Is there any way that Azure Loadbalancer talks to Virtual Machines which only have private IP address? - azure

Need to configure a Azure Loadbalancer for VM's in VNet with only private IP's, but without VM's having public IP we cannot map to the loadbalancer. Why so?

Certainly, you can target VMs with only private IPs and without public IPs to the backend pool of Azure load balancer. If so, you could access the backend VMs via the load balancer public IP address.
For example, you can create a Standard Load Balancer as the internal or public load balancer. Standard Load Balancer is fully integrated with the scope of a virtual network. It supports the VMs with standard SKU public IP or without public IP in a VNet as the backend resources.
Quickstart: Create a Standard Load Balancer to load balance VMs using the Azure portal


Is there any equivalent to aws eip in azure? Apart from load balancer

we have an active-passive server setup.So we want to allocate a public ip to active server. We are able to do this in AWS using eip .Is there any feature which we can use in azure just like eip in aws?
You could use static Public IPs in Azure. You could associate a Public IP to a VM's NIC then change the IP address assignment to static. Also, Azure DNS allows you to reach this IP via a Public custom DNS name.
We do support Static Public IPs in Azure today that is equivalent to
Elastic IP in AWS. Static Public IPs can be mapped to a VM’s NIC
(elastic IP equivalent) or to a load balancer’s Front end IP.
More details from the Azure feedback.
Apart for the Azure Load balancer, you may have interested in Azure traffic manager which is a DNS-based traffic load balancer that enables you to distribute traffic optimally to services across global Azure regions, while providing high availability and responsiveness.

Several azure virtual machines with the same public ip address

What are the resources I need to have several azure virtual machines (with their correspondant private ips) behind the same public ip? Load balancer, public ip address resource (but associated with what)...?
Do I need to associate a public ip address to the same network interface (seems not to be possible) or virtual network, having those network interface or virtual network associated to several virtual machines?
For Azure load balancer, there are two SKUs: basic and standard. Each of SKU has internal or public type. You can use public load balancer of any SKU, then add the azure virtual machines, scale sets or availability sets as the backend pool. The public IP address of load balancer is an independent resource which is not associated with any other network interfaces. Every VM behind the load balancer have its private IP address or you can add its individual public IP address.
You can get more details about Azure load balancer.

Azure internal load balancer outbound connectivity

How can virtual machines behind an Azure internal load balancer access internet? Is there an AWS NAT gateway equivalent in Azure?
A Virtual Machine that is part of the backend pool of a Standard (not Basic) Internal Load Balancer can not make outgoing connections to the Internet.
To make outgoing connections it is necessary to create a second Load Balancer with a public IP with the same backend pool and a dummy rule with a dummy probe. Once the rule is created then it will trigger the creation of an outbound SNAT.
By default, Azure VM behind an Azure internal load balancer, that VM can access the internet, but you can't access it from internet.
If you want to access it, you can create a VM in that VM with a public IP address, use that VM work as jumpbox. Also you can assign a public IP address to that VM, then use that public IP address to access it.

Azure Vnet peering with public IP load balancer

I got two Vnets:
Vnet #1: 1 VM with Public (internet facing) IP load balancer - internet connected App VMs.
Vnet #2: 3 VMs with public (internet facing) IP load balancer - internet and private DB servers (the load balancer is using public ip so that I could access the DBs).
I set up a peering between Vnet1 & Vnet2 so that the communication between them will be private/internal and fast with no internet routing.
I want to access the DBs (using a load balancer) in Vnet2 from Vnet1 - so in the VM located in Vnet1 I use Vnet2 public IP load balancer.
It works...
But the question is -
will the communication be routed through the internet or will it be internal?
will Azure route the that internally because the Vnets are peered or should I set up another load balancer with Private IP?
will the communication be routed through the internet or will it be
internal? will Azure route the that internally because the Vnets are
peered or should I set up another load balancer with Private IP?
If you want to route the network traffic through the private network, we should create another load balancer with private IP, then use private IP address to access it.
After test in my lab, according to the result, it seems if we use public IP, the traffic network will not be internal.
Here is the tracert before set peering:
Here is the tracert after set peering:
14 hops, same as not set peering, so I think peering will not change the public IP traffic to internal.
By the way, two public IP addresses of Azure, I guess he mean that all traffic will internal, means that public IP traffic will in Azure data centers, will not go to the Internet.

azure - static outgoing ip for all VMs in a vnet

I have multiple VMs in a vnet. Vnet has a static ip attached to it's interface. The network interfaces attached to individual VMs do not have any public ip associated. My expectation is that all outgoing traffic would get routed through the vnet ip, but it isn't the case. Each VM has a different public going IP. I have tried using curl to test.
I need to ensure that all of the internet traffic from any VM in the vnet would get routed through a static ip address.
All outgoing traffic from the vnet should go through the same IP. I
want to whitelist this ip in my external services.
If your VMs deploy in ASM module, all the VMs in the same cloud service use the same public IP.
If your VMs deploy in ARM module, and want all VMs in the Vnet outgoing traffic through the same public IP address, we can use internet load balancer.
Also we can deploy S2S VPN between them, so we can add the public IP address to whitelist.
