What does happen with kernel level threads when process ends? - multithreading

If we have a process with kernel level threads running, and that process ends what does exactly happen with those threads?
I suppose they end too, but what are exact steps?

I suppose they end too, but what are exact steps?
The exact steps are: they simply evaporate into nothing.
More precisely, when the process executes exit (or exit_group on Linux) system call, the OS deschedules any running threads, whatever instruction they are currently on, and then destroys all kernel resources associated with them (memory mappings, file descriptors, etc.).
It's as if the kernel plucks them out of existence. One moment they are executing on CPU or waiting to be scheduled, and the next moment they simply do not exist.


Is a coroutine a kind of thread that is managed by the user-program itself (rather than managed by the kernel)?

In my opinion,
Kernel is an alias for a running program whose program text is in the kernel area and can access all memory spaces;
Process is an alias for a running program whose program has an independent memory space in the user memory area. Which process can get the use of the CPU is completely managed by the kernel;
Thread is an alias for a running program whose program-text is in the memory space of a process and completely shares the memory space with another thread of the same process. Which thread can get the use of the CPU is completely managed by the kernel;
Coroutine is an alias for a running program whose program-text is in the memory space of a process.And it is a user thread that the process decides itself (not the kernel) how to use, and the kernel is only responsible for allocating CPU resources to the process.
Since the process itself has no right to schedule like the kernel, the coroutine can only be concurrent but not parallel.
Am I correct in saying Above?
process is an alias for a running program...
The modern way to think of a process is to think of it as a container for a collection of threads and the resources that those threads need to execute.
Every process (except for "zombie" processes that can exist in some systems) must have at least one thread. It also has a virtual address space, open file handles, and maybe sockets and other resources that are shared by the threads.
Thread is an alias for a running program...
The problem with saying that is, "running program" sounds too much like "process," and a thread is most definitely not a process. (E.g., a thread can only exist in a process.)
A computer scientist might tell you that a thread is one particular execution of the application's code. I like to think of a thread as an independent agent who executes the code.
coroutine...is a user thread...
I'm going to mostly leave that one alone. "Coroutine" seems to mean something different from the highly formalized, and not particularly useful coroutines that I learned about more than forty years ago. What people call "coroutines" today seem to have somewhat in common with what I call "green threads," but there are details of how and when and why they are used that I don't yet understand.
Green threads (a.k.a., "user mode threads") simply are threads that the kernel doesn't know about. They are pretty much just like the threads that the kernel does know about except, the kernel scheduler never preempts them because, Duh! it doesn't know about them. Context switches between green threads can only happen at specific points where the application allows it (e.g., by calling a yield() function or, by calling some library function that is a documented yield point.)
kernel is an alias for a running program...
The kernel also is most definitely not a process.
I don't know every detail about every operating system, but the bulk of kernel code does not run independently of the applications that the kernel serves. It only runs when an application thread enters kernel mode by making a system call. The thread that runs the kernel code still belongs to the application process, but the code that determines the thread's behavior at that point is written or chosen by the kernel developers, not by the application developers.

Is CPU affinity enforced across system calls?

So if I set a process's CPU affinity using:
and then perform some other system call using that process, is that system call ALSO guaranteed to execute on the same CPU enforced by sched_setaffinity?
Essentially, I'm trying to enforce that a process, and the system calls it makes, are executed on the same core. Obviously I can use sched_setaffinity() to enforce userspace code will execute on only one CPU, but does that same system call enforce kernel-space code in that process context will execute on the same core as well?
Syscalls are really just your process code switching from user to kernel mode. The task that is being run does not change at all, it just temporarily enters kernel mode to execute the syscall and then returns back to user mode.
A task can be preempted by the scheduler and moved to a different CPU, and this can happen in the middle of normal user mode code or even in the middle of a syscall.
By setting the task affinity to a single CPU using sched_setaffinity(), you remove this possibility, since even if the task gets preempted, the scheduler has no choice but to keep it running on the same CPU (it may of course change the currently running task, but when your task resumes it will still be on the same CPU).
So to answer your question:
does that same system call enforce kernel-space code in that process context will execute on the same core as well?
Yes, it does.
Now, to address #Barmar's comment: in the case of syscalls that can "sleep", this does not mean that the task could change CPU if the affinity does not allow it.
What happens when a syscall sleeps, is simply that the syscall code tells the scheduler: "hey, I'm waiting for something, just run another task while I wait and wake me up later". When the syscall resumes, it checks if the requested resource is available (it could even tell the kernel exactly when it wants to be waken up), and if not it either waits again or returns to user code saying "sorry, I got nothing, try again". The resource could of course be made available by some interrupt that causes an interrupt handler to run on a different CPU, but that's a different story, and it doesn't really matter. To put it simply: interrupt code does not run in process context, at all. For what the task executing the syscall is concerned, the resource is just magically there when execution resumes.

How does operating system preempt a process and regain control?

When a process is running on a CPU, the operating system is not running in the background as a single core CPU can execute only 1 instruction at a time. Then how does the operating system preempt a process, is it done by the hardware?
I couldn't find an answer anywhere
To understand how the OS regains control of a process, the concept of interrupts must be understood. An interrupt is a signal sent to the CPU that signifies that the current processes must be stopped (i.e. interrupted) so that another process can begin. In some sense, this is accomplished at the hardware level as there are dedicated registers in the CPU that interrupting bits are placed in.
When an interrupt occurs, the contents of the CPU's registers are stored, the current stack pointer is saved, and the program counter is then pointed to the next instruction set forth by the scheduler that decides which process to begin next - usually the interrupting one. Barring deadlock, in which no progress on any processes can be made - the scheduler will make its way back to the original process, and that process's executing context will be reloaded into the machine (since we saved it prior). This concept of saving the state of the machine, executing a new process, and returning to the original process is known as a context switch. More on that here

Process with multiple threads on multiprocessor system. How do they work?

So I was reading about Processes and Threads and I had a question. Following is the scenario.
Uniprocessor Environment
I understand that the OS rotates the processes over processor for a particular time period.(quantum) . Now I get it when the process is single threaded, ie just one path of execution. In that case, whenever it is assigned the processor, it continues with it's execution. Let's say the process forks and or just creates a new thread. Now how does the entire process works? Is it that the OS will say to process P "Go on, continue with execution" and the Process within itself will pick the new thread or the parent thread on rotation? So that if there are more than two threads, the rotation seems fair to each thread. Or does the OS actually interacts with the threads? (In that case I am not sure what happens).
Multiprocessor Environment
Now say I have a multiprocessor environment. Now in this case, if there was just uni-threaded process, then OS will assign either of the processors to it and on it will go with it's execution. Now say, there are multiple threads in the Process. Now if I assign one of the processor to the process, and ask it to continue it's execution, and the Process has to pick either of the thread for it's execution, then there never will be parallel processing going on in that specific process. Since the process will have to put either of it's threads on the processor.
So how does it happen in both the cases?
Process Scheduing
Operating Systems ultimately control these types of thread scheduling.
Windows systems are priority-based and so will allow a process to consume more resources that others. This is why your machine can 'hang', if a process has been escalated to a high priority. Priorities are ranged between 1-31 as far as I know.
Mac OS / Linux / Unix are time-based, allowing all processes to have equal amounts of CPU time. Therefore loading more processes will slow your system down as they all share a smaller slice of execution time.
Uniprocessor Environment
The OS is ultimately responsible for this but switching processes involves (I cannot guarantee accuracy here, but its just an indication):
Halting a process / thread
Storing the current stack (code location)
Storing the current registers of the CPU
Asking the kernel for the next process/thread to run
Kernel indicates which one has to be run
OS reloads the registers from the cache
OS reloads the current stack for the next application.
Resumes the process
Obviously the more threads and processes you have running, the slower it will become. The problem is that the time taken to switch processes can actually take longer than the time allowed to execute the process.
Threads are just child processes of a single process. For a single processor, it just looks like additional work.
Multi-processor Environment
Multi-processor environments work differently as the cache is shared amongst processors. I believe these are called L1 (Level) and L2 caches. So the difference is that processor A can reload the state stored by processor B without conflicts. 'Hyper-threading' also has the same approach, although this is processor specific. The difference here is that a processor could solely control a specific process - this is called 'CPU Affinity' Its not encouraged for every process, but it does allow an application to have a dedicated processor to work off.
This is OS-specific, of course, but most operating systems schedule at the thread level. A process is just a grouping of threads. For example, on Linux, threads are called "tasks" and each is scheduled independently. They are created with the clone call. What is typically called a thread is a task which shares its address space (and other resources such as file descriptors, mount points, etc.) with the creating task. Note that the clone call can also create what is typically called a process if the flags to enable sharing are not passed.
Considering the above, any thread may be scheduled at any time on any processor, no matter how many processors there are available. That said, most OSs also attempt to maintain some measure of processor affinity to avoid excessive cache misses, but usually if a thread is runnable and a different CPU is available, it will change CPUs. Often there is also a way to specify which CPUs a particular thread may execute upon.
Doesn't matter whether there is 1 or 128 processors. The OS manages access to resources to try an efficiently match up requests with availabilty, and that includes CPU execution. If a thread is running, it has already managed to get some CPU but, if it requests a resource that is not immediately available, it no longer needs any CPU until that other resource does become free, and so the OS will remove CPU execution from it and, if there is another thread that is waiting for CPU, it will hand it over. When the requested reource does become available, the thread will be made ready again. If there is a core free, it will be made running 'immediately', if not, the CPU scheduling algorithm makes a decision on whether to stop a currently-running thread to free up a core or to leave the newly-ready thrad waiting.
It's better to try and ignore things like 'time-slice, quantum, priority' - it causes much confusion and FUD. If a running thread wants something it cannot have yet, it doesn't need any more CPU cycles, and the OS will take them away and, if another thread needs it, apply them there. That is why preemptive multitaskers exist - to match up threads with resources in an attempt to maximize forward progress.

Kernel thread exit in linux

I'm here to ask you the difference between a process and a thread in linux. I know that a thread for linux is just a "task", which shares with the father process things that they need to have in common (the address space and other important informations). I also know that the two are creating calling the same function ('clone()'), but there's still something that I'm missing: what really happens when a thread exit? What function is called inside the linux kernel?
I know that when a process exits calls the do_exit function, but here or somewhere else there should be a way to understand if it is just a thread exiting or a whole process. Can you explain me this thing or redirect to some textbook?? I tried 'Understanding the linux kernel' but I was not satisfied with it.
I'm asking this thing because a need to add things to the task_struct struct, but I need to discriminate how to manage those informations for a process and its children.
Thank you.
The exit() syscall exits a single thread, and the exit_group() syscall exits the entire POSIX process ("thread group").
The main difference between processes and threads is that proceses run in their own virtual memory space, apart from every other process. That means two processes cannot access each other's data. The only way for two processes to interact is through the operating system somehow (shared memory sections, semaphores, sockets, etc.).
Threads on the other hand all exist within their creating process. That means threads have access to all the same data (variables, pointers, handles, etc.) that any other thread in the same process has. That is the main difference.
There are some implications of this. For instance, when the process terminates for some reason, all its threads go with it. It is also a lot easier to get multi-processing errors like torn data in threads, just because nothing is forcing you to use the OS syncronization functions that you really ought to be using.
