Haskell: How to write a type of function from a specific type to any type? - haskell

In Scala, I could write the following trait:
trait Consumer[A] {
def apply(a: A): Unit
And scala would convert whatever I want to Unit, i.e., it would discard the type. Equivalently, I could have said that apply returns Any and ignore the result.
However, in Haskell, if I defined the type as type Consumer = a -> IO (), I wouldn't be able to pass an Int -> IO Int function, as Int isn't ().
There are two ways I know of solving this issue, but none are satisfactory:
Use Data.Functor.void at the call site to manual change IO a to IO (). This is annoying as an API user.
define type Consumer a b = a -> IO b, but then every time I would want to use Consumer in a signature, I would have to carry the useless type b.
Is there any way to define the Consumer type as a function from a to "IO Any"? As far as I know, Haskell does not support something like exists x. a -> IO x.
Using forall results in the opposite of what I want, e.g.,
type Consumer = forall b. a -> IO b
foo :: Int -> IO Int
foo = undefined
bar :: Consumer Int
bar = foo
results in the error:
• Couldn't match type ‘b’ with ‘Int’
‘b’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for:
bar :: Consumer Int
Expected type: Int -> IO b
Actual type: Int -> IO Int
• In the expression: foo
In an equation for ‘bar’: bar = foo
• Relevant bindings include
bar :: Int -> IO b
Note that I specifically want Consumer to a be type alias, and not a data constructor, as is described here: Haskell function returning existential type. I wouldn't mind if Consumer were a class if anyone knows how to make that work.

To get an existentially-quantified type in Haskell, you need to write down a data declaration (as opposed to a newtype declaration or a type alias declaration, like you used.).
Here's a Consumer type that fits your purposes:
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
data Consumer input = forall output. Consumer { runDiscardingOutput :: input -> IO output }
And, analogously, here is what your example would look like with the new type:
f :: Int -> IO Int
f = undefined
g :: Consumer Int
g = Consumer f
This doesn't really avoid your concerns about client code needing an extra call, though. (I mean, this is no better than exporting a consumer = Data.Functor.void binding from your library.) Also, it complicates how clients will be able to use a consumer, too:
consumer :: Consumer Int
consumer = Consumer (\x -> return [x])
{- This doesn't typecheck -}
main1 :: IO ()
main1 = runIgnoringOutput consumer 4
{- This doesn't typecheck (!!!) -}
main2 :: IO ()
main2 = void (runIgnoringOutput consumer 4)
{- Only this typechecks :( -}
main3 :: IO ()
main3 =
case consumer of
Consumer f -> Data.Functor.void (f 4)
So it would probably make sense to have a apply function in your library that did the dirty work, just as there was an apply function in the Scala library.
apply :: Consumer a -> a -> IO ()
apply (Consumer f) x = void (f x)

I wouldn't mind if Consumer were a class if anyone knows how to make that work.
You can simulate existential types for classes with an associated type family.
But Haskell doesn't allow ambiguous types in classes without using something like a GADT existential wrapper, so you would still have the type information there somewhere.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
class Consumer c a where
type Output c
consume :: c -> a -> IO (Output c)
c is necessary here to allow for the reconstruction of the type of Output c, so it is not strictly an existential. But you can now write
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, InstanceSigs #-}
instance Consumer (a -> IO b) a where
type Output (a -> IO b) = b
consume :: (a -> IO b) -> a -> IO b
consume = id
This may not fit your use case, because there will not be a type signature that can express Consumer a in a truly existential way. But it is possible to write
... :: (Consumer c a) => c -> ...
(You could also make use of FunctionalDependencies here to clarify the class somewhat.)


Why can't I match type Int with type a

Haskell Noob here.
An oversimplified case of what I'm trying to do here:
test :: Int -> a
test i = i -- Couldn't match expected type ‘a’ with actual type ‘Int’. ‘a’ is a rigid type variable bound by ...
I don't quite understand why this wouldn't work. I mean, Int is surely included in something of type a.
What I was really trying to achieve is this:
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
data EnumType = Enum1 | Enum2 | Enum3
data MyType (a :: EnumType) where
Type1 :: Int -> MyType 'Enum1
Type2 :: String -> MyType 'Enum2
Type3 :: Bool -> MyType 'Enum3
myFunc :: EnumType -> MyType 'Enum1 -> MyType any
myFunc Enum1 t = t -- Can't match type `any` with `Enum1`. any is a rigid type variable bound by ...
myFunc Enum2 _ = Type2 "hi"
myFunc Enum3 _ = Type3 True
What is going on here? Is there a way to work around this or is it just something you can't do?
For the GADT function you want to write, the standard technique is to use singletons. The problem is that values of type EnumType are value-level things, but you want to inform the type system of something. So you need a way to connect types of kind EnumType with values of type EnumType (which itself has kind Type). That's impossible, so we cheat: we connect types x of kind EnumType with values of a new type, SEnumType x, such that the value uniquely determines x. Here's how it looks:
data SEnumType a where
SEnum1 :: SEnumType Enum1
SEnum2 :: SEnumType Enum2
SEnum3 :: SEnumType Enum3
myFunc :: SEnumType a -> MyType Enum1 -> MyType a
myFunc SEnum1 t = t
myFunc SEnum2 _ = Type2 "hi"
myFunc SEnum3 _ = Type3 True
Now the a in the return type MyType a isn't just fabricated out of thin air; it is constrained to be equal to the incoming a from SEnumType, and pattern matching on which SEnumType it is lets you observe whether a is Enum1, Enum2, or Enum3.
Is there a way to work around this or is it just something you can't do?
I'm afraid that it's just "something you can't do". The reason is simple to explain.
When you write a type signature like (to take your first, simpler example)
test :: Int -> a
or, to write it the more literal, expanded form
test :: forall a. Int -> a
You are saying that literally, "for all a", this function can take an Int and return a value of type a. This is important, because calling code has to believe this type signature and therefore be able to do something like this (this isn't realistic code, but imagine a case where you feed the result of test 2 to a function that requires a Char or one of those other types):
test 2 :: Char
test 2 :: [Int]
test 2 :: (Double, [Char])
and so on. Clearly your function can't work with any of these examples - but it has to be able to work with any of them if you give it this type signature. Your code, quite simply, does not fit that type signature. (And nor could any, unless you "cheat" by having eg test x = undefined.)
This shouldn't be a problem though - the compiler is simply protecting you from a mistake, because I'm sure you realise that your code cannot satisfy this type signature. To take your "real" example:
myFunc :: EnumType -> MyType Enum1 -> MyType any
although this produces a compilation error, your code in the function is likely correct, and the problem is the type signature. If you replace it with
myFunc :: EnumType -> MyType Enum1 -> MyType Enum1
then it will compile (barring any further errors, which I've not checked it for), and presumably do what you want. It doesn't look like you actually want to be able to call myFunc and have it produce, say, a MyType Int. (If by any chance you do, I'd suggest you ask a separate question where you elaborate on what you actually need here.)
As was already said, your signature expresses a universal type
myFunc :: ∀ a . EnumType -> MyType 'Enum1 -> MyType a
whereas what you're actually trying to express is an existential type
myFunc :: EnumType -> MyType 'Enum1 -> (∃ a . MyType a)
Haskell doesn't have a feature quite like that, but it does have some way to achieve essentially the same thing.
Both GADTs and the ExistentialTypes extension allow expressing existentials, but you need to define a separate type for them.
data MyDynType where
MyDynWrap :: MyType a -> MyDynType
myFunc :: EnumType -> MyType 'Enum1 -> MyDynType
myFunc Enum1 t = MyDynWrap t
myFunc Enum2 _ = MyDynWrap $ Type2 "hi"
myFunc Enum3 _ = MyDynWrap $ Type3 True
Maybe you don't even need a separate type, but can simply modify MyType to be “dynamic” in the first place.
data MyType = Type1 Int | Type2 String | Type3 Bool
myFunc :: EnumType -> MyType -> MyType
myFunc Enum1 (Type1 i) = Type1 i
myFunc Enum2 _ = Type2 "hi"
myFunc Enum3 _ = Type3 True
existentials can be emulated at the spot, anonymously, by unwrapping a layer of continuation-passing style and then using the dual universal quantifier via the RankNTypes extension.
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
data MyType (a :: EnumType) where ... -- as original
myFunc :: EnumType -> MyType 'Enum1 -> (∀ a . MyType a -> r) -> r
myFunc Enum1 t q = q t
myFunc Enum2 _ q = q (Type2 "hi")
myFunc Enum3 _ q = q (Type3 True)
the GADT function you want to write, the standard technique is to use singletons. The problem is that values of type EnumType are ...

How to EmptyCase at the type level

Using EmptyCase, it is possible to implement the following function:
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase, EmptyDataDecls #-}
data Void
absurd :: Void -> a
absurd v = case v of
With DataKinds, data types can be promoted to the kind level (their constructors are promoted to type constructors). This works for uninhabited data types like Void as well.
The question here is whether there is a way to write the equivalent of absurd for an uninhabited kind:
tabsurd :: Proxy (_ :: Void) -> a
tabsurd = _
This would effectively be a form of "EmptyCase at the type level". Within reason, feel free to substitute Proxy with some other suitable type (e.g. TypeRep).
NB: I understand that I can just resort to error or similar unsafe techniques here, but I want to see if there's a way to do this that would not work if the type wasn't uninhabited. So for whatever technique we come up with, it should not be possible to use the same technique to inhabit the following function:
data Unit = Unit
notsoabsurd :: Proxy (_ :: Unit) -> a
notsoabsurd = _
The type-level equivalent of pattern-matching is type classes (well, also type families, but they don't apply here, since you want a term-level result).
So you could conceivably make tabsurd a member of a class that has an associated type of kind Void:
class TAbsurd a where
type TAbsurdVoid a :: Void
tabsurd :: a
Here, tabsurd will have type signature tabsurd :: TAbsurd a => a, but if you insist on a Proxy, you can obviously easily convert one to the other:
pabsurd :: TAbsurd a => Proxy a -> a
pabsurd _ = tabsurd
So calling such function or using it in any other way would presumably be impossible, because you can't implement class TAbsurd a for any a, because you can't provide the type TAbsurdVoid a.
According to your requirement, the same approach does work fine for Unit:
data Unit = Unit
class V a where
type VU a :: Unit
uabsurd :: a
instance V Int where
type VU Int = 'Unit
uabsurd = 42
Keep in mind however that in Haskell, any kind (including Void) is potentially inhabited by a non-terminating type family. For example, this works:
type family F a :: x
instance TAbsurd Int where
type TAbsurdVoid Int = F String
tabsurd = 42
However, this limitation is akin to any type (including Void) being inhabited by the value undefined at term level, so that you can actually call absurd like this:
x = absurd undefined
The difference with type level is that you can actually call function tabsurd (given the instance above) and it will return 42:
print (tabsurd :: Int)
This can be fixed by having tabsurd return not a, but a Proxy (TAbsurdVoid a):
class TAbsurd a where
type TAbsurdVoid a :: Void
tabsurd :: Proxy (TAbsurdVoid a)

Difference between type family and partial newtype? (and partial data?)

I've had to interface two libraries where metadata is represented as a type parameter in one and as a record field in the other. I wrote an adaptor using a GADT. Here's a distilled version:
newtype TFId a = MkId a
data TFDup a = MkDup !a !a
data GADT tf where
ConstructorId :: GADT TFId
ConstructorDup :: GADT TFDup
main = do
f ConstructorId
f ConstructorDup
f :: GADT tf -> IO ()
f = _
This works. (May not be perfect; comments welcome, but that's not the question.)
It took me some time to get to this working state. My initial intuition was to use a type family for TFId, figuring: “GADT has kind (* -> *) -> *; in ConstructorDup TFDup has kind * -> *; so for ConstructorId I can use the following * -> * type family:”
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
type family TFId a where TFId a = a
The type constructor does have the same kind * -> *, but GHC apparently won't have it in the same place:
error: …
The type family ‘TFId’ should have 1 argument, but has been given none
In the definition of data constructor ‘ConstructorId’
In the data type declaration for ‘GADT’
Well, if it says so…
I'm no sure I understand why it would make such a difference. No using type family stems without applying them? What's going on? Any other (better) way to do?
type family F :: * -> *
type instance F Int = Bool
type instance F Char = Bool
here F Int ~ F Char. However,
data G (a :: *) = ...
will never cause G Int ~ G Char. These are guaranteed to be distinct types.
In universal quantifications like
foo :: forall f a. f a -> a
f is allowed to be G (injective) but not allowed to be F (not injective).
This is to make inference work. foo (... :: G Int) can be inferred to have type Int. foo (... :: F Int) is equivalent to foo (... :: Bool) which may have type Int, or type Char -- it's an ambiguous type.
Also consider foo True. We can't expect GHC to choose f ~ F, a ~ Int (or Char) for us. This would involve looking at all type families and see if Bool can be produced by any on them -- essentially, we would need to invert all the type families. Even if this were feasible, it would generate a huge amount of possible solutions, so it would be ambiguous.

Best practices for talking to an API

I'm trying to create some bindings for an API in Haskell. I noticed some functions have a tremendous number of arguments, e.g.
myApiFunction :: Key -> Account -> Int -> String -> Int -> Int -> IO (MyType)
It's not necessarily bad, per se, to have this many arguments. But as a user I don't like long argument functions. However, each of these args is absolutely 100% necessary.
Is there a more haskell-ish way to abstract over the common parts of these functions? Everything past account here is used to build a URL, so I would need it available, and what it stands for depends entirely on the function. Certain things are consistent though, like Key and Account, and I'm wondering what the best to abstract over these arguments is.
Thank you!
You can combine these into more descriptive data types:
data Config = Config
{ cKey :: Key
, cAccount :: Account
Then maybe have types or newtypes to make the other arguments more descriptive:
-- I have no idea what these actually should be, I'm just making up something
type Count = Int
type Name = String
type Position = (Int, Int)
myApiFunction :: Config -> Count -> Name -> Position -> IO MyType
myApiFunction conf count name (x, y) =
myPreviousApiFunction (cKey conf)
(cAccount conf)
If the Config is always needed, then I would recommend working in a Reader monad, which you can easily do as
:: (MonadReader Config io, MonadIO io)
=> Count -> Name -> Position
-> io MyType
myApiFunction count name (x, y) = do
conf <- ask
liftIO $ myPreviousApiFunction
(cKey conf)
(cAccount conf)
This uses the mtl library for monad transformers. If you don't want to have to type that constraint over and over, you can also use the ConstraintKinds extension to alias it:
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
type ApiCtx io = (MonadReader Config io, MonadIO io)
:: ApiCtx io
=> Count -> Location -> Position
-> io MyType
myApiFunction ...
Depending on your specific application, you could also split it up into multiple function. I've seen plenty of APIs before that had something like
withCount :: ApiCtx io => Count -> io a -> io a
withName :: ApiCtx io => Name -> io a -> io a
withPos :: ApiCtx io => Position -> io a -> io a
(&) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b
request :: ApiCtx io => io MyType
> :set +m -- Multi-line input
> let r = request & withCount 1
| & withName "foo"
| & withPos (1, 2)
> runReaderT r (Config key acct)
These are just a handful of techniques, there are others out there as well but they generally start becoming more complex after this. Others will have different preferences on how to do this, and I'm sure plenty would disagree with me on whether some of these are even good practice (specifically ConstraintKinds, it isn't universally accepted).
If you find yourself having type signatures that are too large a lot, even after applying some of these techniques, then maybe you're approaching the problem from the wrong direction, maybe those functions can be broken down into simpler intermediate steps, maybe some of those arguments can be grouped together logically into more specific data types, maybe you just need a larger record structure to handle setting up complex operations. It's pretty open ended right now.

Is there a type 'Any' in haskell?

Say, I want to define a record Attribute like this:
data Attribute = Attribute {name :: String, value :: Any}
This is not valid haskell code of course. But is there a type 'Any' which basically say any type will do? Or is to use type variable the only way?
data Attribute a = Attribute {name :: String, value :: a}
Generally speaking, Any types aren't very useful. Consider: If you make a polymorphic list that can hold anything, what can you do with the types in the list? The answer, of course, is nothing - you have no guarantee that there is any operation common to these elements.
What one will typically do is either:
Use GADTs to make a list that can contain elements of a specific typeclass, as in:
data FooWrap where
FooWrap :: Foo a => a -> FooWrap
type FooList = [FooWrap]
With this approach, you don't know the concrete type of the elements, but you know they can be manipulated using elements of the Foo typeclass.
Create a type to switch between specific concrete types contained in the list:
data FooElem = ElemFoo Foo | ElemBar Bar
type FooList = [FooElem]
This can be combined with approach 1 to create a list that can hold elements that are of one of a fixed set of typeclasses.
In some cases, it can be helpful to build a list of manipulation functions:
type FooList = [Int -> IO ()]
This is useful for things like event notification systems. At the time of adding an element to the list, you bind it up in a function that performs whatever manipulation you'll later want to do.
Use Data.Dynamic (not recommended!) as a cheat. However, this provides no guarantee that a specific element can be manipulated at all, and so the above approaches should be preferred.
Adding to bdonlan's answer: Instead of GADTs, you can also use existential types:
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
class Foo a where
foo :: a -> a
data AnyFoo = forall a. Foo a => AnyFoo a
instance Foo AnyFoo where
foo (AnyFoo a) = AnyFoo $ foo a
mapFoo :: [AnyFoo] -> [AnyFoo]
mapFoo = map foo
This is basically equivalent to bdonlan's GADT solution, but doesn't impose the choice of data structure on you - you can use a Map instead of a list, for example:
import qualified Data.Map as M
mFoo :: M.Map String AnyFoo
mFoo = M.fromList [("a", AnyFoo SomeFoo), ("b", AnyFoo SomeBar)]
The data AnyFoo = forall a. Foo a => AnyFoo a bit can also be written in GADT notation as:
data AnyFoo where
AnyFoo :: Foo a => a -> AnyFoo
There is the type Dynamic from Data.Dynamic which can hold anything (well, anything Typeable). But that is rarely the right way to do it. What is the problem that you are trying to solve?
This sounds like a pretty basic question, so I'm going to give an even more basic answer than anybody else. Here's what is almost always the right solution:
data Attribute a = Attribute { name :: String, value :: a }
Then, if you want an attribute that wraps an Int, that attribute would have type Attribute Int, or an attribute that wraps a Bool would have type Attribute Bool, etc. You can create these attributes with values of any type; for example, we can write
testAttr = Attribute { name = "this is only a test", value = Node 3 [] }
to create a value of type Attribute (Tree Int).
If your data needs to be eventually a specific type, You could use Convertible with GADTs. Because as consumer, you are only interested in a the datatype you need to consume.
import Data.Convertible
data Conv b where
Conv :: a -> (a -> b) -> Conv b
Chain :: Conv b -> (b -> c) -> Conv c
unconv :: (Conv b) -> b
unconv (Conv a f) = f a
unconv (Chain c f) = f $ unconv c
conv :: Convertible a b => a -> Conv b
conv a = (Conv a convert)
totype :: Convertible b c => Conv b -> Conv c
totype a = Chain a convert
It is not very difficult to derive functor, comonad and monad instances for this. I can post them if you are interested.
Daniel Wagner response is the right one: almost in 90% of cases using a polymorphic type is all that you need.
All the other responses are useful for the remaining 10% of cases, but if you have still no good knowledge of polymorphism as to ask this question, it will be extremely complicated to understand GADTs or Existential Types...
My advice is "keep it as simple as possible".
