QR scanning using raspberryPi camera nodeJS - node.js

I am creating a nodeJS application that can be used to scan QR code on the raspberry Pi3 board.
I am able to successfully use a USB camera and scan the QR code using the Instascan node module.
However, when I try to use the Raspberry pi Camera, the Insta scan is not able to find it and not able to show the camera.
I have found many such options using python and OpenCV, however not with node js or electron.
Can someone help with this?

Finally this is resolved.
Actually by default rpi camera is not shown in /dev/video list
so I had to enable V4L2 driver by
modprobe bcm2835-v4l2
This made CSI camera list in /dev/video list and application started detecting RPI camera.
Thanks everyone


camera capture looks different on windows and linux

hey im trying to use a raspberry pi with opencv to prosses some images but while i am capturing the images from the webcam using the same values using windows on my pc and Ubuntu mate on the pi they look very different
linux capture
windows capture
does anyone know why there any difference
It looks like your usb webcam probably has a compatibility problem with the pi (or its drivers in Ubuntu mate).
Try googling the camera model and linux compatibility to see if there are any known tricks to do.
Googling "raspberry pi usb camera compatibility" gives you various lists of known compatible cameras.
In terms of performance (e.g. frame rate) a usb webcam is always worse than the raspberry pi camera attached to the camera serial interface.
To get that working in opencv, you can use this library:
RaspiCam: C++ API for using Raspberry camera with/without OpenCv

How can we read all mp3 files in a mounted(Raspberry pi) usb in Qt toolkit (Qt) application

I am trying to create an music application for my Raspberry pi, I have finished my player UI. Now i need to detect the USB which is mounted in the raspberry pi and read all the mp3 files from the USB. Is there any example which i can refer to for implementing this.
Somewhere i read about solid.kde library but no examples are there to actually start implementation, Any guides or example links would be appreciated.
I did that on another board a couple of years ago. What you can do is using dbus to get notifications about plugged in devices and mounting. You can do all via dbus and QtDbus using this code, which is very simple: https://github.com/Razor-qt/razor-qt/blob/master/libraries/razormount/rzmountproviders_udisks2.cpp. You have add and remove notifications and a few methods to mount and unmount. I think this can be done also on the Pi as dbus is available.

UVC function config interface

I'm reading Linux Documentation about UVC function. I'm struggling to understand an example that starts here and goes until here. What exactly is this going to do and where exactly do I create these files?
Any help is appreciated.
From your other posts I gather that you are attempting to implement a UVC gadget with a Xilinx device. Nonetheless, as Linux devices share the same opaque kernel documentation, the procedure is just as error-prone on the Raspberry Pi Zero and other OTG-enabled devices.
What exactly is this going to do
The idea of a UVC gadget is to build something that acts like a webcam. Once completed you could potentially connect that device into a Mac or PC and use it as your video for FaceTime or Skype.
Depending on your goals you could stream synthetic images, a recorded video, or passthrough video from an add-on like a MIPI CSI camera.
where exactly do I create these files?
Here's a great intro to ConfigFS: link. Again it's for Raspberry Pi Zero rather than your Xilinx device, but the same concepts apply.
While gadget-testing.txt is inconveniently curt, if you start off by running:
modprobe libcomposite
cd /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/
then you can proceed with the steps mkdir functions/uvc.usb0/control/header/h ...
Here is a more detailed post covering various caveats on Raspberry Pi Stack Exchange.

Raspbian - Read data from HID device

I got a measuring instrument which can measure light intensity and this instrument can be connected to a PC via USB.
I now want to be able to read the values from the device via a Raspberry.
When the instrument is connected to the Pi, it shows up when entering 'lsusb' to the terminal and it is also listed under '/dev/usb' as hiddev1
But how can i actually grab the data from the device?
When i enter 'sudo cat /dev/usb/hiddev1' nothing happens.
Thanks in advance for your help
Try using HIDAPI, a cross-platform library for accessing Human Interface Devices.

Windows 10 IoT Core Bluetooth Support for Raspberry Pi3

Apologies for asking a time dependant question, but does anyone know when Microsoft are going to sort out there drivers for the Raspberry Pi 3's on-board Bluetooth chip?
Currently the console Device Settings just display the following exception error code relating to a fault with the OS files:
The device is not ready for use. (Excep_FromHResult 0x800710DF)
Or does anyone know of a workaround to this problem?... Short of developing your own drivers and creating a custom OS image for the board.
Many thanks for your help.
Raspberry Pi 3 onboard Bluetooth support is in a future release of Windows IoT Core Insider Preview, per the page it should come soon, so please be patient.
The workaround is to use a compatible USB Bluetooth dongle, check out here to find the list.
If you want to develop your own driver and create a custom image for hobby or fun, you can find very good code samples in https://github.com/ms-iot/bsp/tree/master/drivers, and follow https://msdn.microsoft.com/windows/hardware/commercialize/manufacture/iot/iot-core-manufacturing-guide
to create custom windows IoT core image.
Onboard Bluetooth driver seems to be included in the latest preview build version 14376. I did not test it thoroughly but per the snapshots below, it looks very promising.
