Is there a way to abstract the import from a node module using typescript config files in the same style as the 'paths' property? - node.js

I am creating private node modules which for now might change considerably in structure which could mean splitting existing code into multiple packages.
If I have 100 files importing from a package that no longer holds the import I can do a find and replace but it becomes more difficult when classes are imported from that package...
so something like:
import { thing1, thing2} from 'my-package';
in the future may need to be:
import { thing1} from 'my-package';
import { thing2} from 'my-package2';
You can abstract imports using tsconfig like so:
"paths": {
"#shared/*": ["app/shared/*"]
But I cant figure out a way to do the same thing with node modules so that if there is a bigger change I only need to change 1 line. Is this possible?

Create index.ts file , import and export your modules:
import { assign, assignWith } from 'lodash';
import { addDays } from 'date-fns';
export { assign, assignWith, addDays };
and import modules from that index:
import { assign, addDays } from './index';

They can help you in using monorepo approach.
You can split your system into Applications and Libraries.


Splitting inversifyJS config file into multiple files

I recently bumped into a backend project using Typescript and would like to implement IoC principle with the help of Inversify.js. Following the official documentation, I have one huge file named inversify.config.ts containing all my interfaces and classes that implement them:
import "reflect-metadata"
import { Container } from "inversify"
import TYPES from './types';
import { ModuleRepo } from '../repo/interfaces'
import { ModuleARepoImpl } from '../repo/moduleA'
import { ModuleBRepoImpl } from '../repo/moduleB'
import { ModuleService } from '../services/interfaces'
import { ModuleAServiceImpl } from '../services/moduleA'
import { ModuleBServiceImpl } from '../services/moduleB'
const container = Container();
export default container;
One big problem in the above setting is when the project gets complex, more modules are added resulting in a very long config file (imagine you have dozens of modules). My plan is to divide it into smaller config files, with inversify.config.ts remains the main file.
consider the following settings:
import { Container } from 'inversify';
export type InversifyContainer = Container
export interface BasicInterface {
register(container: InversifyContainer): void
readonly types: Object
import {InversifyContainer, BasicDependencies} from '../interface';
import { ModuleRepo } from '../../repo/interfaces'
import { ModuleARepoImpl } from '../../repo/moduleA'
import { ModuleService } from '../../services/interfaces'
import { ModuleAServiceImpl } from '../../services/moduleA'
export class ModuleADependencies {
register(container: InversifyContainer) {
readonly types = {
ModuleARepo: Symbol('ModuleARepo'),
ModuleAService: Symbol('ModuleAService'),
import "reflect-metadata"
import { Container } from "inversify"
import { ModuleADependencies } from './moduleA';
import { ModuleBDependencies } from './moduleB'; // consider moduleB also has the same file
const container = Container();
const registrationList = [ModuleADependencies, ModuleBDependencies];
for (const reg of registrationList) {
new reg().register(container);
export default container;
import { ModuleADependencies } from './moduleA';
import { ModuleBDependencies } from './moduleB';
const TYPES = {
...(new ModuleADependencies().types),
...(new ModuleBDependencies().types),
export default TYPES
However, this way I always have an error showing something like Cannot read property of ModuleARepo of undefined from the types. I browsed the internet however nobody seems to care about how lengthy and messy inversify.config.ts would be if it is in a complex project.
Hoping someone can help with this :)
First of all your problem is described in the doc and has a solution.
Your solution is generally correct but there is a circular dependency
./dependencies/types.ts -> ./dependencies/moduleA/index.ts -> ./dependencies/types.ts
In types a new instance of class is created but the module that contain the class definition imports types. You don't list this import but use TYPES.ModuleARepo in bind.
To avoid it you can make types field static or move it out of the class into a separate exportable object. As a positive side effect of it, there will be no need to instantiate a class in ./dependencies/types.ts.
Just in case please keep in mind that if you instantiate a class that has a Symbol as a field this symbol is unique for every instance since Symbol('ModuleARepo') !== Symbol('ModuleARepo').

How to add imports to default export in TypeScript

I have this TypeScript node module that imports some base errors (errors1 and errors2) and define some module specific errors3:
// in errors3.ts
import errors1 from './errors1'
import errors2 from './errors2'
const errors3 = {
export default ? // <-- want to merge and export all errors here
Is there a way to combine all 3 error objects into one default export without explicit merging these objects into one manually (i.e. via Object.assign, lodash, etc?
You can use a barrel to export them all and then import them under a namespace.

Angular2 + TypeScript + moment.js => locale are not all there (just 'en')

I am going thru a book tutorial to learn TypeScript and AngularJS 2.0:(Become_a_Ninja_with_Angular2).
At some point it explains how to make your own Pipe and goes thru an implementation of moment.js.
In the folder where my project is located I do in CLI: npm install moment
(FYI: The book also tells to do typings install --save --ambient moment-node, but that throws an error even if I change --ambient by --global, also this error happens to not be a problem to use moment.js as the rest of the code I describe below runs).
Then, as a result of previous CLI, it creates under my project folder: [my project folder]\node_modules\moment
Then in [my project folder]\main.html, I have a <script> tag with: `
defaultJSExtensions: true,
map: {
... [plenty of stuff starting with #angular]..
'rxjs': 'node_modules/rxjs',
My custom Pipe looks like this:
import { PipeTransform, Pipe } from '#angular/core';
import * as moment from 'moment';
import 'moment/../locale/fr';
#Pipe({name: 'fromNow'})
export class FromNowPipe implements PipeTransform {
let mydate = moment(new Date(value));
return mydate.fromNow();
As you can see in my custom pipe code, to access the locale 'fr', I had to add import 'moment/../locale/fr (what I found by looking at already existing solution on StackOverflow). If this tag was not implemented I had access to 'en' only. Which means that adding other languages will require to add import 'moment/../locale/[the locale I want available].
Anyone has any ideas how to have all the locale from the lib moment.js with just the single import * as moment from 'moment'; statement?
PS: And I added to [My project folder]\app.module.ts:
import { FromNowPipe } from './custom_pipes/fromnow.pipe';
declarations: [...,FromNowPipe],
And somewhere in one of my component I have:
selector: 'ns-mycomponent',
.. <div>{{ '2016/05/01'|fromNow }}</div>..
I found a workaround:
Based on what I wrote in the question, in [my project folder]\main.html:
defaultJSExtensions: true,
map: {
I substitued: 'moment':'node_modules/moment/moment' with 'moment':'node_modules/moment/min/moment-with-locales.min.js'
In my Pipe file I just kept: import * as moment from 'moment';at the beginning of the file and it works: all languages are available.

Difference between `import from` and `import require` in TypeScript

I use node.js and I recently decided to give TypeScript a shot, But I'm kinda confused on how modules get imported. I see two different syntax that I couldn't find out what's their difference exactly:
import * as a from 'a'; // ES6 standard to import stuff
// OR ...
import a = require('a');
Are these the same thing? and if they're not, where should I use each one of them?
import * as a from 'a'; is the new "ES6 style" import syntax (available since Typescript 1.5).
Whenever possible, this syntax should now be used.
There is one caveat though. The ES6 import syntax can only import modules (as defined by ES6) or objects (classes, interfaces, vars,... ) exported as part of a module.
Some Javascript librairies will directly export a function or class, and the corresponding definition file will typically look like this:
declare module "my-class" {
class MyClass { ... }
export = MyClass
In this case, the "old" import syntax is the only one that can be used
import MyClass = require("my-class");
Failure to use this syntax will result in error TS2497
Check this issue for details and a possible workaround which would be, in the previous case, to add an empty module declaration to the definition file
declare module "my-class" {
class MyClass { ... }
module MyClass {} // <=
export = MyClass

TypeScript module import in nodejs

What is best practice for importing modules in nodejs with typescript? I come from c# background so I want to do something like this
module MyNamespace {
export class MyClass {
// something like using MyNamespace
new MyNamespace.MyClass();
export class MyClass {
import MyClass = module("MyClass")
new MyClass();
I know I can do this and it will work, but then I have to think up for two names for each class
import MyClass2 = module("MyClass")
new MyClass2.MyClass();
Point is separating classes to multiple .ts files (preferably one file per class). So question is, how is this done?
You have two choices here:
If you insist on using CommonJS or AMD modules, then you will have to use external modules just the way you described it in your question. Whether or not you use a module to declare your own namespace is mostly a matter of taste. The only way to circumvent the issue of specifying two names is to create a variable that aliases the type:
export module MyNamespace {
export class MyClass {
import ns = require('mymodule');
var myclass = new ns.MyNamespace.MyClass();
var myclassalias = ns.MyNamespace.MyClass;
var myclass2 = new myclassalias();
Your other option is to use internal modules which are mostly used to structure your code internally. Internal modules are brought into scope at compile time using reference paths.
module MyNamespace {
export class MyClass {
///<reference path='mymodule.ts'/>
var myclass = new MyNamespace.MyClass();
I think you'll have to decide for yourself which of those two approaches is more appropriate.
You can import TypeScript modules into a node.js file using the typescript-require module, which was created for this specific purpose.
I would recommend against using the explicit module (or namespace) keyword, it's a vestigial remnant of an earlier time.* You generally don't need them because any typescript file with a top-level import or export is automatically a module. Your second myModule.ts example was good.
export class MyClass {
But when you import it to another typescript module, you'll want to use something like this:
import { MyClass } from './myModule';
var myInstance = new MyClass();
Personally, I don't like repetitiveness of line 1, but it is what the language calls for, so I've learned to accept it. I think the utility of this syntax isn't apparent unless you abandon the file-per-class pattern. You pick and choose what names to import from the module, so that no unintended namespace pollution occurs.
An alternative import syntax pulls in all names from the module, but you must qualify the names with the module when you use them. Therefore it is also name collision resistant.
import * as myModule from './myModule';
var myInstance = new myModule.MyClass();
There are exceptions to the general rule about not needing module / namespace keywords, but don't start by focusing on them. Think file == module.
