I'm implemented the Functor instance for StateT in the following manner
import Data.Tuple (swap)
newtype StateT s m a =
StateT { runStateT :: s -> m (a, s) }
instance Functor m => Functor (StateT s m) where
fmap f (StateT g) = StateT $ \s -> fmap (fmapSwapTwice f) (g s)
where fmapSwapTwice f tup = swap $ f <$> swap tup
But I'm not wholly satisfied with my solution, because it requires me to import swap from Data.Tuple and fmap it over the tuple twice in order to apply f to the first element.
To me this seems like a common enough pattern that would have its own abstraction or perhaps there is an alternative way to express the Functor instance that I can't think of which doesn't require swap at all
Take advantage of the Bifunctor instance of tuples. Use Data.Bifunctor.first instead of fmapSwapTwice.
As a part of self-learning exercise in Haskell, I am trying to derive a Monad instance for my type. The type is defined as:
newtype ParsePackUnpack f a = ParsePackUnpack
unparse:: State PackUnpackState (Ap f a)
where Ap f a comes from Data.Monoid. With my type, I'm trying to say that parsing is a stateful operation with the result being any monoid.
So far, I have been successful in implementing Functor and Applicative instances for this 3 level deep type by lifting:
instance Functor f => Functor (ParsePackUnpack f) where
fmap f ma =
let f' = fmap f -- lift (a -> b) to (Ap f a -> Ap f b)
in ParsePackUnpack $ f' <$> (unparse ma)
instance Applicative f => Applicative (ParsePackUnpack f) where
pure = ParsePackUnpack . pure . pure
f <*> ma =
let f' = liftA2 (<*>) . unparse $ f -- lift Ap f (a -> b) -> Ap f a -> Ap f b to State s (Ap f a) -> State s (Ap f b)
in ParsePackUnpack $ f' (unparse ma) -- Apply to State s (Ap f a)
But I could not derive a Monad instance for my type correctly. After some type-golfing, this is my latest attempt:
instance Monad f => Monad (ParsePackUnpack f) where
return = ParsePackUnpack . return . return
ma >>= f = ParsePackUnpack . state $ \st ->
let (a, s) = runState (unparse ma) st
res = a >>= fst . flip runState s . unparse . f -- fst ignores state from the result
in (res, s)
Which I believe is incorrect because I am ignoring the state from res operation.
What is correct way to implement the >>= operation for my type? As this is a learning exercise, I'm trying to avoid Monad transformers. If Monad transformers is the way to go, could you also explain why that is the case?
Monads do not compose as nicely as applicatives. While f (g a) is an applicative whenever f and g are (thus your ability to write the applicative instance), it is not in general a monad when f and g are monads. That's why we need monad transformers but not applicative transformers.
Here's a related exercise. Forget about using State from the library, let's just work with its representation manually. State s (IO a) unrolls into s -> (IO a, s). To implement bind, you would be given
f :: s -> (IO a, s)
g :: a -> s -> (IO b, s)
Can you come up with how to feed the first to the second, passing s through "statefully"?
bound :: s -> (IO b, s)
bound s0 = ??
Give it a try. And (spoiler) after you've convinced yourself it's impossible, think about what makes it impossible, and how you would need to modify the types to make it possible. Then use that pattern to define a "StateIO s" monad.
Have you already seen the following function? What is it called? What is it useful for? can it be defined more generically than just for StateT?
simpleFunction (StateT f) = StateT $ (\s -> return (f s, s))
By the way, ghc gives it the type Monad n => StateT s m a -> StateT s n (m (a, s)).
And there is an alternative definition:
simpleFunction m = do
s <- get
mapStateT (\l -> return (l, s)) m
Having two monads like n (m a) isn't usually very useful (the composition might not be a monad etc.). So I guess more usable version would be of type
(Monad m) => StateT s m a -> StateT s m (a, s).
This can be generalized to an arbitrary state transformer over m:
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
f1 :: (MonadState s (t m), MonadTrans t, Monad m) => StateT s m a -> t m (a, s)
f1 (StateT f) = get >>= lift . f
And since the only thing we need is get, we can further generalize to:
f2 :: (MonadTrans t, Monad m, Monad (t m)) => t m s -> StateT s m a -> t m (a, s)
f2 g (StateT f) = g >>= lift . f
If you really need to have two monads, perhaps MFunctor would be useful - functions like hoist or generalize allow to switch between monads.
The simpleFunction structure is parameterized over two things: a StateT monad and a function f. As it is shown in both given definitions, the simpleFunction gets the state from the internals of the monad, then map both the return value and final state of a computation using a given function.
Following a very simple example to see a working example:
import Control.Monad.State
inc :: State Int Int
inc = do
n <- get
put (n + 1)
return n
simpleFunction = do
s <- get
mapState (\l -> (l,s)) inc
main = do
print $ runState simpleFunction 1
The result is: ((1,2),1) which is the ((return value,final state),initial state)
The simpleFunction as you see is not complicated. It can be used with monads other than StateT. In this case, you have to implement your own map and get.
Hope it's useful!
Foldable is a superclass of Traversable, similarly to how Functor is a superclass of Applicative and Monad.
Similar to the case of Monad, where it is possible to basically implement fmap as
liftM :: Monad m => (a->b) -> m a -> m b
liftM f q = return . f =<< q
we could also emulate foldMap as
foldLiftT :: (Traversable t, Monoid m) => (a -> m) -> t a -> m
foldLiftT f = fst . traverse (f >>> \x -> (x,x))
-- or: . sequenceA . fmap (f >>> \x -> (x, x))
using the Monoid m => (,) m monad. So the combination of superclass and methods bears in both cases a certain redundancy.
In case of monads, it can be argued that a “better” definition of the type class would be (I'll skip applicative / monoidal)
class (Functor m) => Monad m where
return :: a -> m a
join :: m (m a) -> m a
at least that's what's used in category theory. This definition does, without using the Functor superclass, not permit liftM, so it is without this redundancy.
Is a similar transformation possible for the Traversable class?
To clarify: what I'm after is a re-definition, let's call it,
class (Functor t, Foldable t) => Traversable t where
skim :: ???
such that we could make the actual Traverse methods top-level functions
sequenceA :: (Traversable t, Applicative f) => t (f a) -> f (t a)
but it would not be possible to make generically
instance (Traversable t) => Foldable t where
foldMap = ... skim ...
data T
instance Traversable T where
skim = ...
I'm not asking because I need this for something particular; it's a conceptual question so as to better understand the difference between Foldable and Traversable. Again much like Monad vs Functor: while >>= is much more convenient than join for everyday Haskell programming (because you usually need precisely this combination of fmap and join), the latter makes it simpler to grasp what a monad is about.
Foldable is to Functor as Traversable is to Monad, i.e. Foldable and Functor are superclasses of Monad and Traversable (modulo all the applicative/monad proposal noise).
Indeed, that's already in the code
instance Foldable f => Traversable f where
So, it's not clear what more there is to want. Foldable is characterized by toList :: Foldable f => f a -> [a] while Traversable depends ultimately on not only being able to abstract the content as a list like toList does, but also to be able to extract the shape
shape :: Functor f => f a -> f ()
shape = fmap (const ())
and then recombine them
combine :: Traversable f => f () -> [a] -> Maybe (f a)
combine f_ = evalStateT (traverse pop f_) where
pop :: StateT [a] Maybe a
pop = do x <- get
case x of
[] = empty
(a:as) = set as >> return a
which depends on traverse.
For more information on this property see this blog post by Russell O'Connor.
Super hand-wavy because it's late, but the extra power that Traversable has over Foldable is a way to reconstruct the original structure. For example, with lists:
module MyTraverse where
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Traversable
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Monoid
data ListRec f x = ListRec
{ el :: f (Endo [x])
instance Applicative f => Monoid (ListRec f x) where
mempty = ListRec (pure mempty)
mappend (ListRec l) (ListRec r) =
ListRec (mappend <$> l <*> r)
toM :: Functor f => f b -> ListRec f b
toM this = ListRec $ (Endo . (:)) <$> this
fromM :: Functor f => ListRec f b -> f [b]
fromM (ListRec l) = flip appEndo [] <$> l
myTraverse :: Applicative f => (a-> f b) -> [a] -> f [b]
myTraverse f xs = fromM $ foldMap (toM . f) xs
I think this myTraverse behaves the same as traverse, using only the classes Applicative, Foldable, and Monoid. You could re-write it to use foldr instead of foldMap if you wanted to get rid of Monoid.
lists are easy because they're a flat structure. However, I strongly suspect that you could use a Zipper to get the proper reconstruction function for any structure (since zippers are generically derivable, they should always exists).
But even with a zipper, you don't have any way of indicating that structure to the monoid/function. Notionally, it seems Traversable adds something like
class Traversed t where
type Path t :: *
annotate :: t a -> [(Path t, a)]
fromKeyed :: [(Path t, a)] -> t a
this seems to overlap heavily with Foldable, but I think that's inevitable when trying to associate the paths with their constituent values.
I'm currently working on Data.Fresh and Control.Monad.Trans.Fresh, which resp. define an interface for generating fresh variables, and a monad transformer which implements this interface.
I initially thought it would be possible to implement the Applicative instance for my FreshT v m with the only requirement that Applicative m exists. However, I got stuck and it seemed like I need to require Monad m. Not trusting my Haskell-fu, I then turned to the transformers package, and was surprised by what I found in Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy and .Strict:
instance (Functor m, Monad m) => Applicative (StateT s m) where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
So here is my question: is it possible to create an instance with equivalent semantics with the following instance head?
instance (Applicative m) => Applicative (StateT s m) where
Consider that you have two functions:
f :: s -> m (s, a -> b)
g :: s -> m (s, a)
And you want to create a function h = StateT f <*> StateF g
h :: s -> m (s, b)
From the above you have an s you can pass to f so you have:
f' :: m (s, a -> b)
g :: s -> m (s, a)
However to get s out of f' you need the Monad (whatever you'd do with applicative it would still be in form of m s so you would not be able to apply the value to g).
You can play with the definitions and use free monad but for the collapse of state you need join.
Weaker variant of an Applicative transformer
Although it isn't possible to define an applicative transformer for StateT, It's possible to define a weaker variant that works. Instead of having s -> m (a, s), where the state decides the next effect (therefore m must be a monad), we can use m (s -> (a, s)), or equivalently m (State s a).
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Trans
newtype StateTA s m a = StateTA (m (State s a))
This is strictly weaker than StateT. Every StateTA can be made into StateT (but not vice versa):
toStateTA :: Applicative m => StateTA s m a -> StateT s m a
toStateTA (StateTA k) = StateT $ \s -> flip runState s <$> k
Defining Functor and Applicative is just the matter of lifting operations of State into the underlying m:
instance (Functor m) => Functor (StateTA s m) where
fmap f (StateTA k) = StateTA $ liftM f <$> k
instance (Applicative m) => Applicative (StateTA s m) where
pure = StateTA . pure . return
(StateTA f) <*> (StateTA k) = StateTA $ ap <$> f <*> k
And we can define an applicative variant of lift:
lift :: (Applicative m) => m a -> StateTA s m a
lift = StateTA . fmap return
Update: Actually the above isn't necessary, as the composition of two applicative functors is always an applicative functor (unlike monads). Our StateTA is isomorphic to Compose m (State s), which is automatically Applicative:
instance (Applicative f, Applicative g) => Applicative (Compose f g) where
pure x = Compose (pure (pure x))
Compose f <*> Compose x = Compose ((<*>) <$> f <*> x)
Therefore we could write just
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Functor.Compose
newtype StateTA s m a = StateTA (Compose m (State s) a)
deriving (Functor, Applicative)
Although, as noted in the previous answer, this instance cannot be defined in general, it is worth noting that, when f is Applicative and s is a Monoid, StateT s f is also Applicative, since it can be regarded as a composition of applicative functors:
StateT s f = Reader s `Compose` f `Compose` Writer s
The problem is this. I have:
f :: MonadIO m => ReaderT FooBar m Answer;
f = (liftIO getArgs) >>= ...
I need to run this with modified arguments. However, since m is unknown, I cannot simply use
mapReaderT (withArgs args) :: ReaderT r IO b -> ReaderT r IO b
since I need somehow to transform (withArgs args) into m for all m.
One possibility I found is to define my own withArgs, thus:
import System.Environment (setArgs, freeArgv);
withArgv new_args act = do {
pName <- liftIO System.Environment.getProgName;
existing_args <- liftIO System.Environment.getArgs;
bracket (liftIO $ setArgs new_args)
(\argv -> do {
_ <- liftIO $ setArgs (pName:existing_args);
liftIO $ freeArgv argv;
(const act);
withArgs xs act = do {
p <- liftIO System.Environment.getProgName;
withArgv (p:xs) act;
However, this is a kludge, and specific to one function -- I would need to re-write every withX :: X -> IO a -> IO a, e.g. Control.Exception.handle
What, if any, is a better way to do this?
Edit: In the case of handle, I found Control.Monad.CatchIO. In the other case, I used yet another, briefer kludge (not worth posting) to avoid the kludge above. Still seeking a better solution!
Part of what you are looking for is a hoisting of a monad homomorphism into a monad transformer.
class MonadHoist t where
hoist :: (Monad m, Monad n) => (forall a. m a -> n a) -> t m a -> t n a
t :: Monad m => t Identity a -> t m a
t = hoist (return . runIdentity)
That is to say, given a monad homomorphism f from m to n, you can obtain a monad homomorphism from t m to t n using hoist.
A monad homomorphism is slightly stronger than the types above enforce, namely it is responsible for preserving the monad laws.
f . return = return
f . fmap g = fmap g . f
f . join = join . f . fmap f
= join . fmap f . f -- by the second law
= (>>= f) . f -- >>= in terms of join
Notice the quantifier that I snuck in the type of hoist, MonadHoist turns out to need that flexibility for almost all instances! (Reader happens to be the one case where it doesn't. Try to write MaybeT without it.)
Monad transformers can, in general, instantiate this class. For instance:
instance MonadHoist (StateT s) where
hoist f (StateT m) = StateT (f . m)
instance MonadHoist (ReaderT e) where
hoist f (ReaderT m) = ReaderT (f . m)
instance MonadHoist MaybeT where
hoist f (MaybeT m) = MaybeT (f m)
We don't currently provide it in transformers or mtl package because it would require a Rank2Type, but it is pretty straightforward to implement.
If there is enough demand for it, I'll happily package it up in a monad-extras package.
Now, I said part, because while this answers the question given by the type in the topic of your post, it doesn't address the need reflected by the bulk of the text associated with your question!
For that, you probably want to follow luqui's advice. =)
The monad-control package will do this. I think you want the function liftIOOp_ from Control.Monad.IO.Control.
liftIOOp_ (withArgs newArgs) f
should do what you want. You can lift things like bracket too, with the liftIOOp function.
I believe the interleavableIO package addresses this problem. It is discussed in this cafe thread.
It seems you can use runReaderT to get the effect you want, as well:
*> :t withArgs [] (runReaderT f FooBar)
withArgs [] (runReaderT f FooBar) :: IO Answer
where FooBar is some data constructor and f is defined as above.