PimCore Installation on Windows 10 (Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)) - pimcore

I have install Pimcore in windows 10 and it'll return some errors in browser console and it'll not display any images and css's
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

You need to install pimcore assets using php bin/console assets:install command. Just navigate to system root folder and run the command.

You need to install pimcore assets. For pimcore version <6 use php bin/console assets:install --symlink --relative but if you are using >= 6 use php bin/console assets:install web --symlink --relative


How to fix this cant view the login page in Codeigniter 3 running in linux

When viewing my project in codeigniter 3 stuck at configuration index.php instead redirect me in views page "login".
Codeigniter 3.1.10 running in Apache 2 and php5.6 on Ubuntu.
I need your help, thanks..
Probably you don't have PHP installed.
sudo apt-get install php libapache2-mod-php
sudo service apache2 restart

Phonegap serve Ubuntu 17 not working/exiting silently

Using ubuntu 17. Firewall is completely disabled using sudo ufw disable
Ive sudo npm -g install phonegap and created a project using sudo phonegap create.
From this stock created project i try to sudo phonegap serve, the terminal is still for 2 seconds then the command exits silently with no error message.
I have also tried cordova and have done the exact same steps
install create serve, I get further the application seems to serve. I can get on the website and on the browser of my phone and can see the project directory. When I get on the phonegap developer app to check the project out, I enter my laptops ip and port, I seem to get through but the app responds with "Unable to download archive from server" and on the serve console I get a 404 /__api__/appzip.

php -S localhost:8000 not running in node.js

I have installed NPM and bower globally as well as gulp and I am trying to run the following command on a windows machine:
php -S localhost:8000
Its saying php is not recognized as an internal or external command. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong here?
Installing PHP solved this for me, specifically following this tutorial:

how can I open web application requiring node.js

I must run micro-crawler https://github.com/WebMole/Micro-Crawler which is a crawler web application, that run with node.js.
I could not figure out how to open this app, I download node.js, and when I write install npm and install bower to the node.js command line nothing happened. Also I did not understand how to start web applicaion after installations
Please help me
Finally I solved the issue
First, I install node.js, then move node.js folder to wampserver directory,
and move the web sites files in the node.js directory
Second, I go to the path where node.js is from command line, then enter "install npm" command
The error appeared in this phase for solving I create a npm
folder in c:users/user_name_of_your_computer/app_data/roaming then I installed git and enter the directories of bin and cmd files of git to the system enviroments/path
Third I enter the commands "bower install" and "npm install -g grunt-cli" from the comand. from the path of where node.js is
and the micro-crawler works
Did you execute your .js file? You can do that with node.js cli thus:
path/to/your/file: node file.js
This is a good reference:
How to run a hello.js file in Node.js on windows?

./configure command not found while configuring gearman php extension in cygwin

I've downloaded the latest version of gearman php extension from gearmean website, but
when i tried to configure gearman phpextension, i'm getting the error configure command not found. When i go through the gearman folder also i did not find the configure file in that. I'm getting the following error while running the ./configure command in the line.
Before that i've installed gearman server successfully and running the gearman server.
Can any one help me out from this?
When we run the phpize in the command prompt then the configuration file will be automatically created. Then we can run the command ./configure and make command to install the gearman php extension. Finally i found the solution
