Unable to get redirect response from Node server using res.writeHead() and .end() - node.js

I'm writing a server in Node.js. I've been using the send-data/json package to send responses, with much success. For example, at the end of my API call I use this code:
sendJson(res, res, {some: content})
This works great. However, I have a need to implement a URL redirect in one of my API endpoints. The code I am seeing everywhere to do this looks like this:
res.writeHead(302, {Location: 'http://myUrl.com'})
However, this change causes my server to stop sending responses on this endpoint.
What am I missing?
Note: this is vanilla Node without Express.
Update: to clarify, based on contributions in the comments, this is the result of a GET request, so I expect that redirects should be enabled by default. I am still curious why no response is coming back from the server at all, regardless of whether it is an erroneous redirect attempt or a successful one.


Setting up Swagger Ui in Firebase Functions Server

I've developed an API on Firebase Cloud Functions and I want to include a docs path to it.
I'm using swagger and I could successfully test it locally (localhost:PORT/docs) but when I deploy the function to Firebase it's not working, it redirects me to an authorization page.
I think I figured out why this is:
Let's say the name of my Cloud function is cfunc. Then the base url for it is something like https://region-name-project-name.cloudfunctions.net/cfunc. Based on how I included the swagger documentation:
const swaggerDoc = require('./docs/swagger.config.json')
swaggerUi.setup(swaggerDoc, {
customCssUrl: '/assets/swagger.css',
customSiteTitle: 'My Function Title',
customfavIcon: '/assets/logo.ico',
swaggerOptions: {
supportedSubmitMethods: [] //to disable the "Try it out" button
the docs should be located at https://region-name-project-name.cloudfunctions.net/cfunc/docs. When I try to access that URL, watching "Network" in my browser DevTools, it attempts a GET at that URL with response 304 and then redirects to https://region-name-project-name.cloudfunctions.net/docs and that's what brings up the Google Authentication page, since there's no Cloud Function named "docs" so Google thinks I'm trying to access something else in Firebase Cloud Functions (the same thing happens if I do something like https://region-name-project-name.cloudfunctions.net/tomato)
But I still don't know how to fix this redirect or why it's happening. I tried adding the Cloud Function URL to the host parameter of the swagger.config.json file, and some modifications to CORS, like allowing more Request Methods, adding json as content type, allowing authentication on headers, but nothing seems to be working.
Hope I was clear enought, if not tell me any other info you need (it's one of my first posts here :B)
Found the SOLUTION
After testing a BUNCH of different things, I found out that the redirection was in fact happening always removing one slice of the path after, for example I changed the docs endpoint to '/something/docs' and when accessing the URL that would be https://region-name-project-name.cloudfunctions.net/cfunc/something/docs it redirected to https://region-name-project-name.cloudfunctions.net/cfunc/docs which did not bring up the Google Authentication thing but now wasn't a valid path for my docs so it returned a 'Cannot GET /cfunc/docs'.
For some reason this redirection DOES NOT happen if you add an extra forward slash ('/') at the end of the documentation URL. So, in the first case, where the endpoint for the documentation is only '/docs', accessing the URL https://region-name-project-name.cloudfunctions.net/cfunc/docs/ does it. I do not know why that is, I'm probably posting an Issue on the swagger repo, but if someone has some extra data on why or how to make it work otherwise it would be awesome to hear.
Hope this helps someone else!
Oh and another thing I forgot, it's apparently better if you setup swagger-ui as if you were using express Router, even if you are not (maybe Firebase loads the Cloud Function with something like a router), so instead of app.use('/docs', swagger-ui.serve, swagger-ui.setup(swagger-file)) do app.use('/docs', swagger-ui.serve) and then app.get('/docs', swagger-ui.setup(swagger-file))

GET request recieved in php but not node.js w/ Express

I'm trying to integrate KiwiWall, a rewarded ads/offerwall provider, with my website. The end goal is to credit virtual coins to the user when an offer is completed.
The code that I currently have is as follows. I'm simply trying to make sure a request is being received from KiwiWall, which it is not. It's worth noting that the following DOES log the intended information to the console when a request is sent from my browser or a request testing website like ReqBin:
app.use('/offers/kiwiwall/api', cors(), async (req, res) => {
However, no output can be seen when using the postback testing functionality of KiwiWall.
In order to make sure the issue isn't on KiwiWall's end, I hosted the example php code from the KiwiWall docs on the same webserver, and was able to successfully receive and process the request using it. Why is this not working with node.js/Express?

HTTP "redirect" with node.js - Is there a module?

not sure if I picked the right terminology, what I want to do is the following:
A node.js module receives http requests of all kinds (GET, PUT, POST ...). It should take these requests and route them to a different URL but keep all other input parameters as it received it.
The response coming in should then be handed back to the calling party.
I realized it with express and https modules for a simple GET and it worked. Before I start coding down the remaining stuff I was wondering if there is a module available for such a URL "redirect"?
http://server1/api/[parameters] + [body] => https://server2/api/[parameters] + [body]
and handing the response back.
Hope I was able to explain.
To redirect someone to another url you can use the code below:
response.writeHead(302, {
'Location': 'your/404/path.html'
//add other headers here...
with this response you must also include the appropriate status code for redirection(301, 303) according to your situation.
You can see full list of status codes here:

Sending a cookie to web browser using Node.js Express

I am following all the suggestions online about how to send a cookie in an HTTP response in Express.
The simple way would be like so:
res.cookie('foo', 'bar');
however when future requests come to the server from the same web browser, the cookie is not available in req.cookies; in other words, req.cookies['foo'] is undefined.
I have set the front-end code to use "withCredentials" for any AJAX request. Yet the cookie is still not sent to the server, or at least does not appear to be in any way.
One thing that concerns me is that when I call res.cookie('foo','bar') on the server it doesn't show up on the res object/stream as you can see here:
Is there anything obvious that I am doing wrong?

Express wont match url to route when coming from remote server

I'm setting up a site that posts to a remote server. The user performs some steps on this remote server and when the user is done. The server issues a get request with a bunch of query parameters to my server.
The thing is that this request never arrives at the controller method it is supposed to.
I have a custom middleware that intercepts all requests and i am doing some logging in there, i can see there every time this request arrives to my server but express doesn't seem to match it to the controller.
However if i go into my browser and do the request from there with the exact same path and query string it works fine.
I thought maybe the remote server was using a proxy so i enabled trust proxy in express but that didn't make any difference.
I have tried changing the route path and that didn't make a difference.
I don't know what code would be helpful since it is pretty standard express code. I have tried putting the route before all the middleware and the request still bypassed the controller and was logged by my logging middleware.
I'm completely baffled, anyone got any idea what could be causing this?
Here is some of the code I'm using. This is not the exact setup I'm trying but I have tried to make it work this way to rule out my routing logic and this example has the exact same problem. I tried putting the app.get above the middleware and the request from the external server still bypassed the app.get and went directly to the middleware.
app.use(function(req, res, next) {
console.log('path', req.method, req.path, req.query);
app.get('/payments/success', function (req, res) {
console.log('SUCCESS', req.query);
Here is the result of the middleware logging a request arriving from the remote server(i removed the variables logged from the request query because it is sensitive information, they are returned just the way they are supposed to):
path GET /payment/success {
variable: 'variable",
If anyone needs any more information from the request object i will provide it.
