npm run points to different .env file - node.js

We are working on nodeJs/ExpressJs we have configured multiple .env files for development and production and pointing it to package.json for different execution process, we have naming conversation issues at scripts.
Whenever we run npm run prod it takes to preprod configuration. what could be the issues?
Update: we have figured that the suffix of the script key is the same in the next script, after update/rename preprod to preProd the both runs fine. but why?
Eg :
"scripts": {
"dev": "clear; env-cmd -f ./config/hostedDev.env nodemon --exec babel-node index.js",
"prod": "clear; env-cmd -f ./config/prod.env nodemon --exec babel-node index.js",
"preprod": "clear; env-cmd -f ./config/preprod.env nodemon --exec babel-node index.js"

Apparently the issue is with the word 'pre'.
If you would have noticed it runs both preprod and prod commands (pre running first).
If you change the script name to 'postprod' the postprod script will run later.
So, I guess npm uses 'pre' as to run before the 'prod' script and then running 'prod' script itself.


How do i run one script on development and another on production

"scripts": {
"start": "$env:NODE_ENV=\"development\"; nodemon server.js",
"start:prod": "$env:NODE_ENV=\"production\"; nodemon server.js"
I want to set the NODE_ENV variable to development when i run 'start' script and to production when i run 'start:prod' script but i get error that says:
$env:NODE__ENV="development"; nodemon server.js
The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.

Deploy NodeJS app to GCP AppEngine with customize start command

Here is my package.json
"scripts": {
"start": "react-scripts start",
"start:develop": "env-cmd -f env/.env.develop react-scripts start",
"start:stage": "env-cmd -f env/.env.stage react-scripts start",
env folder structure
├─ .env.develop (env=develop)
├─ .env.stage (env=stage)
When run on local (MacOS)
"yarn start" runs NodeJS app on local with default "env" = local (which is defined in other file)
"yarn start:develop" runs NodeJS app on local with "env" = develop
But now when I want to deploy this to GCP AppEngine, it's always deploy with "start" command (equivalent to "yarn start" on local)
How can I deploy "yarn start:develop" to AppEngine without declaring more environment variables in app.yaml?
From the documentation about what happens when you deploy your program,
Node.js modules are installed in the cloud as listed in your package.json and package-lock.json files and your service is started by using npm start.
I interpret the above to mean your project on the cloud is always run with start script and GAE will not/does not know how to use another script.
A possible workaround could be to deploy your app using a different version name e.g. dev i.e. you have
Your default version with "start": "react-scripts start"
dev version with "start": "env-cmd -f env/.env.develop react-scripts start"
Both of your versions use only the start script but they do different things

Passing environment variable to pm2 is not working

I have two API in node js using babel and I have a package.json commands to use to make the application working this is the commands:
"build": "del-cli dist/ && babel src -d dist --copy-files",
"serve": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production node dist/index.js",
"start:noupdate": "cross-env NODE_ENV=development babel-node src/index.js",
"start:serve": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production node dist/index.js",
I have two domains one is and another is
They have the same env file name but with another data for each database, that is .env.production and .env.development
When I make this "yarn build", my Linux execute this command :
"build": "del-cli dist/ && babel src -d dist --copy-files",
And this is working fine when I try to put in production mode on my real webservers, i go to the folder from the project and run this command to make the app online with PM2:
pm2 start npm -- run-script start:serve NODE_ENV=production
That will make this command work:
"cross-env NODE_ENV=production node dist/index.js"
The app runs just fine, but I have a problem he only runs one and doesn't create a new PM2 APP he just restarts what I start.
Example if I go to the folder in my and run this command first in this he starts, but I go to the another he doesn't start that but reload my already early app don't create a new one, what I'm doing wrong?
I manage to work this using pm2 ecosystem, that I found in this documentation from
I configure the default file and put a name my APP:
module.exports = {
apps : [{
name: "app",
script: "./app.js",
env: {
NODE_ENV: "development",
env_production: {
NODE_ENV: "production",
and use this command pm2 start ecosystem.config.js and now is working, I post here to know if someone has the same problem

How to chain custom script in package.json to call prestart mongod?

Trying to streamline my package.json and local development with a custom script to run Nodemon. I'm currently building an app with a front and back end I need to call mongod before start and before my custom in two tabs however I'm running into an issue.
mongod will only run in the terminal if the terminal path is set to local from testing and I've read:
Correct way of starting mongodb and express?
npm starts to execute many prestart scripts
How to npm start at a different directory
How do I add a custom script to my package.json file that runs a javascript file?
I can use prestart as:
"scripts": {
"prestart": "cd && mongod",
"start": "node app",
"nodemon": "./node_modules/.bin/nodemon app"
but I'm not seeing how I should chain a prestart with a custom scripts. When I try to chain it with nodemon as:
"scripts": {
"prestart": "cd && mongod",
"start": "node app",
"nodemon": "cd && mongod && ./node_modules/.bin/nodemon app"
Nodemon is fired first than mongodb crashes in my package.json when I call Nodemon as:
npm run nodemon
How can I start mongod before starting nodemon in my development process through one command in the package.json?

nodemon to exec "prestart" script at package.json

I want to setup nodemon to run the "prestart" script when server restarts, the reason, I'm using webpack and I want to build bundle.js every time a file changes, I'm not using webpack-dev-server cause I don't know how to set it up with an existing node app running, I got my backend on node.js, help on that will be appreciated.
The way I've been working is: run npm start every time I make a change on the code, but that too much effort.
Here's the scripts object at package.json so that you have an idea of what's going on:
"scripts": {
"bundle": "webpack --config webpack.config.js",
"prestart": "npm run bundle",
"start": "node server.js"
The way I've accomplished to do that is by creating a nodemon.json file with the exec property:
// ... Other conf (see an example in
"watch": [
"app" // Set your directories/files to watch
"exec": "npm run prestart && node server/index.js"
