Leaflet : Easier to select Circle Markers - geometry

I work with a Leaflet map that displays multiple circle markers when page is loaded. But users have found it a bit difficult to click/touch on the circle markers on mobiles and Ipads. Is there a way to increase the select "area" for these circle markers?

This runnable code demonstrates the use of SVG to make the marker's icon that can be your solution:
var clatlng = [15, 100];
var zoom = 8;
var mymap = L.map("mapid").setView(clatlng, zoom);
//This map tiles is simple and no hassles.
L.tileLayer("http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png", {
attribution: "Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors"
const svg_O =
'<svg width="100" height="100" viewBox="0 0 100 100" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><circle cx="50" cy="50" r="50" stroke="none" opacity="0.35" fill="yellow"/><circle cx="50" cy="50" r="15" stroke="blue" fill="green"/></svg>';
const svgpin_O = encodeURI("data:image/svg+xml;utf-8," + svg_O);
const icon_O = L.icon({
iconUrl: svgpin_O,
iconSize: [100, 100],
iconAnchor: [50, 50]
var marker1 = L.marker(clatlng, {
icon: icon_O,
draggable: true,
autoPan: true
const svg_pin =
'<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M12,11.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 9.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 14.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12,11.5M12,2A7,7 0 0,0 5,9C5,14.25 12,22 12,22C12,22 19,14.25 19,9A7,7 0 0,0 12,2Z" fill="firebrick"></path></svg>';
const svgpin_Url = encodeURI("data:image/svg+xml;utf-8," + svg_pin);
const svgpin_Icon = L.icon({
iconUrl: svgpin_Url,
iconSize: [24, 24],
iconAnchor: [12, 24],
popupAnchor: [0, -22]
var marker2 = L.marker(clatlng, {
icon: svgpin_Icon,
draggable: true,
autoPan: true
#mapid {
height: 200px;
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/leaflet#1.5.1/dist/leaflet.css"
crossorigin="" />
<script src="https://unpkg.com/leaflet#1.5.1/dist/leaflet.js"
<div id="mapid"></div>


Changing single contour svg image fill color in QML

I have made a single contour .svg cursor (basically a triangle curved at the bottom) without any fill, and I want to be able to change its fill color. I can't just make few different svgs for this, due to fill color being picked by user.
QtGraphicalEffects library is not supported since Qt6, so all I could find on this topic was of little use. The solution for this might be to just drop my svg over a colored rectangle, but then I'll have to mask out the area outside of my cursor to make it transparent(or vice-versa), and I'm not sure if it's even possible. I also found some shader-based solutions but none of then seem to work for my case (might just be me being new to QML)
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="600" height="600" viewBox="0 0 600 600">
.cls-1 {
fill: none;
stroke: #414141;
stroke-width: 44px;
fill-rule: evenodd;
<path id="Pointer_1" data-name="Pointer 1" class="cls-1" d="M300.291,48.248L556.347,560.4s-127.234-47.825-255.133-47.825c-128.157,0-256.979,47.825-256.979,47.825Z"/>
Firstly, the latest builds of Qt6 do support QtGraphicalEffects via Qt5Compat.GraphicalEffects. https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtgraphicaleffects5-
The approach I prefer to use is to leverage the fact that most components have an icon property which has a built-in mechanism for recoloring an SVG. You set the following properties:
By creating two SVGs we can use the above approach to control the fill and stroke independently.
The typical component I use is Button, but, I strip off the default Button UI/UX and just leverage from the icon property as follows:
import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Controls
import QtQuick.Layouts
Page {
SplitView {
anchors.fill: parent
orientation: Qt.Horizontal
Item {
SplitView.preferredWidth: parent.width / 2
SplitView.fillHeight: true
Item {
anchors.centerIn: parent
width: parent.width * 8 / 10
height: parent.height * 8 / 10
Button {
anchors.centerIn: parent
visible: fillCombo.currentText !== 'none'
background: Item { }
icon.source: "shape-fill.svg"
icon.width: Math.min(parent.width, parent.height)
icon.height: icon.width
icon.color: fillCombo.currentText
Button {
anchors.centerIn: parent
visible: strokeCombo.currentText !== 'none'
background: Item { }
icon.source: "shape-outline.svg"
icon.width: Math.min(parent.width, parent.height)
icon.height: icon.width
icon.color: strokeCombo.currentText
Item {
SplitView.fillWidth: true
SplitView.fillHeight: true
ColumnLayout {
anchors.centerIn: parent
Label {
text: qsTr("Stroke")
ComboBox {
id: strokeCombo
model: [ "lightsteelblue", "red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue" ]
Label {
Layout.topMargin: 20
text: qsTr("Fill")
ComboBox {
id: fillCombo
model: [ "none", "red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue" ]
// shape-outline.svg
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="600" height="600" viewBox="0 0 600 600">
<path stroke="red" stroke-width="44" fill="none" d="M300.291,48.248L556.347,560.4s-127.234-47.825-255.133-47.825c-128.157,0-256.979,47.825-256.979,47.825Z"/>
// shape-fill.svg
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="600" height="600" viewBox="0 0 600 600">
<path stroke="none" fill="black" d="M300.291,48.248L556.347,560.4s-127.234-47.825-255.133-47.825c-128.157,0-256.979,47.825-256.979,47.825Z"/>
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Alternatively, another approach is you can build your SVG as a data uri by adding a "data:image/svg+xml," prefix to your SVG string. Because you're using a data uri, you can make a function that generates the SVG based on use input:
import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Controls
import QtQuick.Layouts
Page {
SplitView {
anchors.fill: parent
orientation: Qt.Horizontal
Item {
SplitView.preferredWidth: parent.width / 2
SplitView.fillHeight: true
Image {
anchors.centerIn: parent
width: parent.width * 8 / 10
height: parent.height * 8 / 10
source: todatauri(getsvg(strokeCombo.currentText, fillCombo.currentText))
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
Item {
SplitView.fillWidth: true
SplitView.fillHeight: true
ColumnLayout {
anchors.centerIn: parent
Label {
text: qsTr("Stroke")
ComboBox {
id: strokeCombo
model: [ "black", "red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue" ]
Label {
Layout.topMargin: 20
text: qsTr("Fill")
ComboBox {
id: fillCombo
model: [ "none", "red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue" ]
function todatauri(svg) {
return "data:image/svg+xml," + svg;
function getsvg(stroke, fill) {
return `<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="600" height="600" viewBox="0 0 600 600">
.cls-1 {
fill: none;
stroke: #414141;
stroke-width: 44px;
fill-rule: evenodd;
<path id="Pointer_1" data-name="Pointer 1" class="cls-1" stroke="${stroke}" stroke-width="44" fill="${fill}" d="M300.291,48.248L556.347,560.4s-127.234-47.825-255.133-47.825c-128.157,0-256.979,47.825-256.979,47.825Z"/>
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D3 and React Hooks: Move element along an arc

I am creating a gauge with a small marker which is a triangle, I already have it working here: https://codesandbox.io/s/blazing-sun-teo9oe?file=/src/Gauge.tsx
Except for the marker transition, I need it to move along the gauge arc, so when the component prop changes from 40 to 80 for example, the marker will move from 40 to 80, right now it always starts at 50 or the middle of the arc and then moves to the final value.
Feel free to change the Gauge prop value in the index.tsx file to see the problem. Transition duration is 10 seconds to see the problem easier.
D3 and React = 300 kB (minified!)
You can do it in native JavaScript:
customElements.define("svg-gauge", class extends HTMLElement {
connectedCallback() {
let arc = "m20 45a35 35 0 1170 0";
let col = this.getAttribute("color")||"green";
this.innerHTML =
`<input type="range" min="0" max="100" step="5" value="0"`+ // delete 2 lines
` oninput="this.parentNode.percent=this.value" /><br>`+ // just for demo
`<svg viewbox="0 0 100 100">
<path d="${arc}" stroke="grey" stroke-width="6" fill="none"
<path id="P" d="${arc}" stroke="${col}" stroke-width="8" pathLength="100"
fill="none" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-dasharray="75 35"></path>
<circle cx="0" cy="0" fill="#fff" r="4" stroke="${col}" stroke-width="3">
<animateMotion dur="0.5s" keyPoints="0;0.75"
fill="freeze" keyTimes="0;1" calcMode="linear" path="${arc}">
<text x="55%" y="40%" text-anchor="middle"/>
this.percent = this.getAttribute("value") || "50";
set percent(val = 0) {
this.setAttribute("value", val);
let dash = val + " " + (105 - val);
this.querySelector("#P").setAttribute('stroke-dasharray', dash);
this.querySelector("animateMotion").setAttribute('keyPoints', '0;'+val/100);
this.querySelector("text").innerHTML =`${val} %`;
this.querySelector("input").value = val;
svg-gauge { width:180px }
<h3>Drag sliders:</h3>
<svg-gauge value="35" color="red"></svg-gauge>
<svg-gauge value="50" color="hotpink"></svg-gauge>
<svg-gauge value="75" color="blue"></svg-gauge>

How to ensure that every path or group in an illustrator SVG has its own class name?

I am trying to create the floor plans of an apartment building as a SVG using Illustrator. The end goal is to use it on a website with a table next to it, where each row has some details about the individual apartments and when hovering over the row, the respective apartment in the SVG graphic highlights with changing its fill to a specific color. (an example would be this: https://the-jay.ch/wohnungen when you scroll down to 'wohnungsangebot')
I am fine with the coding part about the animation but one thing I struggle in illustrator, is to assign my own classes to the paths or groups of the floor plans I am designing. From my own research it is not possible in Illustrator to add my own classes.
The issue I have is that all apartments will have the same styling in terms of fill and stroke. Because of that reason, they all get assigned the same class. This is an issue for the jquery part later, because I will need to select each apartment individually to create the hover animation.
Of course I could add my own classes later on when I exported the SVG but that would also mean that I would have to re-add these classes every time when I need to make a change to the SVG graphic.
So my question is: is there a way to determine that each group or path in illustrator gets their own individual classes?
I know that by naming the layers, I can assign IDs but this doesn't help much because the styling is stored in the class that illustrator assigns and additionally, some of my 'apartments' are built out of multiple paths that would all get their own ID as an ID needs to be unique. But I need to target with my jquery the entire apartment not just one part of the apartment
To some extend you might define class names by using named graphic styles.
But this might not be extremely feasible.
As a workaround you could write some helperfunction in js, that will add classnames according to your AI object IDS.
Example of a naming scheme for AI layers:
In the above example I'm using double hyphens to seperate multiple id substrings.
Auto Class name function:
function setAutoClassNames(svg){
const elements = svg.querySelectorAll('[id]');
let id = el.id;
let idArr = id.split('--');
let firstID = idArr[0];
let idPrefix = firstID.replace(/[0-9]/g, '');
//optional: add classnames for certain types
//add classname prefix for elements of same type e.g floors, appartments
let newClassNames = idArr.join(' ');
<g id="floor2--floor-special">
will become
<g id="floor2--floor-special" class="floor floor2 floor-special">
All floor layers will both have a generic .floor and a unique .floorX class. (Same principle for appartments).
Example usage
const svg = document.querySelector('svg');
function setAutoClassNames(svg) {
const elements = svg.querySelectorAll('[id]');
if (elements.length) {
elements.forEach(function(el, i) {
let id = el.id;
let idArr = id.split('--');
let firstID = idArr[0];
let idPrefix = firstID.replace(/[0-9]/g, '');
//optional: add classnames for certain types
if (idPrefix === 'a') {
//add classname prefix for elements of same type e.g floors, appartments
if (idArr.length > 1) {
let newClassNames = idArr.join(' ');
* usage example
// remove svg stylesheet to use own rules
const svgCss = svg.querySelector('style');
//example show current selection
const pInfo = document.querySelector('.p-info');
let appartments = svg.querySelectorAll('.a');
appartments.forEach(function(appartment, i) {
appartment.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
let currentA = e.currentTarget;
let floor = currentA.closest('.floor');
// get floor/appartment number by id
let appNum = appartment.id.replaceAll('a', '');
let floorNum = floor.id.replaceAll('floor', '');
pInfo.innerHTML = `<span class="span-app">Appartment: ${appNum}</span>; <span class="span-floor">Floor: ${floorNum}</span>`;
.st0 {
fill: #FFFFFF;
stroke: #000000;
stroke-linecap: round;
stroke-linejoin: round;
stroke-miterlimit: 10;
.st1 {
fill: #FFFFFF;
.a-active {
fill: red!important;
.h-active {
fill: green!important;
.open {
fill: green;
<svg version="1.1" id="SvgjsSvg1006" xmlns:svgjs="http://svgjs.com/svgjs" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" width="404.5px" height="125.9px" viewBox="219.7 278.3 404.5 125.9" style="enable-background:new 219.7 278.3 404.5 125.9;"
<style type="text/css">
<g id="floor2--floor-special" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,0,0)">
<polygon id="open21" class="st1" points="575.8,326.6 552,318.4 546.5,325.4 495.4,307.9 494.4,309.1 493,308.7 492.9,308.6
492.1,308.4 491.4,308.1 490.6,307.9 489.8,307.7 489,307.4 488.2,307.2 487.5,307 486.6,306.8 485.8,306.6 485,306.4 484.2,306.2
483.4,306 482.6,305.8 481.8,305.7 481,305.5 480.1,305.3 479.3,305.1 478.5,305 477.7,304.8 476.8,304.7 476,304.6 475.7,304.5
474.9,304.4 473.2,304.1 471.5,303.9 469.8,303.7 468.1,303.5 466.8,303.4 466.7,298 465.8,298 464,297.9 462.3,297.8 460.5,297.7
458.7,297.7 456.9,297.7 455.1,297.7 453.4,297.7 451.6,297.8 449.8,297.8 448,297.9 446.2,298 444.8,298.2 444.8,302.6 444,302.7
442.2,302.9 440.6,303.1 438.8,303.4 437.2,303.6 435.5,303.9 433.8,304.2 432.1,304.6 430.5,304.9 428.9,305.2 427.4,305.6
425.7,306 424.1,306.5 422.6,306.9 421,307.4 419.5,307.9 417.9,308.4 416.7,308.9 415.4,309.3 413.8,307.4 313.1,343.6
308.8,338.3 271.1,351.8 275.5,357.2 251.1,366 230.6,373.4 230.6,382.4 234.3,387 234.3,377.9 254.9,370.5 254.9,370.5
285.3,359.6 287,361.5 287.5,361.3 306.3,354.6 304.7,352.6 316.9,348.2 316.9,348.2 326.6,344.7 326.6,344.7 417.6,311.9
430.9,328.4 431.6,329.2 432.6,330.4 432.6,336.8 432.8,336.7 434,336.3 435.2,335.9 436.4,335.5 437.6,335.2 438.9,334.9
440.2,334.6 441.5,334.3 442.8,334 444.1,333.8 445.4,333.6 446.7,333.4 448,333.3 449.4,333.1 450.7,333 452.1,332.9 453.4,332.9
454.7,332.8 456.1,332.8 457.4,332.8 458.8,332.8 460.2,332.9 461.5,332.9 462.8,333 464.2,333.2 465.5,333.3 466.8,333.5
468.2,333.7 469.4,333.9 470.7,334.1 472,334.4 473.3,334.7 474.6,335 475.3,335.2 475.3,333.8 475.9,333.1 477.1,331.5
478.4,329.9 479.5,328.3 480.1,327.5 491.9,312.5 546.7,331.3 546.3,331.9 559.2,336.3 565.9,327.7 565.9,327.7 570,329.1
573.8,330.4 573.8,330.4 577.6,331.8 580.4,328.2 "/>
<polygon id="a201" class="st1" points="417.6,311.9 394.4,320.3 409.4,338.7 409.4,347.8 432.6,339.5 432.6,330.4 "/>
<polygon id="a202" class="st1" points="394.4,320.3 378.9,325.9 393.9,344.3 393.9,353.4 409.4,347.8 409.4,338.7 "/>
<polygon id="a203" class="st1" points="378.9,325.9 363.4,331.5 378.4,349.9 378.4,359 393.9,353.4 393.9,344.3 "/>
<polygon id="a204" class="st1" points="363.4,331.5 347.9,337 362.9,355.5 362.9,364.6 378.4,359 378.4,349.9 "/>
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347.3,361.1 "/>
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331.9,366.7 "/>
<polygon id="a208" class="st1" points="290.3,364.7 287.5,361.3 287,361.5 285.3,359.6 270.3,364.9 285.3,383.4 285.3,392.5
300.8,386.9 300.8,377.8 "/>
<polygon id="a209" class="st1" points="270.3,364.9 254.9,370.5 269.9,389 269.9,398 285.3,392.5 285.3,383.4 "/>
<polygon id="a210" class="st1" points="254.9,370.5 234.3,377.9 234.3,387 239,392.8 243.7,391.1 254,403.8 269.9,398 269.9,389
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251.1,366 "/>
<polyline id="a212" class="st1" points="236.1,347.6 251.7,342 266.6,360.4 251.1,366 236.1,347.6 "/>
<polyline id="a213" class="st1" points="251.7,342 298.2,325.2 308.8,338.3 271.1,351.8 275.5,357.2 266.6,360.4 251.7,342 "/>
<polyline id="a214" class="st1" points="313.7,319.6 328.7,338.1 313.1,343.6 308.8,338.3 298.2,325.2 313.7,319.6 "/>
<polyline id="a215" class="st1" points="329.2,314 344.2,332.5 328.7,338.1 313.7,319.6 329.2,314 "/>
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410.4,285.2 412.2,284.7 414.1,284.2 416.1,283.7 418,283.2 420,282.8 421.9,282.4 423.9,282 425.9,281.7 427.9,281.3 429.9,281
431.9,280.7 433.9,280.4 435.9,280.2 438,279.9 440,279.7 441,279.7 445.2,298.1 444.8,298.2 444.8,302.6 444,302.7 442.3,302.9
440.6,303.1 438.9,303.4 437.2,303.6 435.5,303.9 433.9,304.2 432.2,304.5 430.6,304.9 428.9,305.2 427.4,305.6 425.7,306
424.1,306.5 422.6,306.9 421,307.4 419.5,307.9 417.9,308.4 416.7,308.9 415.4,309.3 413.8,307.4 398.9,288.9 "/>
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454.6,279 456.6,279 458.7,279 460.7,279 462.8,279.1 464.8,279.2 466.9,279.3 468.9,279.4 471,279.6 473,279.7 475,279.9
477.1,280.2 479.1,280.4 481.1,280.7 483.1,280.9 484.1,281.1 475.7,304.5 474.9,304.4 473.2,304.1 471.5,303.9 469.8,303.7
468.1,303.5 466.8,303.4 466.7,298 465.8,298 464,297.9 462.3,297.8 460.5,297.7 458.7,297.7 456.9,297.7 455.1,297.7 455.1,297.7
453.4,297.7 451.6,297.8 449.8,297.8 448,297.9 446.2,298 445.2,298.1 441,279.7 "/>
<polyline id="a222" class="st1" points="475.7,304.5 484.1,281.1 485.2,281.3 487.2,281.7 489.2,282 491.1,282.4 493.1,282.8
495,283.2 497,283.7 498.9,284.2 500.8,284.7 502.7,285.2 504.6,285.7 506.5,286.3 508.3,286.9 510.1,287.5 511.1,287.8
519.4,290.7 503.8,310.7 495.4,307.9 494.4,309.1 493.7,308.9 492.1,308.4 490.6,307.9 489,307.4 487.4,307 485.8,306.6
484.2,306.2 482.6,305.8 480.9,305.5 479.3,305.1 477.6,304.8 476,304.6 475.7,304.5 "/>
<polyline id="a223" class="st1" points="519.4,290.7 535,296.1 519.5,316.1 503.8,310.7 519.4,290.7 "/>
<polyline id="a224" class="st1" points="535,296.1 550.8,301.4 535.2,321.5 519.5,316.1 535,296.1 "/>
<polyline id="a225" class="st1" points="550.8,301.4 586,313.6 575.8,326.6 552,318.4 546.5,325.4 535.2,321.5 550.8,301.4 "/>
<polygon id="a226" class="st1" points="586,313.6 575.8,326.6 580.4,328.2 577.6,331.8 583,333.6 589.5,341.5 589.5,350.6
601.5,346.3 601.5,343.6 623.7,335.6 623.7,326.5 "/>
<polygon id="a227" class="st1" points="583,333.6 573.8,330.4 573.8,330.4 570,329.1 565.9,327.7 559.2,336.3 556.2,335.3
554.5,334.7 547.7,343.4 549,352.8 549,361.8 549.7,361.8 551.1,361.6 552.5,361.5 553.9,361.3 555.3,361.2 556.6,361 558,360.8
559.3,360.5 560.7,360.2 562,359.9 563.4,359.6 564.6,359.3 565.9,358.9 567.2,358.5 568.5,358.1 569.8,357.7 570.1,357.6
578.2,354.6 589.5,350.6 589.5,341.5 "/>
<polygon id="a228" class="st1" points="554.5,334.7 546.3,331.9 546.7,331.3 531.6,326.1 515,347.5 515,356.6 518.9,357.9
519.5,358.1 520.8,358.5 522,358.9 523.3,359.2 524.6,359.6 525.9,359.9 527.2,360.2 528.5,360.5 529.9,360.7 531.2,361
532.6,361.2 533.9,361.3 535.3,361.5 536.7,361.6 538.1,361.8 539.4,361.8 540.8,361.9 542.2,362 543.6,362 545,362 546.4,361.9
547.7,361.9 549,361.8 549,352.8 547.7,343.4 "/>
<polygon id="a229" class="st1" points="515.9,320.7 499.3,342.1 499.3,351.1 515,356.6 515,347.5 531.6,326.1 "/>
<polygon id="a230--specialClass" class="st1" points="491.9,312.5 475.3,333.8 475.3,342.9 499.3,351.1 499.3,342.1 515.9,320.7
<path id="OG2" class="st0" d="M623.8,326.5L623.8,326.5L623.8,326.5C623.8,326.5,623.7,326.5,623.8,326.5
l0,0l0,0L623.8,326.5L623.8,326.5z M599.7,335.1L599.7,335.1L599.7,335.1L599.7,335.1L599.7,335.1
l0,0l0,0l0,0l0,0l0,0l0,0l0,0l0,0l-4.5-1.5l10.1-13l37.5,12.9L599.7,335.1z M578.2,354.6l-8.1,2.9l0,0l0,0l-0.3,0.1l0,0l-1.2,0.4
l1.3-0.4l0,0l0,0l1.3-0.4l0,0l0,0l1.2-0.4l0,0l0,0l1.2-0.4l0,0l0,0l0.3-0.1l0,0l8.1-2.9l11.2-4v9L578.2,354.6z M547.7,361.8
l0,0l-15.1-5.2l-15.7-5.4l-24-8.3l0,0l0,0l0,0l0,0l-11.7,15.1L479.5,327.3z M230.6,365.9L230.6,365.9L230.6,365.9
L230.6,365.9L230.6,365.9l-10.2-12.6l15.8-5.7l14.9,18.3l-20.4,7.4l-4.6-5.7L230.6,365.9z M399.2,288.8L399.2,288.8l1.8-0.7l0,0
L399.2,288.8z M442.3,279.6L442.3,279.6l2.1-0.1l0,0l2.1-0.1l0,0l2.1-0.1l0,0l2.1-0.1l0,0l2.1,0l0,0l2.1,0l0,0h2.1h2.1l0,0l2.1,0
L442.3,279.6z M485.2,281.4L485.2,281.4l2,0.3l0,0l2,0.4l0,0l2,0.4l0,0l2,0.4l0,0l2,0.4l0,0l1.9,0.4l0,0l1.9,0.5l0,0l1.9,0.5l0,0
l-0.2,0l8.3-23.3L485.2,281.4z M552,318.3L552,318.3L552,318.3C551.9,318.3,551.9,318.3,552,318.3L552,318.3l-5.5,7l-11.2-3.9
l15.5-20l35.1,12.1l-10.1,13L552,318.3z M535.1,321.5l-15.6-5.4l15.5-20l15.6,5.4L535.1,321.5z M519.5,316l-15.6-5.4l15.5-20
l15.6,5.4L519.5,316z M398.9,289l14.9,18.3l-23.1,8.3l-14.9-18.3L398.9,289z M375.7,297.4l14.9,18.3l-15.4,5.6l-14.9-18.3
L375.7,297.4z M360.2,302.9l14.9,18.3l-15.4,5.6l-14.9-18.3L360.2,302.9z M344.7,308.5l14.9,18.3l-15.4,5.6l-14.9-18.3L344.7,308.5
z M329.1,314.1l14.9,18.3l-15.4,5.6l-14.9-18.3L329.1,314.1z M313.7,319.7l14.9,18.3l-15.4,5.6l-4.4-5.4l-10.5-13L313.7,319.7z
M298.2,325.3l10.5,12.9l-37.6,13.6l0,0l0,0l0,0l0,0l0,0l0,0l0,0l0,0l4.3,5.3l-8.7,3.1l-14.9-18.3L298.2,325.3z M251.7,342
l14.9,18.3l-15.4,5.6l-14.9-18.3L251.7,342z M225.9,367.8l4.6,5.7v8.9l-4.6-5.7V367.8z M230.7,373.6l3.6,4.4v8.9l-3.6-4.4V373.6z
M331.9,366.6L317,348.2l15.4-5.6l14.9,18.3L331.9,366.6z M347.4,361l-14.9-18.3l15.4-5.6l14.9,18.3L347.4,361z M362.9,355.4
L348,337.1l15.4-5.6l14.9,18.3L362.9,355.4z M378.4,349.9l-14.9-18.3l15.4-5.6l14.9,18.3L378.4,349.9z M393.9,344.2L379,325.9
l15.4-5.6l14.9,18.3L393.9,344.2z M316.8,348.3l14.9,18.3l-30.9,11.1l-10.6-13l-2.7-3.4l18.8-6.8l0,0l0,0l0,0l0,0l0,0l0,0l0,0l0,0
l-1.6-1.9L316.8,348.3z M286.9,361.6C286.9,361.6,286.9,361.6,286.9,361.6C287,361.6,287,361.6,286.9,361.6l0.5-0.2l2.7,3.4
l10.5,13l-15.4,5.6l-14.9-18.3l14.8-5.4L286.9,361.6z M254,394.6L243.8,382l0,0l0,0l0,0l0,0l0,0l0,0l0,0l-4.6,1.7l-4.6-5.7
l20.4-7.3l14.9,18.3L254,394.6z M269.9,388.9L255,370.6l15.4-5.6l14.9,18.3L269.9,388.9z M234.4,378.1l4.6,5.7v8.9l-4.6-5.7V378.1z
M239.1,383.8l4.5-1.6v9l-4.5,1.6V383.8z M243.8,382.2l10.2,12.5v8.9l-10.2-12.5V382.2z M254.1,394.7l15.8-5.7v8.9l-15.8,5.7V394.7
z M269.9,389l15.4-5.6v9l-15.4,5.6V389z M285.4,383.4l15.4-5.6v9l-15.4,5.6V383.4z M300.9,377.9l30.9-11.1v9l-30.9,11.1V377.9z
M331.9,366.7l15.4-5.6v9l-15.4,5.6V366.7L331.9,366.7z M347.4,361.1l15.4-5.6v9l-15.4,5.6V361.1L347.4,361.1z M362.9,355.6
l15.4-5.6v9l-15.4,5.6V355.6z M378.4,349.9l15.4-5.6v9l-15.4,5.6V349.9L378.4,349.9z M393.9,344.3l15.4-5.6v9l-15.4,5.6V344.3z
M409.4,338.8l23.1-8.3v9l-23.1,8.3V338.8z M409.4,338.6l-14.9-18.3l23.1-8.3l13.3,16.3l1.6,2L409.4,338.6z M583,333.6l6.4,7.9
l1.7,0.6l3,1.1l0,0h0l6.7-8.6l7.8,2.7l0,0l3.9,1.3L583,333.6z M547.7,352.8L547.7,352.8l-1.4,0l0,0l-1.4,0l0,0h-1.4h-1.4l0,0
l-0.4,0.5l0,0l0,0l0,0l0,0l0,0l0,0l0,0l0,0l8.1,2.8l-6.7,8.7l0,0l0,0l0,0l0,0l1.2,9.2L547.7,352.8z M531.5,326.1l-16.5,21.3
l-15.6-5.4l16.5-21.3L531.5,326.1z M480.2,327.6l11.7-15.1l23.9,8.2L499.3,342l-23.9-8.2L480.2,327.6z M475.3,333.9l23.9,8.2v9
l-23.9-8.2V333.9z M499.4,342.2l15.6,5.4v9l-15.6-5.4V342.2z M589.5,341.6l11.9-4.3v9l-11.9,4.3V341.6z M220.3,362.3v-8.9
l10.1,12.5l-4.6,1.7l0,0l0,0l0,0l0,0l0,0l0,0l0,0v1.4L220.3,362.3z M474.6,334.9L474.6,334.9L474.6,334.9l-1.3-0.3l0,0l0,0
l0,0l0,0l0,0l0,0v1.2L474.6,334.9z M601.5,337.2L601.5,337.2L601.5,337.2C601.5,337.2,601.5,337.2,601.5,337.2l-1.6-2l23.8-8.6v9
Since AI won't strip ids when resaving the svg you can retain all class names.
However, you need to find a proper naming scheme to get the desired selectors.

Colored SVG icons in Leaflet

I have added a SVG icon to leaflet as follows:
var myIcon = L.icon({
iconUrl: `data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="64" height="64" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M224 387.814V512L32 320l192-192v126.912C447.375 260.152 437.794 103.016 380.931 0 521.286 151.707 491.481 394.785 224 387.814z"/></svg>`,
this.myMarker = L.marker([50.505, 30.57], { icon: myIcon }).addTo(map);
It is showing up as expected:
Now, when you add color to the SVG as follows, the icon disappears in the map:
iconUrl: `data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="64" height="64" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M224 387.814V512L32 320l192-192v126.912C447.375 260.152 437.794 103.016 380.931 0 521.286 151.707 491.481 394.785 224 387.814z" fill="#fdbf00"/></svg>`,
Any thought about this?
I prepared an example instead of iconUrl I used html Then you can easily use colors in hex ;)
// config map
let config = {
minZoom: 7,
maxZomm: 18,
// magnification with which the map will start
const zoom = 13;
// co-ordinates
const lat = 52.237049;
const lon = 21.017532;
// calling map
const map = L.map('map', config).setView([lat, lon], zoom);
// Used to load and display tile layers on the map
// Most tile servers require attribution, which you can set under `Layer`
L.tileLayer('https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '© OpenStreetMap contributors'
const svgTemplate = `
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 32 32" class="marker">
<path fill-opacity=".25" d="M16 32s1.427-9.585 3.761-12.025c4.595-4.805 8.685-.99 8.685-.99s4.044 3.964-.526 8.743C25.514 30.245 16 32 16 32z"/>
<path fill="#F7FADA" stroke="#000" d="M15.938 32S6 17.938 6 11.938C6 .125 15.938 0 15.938 0S26 .125 26 11.875C26 18.062 15.938 32 15.938 32zM16 6a4 4 0 100 8 4 4 0 000-8z"/>
const icon = L.divIcon({
className: "marker",
html: svgTemplate,
iconSize: [40, 40],
iconAnchor: [12, 24],
popupAnchor: [7, -16]
const marker = L.marker([lat, lon], {
icon: icon
* {
margin: 0;
padding: 0
html {
height: 100%
#map {
height: 100%;
margin: 0;
padding: 0
body {
height: 100%;
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/leaflet#1.6.0/dist/leaflet.css" />
<script src="https://unpkg.com/leaflet#1.6.0/dist/leaflet.js"></script>
<div id="map"></div>
Modified #IvanSanche example below
var map = new L.Map('leaflet', {
layers: [
new L.TileLayer('https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
'attribution': 'Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors'
center: [0, 0],
zoom: 0
var myIcon = L.icon({
iconUrl: `data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="64" height="64" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M224 387.814V512L32 320l192-192v126.912C447.375 260.152 437.794 103.016 380.931 0 521.286 151.707 491.481 394.785 224 387.814z"/></svg>`,
var myIcon2 = L.icon({
iconUrl: `data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="64" height="64" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M224 387.814V512L32 320l192-192v126.912C447.375 260.152 437.794 103.016 380.931 0 521.286 151.707 491.481 394.785 224 387.814z" fill="%23fdbf00" stroke="red" /></svg>`,
this.myMarker = L.marker([50.505, 30.57], { icon: myIcon }).addTo(map);
this.myMarker2 = L.marker([50.505, 130.57], { icon: myIcon2 }).addTo(map);
body {
margin: 0;
html, body, #leaflet {
height: 100%
<script src="https://unpkg.com/leaflet/dist/leaflet-src.js"></script>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/leaflet/dist/leaflet.css" /><div id="leaflet"></div>

Aligning text around center in pie chart using svg circle and text

I've created a pie chart using react and svg circles. Now I want to position the text labels so that the text starts close to the middle of the circle and continue outwards, wheel of fortune style.
This is my code, rendering the svgs. In chrome dev tools I tried to apply tranform: rotate(45deg); and adjusting the number but the text keeps flyying away outside the circle.
<svg viewBox="0 0 32 32">
{elements.map((element, index) => (
r={16 / 1.0053}
strokeDasharray: `${percentage}, 100.53`,
strokeDashoffset: -offset,
stroke: segmentColor,
The issue is that rotation is about the origin, which is the top left of your image. The easiest way around this is to change the viewBox so the origin is in the center of your SVG: viewBox="-16 -16 32 32".
Then you calculate the angle based on the offset and the percentage.
I assume you have some elements like this:
const elements = [
{ percentage: 15, offset: 0, title: 'title', segmentColor: 'red' },
{ percentage: 40, offset: 15, title: 'another title', segmentColor: 'blue' },
{ percentage: 25, offset: 55, title: 'and another', segmentColor: 'green' },
{ percentage: 20, offset: 80, title: 'yet another', segmentColor: 'black' },
So something like this would work:
<svg viewBox="-16 -16 32 32">
{elements.map((element, index) => {
const angle = (element.offset + element.percentage / 2) * 360 / 100;
return <g key={index}>
fill: 'none',
strokeDasharray: `${element.percentage}, 100.53`,
strokeDashoffset: -element.offset,
stroke: element.segmentColor,
Now the x value on the text determined how from the center the text starts.
