How to set up postgresql config with heroku and nodejs? - node.js

This is my first time try to host nodeJS application - built with hapi.js, typeorm and postgresql - on heroku. I've create two apps on heroku - for "staging" (server-staging) and "production" (server-prod) - that using same code but will use different configuration. Why different configuration? because each application on heroku will use different postgres credential, as it's attached as an add-ons.
My objective/main question is How and where I have to set the database config for my application?
I use .env file (which I ignore in .gitignore - I don't want to put the credential in my repo) to connect the application to my local database. Here is how the .env looks like:
In the application, I never do/write code such process.env.TYPEORM_USERNAME since its done by the typeorm node_modules. What I do to start the connection is by doing this:
const server = new Hapi.Server({
port: process.env.PORT,
host: process.env.HOST,
routes: {
cors: Cors,
await server.register(Plugins);
await createConnection();
await server.start();
And my application automatically connected to the specified database as defined in the .env. Now, in heroku, the credential is lies here:
All information lies there, but, [Q1] I don't know how to tell my application (of course, without store the credential in my code/repo) that I have to use the config as defined in above picture? Also, as stated in above image, "Heroku rotates credentials periodically and updates applications where this database is attached.". Does it means the credentials will changed periodically? [Q2] If yes, is there any way to make my application auto recognise the new credential?
Sorry if my explanation make confused. If you did not understand what I am trying to achieve, please ask things that you don't understand, so I can fix/update my question to make it understandable.
Anyway, I found this example first-example and second-example. But, they are using process.env.DATABASE_URL, which contain credential. I think, it means that they not ignore their .env file in their repo?
*) Note: Q1 means Question 1, and so for the rest

Write a ormconfig.js file in the root of your repo. This way you can access the environment variables like the url provided from heroku and you don't have credentials in your repo.
module.exports = [
name: 'default',
type: 'postgres',
url: process.env.DATABASE_URL,
synchronize: false,
logging: false,
entities: ['dist/entities/*.*'],
migrations: ['dist/database/migrations/**/*.js'],
subscribers: ['dist/database/subscribers/**/*.js'],
cli: {
entitiesDir: 'dist/entities',
migrationsDir: 'dist/database/migrations',
subscribersDir: 'dist/database/subscribers',
name: 'development',
type: 'postgres',
host: process.env.POSTGRES_HOST,
port: process.env.POSTGRES_PORT,
username: process.env.POSTGRES_USER,
password: process.env.POSTGRES_PASSWORD,
database: process.env.POSTGRES_DB,
synchronize: true,
logging: true,
entities: ['src/entities/*.*'],
migrations: ['src/database/migrations/**/*.ts'],
subscribers: ['src/database/subscribers/**/*.ts'],
cli: {
entitiesDir: 'src/entities',
migrationsDir: 'src/database/migrations',
subscribersDir: 'src/database/subscribers',
With this configuration you can then get a specific configuration in javascript/typescript:
let connectionOptions: ConnectionOptions;
if(process.env.NODE_ENV ==='development') {
connectionOptions = await getConnectionOptions("development");
} else {
connectionOptions = await getConnectionOptions("default");
await createConnection(connectionOptions);


Heroku Postgres Maintenance change env var and break the app

I deployed a NodeJS application to Heroku and attach to it a Postgres database with Heroku Postgres addons, all was working perfectly.
After a few hours, I was unable to authenticate my application. After checking the logs, I understand that the application is unable to connect to the database because of a wrong password.
After that, I also got 2 emails from Heroku that alert me of the maintenance.
So I checked the credentials database and the credentials are all the same except the URI.
I also checked on my env vars and I saw that Heroku added 2 more variables HEROKU_DATABASE_URL and HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_CRIMSON_URL, I tried to edit them with the new URI of the updated Database but do have permission ...
I also tried to delete and recreate a new database but every time the Heroku Maintenance come back and break my app
Here is my connection code to Postgres (using nest js)
imports: [ConfigModule],
inject: [ConfigService],
useFactory: async (configService: ConfigService) => {
const isProduction = configService.get('STAGE') === 'prod';
return {
ssl: isProduction,
extra: {
ssl: isProduction ? { rejectUnauthorized: false } : null,
type: 'postgres',
autoLoadEntities: true,
synchronize: true,
host: configService.get('DB_HOST'),
port: configService.get('DB_PORT'),
username: configService.get('DB_USERNAME'),
password: configService.get('DB_PASSWORD'),
database: configService.get('DB_DATABASE'),
Here is the error i get
ERROR [ExceptionHandler] password authentication failed for user
Heroku Postgres provides and maintains one environment variable per provisioned database:
As part of the provisioning process, a DATABASE_URL config var is added to your app’s configuration. DATABASE_URL contains the URL your app uses to access the database. If your app already has a Heroku Postgres database and you’ve provisioned another one, this config var’s name instead has the format HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_<COLOR>_URL (for example, HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_YELLOW_URL).
When your database connection string needs to change, Heroku automatically updates the DATABASE_URL and HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_<COLOR>_URL variables.
But you aren't using these variables. The DB_HOST, DB_PORT, etc., environment variables aren't set by Heroku, and Heroku won't update them for you. Rather than manually setting those variables, I strongly urge you to use the variables Heroku provides:
The value of your app’s DATABASE_URL config var can change at any time. Do not rely on this value either inside or outside your Heroku app.
I'm not familiar with TypeORM, but it looks like you can pass it a url directly:
imports: [ConfigModule],
inject: [ConfigService],
useFactory: async (configService: ConfigService) => {
const isProduction = configService.get('STAGE') === 'prod';
return {
ssl: isProduction,
extra: {
ssl: isProduction ? { rejectUnauthorized: false } : null,
type: 'postgres',
autoLoadEntities: true,
synchronize: true,
url: configService.get('DATABASE_URL'), // <-- here

TypeORM: Generate migrations without dedicated ormconfig file

Of the several ways of connecting to a database offered by TypeORM (json, env, yml...) I choose to set my Connection Options programatically within my project's code using a regular TypeScript file as follows:
// src/database/createConnection.ts
import { createConnection } from 'typeorm';
const connectionOptions = {
type: 'postgres',
port: Number(POSTGRES_PORT),
username: POSTGRES_USER,
database: POSTGRES_DB,
entities: ['build/entities/**/typeDef.js'],
migrations: ['build/database/migrations/*.js'],
cli: {
migrationsDir: 'src/database/migrations/'
await createConnection(connectionOptions);
With the values fed by a regular .env file.
My problem is that when trying to create migration files through npx typeorm migration:generate -n initial I get an error as the command expects a specific orm configuration file to be present (ormconfig.env, ormconfig.json, etc).
As I already have my connection options set, this is not only redundant, it would also be processed instead of the configuration I have already set in the .ts file, and the only solution I see would be to rename the variables in my (non-typeorm-specific) .env file to match the specific TypeORM variable names, which I'd prefer not to do.
TL:DR Is there a way of generating TypeORM migrations without creating a dedicated orm config file?
Oh, turns out TypeORM already has a built-in option for this which does not require an extra ormconfig file, one can just add the property migrationsRun: true to the Connection Options (making sure synchronize is set to false).
For instance:
import { createConnection } from 'typeorm';
const connectionOptions = {
type: 'postgres',
port: Number(POSTGRES_PORT),
username: POSTGRES_USER,
database: POSTGRES_DB,
migrationsRun: true,
entities: ['build/entities/**/typeDef.js'],
migrations: ['build/database/migrations/*.js'],
cli: {
migrationsDir: 'src/database/migrations/'
await createConnection(connectionOptions);

Strapi CMS, Heroku error: no pg_hba.conf entry for host

Three months ago, I created an Strapi App that has deployed on Heroku, and everything works fine. I used macOS 10.13.6 and node 14.15.4 for the local environment
The configuration of database was created inside a file named database.js which located in rootApp/config/env/production/database.js
The following are everything config inside these file (database.js):
const parse = require('pg-connection-string').parse;
const config = parse(process.env.HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_MAROON_URL);
module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
defaultConnection: 'default',
connections: {
default: {
connector: 'bookshelf',
settings: {
client: 'postgres',
host: "",
port: 5432,
database: "d3d9tcukxxx",
username: "mwtwuvkwxxxx",
password: "42f0337xxxxx",
options: {
But after 3 months (right now), I checked from heroku logs --tail then these app getting an error and the message was:
error error: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "mwtwuvkwtrqpir", database "d3d9tcukrk5fgh", SSL off
I used Strapi 3.2.5 , and I was deployed on Heroku Postgres with Plan free (Hobby).
I hope everyone helping me for this questions, and hope helping others for same case.
Thank you
We had the same issue on our Heroku instances and just recently found a fix.
Adding rejectUnauthorized to the database config appears to work.
module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
defaultConnection: 'default',
connections: {
default: {
connector: 'bookshelf',
settings: {
client: 'postgres',
host: env('DATABASE_HOST', 'localhost'),
port:'DATABASE_PORT', 5432),
database: env('DATABASE_NAME', 'strapi'),
username: env('DATABASE_USERNAME', 'strapi'),
password: env('DATABASE_PASSWORD', 'strapi'),
schema: env('DATABASE_SCHEMA', 'public'), // Not Required
ssl: {
rejectUnauthorized: env.bool('DATABASE_SSL_SELF', false), // For self-signed certificates
options: {
ssl: env.bool('DATABASE_SSL', false),
I cannot take full credit however, it was this post on the Strapi forum that led me to the answer:
subsequently this link:

Strapi giving me DB errors in production, even though I'm using correct credentials

EDIT: I found a file at /config/database.js which is used to connect to sqlite in development. When I change the client name from sqlite to postgres, that's when the trouble starts.
Isn't strapi supposed to ignore files like this in production? How can I get strapi to ignore this file, and just use my postgres db?
module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
defaultConnection: 'default',
connections: {
default: {
connector: 'bookshelf',
settings: {
client: 'sqlite',
filename: env('DATABASE_FILENAME', '.tmp/data.db'),
options: {
useNullAsDefault: true,
End edit.
I'm trying to get my strapi app to start up in production, but it keeps erroring out saying
[2020-07-22T01:15:40.246Z] debug ⛔️ Server wasn't able to start properly.
[2020-07-22T01:15:40.247Z] error error: password authentication failed for user "<redacted>"
The rest of the output is related to pg, which leads me to think that this is a DB connection error.
I can log into my db from the command line using psql -U postgres -W, which confirms that I know my password.
In addition, I'm using pm2 to run things, and instead of using process.env in that file, I just added the db variables directly, but that made no difference.
The application has been built in production mode. I have 3 dbs in pg, one called postgres, one with my apps name, and another called strapi.
my /config/enviroronments/production.database.json looks like this
"defaultConnection": "default",
"connections": {
"default": {
"connector": "bookshelf",
"settings": {
"client": "postgres",
"host": "${process.env.DATABASE_HOST || ''}",
"port": "${process.env.DATABASE_PORT || 27017}",
"database": "${process.env.DATABASE_NAME || 'strapi'}",
"username": "${process.env.DATABASE_USERNAME || ''}",
"password": "${process.env.DATABASE_PASSWORD || ''}"
"options": {
"ssl": false
and I have a .env file at the root of the backend app that looks like this
DATABASE_NAME="<redacted - all letters>"
DATABASE_USERNAME="<redacted - all letters>"
DATABASE_PASSWORD="<redacted - all letters>"
Found the issue. When I created the app, I used sqlite as my db. As a result, the default database.js file wasn't set up in a way that could be overwritten with env variables.
I created a new local Strapi app with pgsql as my db, and copied the contents of the database.js file to my server. All working now.
New file for reference
module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
defaultConnection: 'default',
connections: {
default: {
connector: 'bookshelf',
settings: {
client: 'postgres',
host: env('DATABASE_HOST', ''),
port:'DATABASE_PORT', 5432),
database: env('DATABASE_NAME', 'my-strapi-project'),
username: env('DATABASE_USERNAME', 'testing'),
password: env('DATABASE_PASSWORD', 'testing'),
ssl: env.bool('DATABASE_SSL', false),
options: {}
I had the same situation in development. I created a strapi app with SQLite and decided to use PostgreSQL. That's where the trouble came in. So the fix was as follows:
module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
connection: {
client: 'postgres',
connection: {
host: env('DATABASE_HOST', ''),
port:'DATABASE_PORT', 5432),
database: env('DATABASE_NAME', 'db_name'),
user: env('DATABASE_USERNAME', 'postgres'),
password: env('DATABASE_PASSWORD', 'postgres'),
ssl: env.bool('DATABASE_SSL', false),
Your dependencies under app_name/package.json should be like
"dependencies": {
"#strapi/strapi": "4.1.8",
"#strapi/plugin-users-permissions": "4.1.8",
"#strapi/plugin-i18n": "4.1.8",
"pg": "8.6.0"
[2023-02-19 11:27:27.197] debug: ⛔️ Server wasn't able to start properly.
[2023-02-19 11:27:27.199] error: password authentication failed for user "root"
su - postgres
psql postgres
The point of interest here is the module used with strapi .
configuration file database.js
module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
defaultConnection: "default",
connection: {
client: "postgres",
connection: {
host: "",
port: 5432,
database: "dbname",
username: "postgres",
password: "password",
ssl: false
debug: true,
useNullAsDefault: true
version package.json
"#_sh/strapi-plugin-ckeditor": "^2.0.3",
"#strapi/plugin-i18n": "4.6.1,",
"#strapi/plugin-users-permissions": "4.6.1,",
"#strapi/strapi": "4.6.1,",
"better-sqlite3": "8.0.1",
"pg": "8.6.0"
check version
local replication all peer
host replication all md5
host replication all ::1/128 md5
host all postgres trust
host all all ::1/128 trust
restart postgresql
sudo systemctl restart postgresql.service
su - postgres
DROP root;
CREATEDB dbname;
I don't know why it took the initial role of root but the above simple solution worked for me

How to set the Application Name for a Sequelize application

I've got a nodejs application that uses Sequelize as it's ORM. I've successfully got Sequelize connected to the database, but I haven't found anything in the documentation that explains how to set the application name. To clarify I'm looking to set a unique Application Name attribute for my app's connection string. That way when a DBA is looking at traffic they can pick out my application's queries from the rest.
Is this something that Sequelize can even do? Or does this need to be done at the tedious level? Failing that, is there a way in nodejs to specify connection string attributes?
Tedious allows setting the app name with the appName config param. You should be able to set this via the dialectOptions object when creating your Sequelize connection:
var conn = new Sequelize('my_db', 'my_user', 'my_pass', {
host: 'my_server',
dialect: 'mssql',
dialectOptions: {
appName: 'my_app_name'
For those finding this when they're looking for how to set the name for Postgres, you use application_name in the dialectOptions, eg
username: process.env.DB_USER,
password: process.env.DB_PASS,
database: process.env.DB_NAME,
port: process.env.DB_PORT,
host: DB_HOST,
dialect: 'postgresql',
dialectOptions: {
application_name: 'My Node App',
