How to increase the inputs of each layer in the neural network by a specific scale? - keras

How to increase the inputs of each layer in the neural network by a specific scale?
I am working on a neural network with Keras and TensorFlow.
I'd like to implement some features in the neural network. During the training, I want to remove a specific range of input for each layer. For example
Let's say the input of the layer one is a range of [-2 2]. I'd like to make sure no input at [0 0.5]. So I'd like to add 0.5 to all the inputs whose value is at [0 0.5].
How could I do that? during the training process.
Thank you very much

You might try Lambda functions. An example implementation below. I hope this helps.
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras
from tensorflow.keras import layers
import numpy as np
def myClippingFunction(x):
y = tf.math.logical_and(tf.math.greater_equal(x, [[0]]), tf.math.less_equal(x, [[0.5]]) )
z = tf.where(y,x+0.5,x)
return z
#create simple model
inputA = layers.Input((1,))
x = layers.Lambda(myClippingFunction)(inputA)
myModel = keras.Model(inputs=inputA, outputs=x)
x_data = np.array([[-0.2],[0.6]])


Speed up the Keras sequential model in for loop

I am trying to decrease the execution time of the Keras sequential model that runs in a loop several times.
My training dataset shape: (1,9526,32736,1) (1,ntimes,ngrid,1)
and test data shape is (1,1059,32736,1)
The test data time dimension is not fixed (variable) but the ngrid is fixed.
I created a dummy dimension in the end so that when I call the training data in the for loop the dimension shape will be (1,ntimes,1)
This is the description of what model does:
First, the model does the convolution along the time axis for a single grid point.
Subtracts the output of the convolution from the input data.
Does the convolution (along the time axis) of the output from the second layer.
The above steps are repeated 32736 ngrid times.
Here is the code:
import tensorflow.keras as keras
from tensorflow.keras.models import Model
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input,Conv1D,subtract
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.keras as keras
no_epochs = 1000
validation_split = 0
verbosity = 0
pred = np.ones(xtest.shape[1:3])
for i in tqdm(range(ngrid)):
inputs = Input(shape=(None,1),batch_size=1,name='input_layer')
smoth1 = Conv1D(1, kernel_size=90,padding='same',activation='linear')(inputs)
diff = subtract([inputs, smoth1])
smoth2 = Conv1D(1, kernel_size=30,padding='same',activation='linear')(diff)
model = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=smoth2)
model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='mse')[:,:,i,:],ytrain[:,:,i,:],epochs=no_epochs,validation_split=validation_split,verbose=verbosity)
pred[:,i] = model.predict(xtest[:,:,i,:]).squeeze()
del model
I am looking for other alternatives that can speed up my code. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Question about enabling/disabling dropout with keras functional API

I am using Keras functional API to build a classifier and I am using the training flag in the dropout layer to enable dropout when predicting new instances (in order to get an estimate of the uncertainty). In order to get the expected response one needs to repeat this prediction several times, with keras randomly activating links in the dense layer, and of course it is computational expensive. Therefore, I would also like to have the option to not use dropout at the prediction phase, i.e., use all the network links. Does anyone know how I can do this? Following is a sample code of what I am doing. I tried to look if predict has any relevant parameter but does not seem like it does (?). I can technically train the same model without the training flag at the dropout layer, but I do not want to do this (or better I want to have a more clean solution, rather than having 2 different models).
from sklearn.datasets import make_circles
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.utils import to_categorical
from keras.layers import Dense
from keras.layers import Dropout
import numpy as np
import keras
# generate a 2d classification sample dataset
X, y = make_circles(n_samples=100, noise=0.1, random_state=1)
n_train = 30
trainX, testX = X[:n_train, :], X[n_train:, :]
trainy, testy = y[:n_train], y[n_train:]
trainy = to_categorical(trainy)
testy = to_categorical(testy)
inputlayer = keras.layers.Input((2,))
d = keras.layers.Dense(500, activation = 'relu')(inputlayer)
d1 = keras.layers.Dropout(rate = .3)(d,training = True)
out = keras.layers.Dense(2, activation = 'softmax')(d1)
model = keras.Model(inputs = inputlayer, outputs = out)
model.compile(loss = 'categorical_crossentropy',metrics = ['accuracy'],optimizer='adam') = trainX, y = trainy, validation_data=(testX, testy),epochs=1000, verbose=1)
# another prediction on a specific sample
# another prediction on the same sample
Running the above example I get the following output:
[[0.9230819 0.07691813]]
[[0.8222245 0.17777553]]
which is as expected, different class probabilities for the same input, since there is a random (de)activation of the links from the dropout layer.
Any suggestions on how I can enable/disable dropout at the prediction phase with the functional API?
Sure, you do not need to set the training flag when building the Dropout layer. After training your model you define this function:
mc_func = K.function([model.input, K.learning_phase()],
Then you call mc_func with your input and flag 1 to enable dropout, or 0 to disable it:
stochastic_pred = mc_func([some_input, 1])
deterministic_pred = mc_func([some_input, 0])

sample_weight parameter shape error in scikit-learn GridSearchCV

Passing the sample_weight parameter to GridSearchCV raises an error due to incorrect shape. My suspicion is that cross validation is not capable of handling the split of sample_weights accordingly with the dataset.
First part: Using sample_weight as a model parameter works beautifully
Let's consider a simple example, first without GridSearch:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense, Activation
from keras.wrappers.scikit_learn import KerasRegressor
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
dataURL = ''
x = pd.read_csv(dataURL, usecols=["x"]).x
y = pd.read_csv(dataURL, usecols=["y"]).y
occurrences = pd.read_csv(dataURL, usecols=["Occurrences"]).Occurrences
my_sample_weights = (1 - occurrences/10000)**3
my_sample_weights contains the importance that I assign to each observation in x, y, as the following picture shows. The points of the sinusoidal curve get higher weights than those forming the background noise.
plt.scatter(x, y, c=my_sample_weights>0.9, cmap="cool")
Let's train a neural network, first without using the information contained in my_sample_weights:
def make_model(number_of_hidden_neurons=1):
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(number_of_hidden_neurons, input_shape=(1,), activation='tanh'))
model.add(Dense(1, activation='linear'))
model.compile(optimizer='sgd', loss='mse')
return model
net_Not_using_sample_weight = make_model(number_of_hidden_neurons=6),y, epochs=1000)
plt.scatter(x, y, )
plt.scatter(x, net_Not_using_sample_weight.predict(x), c="green")
As the following picture shows, the neural network tries to fit the shape of the sinusoidal but the background noise prevents it from a good fit.
Now, using the information of my_sample_weights , the quality of the prediction is a much better one.
Second part: Using sample_weight as a GridSearchCV parameter raises an error
my_Regressor = KerasRegressor(make_model)
validator = GridSearchCV(my_Regressor,
param_grid={'number_of_hidden_neurons': range(4, 5),
'epochs': [500],
fit_params={'sample_weight': [ my_sample_weights ]},
), y)
Trying to pass the sample_weights as a parameter gives the following error:
ValueError: Found a sample_weight array with shape (1000,) for an input with shape (666, 1). sample_weight cannot be broadcast.
It seems that the sample_weight vector has not been split in a similar manner to the input array.
For what is worth:
import sklearn
import keras
The problem is that as a standard, the GridSearch uses 3-fold cross-validation, unless explicity stated otherwise. This means that 2/3 data points of the data are used as training data and 1/3 for cross-validation, which does fit the error message. The input shape of 1000 of the fit_params doesn't match the number of training examples used for training (666). Adjust the size and the code will run.
my_sample_weights = np.random.uniform(size=666)
We developed PipeGraph, an extension to Scikit-Learn Pipeline that allows you to get intermediate data, build graph like workflows, and in particular, solve this problem (see the examples in the gallery at )

Keras - Reuse weights from a previous layer - converting to keras tensor

I am trying to reuse the weight matrix from a previous layer. As a toy example I want to do something like this:
import numpy as np
from keras.layers import Dense, Input
from keras.layers import merge
from keras import backend as K
from keras.models import Model
inputs = Input(shape=(4,))
inputs2 = Input(shape=(4,))
dense_layer = Dense(10, input_shape=(4,))
dense1 = dense_layer(inputs)
def my_fun(my_inputs):
w = my_inputs[0]
x = my_inputs[1]
return, x)
merge1 = merge([dense_layer.W, inputs2], mode=my_fun)
The problem is that dense_layer.W is not a keras tensor. So I get the following error:
Exception: Output tensors to a Model must be Keras tensors. Found: dot.0
Any idea on how to convert dense_layer.W to a Keras tensor?
It seems that you want to share weights between layers.
I think You can use denselayer as shared layer for inputs and inputs2.
Do check out shared layers #
I don't think that you can use the merge layer like this.
But to answer your question, you will probably have to create a custom layer which has tied weights. Look at this example.
Otherwise, the way to access the weights of a layer is to use get_weights() method on that layer, this will retrun a list of numpy arrays containing the weights. For the case of the Dense layer, it will contain weights and bias.
There are two cases for the solution, depending on what you are trying to do:
You would like to share the W matrix between your two operations, and the W matrix for these two operations are kept the same even if its value changed during training or for some other reason. Then you should use dense.weights[0] which is the W matrix as a tensor from your dense layer.
If you are only going to use the value of W matrix at the time of your code is written and this value is never going to change, then use K.constant(dense.get_weights[0]) which extracts the weights as numpy array and is converted into tensor.

Neural Network In Scikit-Learn not producing meaningful results

I'm currently trying to use the scikit learn package for its neural network functionality. I have a complex problem to solve with it, but to start out I am just trying a couple of basic tests to familiarize myself with it. I have gotten it to do something, but it isn't producing meaningful results. My code:
import sklearn.neural_network.multilayer_perceptron as nnet
import numpy
def generateTargetDataset(expression="%s", generateRange=(-100,100), s=1000):
expression = expression.replace("x", "%s")
x = numpy.random.rand(s,)
y = numpy.zeros((s,), dtype="float")
numpy.multiply(x, abs(generateRange[1]-generateRange[0]), x)
numpy.subtract(x, min(generateRange), x)
for z in range(0, numpy.size(x)):
y[z] = eval(expression % (x[z]))
x = x.reshape(-1, 1)
outTuple = (x, y)
print("New Net + Training")
QuadRegressor = nnet.MLPRegressor(hidden_layer_sizes=(10), warm_start=True, verbose=True, learning_rate_init=0.00001, max_iter=10000, algorithm="sgd", tol=0.000001)
data = generateTargetDataset(expression="x**2", s=10000, generateRange=(-1,1))[0], data[1])
print("Net Trained")
xt = numpy.random.rand(10000, 1)
yr = QuadRegressor.predict(xt)
yr = yr.reshape(-1, 1)
xt = xt.reshape(-1, 1)
numpy.multiply(xt, 100, xt)
numpy.multiply(yr, 10000, yr)
numpy.around(yr, 2, out=yr)
numpy.around(xt, 2, out=xt)
out = numpy.concatenate((xt, yr), axis=1)
numpy.savetxt(fname="C:\\SCRATCHDIR\\numpydump.csv", X=out, delimiter=",")
I don't understand how to post the data it gives me, but it spits out between 7000 and 10000 for all inputs between 0 and 100. It seems to be correctly mapped very close to the top of the range, but for inputs close to 0, it just returns something near 7000.
EDIT: I forgot to add this. The network has the same behavior if I remove the dummy training to y=x, but I read somewhere that sometimes you can help a network along by training it to a different but closer function and then using that already weighted network as a starting ground. It didn't work but I just hadn't taken that bit out yet.
My recommendation is to reduce the number of neurons per layer, and increase the training dataset size. Right now, you have a lot of parameters to train in your network, and a small training set (~10K). However, the main point of my answer is that sklearn probably isn't a great choice for your end application.
So you have a complex problem you want to solve with neural networks?
I have a complex problem to solve with it, but to start out I am just trying a couple of basic tests to familiarize myself with it.
According to the official user guide, sklearn's implementation of neural networks isn't designed for large applications and is a lot less flexible than other options for deep learning.
One Python deep learning library I've had good experiences with is keras, a modular, easy-to-use library with GPU support.
Here's a sample I coded up that trains a single perceptron to do quadratic regression.
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers.core import Dense, Activation
from keras.optimizers import SGD
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(1, init = 'uniform', input_dim=1))
model.compile(optimizer = SGD(lr=0.02, decay=1e-6, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True), loss = 'mse')
data = np.random.random(1000)
labels = data**2,1)), labels, nb_epoch = 1000, batch_size = 128, verbose = 1)
tdata = np.sort(np.random.random(100))
tlabels = tdata**2
preds = model.predict(tdata.reshape((len(tdata), 1)))
plt.plot(tdata, tlabels)
plt.scatter(tdata, preds)
This outputs a scatter plot of the test data points, along with a plot of the true curve.
As you can see, the results are reasonable. In general, neural networks are hard to train, and I had to do some parameter tuning before I got this example working.
It looks like you're using Windows. This question may be helpful for installing Keras on Windows.
