How to receive tuple as an argument to a function in python 3? - python-3.x

I have some code that was working fine in python2. I need to translate it to python3.
There is one piece of it that I can't understand how to adapt.
Here is some code.
Function with error
def gauss((x, y), x0, y0, intens, sigma):
return intens*numpy.exp(-(numpy.power(x-x0, 2)+numpy.power(y-y0, 2))/(2.*sigma**2)).ravel()
Caller function
def dofwhm(psfdata):
x = numpy.arange(psfdata.shape[1])
y = numpy.arange(psfdata.shape[0])
x, y = numpy.meshgrid(x, y)
popt, pcov = opt.curve_fit(gauss, (x, y), psfdata.ravel(), p0=[psfdata.shape[1]/2, psfdata.shape[0]/2, psfdata[psfdata.shape[1]/2, psfdata.shape[0]/2], 5.0])
return 2.355*abs(popt[3])
The error that I get is
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 8, in <module>
import cutPsf
File "/Users/igor/GALPHAT/pypygalphat/preprocessingNew/", line 9
def gauss((x, y), x0, y0, intens, sigma):
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Can somebody help me how to adapt it for python3?
Well, #hpaulj answer seems to be right. I found that there are routine to convert Python2 code to Python3 code. After running on target file 2to3 -w as a result I get the suggested solution from hpaulj. Unfortunately it results in fallowing error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 323, in <module>, outDirFits+galaxy.psffile)
File "/Users/igor/GALPHAT/pypygalphat_p3/preprocessingNew/", line 63, in run
coeffwhm = dofwhm(newPsf)
File "/Users/igor/GALPHAT/pypygalphat_p3/preprocessingNew/", line 20, in dofwhm
psfdata.shape[1]/2, psfdata.shape[0]/2, psfdata[psfdata.shape[1]/2, psfdata.shape[0]/2], 5.0])
IndexError: only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (`...`), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices
As said before, everything runs perfectly with Python2...

do the unpacking later
def gauss(xy, x0, y0, intens, sigma):
x, y = xy
return intens*numpy.exp(-(numpy.power(x-x0, 2)+numpy.power(y-y0, 2))/(2.*sigma**2)).ravel()
I suggested this based on the typical scipy optimized requirements, where the user defined function is called with f(x, *args), where x is the variable (possibly array) that is optimized. But curve_fit is different.
scipy.optimize.curve_fit(f, xdata, ydata, p0=None,...)
Where the f (your gauss?) satisfies:
ydata = f(xdata, *params) + eps
I guess my suggestion is still valid if xdata is the (x,y) tuple, or array made from that. And ydata is psfdata.ravel().

You need to make some modification with * operator.
def gauss(x, y, x0, y0, intens, sigma):
return intens*numpy.exp(-(numpy.power(x-x0, 2)+numpy.power(y-y0, 2))/(2.*sigma**2)).ravel()
def dofwhm(psfdata):
x = numpy.arange(psfdata.shape[1])
y = numpy.arange(psfdata.shape[0])
x, y = numpy.meshgrid(x, y)
popt, pcov = opt.curve_fit(gauss, *(x, y), psfdata.ravel(), p0=[psfdata.shape[1]/2, psfdata.shape[0]/2, psfdata[psfdata.shape[1]/2, psfdata.shape[0]/2], 5.0])
return 2.355*abs(popt[3])


Fitting logistic function giving strainght line in python?

I am trying to fit a logistic function to the data below. I am not able to understand why I get a straight line with fitted parameters? Can someone please help me with this?
x = [473,523,573,623,673]
y = [104,103,95,79,83]
x = np.array(x)
y = np.array(y)
def f(x,a,b,c,d):
return a/(1+np.exp(-c*(x-d))) + b
popt, pcov = opt.curve_fit(f,x,y,method="trf")
y_fit = f(x,*popt)
A good choice of initial values can make the difference between a successful optimization and one that fails. For this particular problem I would suggest the initial values that you can find in the code below (p0 list). These values allows to properly estimate the covariance.
Moreover, you don't need to use the trf algorithm since you are not providing any bound (see docs). The Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm is the right tool for this case.
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
x = [473, 523, 573, 623, 673]
y = [104, 103, 95, 79, 83]
x = np.array(x)
y = np.array(y)
def f(x, a, b, c, d):
return a / (1 + np.exp(-c * (x - d))) + b
p0 = [20.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
popt, pcov = curve_fit(f, x, y, p0=p0)
y_fit = f(x, *popt)
plt.plot(x, y, "o")
plt.plot(x, y_fit, "-")
If possible I would also suggest to increase the number of observations.

scipy.integrate error:only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
scipy curve_fit doesn't like math module
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
I am trying to calculate probabilities from Gaussian Distribution by varying the standard deviation(std).
I am expecting by using the Gaussian Quadrature with 21 points, integrating over a range from -1 to +1 with mean = 0 and setting std= 1 and std =2 will yield p = 0.68 and p = 0.95 respectively (picture attached).
import scipy.integrate as integrate
import math as m
#varying the sigma
def f(sigma,x):
return m.exp(-1*(x**2)/(2*sigma**2))/(sigma*m.sqrt(2*m.pi))
def prob_at_nsigma(sigma):
value = 0.
ans,anserr =integrate.quadrature(f,-1,1,args=(sigma ,),maxiter=21)
value = ans
return value
And I get the following errors which I don't see why the "divide by zero" and "only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars" arise:
runfile('C:/pythonExe/ntu_cp/', wdir='C:/pythonExe/ntu_cp')
C:\pythonExe\ntu_cp\ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in true_divide
return m.exp(-1*(x**2)/(2*sigma**2))/(sigma*m.sqrt(2*m.pi))
C:\pythonExe\ntu_cp\ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide
return m.exp(-1*(x**2)/(2*sigma**2))/(sigma*m.sqrt(2*m.pi))
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\pythonExe\ntu_cp\", line 23, in <module>
File "C:\pythonExe\ntu_cp\", line 19, in prob_at_nsigma
ans,anserr =integrate.quadrature(f,-1,1,args=(sigma ,),maxiter=21)
File "C:\Users\cztee\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\scipy\integrate\", line 238, in quadrature
newval = fixed_quad(vfunc, a, b, (), n)[0]
File "C:\Users\cztee\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\scipy\integrate\", line 119, in fixed_quad
return (b-a)/2.0 * np.sum(w*func(y, *args), axis=-1), None
File "C:\Users\cztee\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\scipy\integrate\", line 149, in vfunc
return func(x, *args)
File "C:\pythonExe\ntu_cp\", line 14, in f
return m.exp(-1*(x**2)/(2*sigma**2))/(sigma*m.sqrt(2*m.pi))
TypeError: only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars
Appreciate any help. Thanks!
Gaussian distribution
Two problems in your code:
As mentioned, you should use numpy instead of math module.
Your f function's argument order is wrong. Scipy assumes that the first variable is x followed by other parameters. So it should be f(x, sigma), not f(sigma, x).
import numpy as np
import scipy.integrate as integrate
def f(x, sigma):
return np.exp(-1*(x**2)/(2*sigma**2))/(sigma*np.sqrt(2*np.pi))
def prob_at_nsigma(sigma):
value = 0.
ans, anserr = integrate.quadrature(f, -1, 1, args=(sigma,), maxiter=21)
return ans
# 0.6826894922280757

Theano error when using PyMC3: theano.gof.fg.MissingInputError

I am generating some (noisy) data-points (y) with some known parameters (m,c) that represent the equation of a straight line. Using sampling-based Bayesian methods, I now want to know the true values of parameters (m,c) from the data. Therefore, I am using DE Metropolis (PyMC3) to estimate the true parameters.
I am getting theano error theano.gof.fg.MissingInputError: Input 0 of the graph (indices start from 0), used to compute sigmoid(c_interval__), was not provided and not given a value.
Theano version: 1.0.4
PyMC3 version: 3.9.1
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import arviz as az
import pymc3
import theano.tensor as tt
from theano.compile.ops import as_op"ggplot")
# define a theano Op for our likelihood function
class LogLike(tt.Op):
itypes = [tt.dvector] # expects a vector of parameter values when called
otypes = [tt.dscalar] # outputs a single scalar value (the log likelihood)
def __init__(self, loglike, data, x, sigma):
# add inputs as class attributes
self.likelihood = loglike = data
self.x = x
self.sigma = sigma
def perform(self, node, inputs, outputs):
# the method that is used when calling the Op
theta, = inputs # this will contain my variables
# call the log-likelihood function
logl = self.likelihood(theta, self.x,, self.sigma)
outputs[0][0] = np.array(logl) # output the log-likelihood
def my_model(theta, x):
y = theta[0]*x + theta[1]
return y
def my_loglike(theta, x, data, sigma):
model = my_model(theta, x)
ll = -(0.5/sigma**2)*np.sum((data - model)**2)
return ll
# set up our data
N = 10 # number of data points
sigma = 1. # standard deviation of noise
x = np.linspace(0., 9., N)
mtrue = 0.4 # true gradient
ctrue = 3. # true y-intercept
truemodel = my_model([mtrue, ctrue], x)
# make data
np.random.seed(716742) # set random seed, so the data is reproducible each time
data = sigma*np.random.randn(N) + truemodel
ndraws = 3000 # number of draws from the distribution
# create our Op
logl = LogLike(my_loglike, data, x, sigma)
# use PyMC3 to sampler from log-likelihood
with pymc3.Model():
# uniform priors on m and c
m = pymc3.Uniform('m', lower=-10., upper=10.)
c = pymc3.Uniform('c', lower=-10., upper=10.)
# convert m and c to a tensor vector
theta = tt.as_tensor_variable([m, c])
# use a DensityDist (use a lamdba function to "call" the Op)
pymc3.DensityDist('likelihood', lambda v: logl(v), observed={'v': theta})
step = pymc3.DEMetropolis()
trace = pymc3.sample(ndraws, step)
# plot the traces
axes = az.plot_trace(trace)
fig = axes.ravel()[0].figure
Find the full trace here:
Population sampling (4 chains)
DEMetropolis: [c, m]
Attempting to parallelize chains to all cores. You can turn this off with `pm.sample(cores=1)`.
Population parallelization failed. Falling back to sequential stepping of chains.---------------------| 0.00% [0/4 00:00<00:00]
Sampling 4 chains for 0 tune and 4_000 draw iterations (0 + 16_000 draws total) took 5 seconds.███████| 100.00% [4000/4000 00:04<00:00]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 75, in <module>
trace = pymc3.sample(ndraws, step)
File "/home/csl_user/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymc3/", line 599, in sample
idata = arviz.from_pymc3(trace, **ikwargs)
File "/home/csl_user/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/arviz/data/", line 531, in from_pymc3
File "/home/csl_user/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/arviz/data/", line 159, in __init__
self.observations, self.multi_observations = self.find_observations()
File "/home/csl_user/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/arviz/data/", line 172, in find_observations
multi_observations[key] = val.eval() if hasattr(val, "eval") else val
File "/home/csl_user/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/theano/gof/", line 522, in eval
self._fn_cache[inputs] = theano.function(inputs, self)
File "/home/csl_user/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/theano/compile/", line 317, in function
File "/home/csl_user/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/theano/compile/", line 486, in pfunc
File "/home/csl_user/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/theano/compile/", line 1839, in orig_function
File "/home/csl_user/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/theano/compile/", line 1487, in __init__
File "/home/csl_user/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/theano/compile/", line 181, in std_fgraph
File "/home/csl_user/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/theano/gof/", line 175, in __init__
self.__import_r__(output, reason="init")
File "/home/csl_user/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/theano/gof/", line 346, in __import_r__
self.__import__(variable.owner, reason=reason)
File "/home/csl_user/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/theano/gof/", line 391, in __import__
raise MissingInputError(error_msg, variable=r)
theano.gof.fg.MissingInputError: Input 0 of the graph (indices start from 0), used to compute sigmoid(c_interval__), was not provided and not given a value. Use the Theano flag exception_verbosity='high', for more information on this error.
I've run into the same problem when following the example how to sample from a black box likelihood found here:
This seems to be a version problem. I'm on Manjaro Linux and also ran theano 1.0.4 and pymc3 3.9 using python 3.8. I could solve the issue and make the code work by downgrading to python 3.7 and pymc3 3.8. This seems to be in issue with python 3.8, as simply downgrading pymc3 did not solve the issue for me. I am far from an expert in pymc3 so I don't have a solution how to fix this issue using the newest versions, but for now downgrading makes my simulations run.
Hope this helps.
Edit: The devs seem to be aware of this, there is a an open issue on their github page

RuntimeError: Unable to parse arguments while using scipy.optimize.bisect

I am having trouble with a code that uses the scipy.optimize.bisect root finder 1. While using that routine I get the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 100, in <module>
File "/home/irya/anaconda3/envs/hubble/lib/python3.6/site-packages/scipy /optimize/", line 287, in bisect
r = _zeros._bisect(f,a,b,xtol,rtol,maxiter,args,full_output,disp)
RuntimeError: Unable to parse arguments
The code I am using is the following:
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import bisect
def rho_function(x,P_0=5.0e3,B_0=3.0e-6,gamma=gamma_default):
"""function used to solve rho. Here, B_0[G] (default 3.0 uG), _0[K/cm^3] and
gamma are constants. The variable x is mean to be rho/rho_0"""
kb=1.3806e-16 # boltzmann constant in erg/k
f= B_0**2/(8.0*np.pi*kb)*(x**(4./3)-1) + P_0*(x**gamma-1)
return f,P_0,B_0,gamma
def rho_function1(x):
"""function used to solve rho. Here, B_0[G] (default 3.0 uG), P_0[K/cm^3] and
gamma are constants. The variable x is mean to be rho/rho_0"""
kb=1.3806e-16 # boltzmann constant in erg/k
f= B_0**2/(8.0*np.pi*kb)*(x**(4./3)-1) + P_0*(x**gamma-1)
return f
def rho_prime_function(x,P_0=5.0e3,B_0=3.0e-6,gamma=gamma_default):
"""Derivative of the rho_function"""
kb=1.3806e-16 # boltzmann constant in erg/k
f=B_0**2/(6.0*np.pi*kb)*x**(1./3) + P_0*gamma*x**(gamma-1)
return f
def rho_2nd_prime_function(x,P_0=5.0e3,B_0=3.0e-6,gamma=gamma_default):
kb=1.3806e-16 # boltzmann constant in erg/k
f=B_0**2/(18.0*np.pi*kb)*x**(-2./3) + P_0*gamma*(gamma-1)*x** (gamma-2)
return f
def magnetic_term(x,B_0=3.0e-6):
""""Magnetic term of the rho function"""
kb=1.3806e-16 # boltzmann constant in erg/k
return f
def TI_term(x,P_0=5.0e3,gamma=gamma_default):
return f
print("crit =",crit)
print("Using interval: a=",x[0],", b=",crit)
#using bisect
I would like to know what is wrong with the way I am suing to pass the arguments to the bisect routine. Could you please help me?
The parameter maxiter must be an integer. 1e6 is a float. Use

numpy contour: TypeError: Input z must be a 2D array

I have data in a list of lists format.
It looks like this:
[(x_1, y_1, Z_1),...(x_i, y_j, z_k),...(x_p, y_q, z_r)]
For every x and y there is one z. Lengths of X, Y and Z are p, q and r(=p*q) respectively.
I intend to plot a contour plot with X and Y as mesh and Z as the value to be plotted.
I have following code (just representative):
import csv
import sys
import statistics
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
#format of data = [(x, y, z)......]
#x, y, z are lists
X = [X1,..........,Xp] #length, p
Y = [Y1,..........,Yq] #length, q
Z = [Z1,..........,Zpq] #length, pq
X1, Y1 = np.meshgrid(X, Y)
CS = plt.contour(X1, Y1, Z)
plt.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10)
I get following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/uname/PycharmProjects/waferZoning/", line 49, in <module>
CS = plt.contour(X1, Y1, Z)
File "C:\Users\uname\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\", line 2766, in contour
ret = ax.contour(*args, **kwargs)
File "C:\Users\uname\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\", line 1811, in inner
return func(ax, *args, **kwargs)
File "C:\Users\uname\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\axes\", line 5640, in contour
return mcontour.QuadContourSet(self, *args, **kwargs)
File "C:\Users\uname\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\", line 1428, in __init__
ContourSet.__init__(self, ax, *args, **kwargs)
File "C:\Users\uname\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\", line 873, in __init__
self._process_args(*args, **kwargs)
File "C:\Users\uname\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\", line 1445, in _process_args
x, y, z = self._contour_args(args, kwargs)
File "C:\Users\uname\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\", line 1532, in _contour_args
x, y, z = self._check_xyz(args[:3], kwargs)
File "C:\Users\uname\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\", line 1566, in _check_xyz
raise TypeError("Input z must be a 2D array.")
TypeError: Input z must be a 2D array.
I understand what the error is, but I am not able to rectify it.
I can't give a MWE but I guess I have made my problem quite clear.
You need to have a z that has length equal to the product of the length of xand y:
assert len(z) == (len(x) * len(y))
Make z a 2D array:
z = np.array(z)
z = z.reshape((len(x), len(y)))
Here a MCVE:
x = np.arange(5)
y = np.arange(5)
z = np.arange(25).reshape(5, 5)
x1, y1 = np.meshgrid(x, y)
plt.contour(x1, y1, z)
Make sure your data is structured like this.
