Client Certificate Authentication between IIS reverse proxy and origin server - iis

I am fairly new to IIS. We have a requirement to setup a reverse proxy using IIS. Now the origin / backend server can be on HTTP or HTTPS.
We have successfully configured mutual authentication on IIS for the client to require SSL and present a client certificate.
What we now need is to enable mutual authentication between the IIS reverse proxy and the origin server. Something like below:
---------- --------------------- ----------
| Client | --- HTTPS ---> | IIS Reverse Proxy | --- HTTPS ---> | Origin |
---------- --------------------- ----------
This setup requirement is similar to this question except that the question uses Apache HTTPD. Is this setup possible with IIS?
Any reference link / documentation would be appreciated.

I'm afraid it is impossible to do mutual authentication between native ARR and origin Server without client. Because we can't find kind of ProxyCertificate Property.
You could only set IIS ARR proxy by following this link. Then client will be able to send client certificate to ARR Server and ARR will add a request header X-ARR-ClientCert to deliver client certificate to your Origin Server.
Then Your origin server could process authentication by handling X-ARR-ClientCert header or HttpRequest.ClientCertificate property.


Azure API Management: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel

I'm trying to set up an API Management Gateway using a custom domain. However, when I go to test it out, I get an SSL error. I am not sure if I've missed any steps or I've misconfigured my custom domain. The API returns a 200 response when I use the default Gateway URL but returns a 400 when I use my custom domain.
Any help in this domain is appreciated. Thanks
I've described the steps I've followed below:
Steps followed to create a custom domain:
Setup a CNAME for my custom domain in Route 53 with Value as
When creating a custom domain, I added my PFX certificate to the custom domain. When creating my certificate, I set CN="* Additional settings such as Negotiate Client Certificate: false and Default SSL binding: true
Created an API with the suffix app1 so that my API is reachable at
Now, when I try to test it out through the portal, I get the error
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
content-length: 123
content-type: application/json
vary: Origin
"error": "The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel."
This is the request header. ALs I've turned off Require Subscription Key but I'm not sure why the subscription key is still included in the header
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: xxxxxxxxx
Ocp-Apim-Trace: true

TLS handshake fail. HTTPS request to HAproxy to http and then encrypt it again to forward request to ssl server

Need help!!! . I have an https request and need to intercept it, read values and forward the same ssl request to the destination. I have all the required crt, key, CA with me. I am aware that Haproxy ACL does not work with L4 layer but I'm trying to find a workaround to decrypt the message, read the message, encrypt it again and forward. The reason for reading message is to using ACL i need to read the path difference in carious request and route the request to different servers accordingly. I am trying to intercept the client request to server, the request by default is SSL and server is expecting an SSL request
ssl crt: created a new user with new crt-key pair and used Certificate Signing Requests of server to authenticate it against CA in server
The scenario is that I have an incoming SSL request which I'm capturing into frontend of haproxy with the server certificate, while forwarding that request to a test webserver I am able to see that it has changed from HTTPS to HTTP. Now when I try re-encrypt it, the original destination is not able to accept the request since it is not SSL, I have tried to add the certs in the backend but not useful. Please check my current Haproxy config and please help if possible. I am not an expert in Network communication/ Encryption/ HaProxy.
frontend test
bind IP:6443 ssl crt <location>
option httplog
mode http
default_backend testback
backend testback
mode http
balance roundrobin
option http-check
server <host> IP:6443 check fall 3 rise 2 ssl verify required ca-file <loc> crt <loc>
To verify my certicates are valid and connecting:
openssl s_client -connect :6443 -cert myuser.crt -key myuser.key -CAfile ca.crt
SSL handshake has read 1619 bytes and written 2239 bytes
Verification: OK
So no problem with Certicates i presume, problem while using Ha proxy for connection
Unable to connect to the server: x509: certificate specifies an incompatible key usage
Ha proxy error:
2021-08-12T14:45:36.930478+02:00 parasilo-27 haproxy[21562]: :34672 [12/Aug/2021:14:45:36.927] server/1: SSL handshake failure
2021-08-12T14:45:37+02:00 localhost haproxy[21562]: :34674 [12/Aug/2021:14:45:37.438] server/1: SSL handshake failure
To sum up what was analyzed in the comments, as asked. Perhaps it will be useful to somebody someday.
Haproxy's config turned out to be correct, but generated certificates had wrong extended key usage (X509v3 extension).
Command to list extended key usage:
openssl x509 -in /path/to/cert.pem -noout -ext extendedKeyUsage
Often, when bought on internet, it shows X509v3 Extended Key Usage: TLS Web Server Authentication, TLS Web Client Authentication. Original Poster used self-signed, self-generated certificates and his certificate used on haproxy's frontend had only TLS Web Client Authentication, where frontend requires TLS Web Server Authentication if this extensions is used at all.
That resulted in the error message:
Error: kubectl get po: Unable to connect to the server: x509: certificate specifies an incompatible key usage
As a consequence haproxy logged SSL handshake failure without any more details, as is its habit.
After adding TLS Web Server Authentication to certificate in haproxy's frontend section and TLS Web Client Authentication to certificate in haproxy's backend section Original Poster reported success.

LEGACY EDGE ONLY: HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Negotiate'. .'

I have an application that calls a wcf service, the application uses windows authentication and anonymous access is disabled. I am still getting the error in accessing the service:
'The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Negotiate'. The authentication header received from the server was 'Negotiate,NTLM'.' '
The odd part is that it is working fine in IE11 and chrome (v83), this issue is appearing on Windows 10 1809 version only.
Attaching screenshots from my IIS below.
Can anyone suggest what could be the possible issue?
try to set the below setting in iis:
open iis, Select Website
Select ‘Configuration Editor’
useAppPoolCredential to True
Make sure both WCF and the .net application URL using the same protocol.
set the application pool user to the domain account.
at client configuration set below code:
<security mode="TransportCredentialOnly">
<transport clientCredentialType="Windows" />
you could refer below link for more detail:L
401 Client 'Negotiate', Server 'Negotiate,NTLM' When Calling WCF Server to Server

Checking in nodeJS Express if IIS Client Cert Authentication went ok

I have some client machines that connect to my IIS server using client certificate authorization. I have a node.js webapp published on IIS (using iisnode) that receives the requests from the clients.
Is there a way in express to know if the authentication was ok? I know that if the authentication was not ok the http request does not reach to express because it is rejected but I need a field to check if it was ok, because I access the same webapp without ssl and I this particar request only needs to be called if the call was using the client ssl authentication.
I tried with req.socket.authorized but it is undefined and with req.socket.getPeerCertificate(true) I am getting TypeError: req.socket.getPeerCertificate is not a function
A Boolean property that is true if a TLS connection is
established. Equivalent to:
'https' == req.protocol;

ssl error when trying to connect to a http server (apache)

I have a https client that is using ssl to connect to an apache server.
When the client try to connect to the apache server via https I got the following error:
SSL Library Error: 336151570 error:14094412:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert bad certificate Subject CN in certificate not server name or identical to CA!?
what could be the problem and how to solve it?
Subject CN in certificate not server name or identical to CA!?
Your certificate does not match the host nameyou access. Check your site against [SSLLabs](
