Update Blob Storage Keys to apps - azure

I have created a PowerShell script to update a key vault with new blob storage key every time when the key rotates but the problem I have is how do I update the apps with the new blob storage key.
I have used Set-AzKeyVaultAccessPolicy to give the apps access to the key vault secret which contains the latest storage key. I have a logic app which uses blob storage but when the key is rotated the blob storage within the logic app show an error. This is the error I encounter:
"status": 403,
"message": "Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature.\r\nclientRequestId: 7c8edbdf-e7c9-4658-8370-54102589213e",
"source": "azureblob-uks.azconn-uks-01.p.azurewebsites.net"
Is there a way for the logic app to get the latest key from the key vault.

Logic app does support a connector to connect your logic app to Azure KeyVault to retrieve the keys: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/connectors/keyvault/
My suggestion is to write a specific script which would discard the rotated keys, then retrieve the new ones as soon as they are available in Azure Key vault.


Azure Virtual Network - Could not access key vault reference metadata

I have a virtual network, with a key vault and a function app (both have been linked via private endpoints and the function app has outbound traffic VNet integration set up).
We are using RBAC for access to the Key Vault and the Function has a role assignment that grants Get and List access to the Secrets in the key vault.
The function is part of a premium app service plan (EP1).
The functions storage account is also set up as part of the VNET
The function has WEBSITE_CONTENTAZUREFILECONNECTIONSTRING, WEBSITE_CONTENTOVERVNET and WEBSITE_CONTENTSHARE app settings defined as I believe to be required by documentation ( https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/functions-app-settings )
Example Key Vault Reference:
The function has some settings set up as key vault references and at runtime they resolve just fine. However in the Azure Portal under the configuration tab for the function app I get the following error at the top.
Error: Could not access key vault reference metadata
and there's no reference to any settings being a key vault reference under the source column. For what it's worth the configuration seems to take a while to actually load so I'm wondering if anything is timing out in the background (i.e. the portal can't resolve the key vault, but the actual function can).
So the question is, can I just ignore this error? Is it anything to worry about and finally is there anything I'm doing wrong?

Empty error while executing SSIS package in Azure Data Factory

I have created a simple SSIS project and in this project, I have a package that will delete a particular file in Downloads folder.
I deployed this project to Azure. And when I am trying to execute this package using Azure Data Factory then the pipeline fails with an empty error (I am attaching the screenshot here).
enter image description here
What I have done to fix this error is:
I have added self-hosted IR to Azure-SSIS IR as the proxy to access the data on-premise.
Set the ConnectByProxy as True.
Converted the project to Project Deployment Model.
Please help me out to fix this error and if you need more details then just leave a comment.
Windows Authentication :
To access data stores such as SQL servers/file shares on-premises or Azure Files, check the Windows authentication check box.
If this check box is selected, fill in the Domain, Username, and Password fields with the values for your package execution credentials. The domain is Azure, the username is storage account name>, and the password is storage account key> to access Azure Files, for example.
Using the secrets stored in your Azure Key Vault
As a substitute, you can leverage secrets from your Azure Key Vault as values. Select the AZURE KEY VAULT check box next to them to do so. Create a new key vault connected service or choose or update an existing one. Then choose your value's secret name and version. You can pick or update an existing key vault or create a new one when creating or editing your key vault connected service. If you haven't previously done so, allow Data Factory managed identity access to your key vault. You may also directly input your secret in the format key vault linked service name>/secret name>/secret version>.
Note : If you are using Windows Authentication, there are four methods to
access data stores with Windows authentication from SSIS packages
running on your Azure-SSIS IR: Access data stores and file shares with
Windows authentication from SSIS packages in Azure | Docs
Make Sure it Falls under one of such methods, else it could potentially fail at the Run Time.

Secure access to Azure Table Storage via Azure Function

I have data stored in Azure Table Storage and want to secure it such that only my API (a function app) can read and write data.
What is best practice and how can I do this? I thought setting --default-action on the network rules to Deny for the Storage, plus adding a --bypass Logging Metrics AzureServices would shut down access but enable my Azure services, but this did not work.
I then looked at creating a Managed Service Identity (MSI) for the function app and adding RBAC to the Storage Account, but this did not work either. It doesn't look like MSIs are supported for Table Storage Access Azure Table Storage with Azure MSI
Am I missing or misunderstanding something? How do I secure the data in the tables in the Storage account, and is this even possible?
As the link you provided, azure table storage does not support Azure MSI, and it only support Shared Key (storage account key) and Shared access signature (SAS).
You must use Shared Key authorization to authorize a request made against the Table service if your service is using the REST API to make the request.
To encode the signature string for a request against the Table service made using the REST API, use the following format:
StringToSign = VERB + "\n" +
Content-MD5 + "\n" +
Content-Type + "\n" +
Date + "\n" +
You can use Shared Key Lite authorization to authorize a request made against any version of the Table service.
StringToSign = Date + "\n"
For more details, you could refer to this article.
For securing Azure Table Storage data you do below network configurations -
Use selected network instead of public network. This configuration is available under "Firewalls and virtual networks" of storage account.
Second step which you can do is to either move the data to Azure Key Vault or use an encryption key stored in Azure Key Vault to encrypt required fields of Azure Table Storage. This way you won't face Azure Key Vault's throttling limits - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/key-vault/general/service-limits#secrets-managed-storage-account-keys-and-vault-transactions

Use Azure keyvault secrets offline when developing .NET core Azure functions

When I develop for Azure I usually start copying in some keyvault client code so only keyvault urls will be in my settings file, no secrets can ever end up my git repositories.
After starting to make Azure functions I realized that it was not possible to do this for the trigger connection string for e.g. service bus or blob storage.
The recommended approach seems to connect the app to keyvault directly in Azure when deployed, and just manage secrets locally in Secret Manager, like suggested in
this article
I am not developing alone, so while I am not adverse to using a tool like Secret Manager, I need to still have my offline secrets connected to the Azure keyvault! If others change anything.
Question: How do I manage secrets offline in a way that is synchronized with Azure keyvault?
it was not possible to do this for the trigger connection string for e.g. service bus or blob storage.
In short, it's possible.
Here are steps you could follow and refer to the detailed article.
1.Add a System Assigned Managed Identity to the Azure Function.
2.Go to the Access Control section of your Key Vault and click on Add a role assignment blade.
3.Go to your Key Vault and click on Access Policies and then click on Add service principal with secret GET permission.
4.When you use ServiceBusTrigger, you set ServiceBusConnectionString in Function ->Configuration ->Application settings.
public static void Run([ServiceBusTrigger(_topicName, _subscriptionName, Connection = "ServiceBusConnectionString")] string mySbMsg, ILogger log)
{ ....
5.Now you change the value of ServiceBusConnectionString to the Azure Key Vault reference with #Microsoft.KeyVault(SecretUri=Secret URI with version). Then you could run your function successfully with Key Vault.

Cannot use certificate secret value stored in Key Vault in Azure Resource Template

I am trying to deploy an Azure HD insight Spark template using Visual Studio. The HD insight cluster accesses a Data Lake and for Data Lake Storage i have created a service principal with a certificate. I have stored the certificate in Azure Vault as a secret and trying to access it in my Azure Resource Manager Template. However, it is throwing the following error Service Principal Details are invalid
I have downloaded the certificate from a running cluster and there is nothing wrong with the certificate. I always use this certificate to create clusters through the Portal.
"reference": {
"keyVault": {
"id": "/subscriptions/e3f93473-xxx/resourceGroups/Production/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/myvault"
"secretName": "certificateNew"
I had the same problem and managed to solve it by using the Powershell command on this page to convert the PFX certificate to a Base-64 string value. I then uploaded the string value to a secret in Key Vault.
$servicePrincipalCertificateBase64 = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes(path-to-servicePrincipalCertificatePfxFile))
There are several scripts available on Github that convert a PFX to Base-64 and upload it to a Key Vault that you specify. I tried some of them, but somehow they converted to a format that caused problems while depoying the ARM template. The method I mentioned solved the problem in my case.
