))):
s = insert_space(s)
return s
Here's a list based solution:
import random
def insert_spaces(s):
s = list(s)
for i in xrange(len(s)-1):
while random.randrange(2):
s[i] = s[i] + ' '
return ''.join(s)
I'm going to arbitrarily decide you never want two spaces inserted adjacently - each insertion point used only once - and that "insert" excludes "append" and "prepend".
First, construct a list of insertion points...
insert_points = range (1, len (mystring))
Pick out a random selection from that list, and sort it...
import random
selected = random.sample (insert_points, 5)
selected.sort ()
Make a list of slices of your string...
selected.append (len (mystring)) # include the last slice
temp = 0 # start with first slice
result = []
for i in selected :
result.append (mystring [temp:i])
temp = i
Now, built the new string...
" ".join (result)
Just because no one used map yet:
import random
''.join(map(lambda x:x+' '*random.randint(0,1), s)).strip()
This method inserts a given number of spaces to a random position in a string and takes care that there are no double spaces after each other:
import random
def add_spaces(s, num_spaces):
assert(num_spaces <= len(s) - 1)
space_idx = []
space_idx.append(random.randint(0, len(s) - 2))
num_spaces -= 1
while (num_spaces > 0):
idx = random.randint(0, len(s) - 2)
if (not idx in space_idx):
num_spaces -= 1
result_with_spaces = ''
for i in range(len(s)):
result_with_spaces += s[i]
if i in space_idx:
result_with_spaces += ' '
return result_with_spaces
If you want to add more than one space, then go
s[:r] + ' '*n + s[r:]
Here it comes...
def thePythonWay(s,n):
n = max(0,min(n,25))
where = random.sample(xrange(1,len(s)),n)
return ''.join("%2s" if i in where else "%s" for i in xrange(len(s))) % tuple(s)
We will randomly choose the locations where spaces will be added - after char 0, 1, ... n-2 of the string (n-1 is the last character, and we will not place a space after that); and then insert the spaces by replacing the characters in the specified locations with (the original character) + ' '. This is along the lines of Steve314's solution (i.e. keeping the assumption that you don't want consecutive spaces - which limits the total spaces you can have), but without using lists.
import random
def insert_random_spaces(original, amount):
assert amount > 0 and amount < len(original)
insert_positions = sorted(random.sample(xrange(len(original) - 1), amount))
return ''.join(
x + (' ' if i in insert_positions else '')
for (i, x) in enumerate(original)
