Unexpected result of Not operator in assignment - verilog

I have two 8-bit inputs A and B,
input [7:0] A,B;
and a 9-bit output F,
output reg [8:0] F;
A and B are combined and assigned to F like this:
F <= ~(A^B);
If A is equal to 8'hFF, and B is equal to 8'hF0, why does F become 9'h1F0 and not 9'h0F0?

Why is the output 9'h1F0 and not 9'h0F0?
You defined F as 9 bits wide. Thus the compiler will expand the right-hand-side arguments to 9 bits before doing any operations.
As both A and B are unsigned they become resp
A = 9'h0FF, B=9'h0F0. EXOR gives 9'h00F. Ones complement then gives 9'h1F0.
Beware that the width expansion does not happen if you put the expression between {}:
F2 = {~(A^B)};
F2 will be 9'h0F0;

Because sections 11.8.2 Steps for evaluating an expression and 11.8.3 Steps for evaluating an assignment of the IEEE 1800-2017 LRM effectively say that the operands get extended first to match the size of the result before any operation is performed.


Signed and Unsigned Multiplication Problem in Verilog

I have been working on approximate multiplication recently and I want to write a Verilog code for dynamic segment multiplication (DSM) . It suggest that you find the first index in you number which has a value of 1 and then take other 3 indexes next to it to form a 4 bit number that represent an 8 bit number then you should multiply these 4 bit numbers instead of 8 bits then some shifts to have the final result it helps a lot on hardware actually.. but my problem is about multiplication of these segments because sometimes they should be considered signed and some time unsigned I have the last 3 lines of my code: (a and b are input 8 bit numbers) and m1 and m2 are segments I wrote m,m2 as reg signed [3:0] and a and b as input signed [7:0]
Here is my code:
assign out = ({a[7],b[7]}==2'b11)||({a[7],b[7]}==2'b00) ? ($unsigned(m1)*$unsigned(m2)) << (shift_m1+shift_m2) : 16'dz;
assign out = ({a[7],b[7]}==2'b01) ? ($signed({1'b0,m1})*$signed(m2)) << (shift_m1+shift_m2) : 16'dz;
assign out = ({a[7],b[7]}==2'b10) ? ($signed(m1)*$signed({1'b0,m2})) << (shift_m1+shift_m2) : 16'dz;
But in simulation Verilog always considers segments as unsigned and does unsigned multiplication even though I noted signed or unsigned mark...
Can anyone help? I read all of the questions about this problem in stackoverflow and other places but still cannot solve this issue...
The rules for non-self determined operands say that if one operand is unsigned, the result is unsigned. 16'dz is unsigned.
The conditional operator i ? j : k has the condition operand i self-determined, but the two selections j and k are in a context based on the assignment or expression it is a part of. The shift operator i << j has the shift amount operand j self-determined.
All of the context rules are explained in section 11.6.1 Rules for expression bit lengths in the IEEE 1800-2017 SystemVerilog LRM.
You can get your desired result by using the signed literal 16'sdz.
However the logic you wrote may not be synthesizable for certain technologies that do not allow using a z state inside your device. The correct and more readable way is using a case statement:
alway #(*) case({a[7],b[7]})
2'b11: out = $unsigned(m1)*$unsigned(m2) << shift_m1+shift_m2;
2'b01: out = $signed({1'b0,m1})*m2 << shift_m1+shift_m2;
2'b10: out = m1*$signed({1'b0,m2}) << shift_m1+shift_m2;

Verilog assign statement result check

new to Verilog (well, SystemVerilog really, but I found that for the very basic keywords like assign and initialize I am able to learn from Verilog resources as well). I am following example 2 on this link chipverify example 2. It's simple so I'll write it down. I feel as if they've made a mistake, but since I am a newbie it's hard to know if my feeling is correct or not.
module xyz (input [3:0] x, //let x='hC or x='b1100 for this example's purposes
input y, //y is a 1bit scalar y='h1 = 'b1
output [4:0] z);
//case 8
assign z = {3{y}};
For case 8, they are saying that z will result in z='b00111. I don't think it's correct! Following their case 3, where z only got bits [4:1] assigned,it stated that the reaming bit will be undriven and thus result in high impedance Z. Shouldn't the result of case 8 then be z ='bZZ111 and not z='b00111?
Let me know, thanks! =)
From section 10.7 (Assignment extension and truncation) in IEEE Std 1800-2017 (the SystemVerilog standard),
When the right-hand side evaluates to fewer bits than the left-hand side, the right-hand side value is padded to the size of the
left-hand side.
In your case, {3{y}} is an unsigned value, so it is 0-padded to 5 bits, that is 5'b00111, and then assigned to z.

when if(a) will return true in Verilog

I am new to Verilog and I had been asked the following question:
Consider a = reg[3:0], then what values can a have so if(a) will return true?
I have no idea where to start, tried to compile some examples but all failed syntax problem.
Writing if (a) is the same as writing if (a !=0). Since a is a 4-bit variable, you can expand that out to if (a[0] != 0 | a[1] ! = 0 | a[2] != 0 | a[3] !=0). So a 1 in any bit position makes the expression true. Note that an unknown value x or z as an operand with the equality/inequality operators results in an unknown and is considered false. But an unknown or'ed with true is true.
reg is a verilog keyword used to declare variable types, and the expression you provided is an illegal verilog expression. You can declare a to be a 4-bit reg as the following:
reg[3:0] a;
the above makes a a 4-bit vector. Now, verilog bits might have 4 states: 0, 1, x, and z. So, any one of 4 bits of a can be in any of those states. Now you have 256 possible combinations. If you ignore x and z states, you can get 16 combinations expressed in decimals as 0 to 15.
true means that at least one bit in a is 1. In all other cases it will be false.

How to implement an n-bit adder whose input vectors are represented in octal?

I'm somewhat stumped on this problem:
"Write a verilog module for full addition of n-bit integers. Let the parameter, the number of bits, equal 3. Call this module from a test bench, and in the test bench specify the numbers to be added in the arrays. Assign octal values to the X and Y arrays. The carryin is 0."
And yes, this is homework.
I was able to write the module for the n-bit adder:
module addern(carryin, X, Y, S, carryout, overflow);
parameter n = 3;
input carryin;
input [n-1:0] X, Y;
output reg [n-1:0] S;
output reg carryout, overflow;
always #(X,Y, carryin)
{carryout, S} = X + Y + carryin;
overflow = (X[n-1] & Y[n-1] & ~S[n-1]) | (~X[n-1] & ~Y[n-1] & S[n-1]);
I understand this component of the problem. However, I'm not sure how to implement the octal number addition. Is there a way in verilog to indicate that the arrays are holding octal values, rather than binary?
Is there anything like a typecast in verilog? For instance, input (octal) [n-1:0] X, Y, and do something likewise in the test bench.
Any constructive input is appreciated.
I'm pretty sure I'm in the same class as you. I think what you need to do is create a hierarchical Verilog module and then assign your values there. That would be your testbench. for example if you want to make X you write input [n-1:0] X = 3'o013, or maybe it's X = 9'o013 if Oli is correct. you don't change n, but it's kind of like BCD where they are in groups and you have a certain amount of bits you can represent before it overflows.
To help solve the problem thik about the question:
Q) How are numbers stored in digital hardware?
A) Binary, in digital logic we can only represent 2 values 1 and 0, but with this we can represent Integer, fixed point or floating point numbers.
Therefore digital numbers are base 2 (two possible values), while being able to represent any number. Other bases such as Octal (base 8) hex (base 16) and decimal (base 10) exist but these are just way of representing numbers, similar to the way binary just represents a number.
A decimal 1, is represented by 1 n all the bases, and when stored as binary they are all the same. An example of some values in verilog and there binary equivalents.
Octal Decimal Hex Binary
3'O7 => 3'd7 => 3'h7 => 3'b111
6'O10 => 6'd8 => 6'h8 => 6'b001000
Octal, Decimal and Hex in verilog are just representations of a binary format, a way of viewing the data. Since the low level electronics has no way of representing any thing other than 0 and 1.
The interesting thing about Octal and Hex is that they have a power of 2 values so they use an exact number of bits so an 9'O123 is the same as treating each Octal place separately and concatenating them together, 9'O123 == {3'O1, 3'O2, 3'O3}. This is also true for hexadecimal values but not decimal (base 10) values, as 10 is not a power of 2 and does not fully occupy the number space.
This does allow 'Octal' ports to be created, which are just 3 bit binary ports:
module octal_concat (
input [2:0] octal_2,
input [2:0] octal_1,
input [2:0] octal_0,
output [8:0] concat
assign concat = {octal_2, octal_1, octal_0};
octal_concat octal_concat_0 (
.concat() //Drives 9'O123 which is also 9'b001_010_011

Verilog reg assignment to part of another reg

I am using Verilog with modelSim and I get the following errors when I try to assign reg variables to different parts of another reg variable:
** Error: Range width must be greater than zero.
** Error: Range width must be constant expression.
here is the relevant code:
integer f; //zd, qd, R and Q are regs
always # * begin
f = 52 - zd;
R = qd[f +:0];
Q = qd[63 -:f+1];
I want R to include qd (from 0 to f) and Q to be (the rest) qd (from f+1 to 63). How to do it? Thanks.
What you are trying to do is not legal in verilog 2001.
As your warning says, Range width must be constant expression, i.e. you cannot have variable length part selects.
You can have fixed length part select that varies the starting point (i.e. select 8 bits starting from f), but the syntax for that is this:
vector_name[starting_bit_number +: part_select_width]
vector_name[starting_bit_number -: part_select_width]
In hardware the size of a bus must be a fixed size, you cannot change the number of wires in silicon based on the contents of a register :)
