Add x Days to a Date Based on vlookup Output Excel - excel

What I'm trying to do is give a due date based on an input date, type of review, and department.
For example if the department is ABC and the review is retrospective, the due date will be the input date + 30 days.
But if the department is ABC and the review is concurrent, then the due date will be input date + 1 day.
I know I can concatenate the department and review into the vlookup table but I'm not so sure how to get the output to be the due date that I want.
Can anyone help?
Per the first answer below, I hashed out an input table with concatenated columns just in case I needed them. It is a bit more complicated than I originally thought.
Input table with date logic
I'd love to simply edit the source data but the report isn't readily available in the database. Could I still use the suggestions below?

Assuming you have a lookup table for the number of days to add depending upon the department and review type similar to the one below, you can use an INDEX/MATCH/MATCH and simply add it to the input date:
If your layout table is more like as below, you can use a MINIFS formula (or MAXIFS if you would prefer):


Find if a unique user updated their inventory after the initial month - Excel/GoogleSheets

this is my first time looking for help at a forum so i feel excited,
I need to make a formula to find if an user has an stock update on the first month and never updated their stock again,
I have the data for their stock update and also the month they're doing it as a month sequence but i cant solve how to do it i think its maybe an IF statement to check distinct emails but i don't know how to do it.
I need something like this:
table desired
UPDATE: Testing table of how my source data looks:
Can try COUNTIFS()
For array approach can try-

How to fix a Index+Match based on input value thats also dynamic

I have a great challenge I hope you can help me with.
What I want to achieve:
In the sheetname “Overal campaign information” I have an identical setup to the other sheetnames (for example Week 1 – Email, Week 1 – CPC and so on).
I want to user to first select their week and year and based (under E1) on these to selections, you can select a type that matches that week and year input.
What have I tried?
I have written an INDEX+MATCH that works well, but that is based on a hard coded sheet name and is not dynamic.
I have also tried the INDIRECT function to find information regardless of worksheet name, but failed hard
I have tried to CONCATENATE year+week to get a key to match against point 1, but also not succeeded
Wanted result
Based on the time frame selection (week and year) the type will show available types that matches that input.
Then it will fill in the information in C1:C13 and B17:V:300
Not really clear what you means by "fill in the information in C1:C13". But formula in 'Overal campaign information'!B17 could be
=OFFSET(INDIRECT("'Week "&$F$2&" - " & $F$4&"'!$B$17"),ROW(B17)-17,COLUMN(B17)-2)
This then can be filled into 'Overal campaign information'!B17:V300.

Excel Help - using IF and WORKDAY functions to generate a due date

I am trying to forumlate an IF statement that will generate a due date by taking a given date and adding business days to that dependent on a value in a separate column.
I started off with:
=IF(E3="Fatal",D3+1,IF(E3="Life Threatening",D3+1,IF(E3="Non-Fatal",D3+3,IF(E2="Non-Life Threatening",D3+3,IF(E3="Non-Susar",D3+5,"")))))
But this does not use the WORKDAY or WORKDAY.INT functions at all and is something I am now needing to add. I have collated a list of bank holidays to add into the new function these are listed - 'Backend Sheet (No Edit)'!C1:C752
Example of the sheet is below, I basically need to have it add 1,3,5 business days to the "query received date" dependent on the value in the "seriousness" column and print the new date into the "first attempt due by date" column
Appreciate any help that can be given!
Put your seriousness in a separate helper table along with the days adjustment. Then use workday to find your attempt date.
=workday([date received], index([helper table adjustment],match([this table seriousness],[helper table seriousness],0)),'Backend Sheet (No Edit)'!C1:C752)

excel comparison of two datasets

I am having a little difficulty conceptually understanding how to complete a task. Please forgive the context, but it will help.
I have a set of timetable information that contains the following
Date_Start (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss)
Date_End (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss)
Activity_location (String, code, example: B/B/012)
Other information that is not important
We have performed an audit (people going and doing a manual check on room occupancy). This audit was done using a google form which has now produced a spreadsheet. Unfortunately this doesn't quite match the format of the other one and instead contains:
... etc.
The problem is that each room is an individual column, regardless of if it was audited, which produces .... a lot of columns. I have already combined the Date and Time from the second dataset to produce a comparable datetime.
My task it to compare the information, so I have the timetable data (what should have happened) and I have the audit information (what did happen) and I need to find any discrepancies.
I am just having a little difficulty understanding how I might get these datasets into a format where I can compare them. I would really appreciate any help you might be able to give.
If Excel and you do have the dates (stripped from unneeded characters) in a column, you simply need to tell Excel how to interpret these values as dates. For instance, if you have the value 1/3/16, Excel may interpret it as March 1st, 2016 or Jan 3td, 2016.
To tell Excel how to interpret dates, you select the column (all cells in the column having values), right-click and select Format cells.... There, you can tell Excel that the value should be read as dd/mm/yy or mm/dd/yy.
Once you have Excel fully aware of the meaning of those dates, you can simply compare them (e.g. if(B3>G3... will check if the date in B3 is later than that in G3).
Hope this assists you to proceed.
Based on the exchange through comments, here is my final answer.
If you need to establish a relation (say between spreadsheet "A" and spreadsheet "B") when not only there is a on-to-one relation between columns/rows of both sheets, and (even worse) the one-to-many correlation is not predictable (meaning, in one case you have a one-to-one, in the next a one-to-4 and in the next a one-to-17), the only solution is either pivoting one of the tables or writing some MACROS.
I don't see any other way our of this. Sorry.

Error in Calculated Column (using Today) in DataSheet View - Sharepoint 2010

I have calulated column which display's the value based on the difference between today and requested date field.
=Today-[Requested Date]
This is working fine in Sharepoint Standard View. But the same is not working with the datasheet view . The calculated column is showing as below
=#NAME?-[Requested Date].
Due to this i am not able to save the data. Can anyone please let me know how to solve this ?
Which SharePoint version are you using?
I tried the same scenario using SharePoint 2013 and was able to add the values in both standard and datasheet views. I am assuming you might have used the same steps.
Create 2 new columns named RequestedDate(DateTime) and
Today(Single line of text).
Add a new column of type calculated field with formula
=Today-[Requested Date].
Now delete the Today column.
Try entering the data in both the views.
First I have used today() function to calculate difference between 2 days except working days. The list is not automatically updating. If we change the Start_Date, then it calculates and gives the value. Can you suggest me why this happens?
You have mentioned in your post that there is some tricks in using today() function. I have created separate Today_Date column in my list. And Used the same column name in finding difference between 2 days. Here also the same problem exists.
The formula I used is,
=IF(AND((WEEKDAY([Today Date],2))<(WEEKDAY([Release Date],2)),((WEEKDAY([Release Date],2))-(WEEKDAY([Today Date],2)))>1),(((DATEDIF([Release Date],[Today Date],"D")+1))-(FLOOR((DATEDIF([Release Date],[Today Date],"D")+1)/7,1)*2)-2),(((DATEDIF([Release Date],[Today Date],"D")+1))-(FLOOR((DATEDIF([Release Date],[Today Date],"D")+1)/7,1)*2)))
Please tell me how to make the difference between 2 date values update automatically every time I open the list.
Then I tried the trick which you have mentioned above. But it works while I enter the data. When I open the list for the next day or some other day's after the Calculated column is not taking the current day's value, do the data remains same. what should I need to do in case it needs to take current date's value and calculate the formula?
