Azure AD Connect parses email field as new UPN - azure

We are trying to set up Azure AD connect, but we seem unable to get to the situation we desire.
Our current situation is a local AD where we fill in the email field for all users (and all external users). Our admins have a normal and an admin account. The email for the adminaccount is the same for all. We don't have Exchange linked to AD, nor do we yet have the possibility to set up ADFS.
I've been trying to set up the sync for the admins only. So let's assume the following situation:
Account 1:
SamAccountName: Admin1
Account 2:
SamAccountName: Admin2
Our first sync stopped after the first one, with the message that the UPN is duplicate.
When checking, AAD had 1 account:
Account 1:
So, I undid everything and started from scratch. This time, I changed account 2 to not have an email. This is the result:
Account 1:
Account 2:
So basically, we want our UPN to be like, but it seems like we need to clear the email field, sync and fill it again. A lot of our internal tools use the email field currently, which makes it quite impossible.
I tried changing the Azure AD connect setup as well, to change the place where they ask for UPN to SamAccountName, but either I get errors or it doesn't work. What am I missing.
We also have accounts for external partners, something like this:
SamAccountName: partner_userx
If I sync this, the AAD UPN was
If I set up everyting in staging and take a look at csexport output, I see nothing special. Just the properties described as they are on my local AD.
For some reason the Sync uses the mail field, which I do not want.

Sorry for the delayed response. Azure AD is picking up the email address as the UPN prefix value and appending your initial domain (e.g. simply because the UPN suffix being sync'ed from on-premises is not valid/not verified domain. If you have the AD:UserPrincipalName set on-premises and its UPN suffix is a Verified Domain on your Azure tenant it should work as you expect. Meaning, you'll get the expected UPN value in Azure AD, if you sync a UPN suffix with a domain that is verified on the tenant (either a custom domain or the tenant's initial domain).
Taking the example provided:
SamAccountName: partner_userx
You need to either:
a) set the on-premises UPN as instead, or;
b) verify the domain '' on your Azure AD tenant
If neither of these options are feasible then you'll have to work on some advanced sync rule customization (which is not supported) to map an alternative AD attribute to serve as the source attribute for the UPN and set this attribute with the alternative UPN value containing a verified domain suffix (e.g: extensionAttribute10 =


How to change user principal name on Azure AD

I'm trying to change the user principal name on my Azure AD user using a PowerShell command Set-MsolUserPrincipalName that I found in the Microsoft documentation here. This works fine and changes the user principal name, but it also changes the email property to the same value as well.
Example command:
Set-MsolUserPrincipalName -UserPrincipalName "" -NewUserPrincipalName ""
Is there another way to change the user principal name without affecting the email of the user?
There is no way to change the user principal name without affecting the email of the user. The mail property is read-only, and the principal name should map to the user's email name.
It is now possible to change the user principal name in Azure AD without changing the email for the user and without changing the on-premises user principal name. It appears they are both managed separately now. At the time of my writing this, you can pull up the user in Azure AD and Edit the properties and go to the Identity tab where you will see user principal name and under the On-premises tab there is a separate non-editable user principal name which remains unaffected when making changes to the other.

Azure AD B2C sign up policy additional emails

Is it possible to get Azure AD B2C to store alternate emails so we can help recover the account? I am using a signup policy that is based on a local account. I am not using username, I'm using "email" as the identifier.
Even though I specify the local account type as email and also specify a signup claim of email, it only let's me put in one email. I can see how that might make sense.
I tried just storing an additional email in one of the existing graph fields, but it said that was read only.
Along those lines, is it possible to have more than one email listed in the signInName array?

Azure AD Linked Accounts and Alternate Login Mapping

My customer is in the process of modifying all of their UPNs to match their primary SMTP. They have a few Azure AD Directories and around 100 of the accounts they are changing the UPN are external users in the other Azure AD directories (for admin purposes). As I understand it, after adding an external user, any attribute changes are independent and not synced over after that point.
If these users have their UPN change, will they still be able to log in to the external? If so, what attribute is being used to verify the account? Is it ObjectID, liveID or something else?
If these users have their UPN change, will they still be able to log in to the external? If so, what attribute is being used to verify the account? Is it ObjectID, liveID or something else?
Yes, it is possible.
The Azure AD external users doesn't use the ObjectID, liveID to link to the users in the orignal tenant. You can using PowerShell( get-msolUser) list and compare these proprieties. It seems that it use the internal field however I am not able to find the relative document about this.

How to configure email address for a user in Microsoft Azure AD?

I have created a trial account for Microsoft Azure. In Azure Active Directory, I'm trying to create a new user, but I'm not seeing email address field. I see only username, firstname, lastname and display name fields. Will Azure treat username (like as an email? or I'm I missing something? I didn't find much information in its documentation.
No, Azure AD will not assume that the username (known as "UserPrincipalName", in the Azure AD Graph API and Azure AD PowerShell module) is actually an email address that can receive emails.
If you would simply want a place to store a given user's email address (one that actually has a mailbox behind it), you can use the "Alternate Email Address" field in the Azure Portal (under "Profile" section for a given user in your directory):
(Note: This field is known as otherMails in Azure AD Graph API, AlternateEmailAddresses in Azure AD PowerShell v1 (MSOnline), and OtherMails in Azure AD PowerShell v2 (AzureAD). In all cases, it's an array of strings, not a single value.)
You can create more user-friendly usernames by adding and verifying a custom domain name to you Azure AD directory: Once you've done this, you can create users that have usernames such as (assuming is the domain you added).
At this point, it may be that is also the email address of that user, but again—there is no assumption in Azure AD that this is the case.
For anyone running into issues using with this with an Office 365 developer account, make sure you go through the entire registration process. I thought I had completely setup my office 365 dev account, but I had missed a part related to setting up email.
Also if you are using your personal Microsoft account, for testing etc., be aware that it may appear like some things work the same as the full version or Office 365 dev, but they don't.

Azure AD Graph API cannot access Microsoft Account

I have 2 users in Azure AD
Microsoft Account user
Microsoft Azure Active Directory user
User 2 always works in Graph API calls but not the user 1.
(Email actually is url encoded as
This gives the following error
"{\"odata.error\":{\"code\":\"Request_ResourceNotFound\",\"message\":{\"lang\":\"en\",\"value\":\"Resource '' does not exist or one of its queried reference-property objects are not present.\"}}}"
Does anyone know how to fix this?
Things I figured out trying to fix this. I am using UserPrincipal name in the query above(..users/ For built-in domain accounts userPricipal name is works) but for a Microsoft account userPrincipal name is This was given in the all users list ( But even when I changed the query to '..users/' ofcourse after url encoding(, still it does not work. Objectid always works though for all accounts(..users/objectId?..) .
Also tried otherMails. May be the api is wrong as otherMails is an array. "$filter=otherMails eq ''&api-version=2013-04-05"
So the question still remains. if only email is available for an MS account(not objectid) when making the call, how to get user details?
You are missing your domain in the URL you posted. It should be[your Azure AD domain]/users
To get the email address for a user you need to add the object Id of the user in the request URL. So, for example, to get an Azure AD user it would be like this:[your Azure AD domain]/users/[object ID of user]/mail
For users in the directory sourced from a Microsoft Account, the mail property is null. So, you will have to look in the otherMails property like this:[your Azure AD domain]/users/[object ID of user]/otherMails
If you want to access the full user account using a user's UPN, you can do that for users sourced from Azure AD. For example, for a tenant domain and a user with a UPN, the query would look like this:
This doesn't work for users sourced from Microsoft Accounts. For these accounts, the UPN contains characters (#, . for example) that break the query. You can filter by the UPN though using the naming convention that is used for users sourced from Microsoft Accounts. Suppose you have a user whose email is in your directory. The UPN would be something like So, you could use a filter and look for the first part of the UPN like this:$filter=startswith(userPrincipalName, 'jayhamlin_yahoo')
You can easily explore the Graph API and object properties for your directory using
That filter can work, but you could also filter on otherMails. Your original query didn't work because otherMails is a multi-valued property- so you need to use "any":$filter=otherMails/any(x:startswith(x,''))
When are you using this lookup? Is it once the user has signed in or for some people picking scenario?
