How to Override the Sales Order Quick Process Action Button in Acumatica - acumatica

Is there a way to override the Quick Process Action Button in Acumatica.
After clicking on the OK Button, print pick list and the Shipment confirmation should be opened as a Combined in a single report instead of opening in the two separate tabs.
We could not able to locate the Quick Process action button.
Please help me to resolve this .

Quick Action button is made available, per order type. Review the Sales Order type screen.
Inside the standard graph SalesOrderEntry graph, you will find the method QuickProcess. It is available after you create the graph extension. Inside your extension, you may extend QuickProcess. Or override if you wish.


How to override the Process button in the Process order screen in Acumatica

How to override the Process button in the Process order screen in Acumatica
enter image description here
There may be a way to directly the "Process" function for a specific processing screen but I am unaware of it nor do I see anything obvious in the customizer to do so. You could try to override a method within the Sales Order graph that you know fires within this process and implement your custom logic there. This way it would be hit by both the processing page and whatever action item you override within the order directly.

Can I grab and populate a screen made by a programmatically triggered button push?

Am I able to grab a screen that is created by a programmatically triggered button push call and populate it with values?
My specific example is that I want to grab the new e-mail screen that is made when I execute this code:
CRCommunicationDraft graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<CRCommunicationDraft>();
I want to grab the screen created after AddNew.PressButton() is executed. Is there any way to do this?
For this specific case, I think is answered here:
How can I open an editable, sendable e-mail screen with prepopoulated values?
For most cases you want to:
Override the Action Handler of the button. You can use OVERRIDE METHOD button of customization editor for that. In your case override the AddNew action event handler.
Create a new graph instance for your target screen, here it is CREmailActivityMaint.
Assign to or insert a record into the current DataView of that graph, in your case use CREmailActivityMaint.Message DataView.
Redirect to the screen, using PXRedirectHelper class.

Browser add on/extension to intercept data selection then simulate link click and data entry

Background: a third party web application with a requirement on the order page to explicitly guide staff when a certain category of product is ordered.
Normal process:
select product to add order line (click on product image)
New process:
select product to add order line (click on product image)
[add on] simulate click on edit order line
[add on] simulate clear of default additional information form fields
enter additional information and click save
Note that the two steps to be performed by the add-on could be performed by the user however when things get busy or new staff begin is often the case that the order gets processed with the default value.
Any pointers in the right direction would be appreciated.
A multi-browser solution is preferred but not essential.
I am an experienced developer, including web development, but have no experience in browser add on/extension development.
You can make an addon out of this very easily. You addEventListener to the gBrowser and if the is the product element then preventDefault so the click doesnt go thru (you will have to do mousedown and mouseup prevent as well). Then rather get the id of the "edit order line" and do .click() if that doesnt work and you really need to simulate use MouseEvent:
MDN :: MouseEvent
MDN :: Initatite/Dispatch MouseEvent
To enter aditional information get the id of the fields, and set their value. Then get the "Save" button id and then do .submit() or .click()
i said do get id in this post but you can use querySelector and go by css selector
see this page here on how to interact with content in currently selected tab:
basically just do gBrowser.contentDocument.getElementById

Automatic show a dialog in ObjectListView, wxpython

I meet a problem in ObjectListView. When I choose some objects or use checkbox to choose them, the function on those objects will be called by pressing a button and utilizing GetCheckedObjects().
Is it possible for a dialog showed automatically when I choose or check an object like this?
If ObjectListView doesn't support that function, is there any other ways to realize it?
According to this previous SO question, the event that is triggered when a user clicks on a ObjectListView is the same as for a wx.ListCtrl, namely wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED.
So all you need to do is create your dialog (tutorials here and here) then bind a function to wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED that launches your dialog.

Extension-Specific Context Menu

I'm trying to add an item to the right-click menu on my extension. I've tried to find a method which would work, but a lot of the results seem to deal with context menus on the actual page, not the extension icon itself. The contextMenus API doesn't seem to work for this, unfortunately.
There is currently no API for that. Head for Chromium Issue 78631 and click the star to cast your vote for it and receive updates by e-mail. In the meantime, you could create a popup with a menu that lists both the primary action and the actions you would have put in the context menu.
(I assume you're trying to add the context menu item to your browser action. Your question is a little ambiguous.)
