VBA - Parsing Date from Free Form Text String - excel

I am attempting to parse out clean target DATES from cells populated with free form TEXT STRINGS.
ie: TEXT STRING: "ETA: 11/22 (Spring 4.5)" or "ETA 10/30/2019 EOD"
As you can see, there is no clear standard for the position of the date in the string, rendering LEFT or RIGHT formulas futile.
I tried leveraging a VBA function that I found which essentially breaks up the string into parts based on spaces in the string; however it has not been working.
Public Function GetDate(ResNotes As String) As Date
Dim TarDate As Variant
Dim part As Variant
TarDate = Split(ResNotes, " ")
For Each part In ResNotes
If IsDate(part) = True Then
GetDate = part
Exit Function
End If
GetDate = "1/1/2001"
End Function
I'm referring to the cells with text strings as "ResNotes", short for "Resolution Notes" which is the title of the column
"TarDate" refers to the "Target Date" that I am trying to parse out
The result of the custom GETDATE function in Excel gives me a #NAME? error.
I expected the result to give me something along the lines of "10/30/2019"

Unless you need VBA for some other part of your project, this can also be done using worksheet formulas:
=AGGREGATE(15,6,DATEVALUE(MID(SUBSTITUTE(A1," ",REPT(" ",99)),seq_99,99)),1)
where seq_99 is a named formula and refers to:
*seq_99 generates an array of numbers {1;99;198;297;396;495;...
Format the cell with the formula as a Date of some type.
If there are no dates, it will return an error which you can either leave, or wrap the function in an IFERROR(your_formula,your_error_message)
Split the cell on the spaces
Replace each space with 99 spaces
Using the MID function, return an array of substrings 99 characters long
Apply the DATEVALUE function which will return either an error (if the substring is not a date) or a date serial number.
Since dates in Excel are serial numbers since 1/1/1900, we can use the AGGREGATE function to pick out a value, and ignore errors.

If you are getting #NAME then the code is not stored in a general module. It should NOT be in a worksheet module or ThisWorkbook module.
Also there are few errors in the code. Split returns a String Array. And since IsDate returns TRUE/FALSE the = True is not needed.
As per #MathieuGuindon we can change the string to a date in the code if found and return an error if not. For that we need to allow the return to be a variant.
Public Function GetDate(ResNotes As String)
Dim TarDate() As String
Dim part As Variant
TarDate = Split(ResNotes, " ")
For Each part In TarDate
If IsDate(part) Then
GetDate = CDate(part)
Exit Function
End If
GetDate = "1/1/2001"
'Instead of a hard coded date, one can return an error, just use the next line instead
'GetDate =CVErr(xlErrValue)
End Function

Approach isolating the date string via Filter function
Just for fun another approach demonstrating the use of the Filter function in combination with Split to isolate the date string and split it into date tokens in a second step; finally these tokens are transformed to date using DateSerial:
Function getDat(rng As Range, Optional ByVal tmp = " ") As Variant
If rng.Cells.count > 1 Then Set rng = rng.Cells(1, 1) ' allow only one cell ranges
If Len(rng.value) = 0 Then getDat = vbNullString: Exit Function ' escape empty cells
' [1] analyze cell value; omitted year tokens default to current year
' (valid date strings must include at least one slash, "11/" would be interpreted as Nov 1st)
tmp = Filter(Split(rng.Value2, " "), Match:="/", include:=True) ' isolate Date string
tmp = Split(Join(tmp, "") & "/" & Year(Now), "/") ' split Date tokens
' [2] return date
Const M% = 0, D% = 1, Y& = 2 ' order of date tokens
getDat = VBA.DateSerial(Val(tmp(Y)), Val(tmp(M)), _
IIf(tmp(D) = vbNullString, 1, Val(tmp(D))))
End Function


VB.net Trim function

I have an issue with trim the string method NOT working completely I have reviewed MS Docs and looked of forums but with no luck... It's probably something simple or some other parameter is missing. This is just a sample,
Please note I need to pick up text before and after #, hence than I was planning to use # as a separator. Trim start # #, Trim End # #. I can't use The last Index or Replace per my understanding they have no direction. But perhaps I am misunderstood MS docs regards to trim Start and End as well...
Dim str As String = "this is a #string"
Dim ext As String = str.TrimEnd("#")
I found a solution for my problem, if you experience similar please see below:
1st: Trim end will NOT scan for the "character" from the Right as I originally thought it will just remove it from the right.... A weak function I would say:). IndexOf direction ID would be a very simple and helpful. Regards My answer was answered by Andrew, thanks!
Now there is another way around it if you try to split a SINGLE String INTO - QTY based on CHARACTER separation and populate fields accordingly.
Answer is ArrayList. Array List will ID each String so you can avoid repeated populations and etc. After you can use CASE or IF to populate accordingly.
Dim arrList As New ArrayList("this is a # string".Split("#"c)) ' Will build the list of your strings
Dim index As Integer = 1 ' this will help us index the strings 1st, 2nd and etc.
For Each part In arrList 'here we are going thru the list
Select Case index ' Here we are identifying which field we are populating
Case 1 '1st string(split)
MsgBox("1 " & arrList(0) & index) '1st string value left to SPLIT arrList(0).
Case 2 '2nd string(split)
MsgBox("2 " & arrList(1) & index) '2nd string value left to SPLIT arrList(1).
End Select
index += 1 'Here we adding one shift thru strings as we go
Rather than:
Dim str As String = "this is a #string"
Dim ext As String = str.TrimEnd("#")
Dim str As String = "this is a #string"
Dim ext As String = str.Replace("#", "")
Dim str As String = "this is a #string"
Dim parts = str.Split("#"c)
For Each part in parts
|this is a |
Maybe there is a better way as we know there are multiple things to do the same thing.
The solution I used is below:
Dim arrList As New ArrayList("this is a # string".Split("#"c)) ' Will build the list of your strings
Dim index As Integer = 1 ' this will help us index the strings 1st, 2nd and etc.
For Each part In arrList 'here we are going thru the list
Select Case index ' Here we are identifying which field we are populating
Case 1 '1st string(split)
MsgBox("1 " & arrList(0) & index) '1st string value left to SPLIT arrList(0).
Case 2 '2nd string(split)
MsgBox("2 " & arrList(1) & index) '2nd string value left to SPLIT arrList(1).
End Select
index += 1 'Here we adding one shift thru strings as we go

VBA VLookup Method not working for both numbers and strings

I have a workbook full of product codes and names. Contained within a form are various text boxes where a user can enter a code and its corresponding label will update with the name found in the workbook. Each text box runs the following sub when changed
Private Sub FindItem(x As Long)
Dim Name As Variant
Name = Application.VLookup(AddStockForm.Controls("Code" & x).Text, Sheet1.Range("B:C"), 2, False)
If IsError(Name) Then
AddStockForm.Controls("Name" & x).Caption = "Unknown Code"
AddStockForm.Controls("Name" & x).Caption = Name
End If
End Sub
The sub takes the user input in the target box (e.g. Code1) and finds the corresponding name and writes it to the label (e.g. Name1). HOWEVER, the product codes are either strings, alphanumeric and plain text, OR numbers. For stupid reasons beyond my control, some codes have to be numbers, others have to contain letters.
This code works PERFECTLY for any code with a character in it (MYCODE or 500A) but not numbers, it writes "Unknown code" for any number, and they are in the lookup range. I have searched around stackoverflow and answers suggest declaring as variants, I've done this, even by assigning Controls().Text as a variant before using it in VLookup. I suspect the problem is
AddStockForm.Controls("Code" & x).Text
is a string. But I cannot convert to an INT because the user input might be a number or string.
Any ideas?
One thing you can do is to create a separate function which has the separate parts you want to do. In this instance, we are checking the input value first. If this is numerical we want to try doing the lookup as a string, then as a number if that fails. If the input value is not numerical we can go ahead and do the lookup as normal.
Public Function lookupStringOrInt(inputValue As Variant, tableArray As Range, colIndexNum As Long, Optional rangeLookup As Boolean) As Variant
If IsNumeric(inputValue) Then
lookupStringOrInt = Application.IfError(Application.VLookup(inputValue & "", tableArray, colIndexNum, rangeLookup), Application.VLookup(inputValue * 1, tableArray, colIndexNum, rangeLookup))
lookupStringOrInt = Application.VLookup(inputValue, tableArray, colIndexNum, rangeLookup)
End If
End Function
You can then call this in your code with the line
name = lookupStringOrInt(AddStockForm.Controls("Code" & x) & "", Sheet1.Range("B:C"), 2, False)
If the value you are looking for does not exist, the function will return 'Error 2042'. You can choose to handle this however you like.

(Excel) Pick formula criteria/logical etc from another cell(reference)

Im writing an If+Or function and would like to use several cell references for the different Logicals in the function, instead of writing each logical statements in the original if+or function. Any ideas of how to solve this? Hope im not too unclear here..
As example: instead of writing =If(or(A1=A2,A3=A4),A1,0) I would like to write out all different logical values in a list of cells, and the just write the original if+or formula like this: =IF(OR(B1),A1,0) where B1 contains the text "A1=A2,A3=A4"
Thanks for any help on this!
You can use the INDIRECT function.
For example, if the value in cell A6 is 10, INDIRECT("A6") = 10.
So basically you can write INDIRECT("A6")=INDIRECT("A7") instead of the A1=A2 condition in your IF formula.
If you want to have "A1=A2" in one cell, you can use LEFT and RIGHT.
Here is an example: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/157tRicA55TFKKOi86yYBQScnjaQE6fYxaCHFdZx4uUM/edit?usp=sharing
PS: this solution is for Google Sheets so the solution might differ a little if you're using Excel but that should work for Excel too.
You CANNOT Have It All
Instead of using =IF(OR(B1),A1,0) you have to use
e.g. =IFOR(B1,A1) (I prefer "" instead of 0, sorry)
or =IFOR(B1,A1,0) if you (prefer 0 instead of ""),
or change the ElseValue in the declaration to 0,
then you can use =IFOR(B1,A1) to get 0.
Function IFOR(IfOrCell As Range, ThenCell As Range, _
Optional ElseValue As Variant = "", _
Optional SplitDelimiter As String = ",") As Variant
Dim arrIfOr As Variant
Dim iIfOr As Integer
Dim blnIfOr As Boolean
'The Array: The Split
If InStr(IfOrCell.Value2, SplitDelimiter) = 0 Then Exit Function
arrIfOr = Split(IfOrCell.Value2, SplitDelimiter)
'An Additional Split Introducing the Boolean
For iIfOr = LBound(arrIfOr) To UBound(arrIfOr)
If InStr(arrIfOr(iIfOr), "=") <> 0 Then
If Range(Split(arrIfOr(iIfOr), "=")(0)).Value2 _
= Range(Split(arrIfOr(iIfOr), "=")(1)).Value2 Then
blnIfOr = True
Exit For
End If
End If
If blnIfOr = True Then
IFOR = ThenCell.Value2
IFOR = ElseValue
End If
End Function

Check a range of text against a text string and return "yes" or "no"

I have a list of text strings (titles) and a list of "bad" keywords I want to identify within those titles.
The problem I've run into is how to identify individual text within the string. Several simple formulas can do this for an exact match, but I need it to identify words within the titles.
For example, in "Software sales representative" I need it to recognize "software" is on the list and return the word "bad".
I've browsed other questions on here and there's nothing that answers this specifically on Stacked.
The other similar questions have said this can be done with a asterisk/ wildcard, but this does not work. I know conditional formatting can do this, but I need a formula since I have over 100 "bad" keywords.
This is as far as I've gotten:
But this formula still only returns exact matches.
Column E is the titles. Column K is the keywords.
You will need to use this formula:
Put this Function in a module and call it from a cell like this =ContainsBadwords(badwordsrange,rangetotest;false;false)
Public Function ContainsBadwords(BadWordList As range, ByVal SuspectRange As range, Optional ExactMatch As Boolean = True, Optional CaseSensitive As Boolean = True)
For Each ArrayItem In SuspectRange
If Not CaseSensitive Then ArrayItem = Strings.lcase(ArrayItem)
For Each Subwhat In BadWordList
If ExactMatch Then
test = (ArrayItem = Subwhat)
test = InStr(ArrayItem, Subwhat) >= 1
End If
If test Then: ContainsBadwords = test: Exit Function
Next Subwhat
If test Then: ContainsBadwords = test: Exit Function
n = n + 1
Next ArrayItem
End Function
Returns TRUE for blasphemy or FALSE if no bad words exist.

Lookup customer type by the meaningful part of the customer name and set prioritize

Is there any way excel 2010 can lookup customer type by using meaningful part of customer name?
Example, The customer name is Littleton's Valley Market, but the list I am trying to look up the customer type the customer names are formatted little different such as <Littletons Valley MKT #2807 or/and Littleton Valley.
Some customer can be listed under multiple customer types, how can excel tell me what which customer and can I set excel to pull primary or secondary type?
Re #1. Fails on the leading < (if belongs!) and any other extraneous prefix but this may be rare or non-existent so:
or similar may catch enough to be useful. This looks at the first six characters but can be adjusted to suit, though unfortunately only once at a time. Assumes the mismatches are in ColumnA (eg A1 for the formula above) and that the correct names are in ColumnF with the required type in the corresponding row of ColumnG.
On a large scale Fuzzy Lookup may be helpful.
Since with a VBA tag Soundex matching and Levenshtein distance may be of interest.
Re #2 If secondary type is in ColumnH, again in matching row, then adjust G:G above to H:H.
pnuts gives a good answer re: Fuzzy Lookup, Soundex matching, etc. Quick and dirty way I've handled this before:
Function isNameLike(nameSearch As String, nameMatch As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
If InStr(1, invalidChars(nameSearch), invalidChars(nameMatch), vbTextCompare) > 0 Then isNameLike = True
Exit Function
isNameLike = False
End Function
Function invalidChars(strIn As String) As String
Dim i As Long
Dim sIn As String
Dim sOut As String
sOut = ""
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
For i = 1 To Len(strIn)
sIn = Mid(strIn, i, 1)
If InStr(1, " 1234567890~`!##$%^&*()_-+={}|[]\:'<>?,./" & Chr(34), sIn, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then sOut = sOut & sIn
Next i
invalidChars = sOut
Exit Function
invalidChars = strIn
End Function
Then I can call isNameLike from code, or use it as a formula in a worksheet. Note that you still have to supply the "significant" part of the customer name you're looking for.
