Inno Setup: uninstall previous installed version failed [duplicate] - inno-setup

My requirement is to check for previous installation of SQL native Client 11, before installation and uninstall the previous version. I have been able to check for the previous installation with no problems, however, I am unable to uninstall the same.
I used the solution mentioned in the How to detect old installation and offer removal?
During run time, I am getting the following error
Exception: Internal error: Unknown constant "A22EED3F-6DB6-4987-8023-6C6B7030E554".
(where the constant is the GUID of the native client) during the execution of the line
Exec(ExpandConstant(sUnInstallString), '', '', SW_SHOW, ewWaitUntilTerminated, iResultCode);
The sUnInstallString is
MsiExec.exe /I{A22EED3F-6DB6-4987-8023-6C6B7030E554}
Thanks in advance.

That's not a (Inno Setup) constant. That's a GUID. Remove the ExpandConstant call.
And you need to split the uninstall string to a program path and its parameters.
P: Integer;
UninstallPath: string;
UninstallParams: string;
// ...
// In case the program path is quoted, because it contains spaces.
// (it's not in your case, but it can be, in general)
if Copy(sUnInstallString, 1, 1) = '"' then
Delete(sUnInstallString, 1, 1);
P := Pos('"', sUnInstallString);
else P := 0;
if P = 0 then
P := Pos(' ', sUnInstallString);
UninstallPath := Copy(sUnInstallString, 1, P - 1);
UninstallParams :=
TrimLeft(Copy(sUnInstallString, P + 1, Length(sUnInstallString) - P));
Exec(UninstallPath, UninstallParams, '', SW_SHOW, wWaitUntilTerminated,
// ...


PopString and PushString methods in the assembled dll

During the execution of the dll the installer crashes on these methods
The methods are taken from the file nsis.pas
function PopString(): string;
th: pstack_t;
if integer(g_stacktop^) <> 0 then begin
th := g_stacktop^;
Result := PChar(#th.text);
g_stacktop^ :=;
procedure PushString(const str: string='');
th: pstack_t;
if integer(g_stacktop) <> 0 then begin
th := pstack_t(GlobalAlloc(GPTR, SizeOf(stack_t) + g_stringsize));
lstrcpyn(#th.text, PChar(str), g_stringsize); := g_stacktop^;
g_stacktop^ := th;
It looks like nsis.pas is perhaps not compatible with every Delphi version when compiling as Unicode. You did not specify your version so I don't know if your string type is AnsiString or WideString or UnicodeString.
I don't really know Pascal/Delphi anymore but I was able to get it working in FreePascal with this version. I'll try to fix it for the next release.
Make sure UNICODE is defined when using this in a Unicode plug-in.
The problem was very easy to solve
It was necessary to call Init() from nsis.pas
and then everything worked

Using a standard Inno Setup message in the Run entry description

There is a related question for those who are interested here. I was encouraged to ask one of the questions separately.
So I have this [Run] code:
Filename: "{cmd}"; Parameters: "/C exit"; Description: "Exit Setup"; \
Flags: nowait postinstall runasoriginaluser unchecked skipifsilent; Check: IsWin64
It works well. It shows the following window at the end of the installation:
But the problem is that the wording Exit Setup is hard coded in English. Now, I have looked at the default.isl file and located:
ExitSetupTitle=Exit Setup
ClickFinish=Click Finish to exit Setup.
I don't know if I should be using either of these messages. It makes sense to me to use the ClickFinish because that is what the user will be doing.
But I can't work out how to use that message in the run statement.
I have modified the supplied answer to:
function GetClickFinishSetupMessage(Param: string): string;
I: integer;
S1: string;
S2: string;
S1 := SetupMessage(msgClickFinish);
I := Length(S1);
S2 := Copy(S1, I-1, 1);
if(S2 = '.') then
S1 := Delete(S1, I-1, 1);
result := S1;
So I could remove the final period. But it will not compiled. It says there is a mismatch for the third parameter of Delete.
Use SetupMessage support function from a scripted constant:
Filename: ...; Description: {code:GetClickFinishSetupMessage}
function GetClickFinishSetupMessage(Param: string): string;
Result := SetupMessage(msgClickFinish);
{ Drop trailing dot, if any }
if Copy(Result, Length(Result), 1) = '.' then
SetLength(Result, Length(Result) - 1);

Inno Setup LoadStringFromFile fails when file is open in another process

To check to see when a database (SQL Anywhere) is fired up and ready to receive requests I am outputting the database message window to a log (text) file and then attempting to read this using LoadStringFromFile, which I then search for specific text using Pos. The problem is that this fails (I assume) as the file is in use.
Exec(strInstallPath + '\Bin32\dbeng17.exe', '-n ' + strEngineName + ' "' + strInstallPath + '\Database\Olympus.db" -n ' + strDatabaseName + ' -gdall -xtcpip -ti0 -c25p -ot "' + strTempPath + '\dbeng.log"', '', SW_HIDE,
ewNoWait, intResultCode);
if not LoadStringFromFile(strTempPath + '\dbeng.log', astrDatabaseEngineLog) then
Log('Loading string from file failed.');
I have also tried to copy the log file using FileCopy and attempt to read from the copy of the file, but FileCopy also fails.
if not FileCopy(strTempPath + '\dbeng.log', strTempPath + '\dbengcopy.log', False) then
Log('File copy failed.');
Is there any way to read from a file that is in use or another way to do this?
When spawning the database server, use the dbspawn utility, which is designed for this purpose. You spawn dbspawn along with the dbeng/dbsrv command you want to run, and it starts the server for you. The dbspawn utility doesn't return until the database server is up, running, and ready to accept requests, so there's no guesswork needed and no need to read the console log file.
I don't know what version of SQL Anywhere you're running, but here is the documentation for v17. It should be the same in any other version.
Use the TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone).
In Unicode version of Inno Setup (the only version as of Inno Setup 6), its use is tricky due to a bad interface of the class.
function BufferToAnsi(const Buffer: string): AnsiString;
W: Word;
I: Integer;
SetLength(Result, Length(Buffer) * 2);
for I := 1 to Length(Buffer) do
W := Ord(Buffer[I]);
Result[(I * 2)] := Chr(W shr 8); // high byte
Result[(I * 2) - 1] := Chr(Byte(W)); // low byte
function LoadStringFromLockedFile(
const FileName: string; var S: AnsiString): Boolean;
Buffer: string;
Stream: TFileStream;
Result := True;
Stream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone);
SetLength(Buffer, Stream.Size div 2);
Stream.ReadBuffer(Buffer, Stream.Size);
S := BufferToAnsi(Buffer);
Result := False;
The code is based on TLama's code posted in Read bytes from file at desired position with Inno Setup.

How to make vcredist_x86 reinstall only if not yet installed?

In my inno setup RUN selection I force silent install of MSVCRT. I wonder how to make it install itself only if not yet installed?
This is what I call now:
Filename: {tmp}\vcredist_x86.exe; Parameters: "/passive /Q:a /c:""msiexec /qb /i vcredist.msi"" "; StatusMsg: Installing 2010 RunTime...
Since you don't want to tell what minimal version of Visual C++ redistributable package you require, here you have the code sample from which you can build this by your own. Please notice that I have no clue, what versions are compatible with what and what lower versions must be installed, I'll keep this upon you.
The only thing I can tell you is that you should definitely use Check conditional parameter, the solutions attempting to install the framework or runtime libraries when the wizard is being opened are wrong. This conditional parameter works as when you return True to it, the file is being installed, if False it is skipped. So you need to return True to VCRedistNeedsInstall function when you want to install your runtime libraries, False if not. The helper function VCVersionInstalled which uses constants beginning with the VC_ here returns True when the package is installed, False otherwise.
As the source of this I've used the following sources:
How to detect the presence of the VC 8.0 runtime redistributable package
How to detect the presence of the VC 9.0 runtime redistributable package
How to detect the presence of the VC 2010 runtime redistributable package
The following code should be compatible with Unicode and ANSI versions of Inno Setup thanks to kobik's idea to use the conditional define.
Here is the code:
Source: "vcredist_x86.exe"; DestDir: {tmp}; Flags: deleteafterinstall
; add the Parameters, WorkingDir and StatusMsg as you wish, just keep here
; the conditional installation Check
Filename: "{tmp}\vcredist_x86.exe"; Check: VCRedistNeedsInstall
INSTALLSTATE_INVALIDARG = -2; { An invalid parameter was passed to the function. }
INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN = -1; { The product is neither advertised or installed. }
INSTALLSTATE_ADVERTISED = 1; { The product is advertised but not installed. }
INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT = 2; { The product is installed for a different user. }
INSTALLSTATE_DEFAULT = 5; { The product is installed for the current user. }
VC_2005_REDIST_X86 = '{A49F249F-0C91-497F-86DF-B2585E8E76B7}';
VC_2005_REDIST_X64 = '{6E8E85E8-CE4B-4FF5-91F7-04999C9FAE6A}';
VC_2005_REDIST_IA64 = '{03ED71EA-F531-4927-AABD-1C31BCE8E187}';
VC_2005_SP1_REDIST_X86 = '{7299052B-02A4-4627-81F2-1818DA5D550D}';
VC_2005_SP1_REDIST_X64 = '{071C9B48-7C32-4621-A0AC-3F809523288F}';
VC_2005_SP1_REDIST_IA64 = '{0F8FB34E-675E-42ED-850B-29D98C2ECE08}';
VC_2005_SP1_ATL_SEC_UPD_REDIST_X86 = '{837B34E3-7C30-493C-8F6A-2B0F04E2912C}';
VC_2005_SP1_ATL_SEC_UPD_REDIST_X64 = '{6CE5BAE9-D3CA-4B99-891A-1DC6C118A5FC}';
VC_2005_SP1_ATL_SEC_UPD_REDIST_IA64 = '{85025851-A784-46D8-950D-05CB3CA43A13}';
VC_2008_REDIST_X86 = '{FF66E9F6-83E7-3A3E-AF14-8DE9A809A6A4}';
VC_2008_REDIST_X64 = '{350AA351-21FA-3270-8B7A-835434E766AD}';
VC_2008_REDIST_IA64 = '{2B547B43-DB50-3139-9EBE-37D419E0F5FA}';
VC_2008_SP1_REDIST_X86 = '{9A25302D-30C0-39D9-BD6F-21E6EC160475}';
VC_2008_SP1_REDIST_X64 = '{8220EEFE-38CD-377E-8595-13398D740ACE}';
VC_2008_SP1_REDIST_IA64 = '{5827ECE1-AEB0-328E-B813-6FC68622C1F9}';
VC_2008_SP1_ATL_SEC_UPD_REDIST_X86 = '{1F1C2DFC-2D24-3E06-BCB8-725134ADF989}';
VC_2008_SP1_ATL_SEC_UPD_REDIST_X64 = '{4B6C7001-C7D6-3710-913E-5BC23FCE91E6}';
VC_2008_SP1_ATL_SEC_UPD_REDIST_IA64 = '{977AD349-C2A8-39DD-9273-285C08987C7B}';
VC_2008_SP1_MFC_SEC_UPD_REDIST_X86 = '{9BE518E6-ECC6-35A9-88E4-87755C07200F}';
VC_2008_SP1_MFC_SEC_UPD_REDIST_X64 = '{5FCE6D76-F5DC-37AB-B2B8-22AB8CEDB1D4}';
VC_2008_SP1_MFC_SEC_UPD_REDIST_IA64 = '{515643D1-4E9E-342F-A75A-D1F16448DC04}';
VC_2010_REDIST_X86 = '{196BB40D-1578-3D01-B289-BEFC77A11A1E}';
VC_2010_REDIST_X64 = '{DA5E371C-6333-3D8A-93A4-6FD5B20BCC6E}';
VC_2010_REDIST_IA64 = '{C1A35166-4301-38E9-BA67-02823AD72A1B}';
VC_2010_SP1_REDIST_X86 = '{F0C3E5D1-1ADE-321E-8167-68EF0DE699A5}';
VC_2010_SP1_REDIST_X64 = '{1D8E6291-B0D5-35EC-8441-6616F567A0F7}';
VC_2010_SP1_REDIST_IA64 = '{88C73C1C-2DE5-3B01-AFB8-B46EF4AB41CD}';
{ Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 x86 Minimum Runtime - 11.0.61030.0 (Update 4) }
VC_2012_REDIST_MIN_UPD4_X86 = '{BD95A8CD-1D9F-35AD-981A-3E7925026EBB}';
VC_2012_REDIST_MIN_UPD4_X64 = '{CF2BEA3C-26EA-32F8-AA9B-331F7E34BA97}';
{ Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 x86 Additional Runtime - 11.0.61030.0 (Update 4) }
VC_2012_REDIST_ADD_UPD4_X86 = '{B175520C-86A2-35A7-8619-86DC379688B9}';
VC_2012_REDIST_ADD_UPD4_X64 = '{37B8F9C7-03FB-3253-8781-2517C99D7C00}';
{ Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable 12.0.21005 }
VC_2013_REDIST_X86_MIN = '{13A4EE12-23EA-3371-91EE-EFB36DDFFF3E}';
VC_2013_REDIST_X64_MIN = '{A749D8E6-B613-3BE3-8F5F-045C84EBA29B}';
VC_2013_REDIST_X86_ADD = '{F8CFEB22-A2E7-3971-9EDA-4B11EDEFC185}';
VC_2013_REDIST_X64_ADD = '{929FBD26-9020-399B-9A7A-751D61F0B942}';
{ Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable 14.0.23026 }
VC_2015_REDIST_X86_MIN = '{A2563E55-3BEC-3828-8D67-E5E8B9E8B675}';
VC_2015_REDIST_X64_MIN = '{0D3E9E15-DE7A-300B-96F1-B4AF12B96488}';
VC_2015_REDIST_X86_ADD = '{BE960C1C-7BAD-3DE6-8B1A-2616FE532845}';
VC_2015_REDIST_X64_ADD = '{BC958BD2-5DAC-3862-BB1A-C1BE0790438D}';
{ Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable 14.0.24210 }
VC_2015_REDIST_X86 = '{8FD71E98-EE44-3844-9DAD-9CB0BBBC603C}';
VC_2015_REDIST_X64 = '{C0B2C673-ECAA-372D-94E5-E89440D087AD}';
function MsiQueryProductState(szProduct: string): INSTALLSTATE;
external 'MsiQueryProductState{#AW}#msi.dll stdcall';
function VCVersionInstalled(const ProductID: string): Boolean;
Result := MsiQueryProductState(ProductID) = INSTALLSTATE_DEFAULT;
function VCRedistNeedsInstall: Boolean;
{ here the Result must be True when you need to install your VCRedist }
{ or False when you don't need to, so now it's upon you how you build }
{ this statement, the following won't install your VC redist only when }
{ the Visual C++ 2010 Redist (x86) and Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redist(x86) }
{ are installed for the current user }
Result := not (VCVersionInstalled(VC_2010_REDIST_X86) and
Update by chuckleplant:
Added VC++ 2012 product codes. Notice that the redistributable package installs two things, the minimum runtime and the additional runtime. It should be enough for you to look for the minimum runtime. Testing against the Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable product code will give INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN, use the Minimum Runtime codes instead. It's the same situation for VC++ 2013 and 2015.
You can find product codes for other Visual Studio versions in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Dependencies\, for example HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Dependencies\Microsoft.VS.VC_RuntimeAdditionalVSU_amd64,v14
Here's a version that uses the Microsoft recommended way of determining whether the VC Redistributable is installed. I only needed VC 2015 so you will need to adapt values and parameters for other versions:
Source: ".\vc-redist\vc-redist\win64\bin\vc_redist.x64.exe"; DestDir: "{tmp}"; Flags: deleteafterinstall; Check: Is64BitInstallMode
; FlexLM requires the VC 2015 redistributables so run the installer if this
; or a later 2015 version is not already present
Filename: "{tmp}\vc_redist.x64.exe"; Parameters: "/install /passive"; StatusMsg: "{#VCmsg}"; Check: IsWin64 and not VCinstalled
function VCinstalled: Boolean;
// Function for Inno Setup Compiler
// Returns True if same or later Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable is installed, otherwise False.
major: Cardinal;
minor: Cardinal;
bld: Cardinal;
rbld: Cardinal;
key: String;
Result := False;
key := 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\VC\Runtimes\x64';
if RegQueryDWordValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, key, 'Major', major) then begin
if RegQueryDWordValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, key, 'Minor', minor) then begin
if RegQueryDWordValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, key, 'Bld', bld) then begin
if RegQueryDWordValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, key, 'RBld', rbld) then begin
Log('VC 2015 Redist Major is: ' + IntToStr(major) + ' Minor is: ' + IntToStr(minor) + ' Bld is: ' + IntToStr(bld) + ' Rbld is: ' + IntToStr(rbld));
// Version info was found. Return true if later or equal to our 14.0.24212.00 redistributable
// Note brackets required because of weird operator precendence
Result := (major >= 14) and (minor >= 0) and (bld >= 24212) and (rbld >= 0)
Much easier:
#define VCmsg "Installing Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable...."
Filename: "vc_redist.x86.exe"; StatusMsg: "{#VCmsg}"; Check: not IsWin64 and not VCinstalled
Filename: "vc_redist.x64.exe"; StatusMsg: "{#VCmsg}"; Check: IsWin64 and not VCinstalled
function VCinstalled: Boolean;
// By Michael Weiner <>
// Function for Inno Setup Compiler
// 13 November 2015
// Returns True if Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable is installed, otherwise False.
// The programmer may set the year of redistributable to find; see below.
names: TArrayOfString;
i: Integer;
dName, key, year: String;
// Year of redistributable to find; leave null to find installation for any year.
year := '';
Result := False;
key := 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall';
// Get an array of all of the uninstall subkey names.
if RegGetSubkeyNames(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, key, names) then
// Uninstall subkey names were found.
i := 0
while ((i < GetArrayLength(names)) and (Result = False)) do
// The loop will end as soon as one instance of a Visual C++ redistributable is found.
// For each uninstall subkey, look for a DisplayName value.
// If not found, then the subkey name will be used instead.
if not RegQueryStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, key + '\' + names[i], 'DisplayName', dName) then
dName := names[i];
// See if the value contains both of the strings below.
Result := (Pos(Trim('Visual C++ ' + year),dName) * Pos('Redistributable',dName) <> 0)
i := i + 1;
I know is very old question but i encounter this situation and since i couldn't do winregistry checking i did this approach,
based on this list of files :
i was able to just check if the file exist , for example VCRedist 2015/2013 x86/x64:
C:/Windows/System32/msvcp140.dll - x64
C:/Windows/SysWOW64/msvcp140.dll" - x86
C:/Windows/System32/msvcp120.dll - x64
C:/Windows/SysWOW64/msvcp120.dll" - x86
I'm dealing with the Visual C++ 2015-2019 redistributable package and with possible 32bit installations on 64bit OS.
I modified user3433200 solution as follows:
function VCinstalled(const regKey: string): Boolean;
{ Function for Inno Setup Compiler }
{ Returns True if same or later Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable is installed, otherwise False. }
major: Cardinal;
minor: Cardinal;
bld: Cardinal;
rbld: Cardinal;
Result := False;
if RegQueryDWordValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, regKey, 'Major', major) then begin
if RegQueryDWordValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, regKey, 'Minor', minor) then begin
if RegQueryDWordValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, regKey, 'Bld', bld) then begin
if RegQueryDWordValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, regKey, 'RBld', rbld) then begin
Log('VC 2015-2019 Redist Major is: ' + IntToStr(major) + ' Minor is: ' + IntToStr(minor) + ' Bld is: ' + IntToStr(bld) + ' Rbld is: ' + IntToStr(rbld));
{ Version info was found. Return true if later or equal to our 14.23.27820.0 redistributable }
{ Note brackets required because of weird operator precendence }
Result := (major >= 14) and (minor >= 23) and (bld >= 27820) and (rbld >= 0)
function VCRedistNeedsInstall: Boolean;
if NOT IsWin64 then
Result := not (VCinstalled('SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\VC\Runtimes\X86'))
else if Is64BitInstallMode then
Result := not (VCinstalled('SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\VC\Runtimes\x64'))
Result := not (VCinstalled('SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\VC\Runtimes\x86'));
Tested on Win 7 32bit and Win10 64bit.
Comsci's answer (which Martin's answer adapted) is close but doesn't perform the version check correctly. (It will fail if there is a bump in the minor version and the build number resets to zero, for example.) Here's a corrected version of that answer, for both the 32-bit and 64-bit Visual Studio 2015-2019 packages.
I've found that the current 64-bit package breaks the runtime if it is already installed, so checking before installing it is necessary (until this is fixed by Microsoft). Edit: This was probably fixed in Visual Studio 16.10 (release notes).
As in the original answer, this is based on the Microsoft recommended way of determining whether the VC Redistributable is installed.
Source: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Redist\MSVC\v142\vcredist_x86.exe; DestDir: {tmp}; Flags: deleteafterinstall ignoreversion
Source: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Redist\MSVC\v142\vcredist_x64.exe; DestDir: {tmp}; Flags: deleteafterinstall ignoreversion; Check: IsWin64
Filename: {tmp}\vcredist_x86.exe; Parameters: /quiet /norestart; StatusMsg: "{#VCmsg32}"; Check: not VCRuntime32Installed
Filename: {tmp}\vcredist_x64.exe; Parameters: /quiet /norestart; StatusMsg: "{#VCmsg64}"; Check: IsWin64 and not VCRuntime64Installed
function VCRuntime32Installed: Boolean;
required_major: Cardinal;
required_minor: Cardinal;
required_bld: Cardinal;
required_rbld: Cardinal;
major: Cardinal;
minor: Cardinal;
bld: Cardinal;
rbld: Cardinal;
key: String;
required_major := 14;
required_minor := 29;
required_bld := 30037;
required_rbld := 0;
Result := False;
key := 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\VC\Runtimes\X86';
if RegQueryDWordValue(HKLM32, key, 'Major', major) then begin
if RegQueryDWordValue(HKLM32, key, 'Minor', minor) then begin
if RegQueryDWordValue(HKLM32, key, 'Bld', bld) then begin
if RegQueryDWordValue(HKLM32, key, 'Rbld', rbld) then begin
Log('vcruntime (x86) version: ' + IntToStr(major) + '.' + IntToStr(minor) + '.' + IntToStr(bld) + '.' + IntToStr(rbld));
Result := (major > required_major) or ((major = required_major) and ((minor > required_minor) or ((minor = required_minor) and ((bld > required_bld) or ((bld = required_bld) and (rbld >= required_rbld))))))
function VCRuntime64Installed: Boolean;
required_major: Cardinal;
required_minor: Cardinal;
required_bld: Cardinal;
required_rbld: Cardinal;
major: Cardinal;
minor: Cardinal;
bld: Cardinal;
rbld: Cardinal;
key: String;
required_major := 14;
required_minor := 29;
required_bld := 30037;
required_rbld := 0;
Result := False;
key := 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\VC\Runtimes\X64';
if RegQueryDWordValue(HKLM64, key, 'Major', major) then begin
if RegQueryDWordValue(HKLM64, key, 'Minor', minor) then begin
if RegQueryDWordValue(HKLM64, key, 'Bld', bld) then begin
if RegQueryDWordValue(HKLM64, key, 'Rbld', rbld) then begin
Log('vcruntime (x64) version: ' + IntToStr(major) + '.' + IntToStr(minor) + '.' + IntToStr(bld) + '.' + IntToStr(rbld));
Result := (major > required_major) or ((major = required_major) and ((minor > required_minor) or ((minor = required_minor) and ((bld > required_bld) or ((bld = required_bld) and (rbld >= required_rbld))))))

InnoSetup & Pascal - Type mismatch error on run even after successful compile

When I compile the code below, it completes without errors, but when I attempt to run the setup file I get a type mismatch error. Can anyone tell me what might be causing it? (exact error message is "Runtime Error (at 1:66): Type Mismatch.")
function AppDir(Param: String): String;
Check: Integer;
Check := GetWindowsVersion();
if Check = 6.0 then
Result := ExpandConstant('{userdocs}')
Result := ExpandConstant('{pf}');
Quoting from the Inno Setup documentation for GetWindowsVersion():
Returns the version number of Windows packed into a single integer. The upper 8 bits specify the major version; the following 8 bits specify the minor version; the lower 16 bits specify the build number. For example, this function will return $05000893 on Windows 2000, which is version 5.0.2195.
You can't compare with a floating point value, you need to extract the parts of the version number, like so:
function AppDir(Param: String): String;
Ver: Cardinal;
VerMajor, VerMinor, BuildNum: Cardinal;
Ver := GetWindowsVersion();
VerMajor := Ver shr 24;
VerMinor := (Ver shr 16) and $FF;
BuildNum := Ver and $FFFF;
if VerMajor >= 6 then
Result := ExpandConstant('{userdocs}')
Result := ExpandConstant('{pf}');
Note that you should never check VerMajor for equality, as this would fail for either lower or higher Windows versions. Always use <= or >= instead.
