Run a command on remote machine and store its output in variable on remote machine - linux

I want to capture number of rules of iptables that start with specific pattern in comment and then delete them. This is what I want to achieve. Here is my bash script
ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" root#$ip_address << EOF
echo "Now Removing your IPTables";
#storing output in input variable
input=$(iptables -nL INPUT --line-number | grep ip.* | cut -d " " -f1 | xargs)
#converting variable into an array
#loop through each element of array
echo "length:${#arr1[#]}";
for (( i="${#arr1[#]}"-1;i >=0; i-- ));
echo "$i:${arr1[$i]}"
iptables -D INPUT $i;
Problem is the iptables command is not being executed on the remote machine and the output shows the length of arr1 is 0. But I am sure iptables has rules with my desired pattern.
Error being shown in terminal:
-bash: line 9: 3: command not found
Adding 2>&1 in the end of command also not working:
input=$(iptables -nL INPUT --line-number | grep ip.* | cut -d " " -f1 | xargs 2>&1)

TL;DR: Use <<"EOF" instead of <<EOF.
Your Here-Document will expand all variables and evaluate all subshells before the script is even sent to your ssh server.
Consider the following script:
ssh user#servername <<EOF
echo "$(hostname)"
This will not print servername (the name of the computer you are connecting to) but the name of your localhost instead (the name of the computer you working on).
Before ssh is executed, the subshell $(hostname) is executed. The resulting string "echo localhostname" is then passed to ssh and executed on the remote server.
To fix the problem you have to escape the $ inside the Here-Document or use a literal Here-Document:
ssh user#servername <<"EOF"
echo "$(hostname)"


"permission denied error" but script works perfectly

I was watching the infamous beginners' network pentesting video of Heath Adams and was attempting to make nmap staging script.
Can someone explain why I am getting this irksome permission denied error where I defined the ports variable even though my script has been running without a hitch up until this point?
Here is the staging script I am attempting:
#creating a temp directory to store the output of initial scan
mkdir tempStager
#scannig with given flags and storing the results
echo beginning nmap scan
nmap $* > tempStager/scan.txt
echo basic nmap scan complete
#retrieving open ports
cat tempStager/scan.txt |grep tcp |cut -d " " -f 1| tr -d "/tcp" > tempStager/ports.txt
sleep 2
ports=cat tempStager/ports.txt| awk '{printf "%s,",$0}' tempStager/ports.txt
ip=echo $* | awk 'NF{ print $NF }'
#scanning with -A
#echo ""
#echo starting nmap scan with -A
#nmap -A -p$ports $ip
#removing temp directory
#rm -r tempStager```
ports=cat tempStager/ports.txt| awk '{printf "%s,",$0}' tempStager/ports.txt
assigns the variable the value "cat" and then tries to execute tempStager/ports.txt as an executable. But the file is not an executable (it doesn't have the x bit set, so it cannot be executed.
ports only exists for the runtime of the (would-be) program, it is not available after the program has terminated (which the program does immediately, because your shell fails to run it).
You are also specifying stdin and a file to awk.
If you want to assign the output of awk to a variable, you must use command substitution:
ports="$(awk '{printf "%s,",$0}' tempStager/ports.txt)"

Testing active ssh keys on the local network

I am trying currently to achieve a bash script that will validate if SSH keys on a server are still linked to known hosts that are active on the local area network. You can find below the beginning of my bash script to achieve this:
cat /etc/passwd | grep /bin/bash > bash_users
cat bash_users | cut -d ":" -f 6 > cutted.bash_users_home_dir
for bash_users in $(cat cutted.bash_users_home_dir)
ls -al $bash_users/.ssh/*id_* >> ssh-keys.txt
for known_hosts in $(cat cutted.bash_users_home_dir)
cat $bash_users/.ssh/known_hosts | awk '{print $1}' | sort -u >>
sleep 2
hosts_known=$(wc -l hosts_known.txt)
echo "We have $hosts_known known hosts that could be still active via SSH
# TIME TO TEST WHICH SSH servers are still active with the SSH keys
# Would love to have bash script that could
# ssh -l $users_that_have_/bin/bash -i $ssh_keys $ssh_servers
# Would also be very nice if it could save active
# SSH servers with the valid keys in output.txt in the format
# username:local-IP:/path/to/SSH_key
Please feel very comfortable to edit/modify the bash script above if it can serve better the goals described.
Any help would be very appreciated,
The following works cool:
</etc/passwd \
grep /bin/bash |
cut -d: -f6 |
sudo xargs -i -- sh -c '
[ -e "$1" ] && cat "$1"
' -- {}/.ssh/known_hosts |
cut -d' ' -f1 |
tr ',' '\n' |
sed '
s/\[\(.*\)\]:\(.*\)/\1 \2/;
s/$/ 22/;
' |
sort -u |
xargs -l1 -- sh -c '
if echo "~" | nc -q1 -w3 "$1" "$2" | grep -q "^SSH"; then
echo "#### SUCCESS $1 $2";
echo "#### ERROR $1 $2";
' --
Start with /etc/passwd
Filter all "bash_users" as you call them
Filter user home directories only cut -d: -f6
For each user home directory sudo xargs -i -- run
Check if the file .ssh/known_hosts inside the user home directory exists
If it does, print it
Filter only hosts names
Multiple hosts signatures may share same key and are separated by a comma. Replace comma for newline
Now a sed script:
If a line starts with a [ that means it has a format of [host]:port and I want to replace it with host port
If the line does not start with a [ I add 22 to the end of the line so it's host 22
Then I sort -u
Now for each line:
I get the ssh version from ssh echo "~" | nc hostname port returns smth like "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0" + newline + "Protocol mismatch".
So if the line returned by nc hostname port starts with SSH that means there is ssh running on the other side
I added timeout for unresponsive hosts, but I think nc -w timeout option may also be used. Probably also nc -q 1 should be specified.
Now the real fun is, when you add the max-procs option to the last xargs line, you can check all hosts simultaneously. On my host I have 47 unique addresses and xargs -P30 checks them ALL in like 2 seconds.
But really there are some problems. The script needs root to read from all users known_hosts. But worse, the known_hosts may be hashed. It would be better to firstly know the list of hosts on your network, and then generate known_hosts from it. It would look like ssh-keyscan -f list_of_hosts > ~/.ssh/known_hosts or similar. Generaly ssh-keygen -F hostname should be used if a host exists in known_hosts, sadly there is no listing command. known_hosts file format may be found in ssh documentation.

Bash script runs one command before previous. I want them one after the other

So part of my script is as follows:
ssh user#$remoteServer "
cd ~/a/b/c/;
echo -e 'blah blah'
sleep 1 # Added this just to make sure it waits.
foo=`grep something xyz.log |sed 's/something//g' |sed 's/something-else//g'`
echo $foo > ~/xyz.list
exit "
In my output I see:
grep: xyz.log: No such file or directory
blah blah
Whereas when I ssh to the server, xyz.log does exist within ~/a/b/c/
Why is the grep statement getting executed before the echo statement?
Can someone please help?
The problem here is that your command in backticks is being run locally, not on the remote end of the SSH connection. Thus, it runs before you've even connected to the remote system at all! (This is true for all expansions that run in double-quotes, so the $foo in echo $foo as well).
Use a quoted heredoc to protect your code against local evaluation:
ssh user#$remoteServer bash -s <<'EOF'
cd ~/a/b/c/;
echo -e 'blah blah'
sleep 1 # Added this just to make sure it waits.
foo=`grep something xyz.log |sed 's/something//g' |sed 's/something-else//g'`
echo $foo > ~/xyz.list
If you want to pass through a variable from the local side, the easy way is with positional parameters:
printf -v varsStr '%q ' "$varOne" "$varTwo"
ssh "user#$remoteServer" "bash -s $varsStr" <<'EOF'
varOne=$1; varTwo=$2 # set as remote variables
echo "Remote value of varOne is $varOne"
echo "Remote value of varTwo is $varTwo"
[command server] ------> [remote server]
The better way is to create shell script in the "remote server" , and run the command in the "command server" such as :
ssh ${remoteserver} "/bin/bash /foo/"
It will solve many problem , the aim is to make things simple but not complex .

ssh command output to save in a text file in shell script

I want to write shell script, in which i am using ssh command.
Whatever output i will get through ssh command i want save this in text file or varibale, so i can use this in my shell script.
Currently i am saving output in a variable , but when i used that variable outside ssh command , value is showing blank.
Code is
ssh hostname -c "'
var=$(ps -ef | grep Consumer | cut -f6 -d' ')
echo $?;
echo "vbar $var";
var value is blank when i print.
To save ssh's output in local file "file.log":
ssh hostname > file.log << EOF
ps -ef | grep Consumer | cut -f6 -d' '

pseudo-terminal error will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal - sudo

There are other threads with this same topic but my issue is unique. I am running a bash script that has a function that sshes to a remote server and runs a sudo command on the remote server. I'm using the ssh -t option to avoid the requiretty issue. The offending line of code works fine as long as it's NOT being called from within the while loop. The while loop basically reads from a csv file on the local server and calls the checkAuthType function:
while read inputline
ARRAY=(`echo $inputline | tr ',' ' '`)
checkAuthType $HOSTNAME $OS_TYPE
<more irrelevant code>
done < configfile.csv
This is the function that sits at the top of the script (outside of any while loops):
function checkAuthType()
if [ $2 == linux ]; then
LINE=`ssh -t $1 'sudo grep "PasswordAuthentication" /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep -v "yes\|Yes\|#"'`
if [ $2 == unix ]; then
LINE=`ssh -n $1 'grep "PasswordAuthentication" /usr/local/etc/sshd_config | grep -v "yes\|Yes\|#"'`
<more irrelevant code>
So, the offending line is the line that has the sudo command within the function. I can change the command to something simple like "sudo ls -l" and I will still get the "stdin is not a terminal" error. I've also tried "ssh -t -t" but to no avail. But if I call the checkAuthType function from outside of the while loop, it works fine. What is it about the while loop that changes the terminal and how do I fix it? Thank you one thousand times in advance.
Another option to try to get around the problem would be to redirect the file to a different file descriptor and force read to read from it instead.
while read inputline <&3
ARRAY=(`echo $inputline | tr ',' ' '`)
checkAuthType $HOSTNAME $OS_TYPE
<more irrelevant code>
done 3< configfile.csv
I am guessing you are testing with linux. You should try add the -n flag to your (linux) ssh command to avoid having ssh read from stdin - as it normally reads from stdin the while loop is feeding it your csv.
You should (usually) use the -n flag when scripting with SSH, and the flag is typically needed for 'expected behavior' when using a while read-loop. It does not seem to be the main issue here, though.
There are probably other solutions to this, but you could try adding another -t flag to force pseudo-tty allocation when stdin is not a terminal:
ssh -n -t -t
BroSlow's approach with a different file descriptor seems to work! Since the read command reads from fd 3 and not stdin,
ssh and hence sudo still have or get a tty/pty as stdin.
# simple test case
while read line <&3; do
sudo -k
echo "$line"
ssh -t localhost 'sudo ls -ld /'
done 3<&- 3< <(echo 1; sleep 3; echo 2; sleep 3)
